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Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 20:00:55

Oh my God the Republican party is doomed. LOL Let's see. The Republicans control the executive, the Senate, and pretty much SCOTUS. The Dems would be creaming their jeans if they had that much. But for the next two years, the Senate will be confirming a new SCOTUS justice as well as a bunch of lower court federal judges. And depending on how far left the Dem go, Trump might well win reelection.

Sorry your girl lost Ghung. She was the epitomy of virtue and excellence. Everything the Democrat party has in full abundance. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby GHung » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 20:30:19

Cog wrote:.......

Sorry your girl lost Ghung. .......

See the part about "C-average Republicans" (that would be you). You don't even have the imagination to come up with a relevant insult (or maybe getting too senile). As you've been told many times, I didn't have a dog in that hunt. One of us doesn't vote for morally repugnant candidates.
I don't do Faustian bargains.

The Republicans control the executive.....

LMFAO on that one.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 23:08:24

careinke wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:Carinke, I voted for Nixon (Clean Air and Water, EPA, but subverted Johnson's peace talks, so a mixed bag), Ford (my favorite Republican President after Ike), Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Bob Dole. After which the Banana Republicans came to the fore and started acting like Brown Shirts, showing themselves to be Fascists, and started running real Republicans out of the party. There was no way I was going to support that crap.

I am a Progressive. Think Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, and Mr. Smith goes to Washington and Gary Cooper in Meet John Doe and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Real Republican. Who we were before. All by Frank Capra, lifelong Republican. Those movies show what a real Republican is, before the Corporate Fascists stole the party. Seek your roots, find out what a real Republican is.

Banana Republicans like Cog deserve nothing but loathing.

CID thanks for your response. I followed you right up to H W Bush, then I discovered the Libertarian Party and voted for them up until the 2016 election. In 2016 the Libertarian party put up a Republican to run for President. After studying all Presidential candidates for 2016, I decided none were qualified, so I did not vote for President.

Same here. Clinton is a corporatist, there is no way in Hell I would vote for her. And Trump is a Hitler wannabe, but his 5th grade vocabulary and profound ignorance of nearly everything, ensured total incompetence in the office. But he has really, really tried to pull that off. All he ended up doing was put himself inextricably under Putin's thumb.

The only reason Trump might make it to 2020, is because the Democrats want HIM to be the Republican candidate. I expect both parties to be fighting against him being deposed before then.

Not that they won't be poking him with sticks until then. :lol:
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 24 Jan 2019, 07:40:21

"The Republicans control the executive, the Senate, and pretty much SCOTUS" and the House, up to a few weeks ago.

And yet they failed to build Trump's often promised wall, or to follow through on Repubs constant chant to abolish 'Obama care'...

What utter incompetents you choose to align yourself with.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Thu 24 Jan 2019, 07:45:28

No administration ever accomplishes everything I want. But we got a tax cut, full employment, and the stock market is up. Oh and those conservative judges. I'd say life is pretty good.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 24 Jan 2019, 09:24:32

can We move to to Trump Domestic thread please l?
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby onlooker » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 11:45:52

Confronting the Culture of Death or perhaps the main beneficiaries ie. Billionaires of the Culture of Death
Interesting article ... -of-death/
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 14:04:07

OK, I read the article. It is a particularly grim sermon from someone who has abandonned all hope of redemption.

My views are different. I believe the entire purpose of the Earth's ecosystem was to function as a creche for the human species. That our numbers are in excess of 7.7 Billion indicates this has been achieved with rousing success. The further function of the planet is to die in a painful and prolonged process that drives the humans off the surface and into space, which has always been destined as our true home.

Likely, the death of the Earth will be incomplete. Pockets of humanity will persist in the more habitable zones, and likely the race will bifurcate into planet-bound and space-based. This will happen relatively quickly, the pace of change blindingly fast (at least when compared to natural evolution) and implemented with genetic engineering.

I don't believe I'll see TEOTWAWKI myself, but my grandkids or their grandkids might. My remaining function as a retired Grandfather is to teach them survival skills and attitudes and work ethics.

My basic message is: If there was a creator and I have correctly identified his objective for humans, then were are performing as planned and we are on track to achieve the eventual goal. The rest of you need to quit complaining that the Earth diverges from what it would be if humans were not present. After all, we are part of Nature and we are exactly performing the function we were created to perform.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby GHung » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 14:23:31

KaiserJeep wrote:OK, I read the article. It is a particularly grim sermon from someone who has abandonned all hope of redemption.

My views are different. I believe the entire purpose of the Earth's ecosystem was to function as a creche for the human species. That our numbers are in excess of 7.7 Billion indicates this has been achieved with rousing success. The further function of the planet is to die in a painful and prolonged process that drives the humans off the surface and into space, which has always been destined as our true home.

