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2017 sets new oil supply record

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Thu 01 Mar 2018, 17:58:52

Usher in the trains and the death camps.

It's hard to believe there's a serious and rational human actually trying to make sense of the world behind comments like this. You're either a shill trying to stir up market hype, or just having fun, or a moron. Which is it?
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby StarvingLion » Thu 01 Mar 2018, 22:13:56

peakoilwhen wrote:@StarvingLion
Usher in the trains and the death camps.

It's hard to believe there's a serious and rational human actually trying to make sense of the world behind comments like this. You're either a shill trying to stir up market hype, or just having fun, or a moron. Which is it?

Definition of Banana Republic: People who believe in abiotic oil.
Outcast_Searcher is a fraud.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 02:22:30

You're either a shill trying to stir up market hype, or just having fun, or a moron. Which is it?

Should add bot to the list of possibilities. You can't answer the simplest questions put to you, instead u talk past the other people, oblivious to their existence, carrying on your strange style of small disjointed soundbytes of doom.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby asg70 » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 10:32:32

peakoilwhen wrote:Should add bot to the list of possibilities. You can't answer the simplest questions put to you, instead u talk past the other people, oblivious to their existence, carrying on your strange style of small disjointed soundbytes of doom.

SL demonstrates clinical signs of mental illness. Unfortunately, as the active posters dwindle down to nothing, his share of the remainder of what passes for conversation increases, making it harder to avoid interacting with him. But don't expect to be able to stage an intervention and get him to check himself into a hospital. Doesn't work that way.

The world was a better place when people like this were scooped into paddy wagons and thrown in the looney bin, since out of all the guys like him, some of them become school shooters.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 10:35:30

peakoilwhen wrote:Hi rock u stoic veteran of oil and this forum,
ask RGR. why do reserves keep growing? He didn't know and couldn't say other than estimators were terribly prone to underestimating.

That does not appear to be what he said, no. And he was banned for daring to speak truth to power when the allure of herd think was at its greatest, so he cannot be asked.

And if you are pimping abiotic oil as the reason for the world and the US repeaking yet again, you are full of crap. The oil is coming from known locations and changes in incremental recovery factor, or new and previously overlooked sources of supply.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 10:38:08

peakoilwhen wrote:I don't care about the smell test.

Exactly the answer that people pimping smelly ideas are forced to say. You lost your battle with Rockdoc123 pretty severely the last time you were here, if memory serves. And all the geochemistry listed by rocdoc trashes just about every bit of nonsense you wrote at that time, so why do you keep coming back for more?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 10:43:16

peakoilwhen wrote: I went just far enough to understand oil wasn't going to run out and that the mantle produces it.

No, you didn't. You didn't even learn enough about abiotic oil to fend off the obvious and known problems with it, let alone the geochemical ones that RocDoc referenced and pointed out to you. Do back and study it some more, and you'll see. Or don't, and have people continue to treat your idea as the bad joke it is.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 13:13:06

Hi Adam
>You lost your battle with Rockdoc123 pretty severely the last time you were here
His prediction failed, mine was correct, yet I lost? Erm no, that's not how it works.
What David tried after he got beat by amateur, was to haze me with advanced industry and geology theory. Of course he has more knowledge there, so when I couldn't follow everything he said, it looks like he wins to people who can be distracted by such antics away from his failure. Get the same shit off Leif Svaalgard when I argued with him about EU theory. The evidence shows he's completely wrong but then he hazes anyone who points out he was wrong with advanced astro+space theory ( aka horseshit ). To bystanders it looks like he's winning as he schools others on bulshit.
The ultimate judge of theory is evidence, and I give David full credit for knowing more conventional theory of oil than me. But conventional theory is bulshit says the evidence.
I admit I did garner&learn a few interesting things from what he wrote amongst the torrent of personal abuse though before he reached for the ignore button
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 17:27:07

asg70 wrote:
peakoilwhen wrote:Should add bot to the list of possibilities. You can't answer the simplest questions put to you, instead u talk past the other people, oblivious to their existence, carrying on your strange style of small disjointed soundbytes of doom.

SL demonstrates clinical signs of mental illness. Unfortunately, as the active posters dwindle down to nothing, his share of the remainder of what passes for conversation increases, making it harder to avoid interacting with him.

He is an example of why the "ignore" option is a good thing, IMO.

