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Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuels

Discuss research and forecasts regarding hydrocarbon depletion.

Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Fri 30 Mar 2018, 11:27:53

Revi - Welcome back, buddy. Figured you were snowed in. Been hell in Houston too: into the low 60's at night and the back up to the mid 70's during the day. I know your pain. LOL.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 30 Mar 2018, 12:14:25

Revi wrote:We are going to see a future with less fossil fuels, but the average person won't know it. It won't be because of climate agreements. We are going to lose access to them. We'll all have our phones and call an Uber to get around, or walk. The great thing about walking is that it uses much less fossil fuels, and you can carry along a bag and look for bottles and cans as well. We'll use a lot less fossil fuel in the winter too huddling in our tar paper shacks along the interstate overpass. See, the future isn't so bleak after all!

I don't see how less fossil fuels will force us into tar paper shacks which are fuel wasters. More likely will will crowd into the best insulated houses leaving no bedroom unoccupied and abandoning the oldest least efficient houses.
We were listing houses for tax purposes this week. Two new houses were being built to super high energy efficiency standards along with all the other bells and whistles and one old house was being torn down as being not worth saving.
These super houses are going to use one third the energy per square foot of the houses they replace.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby StarvingLion » Sat 31 Mar 2018, 17:20:56

Revi wrote:We are going to see a future with less fossil fuels, but the average person won't know it. It won't be because of climate agreements. We are going to lose access to them. We'll all have our phones and call an Uber to get around, or walk. The great thing about walking is that it uses much less fossil fuels, and you can carry along a bag and look for bottles and cans as well. We'll use a lot less fossil fuel in the winter too huddling in our tar paper shacks along the interstate overpass. See, the future isn't so bleak after all!

Don't worry, I was just at a town meeting with some TPTB Boob who said we are undergoing a MASSIVE TECHNOLOGY REVOLUTION where...

1. You don't own a car/truck.
2. There is no government
3. There is no education system
4. There is no healthcare.
5. Ponzi Schemes (Bitcoin) replace official government fiat Ponzi Scheme.
6. There is no such thing as affordable housing
7. etc etc etc.

In other words, algebra (Quantum Mechanics read useless Solar Cell and e-gizmo) will set you free. Meanwhile The Failed Physicists cannot even determine what is real after 100 years of Quantum Mechanics.

They could just say: "You"re BANKRUPT with a net value < 0".


Feel better Revi?

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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 01 Apr 2018, 17:12:45

StarvingLion wrote:
Revi wrote:We are going to see a future with less fossil fuels, but the average person won't know it. It won't be because of climate agreements. We are going to lose access to them. We'll all have our phones and call an Uber to get around, or walk. The great thing about walking is that it uses much less fossil fuels, and you can carry along a bag and look for bottles and cans as well. We'll use a lot less fossil fuel in the winter too huddling in our tar paper shacks along the interstate overpass. See, the future isn't so bleak after all!

Don't worry, I was just at a town meeting with some TPTB Boob who said we are undergoing a MASSIVE TECHNOLOGY REVOLUTION where...

1. You don't own a car/truck.
2. There is no government
3. There is no education system
4. There is no healthcare.
5. Ponzi Schemes (Bitcoin) replace official government fiat Ponzi Scheme.
6. There is no such thing as affordable housing
7. etc etc etc.

In other words, algebra (Quantum Mechanics read useless Solar Cell and e-gizmo) will set you free. Meanwhile The Failed Physicists cannot even determine what is real after 100 years of Quantum Mechanics.

They could just say: "You"re BANKRUPT with a net value < 0".


Feel better Revi?


So in your tiny little distortion-field producing mind, you can't imagine a scenario where data and historical trends matter? i.e. instead of making stuff up or just hoping for the very best or worst from the corny or fast crash doomer scenario?

Because if you look at history, it's VERY obvious that over time, regression to the mean is by far, the best bet (i.e., history follows a much more moderate trend, making it a good bet for the future, especially near term, based on a bazillion objective datapoints and facts.

