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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Sun 20 May 2018, 21:07:09

This is nothing more than a coup d'état attempt by the deep state. Its blatantly obvious at this point. Mueller intends to slow roll this investigation so that the Democrats can gain the House and Senate in 2018 and then impeach Trump. Not for any crimes he committed but because an outsider was not supposed to win this.

It is also the intelligence branches and law enforcement branches have been fully compromised. If they will act this way towards a duly elected president, what do you think they will do to you if you oppose them?

Keep your powder dry, this is going to get all sorts of interesting.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 22:50:41

The justice department just announced that the DOJ inspector general will be expanding his review of Obama era malfeasance in the FBI and DOJ to include a review of the FBI spying that was done on the Trump campaign.


No wonder the DOJ and FBI opposed the unmasking of the spy. The revelation that the FBI spy was the same guy who told Papadoplous that the Russians had dirt on Hillary means that no Russians were invovled in telling Papadapolous that the Russians had dirt on Hillary. The whole story originated in the FBI. When the FBI plants a story and then starts an investigation because of the the very story they planted, the whole thing was clearly an FBI/CIA entrapment false flag operation.

This is a critical revelation, because Comey, the former FBI director, testified under oath that the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign started after an Australian diplomat reported that Papadoplous told him at a party that the Russians had dirt on Hillary's emails. Clearly Comey is lying since we now know the FBI/CIA spy was spying on the Trump campaign BEFORE that party....we know the FBI spy paid for Papadopolous to fly to London, and we know the story that the Russians had dirt on Hilalry actually is what the FBI spy himself said to Papadoplous.

So now we know the FBI says it started investigating the Trump campaign after an FBI asset spying on the Trump campaign planted the very story that the FBI began investigating.

Wow. Thats a pretty clear False Flag operation by the FBI.


It was a classic false flag operation: An FBI spy paid a Trump campaign advisor $3000 and also paid for his trip to London where the FBI spy told the Trump advisor the story about the Russians having Hillary's emails that the FBI now claims started its investigation of the Trump Campaign.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 21 May 2018, 12:25:07

The curious story of how the FBI Russia investigation got started just got even curiouser.

Yesterday we found out that an FBI spy told the story of the Russians having Hillary's emails to a Trump advisor, and then when the Trump advisor told an Australian diplomat the same story the FBI started investigating the Trump campaign. That was clear FBI entrapment.

We also learned that Peter Strozk, the fanatical D supporter and FBI agent, flew to London at the same time to run an anti-Trump project called "Crossfire Hurricane."

AND today we find out the Australian diplomat who so nobly told the US government that a Trump advisor said the Russians had Hillary's email-----is a huge donor to the Clinton Foundation. Apparently he personally wrote a 25 million dollar check to the Clinton Foundation. Wow!

So now there are three strands of this operation that are looking a bit suspicious. Why was an FBI spy directed to spy on the Trump campaign BEFORE the FBI says it ever started spying on the Trump Campaign? Who directed the spy to spy, since Comey claims under oath he didn't do it. Why did the FBI spy pay for a young Trump advisor to fly to London, give him $3000 for walking around money, and then tell him the Russians had Hillary's emails? Was it just coincidence that one of Hillary's biggest foreign supporters just happened to be at the party where the Trump advisor repeated the story the FBI spy had told him? And is it a crime to repeat a lie that a lying FBI spy tells to someone? And why was fanatical D and obsessive text messenger and star-crossed lover of another man's wife Peter Strozk in London at the same time?

Of course this could be all just coincidence. But it also looks like a set up. The FBI agent "sets up" the young Trump advisor by flying him to London and telling him the phony story about the Russians having Hillary's emails. Then the Australian diplomat and big time Clinton donor is at the very party that the spy had set up for the young Trump Advisor and he seeks him out and talks to the young Trump advisor about Russia and Hillary's emails. Voila----the set up is complete. Peter Strozk's plot for Crossfire Hurricane is a success!

Steven Halper---the FBI spy who was spying on the Trump Campaign before the FBI says it had started spying on the Trump Campaign.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 21 May 2018, 17:34:58

The Obama administration paid Mr. Halperin, the FBI/CIA spy, ca. 1.1 million dollars to be a part-time spy.


Wow. Who ever dreamed that being a part-time spy for the FBI would pay so well. Of course he had to be sleazy enough to do the dirty work of subverting an American election, but some people value money so highly they don't care about anything else.


Now that his cover is blown, its time for Mr. Halperin to be the Spy that comes in from the cold, and spill the beans on who told him to start spying on the Trump Campaign. According to Comey it wasn't who the heck did it?

