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PeakOil is You

PeakOil is You

Transitions - Personal

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Transitions - Personal

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 31 Dec 2017, 10:21:43

I know in the past couple of years my Wife and I have gone through some personal transitions. While I retired in 2016 she continued to work part time only giving up her last patient last week. Some of these folks were people she had worked with for long times. Seeing her go through this transition, still only partly complete, made me think of members here who are going through life changes.

I had 7 jobs in 39 years with 0 days off between. No matter how much I was anticipating the new job, hating the old, it always filled me with aprehension. Even now, if I’m in a port for a few days a part of me wants to stay. But once out at sea I don’t want to go back. And so it goes.

We often talk of BIG transitions for Earth and humanity, our fears. I was wondering if this becomes a surrogate conversation for more immediate thoughts? We are upset, we need a place to vent, here we are????

Of one thing only am I sure......if I’m wrong you will tell me! :-D
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