Sorry if that doesn't produce an exciting, near religious level belief system narrative. Reality doesn't seem to care what wild stories people concoct. Yet it does conform, over time, to things like probability.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby StarvingLion » Tue 03 Apr 2018, 12:47:24

Shell better look at reality below. Also, the Energiewende SCAM is on the brink of collapse. Free solar HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... ... /#comments

It’s widely acknowledged that Germany’s Energiewende is in trouble, but few if any recent articles have addressed the full scope of its problems.

Germany’s green energy shift is more fizzle than sizzle ... an-sizzle/

Despite the billions spent on wind and solar, the country is still hooked on coal, relying on it for almost 40 percent of its electricity. Coal provides the backup power needed when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun isn’t shining, something that will become even more crucial when the last nuclear plants close in 2022.

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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby careinke » Thu 05 Apr 2018, 18:19:35

ROCKMAN wrote:Outcast - "Heaven forbid we even try to take a meaningful step to disincentivize fossil fuel burning.." What do you mean "we", white man? LOL. Who exactly is this "we" that would readily accept a huge increase in the price of a commodity that we consume very disproportionally to our percent of the global population? You're certainly free to speak for any group you wish. But you need to clarify whose mouths you're putting those words into. Especially if you're implying they represent anything close to a majority. Otherwise you're just speaking for just one lonely voice in the wilderness.

Make that two lonely voices.... Of course I believe if you have ANY taxes, they should at least be consumption taxes.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 09 Apr 2018, 04:51:55

careinke wrote:
ROCKMAN wrote:Outcast - "Heaven forbid we even try to take a meaningful step to disincentivize fossil fuel burning.." What do you mean "we", white man? LOL. Who exactly is this "we" that would readily accept a huge increase in the price of a commodity that we consume very disproportionally to our percent of the global population? You're certainly free to speak for any group you wish. But you need to clarify whose mouths you're putting those words into. Especially if you're implying they represent anything close to a majority. Otherwise you're just speaking for just one lonely voice in the wilderness.

Make that two lonely voices.... Of course I believe if you have ANY taxes, they should at least be consumption taxes.

IF we had honest and rational politicians (I know, we don't) using consumption taxes instead of income taxes would be simply awesome.

Products could be taxed on a whole range of social and environmental damage issues. Using a lot of "bad" products or the most egregious examples of "bad" products could be taxed much more heavily, given all the technology that could be used to track such purchases. And, IMO, a wonderful side effect of that would be that earning a good living would no longer be disincentivized by the highest income tax rates. (I know the far left "wealth is unfair" crowd will hate this -- I don't care).

ROCKMAN, I wasn't speaking for anyone but me. If I am, I'll state that, and if it's based on something like survey data, I'll try to back it up with a credible link.

When I say "we", I mean humanity. FF taxes don't have to mean higher net taxes -- it depends on what the purpose is. For me, it's about reducing (preferably greatly reducing) CO2 over time. I believe a strong and obvious financial incentive to burn less FF's will make the most difference the quickest.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby lpetrich » Sat 23 Jun 2018, 16:43:15

That's very interesting, but that raises an interesting question: how might the oil companies survive? My best guess is by getting into synfuels: gas-to-liquids and power-to-liquids. This will enable them to keep much of their hardware by putting it to work in renewable-energy-friendly fashion.

I am personally surprised that electric cars have gotten as far as they have, since it seems to me that combustible liquid fuels are the most convenient way to power vehicles. They have higher usable energy densities than batteries do, and they are easy to store and transport.
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Re: Shell Sketches Future With Drastically Fewer Fossil Fuel

Unread postby Zarquon » Sun 29 Jul 2018, 01:31:47

lpetrich wrote:That's very interesting, but that raises an interesting question: how might the oil companies survive? My best guess is by getting into synfuels: gas-to-liquids and power-to-liquids. This will enable them to keep much of their hardware by putting it to work in renewable-energy-friendly fashion.

What hardware? You can't convert a refinery into a G2L plant. I'd guess that pretty much all their industrial assets, except for a few pipelines (if they own any) turn into stranded assets, i.e. scrap metal.
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