Time for Mr. Halperin to be put under oath and to reveal who his co-conspirators were in spying on the Trump Campaign and planting the false info about the Russians that led to the Mueller investigation.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 21 May 2018, 19:36:27

Plantagenet wrote:The Obama administration paid Mr. Halperin, the FBI/CIA spy, ca. 1.1 million dollars to be a part-time spy.


Wow. Who ever dreamed that being a part-time spy for the FBI would pay so well. Of course he had to be sleazy enough to do the dirty work of subverting an American election, but some people value money so highly they don't care about anything else.


Now that his cover is blown, its time for Mr. Halperin to be the Spy that comes in from the cold, and spill the beans on who told him to start spying on the Trump Campaign. According to Comey it wasn't who the heck did it?

Time for Mr. Halperin to be put under oath and to reveal who his co-conspirators were in spying on the Trump Campaign and planting the false info about the Russians that led to the Mueller investigation.


I've seen an occasional MSM mention of Stefan Halper's name re this incident, but
so far, I'm only seeing such claims for the payment in places like zerohedge and breitbart news. And the headlines vary re the amount.

I'll be confident this is true when the data settles down and it's reported by several MSM sources.

Also, looking at NYT commentary on the whole affair, its clear liberals consider all this business as usual. They say if the Obama campaign suspected Trump of wrongdoing, they should have been investigating him, and should have used informants, and that's standard practice.

So, as I said, until the facts are sorted out, there are two sides to this story (just as there are to any story re a political scandal tied to one party).
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 21 May 2018, 20:16:01

Outcast_Searcher wrote: liberals ... say if the Obama campaign suspected Trump of wrongdoing, they should have been investigating him, and should have used informants, and that's standard practice.

At the time that Mr. Halper began his spying, there was no suspicion that Trump was engaged in wrongdoing. According to the FBI that suspicion arose only after an Australian diplomat contacted the US government and said Mr. Papadoplous had boasted at a party that the Russians had Hillary's emails.

Its quite curious that Mr. Halper was spying on the Trump Campaign BEFORE the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign. IF the FBI didn't order Mr. Halper to spy on the Trump Campaign---then who did?

And we know now that it was Mr. Halper---the FBI spy----who told Mr. Papadoplous that story about the Russians and Hillary's email. The Russians weren't involved at all. I find that all that to be a bit irregular too.

Outcast_Searcher wrote:...until the facts are sorted out, there are two sides to this story (just as there are to any story re a political scandal tied to one party).

There may be two stories, but only one is true.


Now for some good news ---- because of this new spy scandal the FBI and DOJ have agreed to stop stonewalling Congressional investigators who have been asking for months to see all the paperwork associated with Peter Strozk and Crossfire Hurricane and Mr. Halper and Andrew McCabe and the rest of the fun group of love crazy but stupid Ds who were boasting in their texts on their government issued phones about how they were spying on the Trump campaign, never dreaming all their text messages were being archived in a government database. So more of the facts are going to be coming out.

Another bit of good news is that the DOJ has just today ordered the Ombudsman to expand his investigation of the Obama administration malfeasance at the FISA court to include possible Obama administration malfeasance in the spy program against the Trump and the Rs. The report on the FISA internal review is expected to come out very soon, and rumor has it will recommend prosecution of one or more of the FBI people who lied to the FISA court in order to get authority to wiretap people in the Trump campaign and/or lied to the internal FBI investigators in order to cover up what they had done. We already know former assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe was fired just a day before he could retire with pension, because this investigation revealed he had lied repeatedly. Its possible McCabe and maybe some others will now be prosecuted for committing perjury for lying about the phony FISA court papers they prepared.

And a third bit of good news----now that Mr. Halper has been outed as the spy who set up Papadoplous with the phony Russian email story, there's a very good chance he'll be subpoenaed and required to testify under oath to Congress to explain just what in heck he was doing. I'm very curious to see what Mr. Halper will say when they ask him why he paid for Mr. Papadaplous to come to London. I wonder whose money was used to pay Mr. Papadopolous? I doubt it was Mr. Halper's personal money, and I doubt the million dollars he got from the Obama administration was specifically earmarked to be used to pay Papadoplous. If I'm right, then Mr. Halper was misusing federal funds. Its all very interesting. Right now it looks like Mr. Halper is a very sleazy guy, but perhaps he had secret order from President Obama to spy on Trump, and the FBI just didn't know about it. SO I'm looking forward to him testifying under oath..... That is if they can ever find him----the man has disappeared again. Gosh Mr. Halper sure is a man of mystery.

Has anyone seen this man? The internal investigators looking into corruption and politically motivated spying at the FBI wold like to talk to him

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 22 May 2018, 13:04:55

There may have been a second spy sent by the Obama administration to infiltrate the Trump campaign


We already know the Obama people politicized the IRS and FBI and set up small groups within these agencies to go after the Rs. Possibly the Ds subverted another agency as well?

