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Why do you remain at PO.COM?

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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 06:37:18

Outcast_Searcher wrote:He could post once or twice a week or month, etc. and still participate without being "addicted" IMO.

On the other side of my self imposed rehab perhaps.

To many of you out there I would not be dismissive regarding the way the digital matrix is eclipsing your organic lives. This is a real issue, debilitating, and you probably no longer even know many folks who aren't caught in this in order to compare and make an accurate assessment to the way this has changed you .

Fortunately I do have that reference.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 10:59:25

Ibon wrote:
Newfie wrote:Neither should be exclusive to the other. Balance.

This is where I whole heartedly disagree because of exactly the reason that there is no balance anymore. On almost all fronts the digital world is eclipsing almost "exclusively" organic reality.

It isn't worth it.

That may we’ll be true for the general population.

But my comment was on a personal level. If digital is taking over then you, or I, need to rebalance.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 11:03:29

Cog wrote:

Only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions, according to one commonly cited statistic. There are many reasons people can’t stick to their resolutions, from setting too many of them to getting derailed by small failures. Setting overly ambitious and restrictive goals ― like quitting sugar when you haven’t already been making small changes to improve your diet ― is one major cause of failure. While you might initially feel inspired and energized by setting blowout goals for 2017, the luster of these resolutions fades quickly when we realize how difficult they are to keep.

Interesting. I doubt it shows anything about modern life. More likely it reflects how little we understand ourselves, we like to think we have far more control than we do.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 11:12:53

Ibon, you simply need to assert control over your interface with the network.

Outcast Searcher is not the only one with no smart phone. I don't have one either. This is Silicon Valley, and I am surrounded by silicon drones, the cells of the hive minds that comprise the Silicon Valley corporations. The biggest, the most pernicious, and the most destructive being Apple. My former employer HP is another, and there are countless more. One such being my Russian next door neighbor, owner of a small software firm, dying of cancer, interfaced to those he cares about in his workplace and home country with high definition video links, balanced with three times a week wood-fired saunas in his backyard, his face-to-face time with extended family. He shops online and cooks for them, and in between, he works and grooms his corporate replacement, and his networking enriches his life.

As it does mine. Video calls and recorded images from the grandkids, facebook postings from my extended family, and always, the trickle of information into my mind, the font of knowledge that replaced twice weekly vists to the Library years back. I sit in a nearby French bakery and I read books and magazines and this forum on my e-Reader, recently upgraded to a medium-sized high definition and high performance Android tablet.

The secret, I believe, is controlling and limiting your access to the network. I realize that you have bandwidth and access limitations where you live, and oddly enough, eliminating these may - almost certainly will - reduce your electronic networking time. Ever thought of sprinkling cameras around the property, effectively making the wildlife members of your own extended family? I regularly play back the videos from the county park above, connect to the live feeds from Nantucket, and always, record video messages for the grandkids.

You control the network, it does not control you. It can enrich your life or isolate you from your environment. My neighbor on the other side hides from the world. He formerly made a point of riding his Harley once a day, even for a few minutes. He lost a foot to diabetes, and I didn't know for two years, because he now hides in his house, probably abuses one or more substances, and thinks bitter thoughts. I never liked him and I can't reach him and really don't want to.

For me, restoring balance involved not having a cell phone. I have not had one since the late 1990's, the days of the analog Motorola flip phone. If having a smart phone is a problem for you, get a dumb voice-only phone, or voice with texts. I have the e-Reader, and it only connects by default to my home wifi, unless I decide to check my e-mail or check in here. I am as networked as I care to be, all the time. But when my rheumatoid arthritis causes me a flaming set of joints, networking a bit is as effective as my bottle of hydrocodone at relieving my pain.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 11:44:32

There are only three forums I regularly use. PO and two sailing/cruising forums. The boat forums have a lot more technical content but on things like gun control and cc they can and do get just as nasty. The mods are MUCH quicker to jump in and censor, remove posts or lock threads. By comparison there is very little moderation here.

On the other hand I tend to self moderate. I generally skip long posts, TRY to not get locked into pissing contests and only look at a limited set of posts. Although peak oil brought me here I’ve kinda concluded that the PO topics here have little interest for me. So I don’t engage often. When I do look at them, I frequently, I don’t want to partake in the rancor.

I know I’m a bit of a nudge about a few things here. I do try to keep the discussions I’m involved with open to newcomers. I mean, who would want to jump into the middle of some of our flame wars? But that’s just me.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby dbruning » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 17:35:48

I came here initially because these forums covered many of the topics that concern me about the future of the world I am leaving for my children.

I stayed because the discussion was lively, and people were able to maintain a baseline of courtesy when disagreeing with one another's opinions. Sources of facts and documentation were religiously demanded and provided to provide backup to the claims people made, and often the sources provided me with information I might have otherwise missed.

These days, it's a habit pure and simple. Much of the information I am aware of, and I have made the changes in my life I can at the present time.

Sadly, many posters seem to have lost the ability to discuss ideas and opinions without attacking one another. Name calling is rampant, anger seems to taint many of the discussions, and often the purpose of posting seems more to be about scoring points and less about discussing ideas and events.