I occasionally will look at a post to see if he has anything meaningful to say. Maybe one time in 50? Too much noise and too little signal to be worth my time -- but that's just me.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 17:29:38

peakoilwhen wrote:Hi Adam
>You lost your battle with Rockdoc123 pretty severely the last time you were here
His prediction failed, mine was correct, yet I lost? Erm no, that's not how it works.
What David tried after he got beat by amateur, was to haze me with advanced industry and geology theory. Of course he has more knowledge there, so when I couldn't follow everything he said, it looks like he wins to people who can be distracted by such antics away from his failure. Get the same shit off Leif Svaalgard when I argued with him about EU theory. The evidence shows he's completely wrong but then he hazes anyone who points out he was wrong with advanced astro+space theory ( aka horseshit ). To bystanders it looks like he's winning as he schools others on bulshit.
The ultimate judge of theory is evidence, and I give David full credit for knowing more conventional theory of oil than me. But conventional theory is bulshit says the evidence.
I admit I did garner&learn a few interesting things from what he wrote amongst the torrent of personal abuse though before he reached for the ignore button

Making up your own reality and declaring victory, by ignoring the obvious data/facts is less a sign of "winning" than of being delusional. But enjoy your reality. The fast crash economic doom, and reset wrong predictions several times a year crowd certainly seems to enjoy their reality.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 17:33:26

AdamB wrote:
peakoilwhen wrote:I don't care about the smell test.

Exactly the answer that people pimping smelly ideas are forced to say. You lost your battle with Rockdoc123 pretty severely the last time you were here, if memory serves. And all the geochemistry listed by rocdoc trashes just about every bit of nonsense you wrote at that time, so why do you keep coming back for more?

Why do:

1). Flat Earthers
2). 911 "Truthers"
3). Various "grassy knoll" conspiricists
4). Fast crash economic doomers
5). "The MSM is a broad based conspiracy, since the data they report isn't what I want to hear" cospiracists
6) And on and on ...

keep coming back for more?

If you think logic or facts is going to change their behavior, you're not paying more attention to their meme's behavior, than they pay to real world facts and data and evidence re their delusion of choice.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 17:51:31

what do idiots have in common?
>they talk past their adversaries rather than take on their points
>they accuse their adversaries of their own crimes
> they don't understand logic or reason. For them its just another form of BS. The fact that logic and reason is used to build things like the computers and phones they type on doesn't enter their tiny minds
> they ignore evidence

Have you been able to read the title of this thread yet OS? Or do you have a mental block so hard it bruises your forehead every time you look at the screen? Its says
" 2017 sets new oil supply record "

perhaps you'd like to join the discussion about it rather than whine about flat earthers.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 17:57:44

>Making up your own reality

I used IEA data.

>and declaring victory

I said there won't be a peak in 2013-2015. David said there would be. The IEA data says I was right and he was wrong. Victory to me. It couldn't be simpler for you.

, by ignoring the obvious data/facts
The idiot accuses others of his own crime. I'm using IEA data. You are ignoring it.

is less a sign of "winning" than of being delusional. But enjoy your reality.
I'll enjoy the IEA reality, you enjoy your delusion. If you don't use IEA data, what do you use? you pay a fortune teller to read your tea leaves to tell u the oil production figure for this year? tell us what the tea leaves said.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 02 Mar 2018, 21:28:10

peakoilwhen wrote:Hi Adam
>You lost your battle with Rockdoc123 pretty severely the last time you were here
His prediction failed, mine was correct, yet I lost?

I wasn't referring to anyone's prediction, but your geochemically ignorant explanation of abiotic oil previously, rocdocs credible references on how geochemistry works and how it relates to oil, and now you've just doubled down by pretending it is the cause of reserve growth, when it isn't. So yes, lost. And did it with the same kind of "can't be bothered to LEARN" ignorance as that contained in the peak oil memes.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Sat 03 Mar 2018, 04:22:42

>verified and failed predictions mean nothing to me
well thats why you'll never understand anything, and be doomed to just be blown around like a leaf in the wind by the perceived consensus or authority.

You fell for rockdoc's haze just like I said you did. His geochemistry is better than mine but he can't use it to make good predictions. And thats the ONLY thing that matters and you should care about - ability to predict.