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 22 May 2018, 13:26:44

Once again, I'm not taking sides because instead of speculating, I'd like to see the facts come out. However, as I've said, there are two sides to this story. As I predicted, the dems and at least part of the MSM are calling much of this nonsense.

Plant seems to be taking Trump's side in this.

So for some balance: ... nds-602723

Clapper: FBI was not spying on Trump

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Tuesday that the FBI was not at any point spying on the Trump campaign.

“They were not. They were spying — a term I don't particularly like — on what the Russians were doing," Clapper said during an appearance on The View to promote his new book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths From A Life In Intelligence.”

The FBI, Clapper said, was simply trying to answer the question, "Were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage and influence?" ... -thank-fbi

We all know it’s too much to ask, but don’t you think we’d all breathe a lot easier if President Trump would only check the facts before he makes a wild assertion? Except he never has and never will.

There are by now a long string of outrageous claims he’s made that have no basis in reality. Former President Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower? He didn’t. Five million people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton? They didn’t. The crowd at his inaugural was the largest ever? It wasn’t. He won more electoral votes (304) than any president since Ronald Reagan? No, he didn’t. Obama won 365 in 2008 and 332 in 2012.

To that list we can now add one of his biggest and most unsubstantiated whoppers of all. Trump tweeted early in the morning of May 18: “Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president.” And lest there be any doubt what he meant by “representative,” he followed up with: “Apparently the [Department of Justice] put a Spy in the Trump Campaign.”
So what we are to make of this? Absolutely nothing. It’s simply not true, just the latest twist in repeated efforts by the Trump White House to undermine the credibility of special counsel Robert Mueller in anticipation of a damning final report. Their working premise is that if they call it a “witch hunt” often enough, people will start to believe it.

Aside from questionable sources and opinion pieces, or references about having the DOJ look into it, I'm still not finding much in the way of the basic facts on this.

If several major MSM sources report that this spying thing is actually true, THEN this will certainly be a serious story, vs. speculation.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Tue 22 May 2018, 14:11:04


You haven't followed the story or watched one minute of testimony in front of the House Intelligence committee, have you? But you feel compelled to give the corrupt FBI and the Obama administration a pass because you caught a 5 minute blurb on CNN that told you do so. Before you comment further, do your research. If you don't understand that the investigation into Donald Trump, both before and after the election, is an attempt to overturn an election result, you are truly clueless.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 22 May 2018, 16:27:10

Cog wrote:Outcast_Searcher

You haven't followed the story or watched one minute of testimony in front of the House Intelligence committee, have you? But you feel compelled to give the corrupt FBI and the Obama administration a pass because you caught a 5 minute blurb on CNN that told you do so. Before you comment further, do your research. If you don't understand that the investigation into Donald Trump, both before and after the election, is an attempt to overturn an election result, you are truly clueless.

So only your opinion counts. Only the right has a picture of reality. Funny thing, but at least half the voters would likely disagree. Apparently pretty much the entire MSM is waiting on sufficient evidence before reporting on speculation.

For heaven's sake, all I'm saying is the jury is still out and there is more than one viewpoint until the facts are in. I'm not even taking sides.

You seem to have plenty of emotion, but not so much reading comprehension.

I'm used to getting hate from the left. If to be a moderate I have to take lots of hate, false/misinformed accusations from both sides, I can deal with that.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 22 May 2018, 18:13:46

Clapper: FBI was not spying on Trump

“They were spying — a term I don't particularly like — on what the Russians were doing,"

Clapper has already been exposed as a liar. He got caught leaking the phony Russia dossier to the press. Thats why he isn't working in the intelligence agencies anymore--CLapper is a thief and a liar who got caught stealing documents and leaking them to the press. clapper-told-cnn-host-about-trump-dossier-in-2017

Fact facts--- there never was a scintilla of evidence that the "Russians" were actually colluding with the Trump Campaign. In fact all the talk about "Russians" seems to have originated with FBI agents and spies like Peter Strozk who revealed in text messages that he hated Trump, or rogue spies like Stefan Halper who was infiltrating the Trump Campaign before the FBI had even started investigating the Trump Campaign. And of course there was the infamous Hillary campaign hit piece that the DNC commissioned for a million dollars that has never been authenticated but was mysteriously passed from the Hillary campaign to the Obama DOJ and used by the Obama DOJ to trick the FISA court into giving them permission to wiretap the Trump building.

The bottom line here is that the Obama administration was bugging and infiltrating and spying on the Trump campaign, all the while claiming imaginary Russians were colluding with Trump. And here we are two years later with Mueller and his D lawyers still looking high and low for those imaginary Russians! Here Russians russians russians....come out come out wherever you are!

I find it very amusing that the Ds little scheme is starting to unravel now. Get out yer popcorn!