Likely, the death of the Earth will be incomplete. Pockets of humanity will persist in the more habitable zones, and likely the race will bifurcate into planet-bound and space-based. This will happen relatively quickly, the pace of change blindingly fast (at least when compared to natural evolution) and implemented with genetic engineering.

I don't believe I'll see TEOTWAWKI myself, but my grandkids or their grandkids might. My remaining function as a retired Grandfather is to teach them survival skills and attitudes and work ethics.

My basic message is: If there was a creator and I have correctly identified his objective for humans, then were are performing as planned and we are on track to achieve the eventual goal. The rest of you need to quit complaining that the Earth diverges from what it would be if humans were not present. After all, we are part of Nature and we are exactly performing the function we were created to perform.

So you admit that your opinions are the result of magical thinking? No surprise there. Careful. Your Creator may be asexual and pissed you called it "his"..... :twisted:
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 15:45:15

Shallow thoughts and idle amusements, versus real Forum participation. Nor do I believe in magic, or even worship the human tool Science.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 18:29:05


Didn’t you elsewhere just identify yourself as a “Humanist” ?
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 29 Jan 2019, 19:57:00

Those are my beliefs. But I allow for the full range of possibilities.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 10:08:09

...the 400 richest Americans (.00025 percent of our population) now own more wealth than the 150 million poorest Americans (60 percent of the population). ... -solutions
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 11:59:07

dohboi wrote:
...the 400 richest Americans (.00025 percent of our population) now own more wealth than the 150 million poorest Americans (60 percent of the population). ... -solutions

Let's not confuse owning wealth and consuming. All that disparity of wealth means that the very wealthy have locked up all that wealth that if evenly distributed would likely result in far more aggregate consumption.

The growing disparity of wealth, even if it is digital fake numbers, is actually positive for the environment. The middle class represents in aggregate the biggest consumers. Restricting the wealth of this segment is one of the best ways to reduce per capita consumption on the planet.

Serfdom here we come.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 17:01:08

Yes Ibon, yes!
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 17:15:12

Ibon wrote:
dohboi wrote:
...the 400 richest Americans (.00025 percent of our population) now own more wealth than the 150 million poorest Americans (60 percent of the population). ... -solutions

Let's not confuse owning wealth and consuming. All that disparity of wealth means that the very wealthy have locked up all that wealth that if evenly distributed would likely result in far more aggregate consumption.

The growing disparity of wealth, even if it is digital fake numbers, is actually positive for the environment. The middle class represents in aggregate the biggest consumers. Restricting the wealth of this segment is one of the best ways to reduce per capita consumption on the planet.

Serfdom here we come.

(Bold red font mine, for emphasis).

+ 1

Two thumbs up and enthusiastic clapping.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 17:16:32

Maybe what Dohboi, is trying to get at, is we ALL should live more frugally. The Billionaires should not get a pass by virtue that only a relatively few of them exist. And because one's possessions are protected by law.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 19:01:48

onlooker wrote:Maybe what Dohboi, is trying to get at, is we ALL should live more frugally. The Billionaires should not get a pass by virtue that only a relatively few of them exist. And because one's possessions are protected by law.

Let's start moving away from what anyone SHOULD do and deal with the reality of how people will continue to behave.

The rich will continue to be the rich, with their privilege and with their influence. To expect that they SHOULD act differently is foolhardy. More importantly, let's understand that among the very wealthy we are on the cusp of a major trend change economically, what I mentioned previously, the middle class swinging from an asset to a liability as resources constrain.

Furthermore, let's fast foreward say 10-20 years when climate change and or fossil fuel constraints start biting hard. The wealthy and elite now embrace climate change and no longer are in denial. They still of course want to preserve their privilege and insure that continued inequality guarantees their access to the resources they are accustomed to. Instead of them changing their behavior they will look for the low hanging fruit on where to cut back on carbon emissions and consumption.

Well, what and where do you think the lowest hanging fruit are? The answer should be obvious. It is the global middle class. Curtail their consumption to maintain your privilege. Curtail their consumption to cut back on carbon emissions. That is what the wealthy WILL do.

Forget about what they SHOULD do.

Welcome to serfdom. It might not be all that bad since the middle class obviously didn't know how to manage or handle the abundance they had for the past 5 decades. They squandered it mostly on mindless consumption mostly in debt up to their ears with relics of once shiny objects rusting away in their garages. . Serfdom might be an improvement.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 19:33:22

Yes, that certainly seems to be what is happening and will continue to happen. But I am not so sanguine about the prospects of this for future generations. The benevolent elite may be judging from history just as much a chimera as our supposed future in space or maintaining industrial civilization much longer. So, the world middle class is doomed but a new feudalism will probably mean a new decadent small elite with access to all the neccessities of life and a larger mass of people living short brutish stunted lives
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 18 Feb 2019, 19:42:31

Well, if we are headed back to 1 billion or below, which is likely, there will be plenty of misery to go around.
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