If I had to guess I think the anger isn't truly aimed at the other forum members (maybe only sometimes? :P), but because whether we agree with the peak oil premise or not, we all have things we can point to that indicate the world is changing fairly quickly now, not for the better, and we are individually unable to stop the destruction, and protect those we love. And no one enjoys feeling powerless. So we redirect our passion to a target we can easily identify. I don't know, I might be wrong, but I do know the conversations I read these days contain a lot of anger looking for an outlet.

I have considered no longer visiting, but I have developed a respect for some of the regular posters and I keep coming back to see what they have to say.
Ibon was one of those posters and I am saddened to hear he is leaving. His posts are usually thoughtful, respectful, and I find value in his words. Even if I hope he can keep his Overshoot Predator safely sedated for 2018.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 02 Jan 2018, 22:36:10

I’m very sorry to hear that Ibon is leaving.

However, I don’t think digital life or this site are obsessions that displace normal life——-I think this place SUPPLEMENTS normal life. I think we all (well...most of us) have normal, interesting lives and we ALSO have some social networking over the internet in our lives.

I really enjoy this site. It does four things for me.....(1) It’s like that old fairytale about someone shouting all their dangerous ideas down into a well so they don’t have to say them in public. I come here to post about the end of the world due to global warming and/or the idiocy of our phoney hypocritical politicians. In my real life at the University I cant say this stuff—-but I can shout into the well at all I want about all the non-PC ideas I have. And the well shouts back! What fun!

(2). The second reason I like posting here is that its really fun and often educational. If I’m home in Alaska I surf here until I read something that is stupid and makes me laugh, or is brilliant and makes me thoughtful, or is news I don’t see in the MSM.

(3). The third reason I come here is that I travel a lot, and if I’m in an airport or on a long bus ride across some foreign land where everyone speaks a heathen tongue or when I wind up in a hotel somewhere where no one speaks English I can come here and find people to chat with. More fun.

(4) The fourth reason I come here is doom. The world IS overpopulated, and global warming IS going to destroy modern civilization and peak oil IS going to happen at some point. Yes the predictions of the exact timing of these things hasn’t always been spot on, but all that does is make the problems of overpopulation, global warming, and peak oil bigger and bigger as time goes on.


PS”. I’m in Valletta Malta right now. It’s 3 am in my little hotel room. Nice to chat with you guys again.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby aldente » Wed 03 Jan 2018, 01:40:18

it‘s the math ( picture will follow )- hadheldin fact- all cell phones should be made ILLEGL immediately,,,

in need of a proper keyboard..
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby ritter » Tue 09 Jan 2018, 18:16:31

I still read here some but don't post much anymore. Not a whole lot of old timers left and they took a lot of energy with them, wherever they went. Always nice to see the pre 2010 crowd still kicking.
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby onlooker » Tue 09 Jan 2018, 18:43:24

I doubt any of us will admit to being addicted to this site but social media and porn on the Net have already been denounced extensively as being addictive and now
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Maybe Ibon is right. Oh and happy and safe vacation Plant
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 11:35:08

onlooker wrote:I doubt any of us will admit to being addicted to this site but social media and porn on the Net have already been denounced extensively as being addictive and now
Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO
Maybe Ibon is right. Oh and happy and safe vacation Plant

Thank you very much. I’m enroute from Paris to Lille just now on FlixBus—-a supercheap bus line. Just 5 euros for this trip. Tomorrow on the Eurostar train under the channel to London.

Not all addictions are bad, by the way. It’s possible to become “addicted” to running or cycling for example. Posting here isn’t all bad imho. Cheers
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby charmcitysking » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 12:12:21

I came after watching Ruppert's "Collapse" thinking TEOTWAWKI was imminent.

Hasn't happened obviously - but I stay because offers good, independent insight and information into everything oily.

The 'corns' -v- 'doomers' arguments keep me thoroughly entertained as well :)
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 13:05:53

pstarr wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:
onlooker wrote:I doubt any of us will admit to being addicted to this site but social media and porn on the Net have already been denounced extensively as being addictive and now
Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO
Maybe Ibon is right. Oh and happy and safe vacation Plant

Thank you very much. I’m enroute from Paris to Lille just now on FlixBus—-a supercheap bus line. Just 5 euros for this trip. Tomorrow on the Eurostar train under the channel to London.

Not all addictions are bad, by the way. It’s possible to become “addicted” to running or cycling for example. Posting here isn’t all bad imho. Cheers

The need to escape to new places is an addiction as well. The variation in architecture is unsettling but exciting. Dopomine rush and the Endorphin cloud. Over and Over Spinning Madly 8O 8)

The brighter colors, strange dress, and odd smells . . . a chance to live again. To feel alive. So exciting. So mind expanding. So WONDERFULL! Kind of like a hit of LSD.

The difference is that the experience you get from a hit of LSD is a drug-induced hallucination, i.e. its fake. The new experiences you have traveling are very very real.

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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 13:34:32

charmcitysking wrote:I came after watching Ruppert's "Collapse" thinking TEOTWAWKI was imminent.

Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 13:47:50

What we perceive to be real is real to us. Sorry to get all philosophical on you guys haha
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Re: Why do you remain at PO.COM?

Unread postby asg70 » Wed 10 Jan 2018, 14:23:12

pstarr wrote:But for rich people lol

You are addicted to taking swipes at anyone you consider rich.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

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