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 22 May 2018, 19:11:00

New email release reveals collusion between top FBI officials and CNN over leaking DNC/Obama/Hillary Russia dossier


The FBI and DOJ have been stonewalling over releasing emails, text messages, etc. concerning how the attack document funded by the DNC wound up being used as official intelligence to trick the FISA court into allowing surveillance (wiretapping ) of the Trump Campaign, and how it was subsequently leaked to the press.

But the revelation that a rogue FBI agent was spying on the Trump campaign BEFORE the FBI began its investigation has really shaken things up in DC. Trump held a meeting at the White House yesterday and insisted the DOJ and FBI stop stonewalling requests for documents.....and today we get this new release of emails that show top FBI officials apparently colluding with CNN to leak the DNC/Obama/Hillary Russia dossier.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Tue 22 May 2018, 19:45:55

The DOJ and FBI seemed to have forgotten they are under the oversight authority of the Congress. The entire purpose of Comey officially briefing Trump about the investigation, was so CNN could go ahead and run their story that the FBI had leaked to them. The collusion between the FBI, the media, and the Obama White House is no longer under dispute. How deep it went is what Congress is attempting to find out.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 23 May 2018, 11:24:13

Cog wrote:The DOJ and FBI seemed to have forgotten they are under the oversight authority of the Congress.

Don't forget the CIA's role in all of this. Mr. Stefan Halper has been identified by the WaPo and the NYTimes as an FBI asset. However, this is probably fake news. Mr. Halper is based in England, and is probably working with the CIA. I would guess that the WaPo and NYTimes are lying about Mr. Halper's contacts with the CIA because its highly illegal for the CIA to be targeting and spying on US citizens, much less spying on a US presidential campaign.

It now appears that Mr. Halper was tasked with spying on the Trump Campaign by CIA director John Brennan and others, based on apparently fabricated accounts that the Russians were funneling huge amounts of money into the Trump Campaign. This explains why the Halper spy operation was in effect BEFORE the FBI started spying on Trump---Halper isn't FBI at all---he is CIA.


The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley “were just a bunch of out-of-control idiots,” says a former high-ranking CIA official to TAS. He finds it flabbergasting that Brennan would bring CIA officials and FBI officials into the same room to cook up schemes to send a spy into the Trump campaign’s ranks.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 24 May 2018, 01:38:36

Mueller makes second request to delay Russian trail after his first request is rejected by judge


The problem for Mueller is that federal law requires a speedy trial once the indictment is filed with the court. The defendants in Russia have hired US lawyers and the lawyers are in court want to go to trial. Mueller, on the other hand, is seeking an indefinite delay claiming that the case is too complex for him to prosecute.

Is Mueller an idiot? Why did he file the indictment if the case was so complicated he didn't understand it well enough to actually go to trial? If Mueller had any sense he would've waited to file the indictment until he actually understood the facts of the case. Now the whole case against the Russians is at risk of being thrown out because Mueller isn't ready to actually prosecute the case, as required by federal law. If the case gets thrown out Mueller will have wasted millions of dollars and a year of FBI and DOJ time on nothing. Mueller already looks like a fool for pleading with the court to delay the trial on the basis thats its too complicated for him to understand. And if the judge decides to throw the case out entirely Mueller will look like a fool because it will appear as though he filed an indictment just to hold a press conference without doing the work required to actually go to court.

Yes Mueller indicted a group of Russians for meddling in the US election, but the case may get thrown out of court because Mueller says the case is too complex for him to understand. Mueller is seeking to delay the trial until he can understand it, but long delays in federal trial for no good reason are a violation of the federal "speedy trials" law.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Thu 24 May 2018, 08:30:09

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 24 May 2018, 12:26:43


I agree all the “he said, she said” drama is getting old, very old. I don’t know enough to sort it all out. Yet, I admit I’m starting to lean towards the R view on this one. I’ve seen some pieces by the Hill and USA Today, relatively middle road organizations, critical of the DOJ/FBI.

That aside consider this.... IF Trump colluded with a foreign power to throw the election then that is a very, very BIG deal and it should be dealt with directly. If Trump did that then the SOB should not be allowed to stand in office one day more.

However Mueller is over a year into it and is yet to show any pertinent progress. There are no signs of him releasing any definitive damning information. But in the meantime it is hamstring Trumps presidency and distracts the country from more important issues.

Mueller owes it to the country to put up or shut up. Make your case or bring it to a close so we can get about our business.

To my mind Mueller’s prosecution of the matter seems more aimed at fanning the fires of hatred for political aims.

I for one want to see this investigation concluded ASAP. Surely this month. Rothstein (sp?) should give him a date certain to conclude and present his info.

The country needs to get beyond this mess.
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