>I wasn't referring to anyone's prediction
That's where you went wrong in life. Likely when you were a kid. Too late to change now, your self pride will doom u to follow the path of the fool for the rest of your life.

Some kids grasp the criticality of predicitons instinctively before they even get to school, some can be taught it. Most humans never grasp it. You are one such person - Blithely talking past the critical to get to the non-critical.

Anyway, David wasn't all that good at his geochemistry. I poked holes in that aswell. He can't admit that larger hydrocarbons can be made at mantle pressure, like methane to ethane and propane, even though its been demonstrated in the lab by diamond anvil experiments. When i mentioned this to him and gave him the experiment link, he ignored it completely, instead just carried on making noise about what an idiot i was for believing larger hydrocarbons can be made at mantle pressure. Unlike David I don't ignore key inconvenient details. You allude that you were following the discussion and marshaling who won, but I think all you were doing was weighing up who insulted the other the most, and declared David the winner. That's how 95% of arguments are judged on the internet by plebs.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Sat 03 Mar 2018, 13:08:16

I've been saying for years there's no peak to oil supply. You never listen. Oil is abiotic and the Earth produces it faster than we will ever consume it. rocdoc123 aka david middleton was wrong and i'm right.

I am not David Middleton, have never even met him. I have been clear what my background is in many posts here....not at all the same background as Middleton.
That aside who I am is none of your business. If you continue down this path I am confident a permanent ban is in your future.

Not sure why you keep coming back with your idiotic claims. It is pretty clear that you know nothing about the subject matter and your lack of acceptance of your limited knowledge in pretty much everything has the majority of people on this site convinced that you are nothing more than a teenager typing away in his mothers basement. You aren't worth my time.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 03 Mar 2018, 13:35:53

peakoilwhen wrote:what do idiots have in common?
>they talk past their adversaries rather than take on their points
>they accuse their adversaries of their own crimes
> they don't understand logic or reason. For them its just another form of BS. The fact that logic and reason is used to build things like the computers and phones they type on doesn't enter their tiny minds
> they ignore evidence

Have you been able to read the title of this thread yet OS? Or do you have a mental block so hard it bruises your forehead every time you look at the screen? Its says
" 2017 sets new oil supply record "

perhaps you'd like to join the discussion about it rather than whine about flat earthers.

You seem to persist in the delusion that I am cheering for oil to run out, or that I don't believe the 2017 record. Bzzzzzzzzzt. Completely wrong, like your delusion about abiotic oil. At least you're consistent.

Too bad empty namecalling seems to be the focus of your mental effort, re discussion.

Too bad reading comprehension re understanding others' posts or words like "mainstream" is apparently beyond you.

Welcome to my ignore list, where the zero content troll posters go. Re rockdocs comments below, I predict a permaban in your future, given your childlike behavior. Enjoy it.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Sat 03 Mar 2018, 14:24:57

That aside who I am is none of your business. If you continue down this path I am confident a permanent ban is in your future.

You forgot to state to CoC that states being interested in who someone is will result in a ban (protip it doesn't exist ). Besides I couldn't care less who u are or who david is. Get over yourselves you're not that important.

Not sure why you keep coming back with your idiotic claims.

You mean abiotic oil. Maybe its cos your finite fossil fuel model hasn't worked. Maybe because oil can be made from methane and high pressure in diamond anvil experiments. Maybe because Titan has seas of LPGs. Maybe because methane is accepted to be created abiotically thruout the universe on a massive scale such that its detected on nearly every world. Maybe cos some of the best scientists of the 20th century supported abiotic oil. Maybe cos the russians used abiotic oil theory to create the highest oil production the world has ever seen. And finally, maybe because it makes rockdoc123 resort to personal insults and ignorance, cos u can't argue against the truth. I've seen u hold your temper a thousand times against the morons on this site. But if anyone speaks the truth about oil you have to resort to adhomiens, cos all your wisdom and reason won't rescue your beloved fossil fuel myth. Don't bother replying. you don't have any useful info to add to this thread.
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Re: 2017 sets new oil supply record

Unread postby peakoilwhen » Sat 03 Mar 2018, 14:31:33

>joins a peak oil site
>clicks on peakoil discussion forum
>clicks on 2017 record oil production
>says " I'm not interested in peak oil , I'm going to put you on ignore "

good. Hopefully this thread won't be visible to you. You've contributed nothing except adhomiens.
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