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THE Israel Thread (merged)

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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 14 Dec 2017, 10:17:51

The conflict in the Middle East between Islam and the Jews is at least as old as the existence of Islam itself, about 1600 years. In fact it may predate Christianity, depending upon your definition of the Biblical "Philistines".

Certainly it has litttle to do with the modern state of Israel and even less with an American POTUS named Trump. I am 67 years old and I do not remember any time where the ME could have been described as at "Peace".

More Kabuki theater for idiots. Ask yourselves what else is going on in Washington that the politicians would rather you not think about.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Thu 14 Dec 2017, 11:25:11

KaiserJeep wrote:The conflict in the Middle East between Islam and the Jews is at least as old as the existence of Islam itself, about 1600 years. In fact it may predate Christianity, depending upon your definition of the Biblical "Philistines".

There were also long periods of stability when the Middle East was part of an empire. Religious and ethnic minorities can live in peace in an empire as long as they are loyal to the empire. Thus Jews and Palestinians in Palestine would have gotten along ok during the several hundred years they were part of the Ottoman Empire. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in WWI, the British took over control of Palestine. This is when todays problems started. Both Palestinians and Jews had an expectation of controlling the land themselves. Palestinians also felt threatened by a growing level of Jewish immigration.

The replacement of the Ottoman empire and various monarchies in the Middle East with nationalistic governments would in my view be the biggest reason for conflict in the Middle East. Nationalism usually involves elevating one particular ethnic group and/or religion to a superior position which is bad news for minority groups. Christian and Jewish communities in the Middle East, which had previously lived in peace for hundreds of years have been under attack since Nationalist governments started to spring up after WWII. Kurdish, Sunni and Shia minorities have also suffered.

I am annoyed that Trump is moving the embassy to Jerusalem as it is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It eliminates any chance that Trump might have had at negotiating a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. However, every President since Jimmy Carter has tried to do that without success. In the long run, moving the embassy may not have any impact at all on the prospects of reaching a peace agreement.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Thu 14 Dec 2017, 17:28:38

KaiserJeep wrote:The conflict in the Middle East between Islam and the Jews is at least as old as the existence of Islam itself, about 1600 years. In fact it may predate Christianity, depending upon your definition of the Biblical "Philistines".

Certainly it has litttle to do with the modern state of Israel and even less with an American POTUS named Trump. I am 67 years old and I do not remember any time where the ME could have been described as at "Peace".

More Kabuki theater for idiots. Ask yourselves what else is going on in Washington that the politicians would rather you not think about.

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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 19 Feb 2018, 16:38:16

During a televised address in Beirut on Friday Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah once again warned Israel to back off its claims over disputed oil and gas field just off the southern Lebanese coast, threatening that Hezbollah could "disable [Israel’s offshore oil installations] within hours." "If you prevent us, we prevent you; if you open fire at us, we will open fire," Nasrallah threatened. The dispute over the eastern Mediterranean gas field goes back to January 2017, but blew up starting in late January of this year as it has been put up for tender by Lebanon and is expected to be developed by an international consortium of energy companies. However, as we reported at the time Israel has aggressively pushed for major sectors of the field to be internationally recognized as lying within its rightful territorial waters, going so far as

Hezbollah Leader Threatens “We Will Open Fire” On Disputed Israeli Offshore Oil & Gas Operations
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 07 Oct 2023, 20:44:58

Airlines Cancel Flights To Tel Aviv As War Erupts ... war-erupts
Israel at war: 300 killed in Hamas assault, hostages taken to Gaza, rockets on Tel Aviv

Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi tells residents to stay in their homes behind locked doors and not open them until instructed otherwise, as Israeli security forces work to find and apprehend an unknown number of Palestinian terrorists who infiltrated this morning from Gaza into Israeli communities and gunned down people in the streets and in their homes. “We need to take over Gaza and kill them, they need to be erased,” he tells Channel 12.

Update (1835ET): Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned residents of Gaza to "leave now, because we will operate forcefully everywhere." We will be victorious in this war despite an unbearable price. This is a very difficult day for all of us. ... -incursion
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby jato0072 » Sat 07 Oct 2023, 23:03:19

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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 10 Oct 2023, 15:40:56

Those Arabs hate the Jews and these sort of conflicts are not unusual. This one is tame compared to some of the other attacks since the foundation of Israel and I doubt it will escalate to include the Syrians or the Iranians. I think a) they know Israel is very strong these days and the US naval fleet will give them pause (that's probably why it was sent there) and b) they are preoccupied with own conflicts, domestic wars and sanctions etc. I can't see Iran doing anything too overt given it's on the cusp of being inaugurated into BRICS. That's far more important, and Putin has condemned the attacks and is calling for peace. To escalate it would be to go against the party line so to speak. Plenty of time later to attack Israel en-mass when they are on a more politically stable footing. Same with Syria. It would even Exist if it wasn't for Russia's boots on the ground.

What were those Jews by the Gaza border thinking anyway? They were at a rave party, and why weren't they all carrying guns themselves. I thought the citizens of Israel would be smarter than that, and more well tooled up by now? But a thousand deaths and 100, 200 prisoners, so what? This will teach them a valuable lesson and all it cost was the loss of a few druggos. If they had been at the wailing wall bobbing their heads like pigeons they would have been fine! This is one case where the city was safer lol.

I didn't know Obama was a Jew?

But here's the thing. If the jews themselves are not behind all this angst, right from the nation's establishment in 1948, if as the Bible says it's God's plan, then the Jewish state will remain and a man of peace will come along one day soon and settle all disputes over there. A seven year peace treaty in which incredibly, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt. A treaty that will be broken after three and a half years when this man of peace sits in the temple declaring himself to be God. Nothing new there. Roman emperors claimed to be Gods as well, the Holy Roman Pope claims to be Christ's direct representative on Earth and Billions accept that. The majority of the people back in Rome didn't really believe the Emperors were Gods, but it didn't matter to the power the Emperors exercised.
Put all that in the back of your mind for now.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Tue 10 Oct 2023, 17:17:20

theluckycountry wrote:... if as the Bible says it's God's plan, then the Jewish state will remain and a man of peace will come along one day soon and settle all disputes over there. A seven year peace treaty in which incredibly, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt. A treaty that will be broken after three and a half years when this man of peace sits in the temple declaring himself to be God.

As per Jewish believes God himself has screwed up job while creating a world and this have split him into two divine entities known as God Father and Mother Shekhinah and also resulted in loads of other troubles which can be seen around.
God Father is this Yahweh guy you know from Bible and Shekhinah is a female form best understood as "divine presence" - you may call it Holy Spirit if you wish.
Prophet whom they are expecting (Messiah) will somehow reunite these two entities into a single God again.
So he will gather pieces and "reconstruct" God who have fallen into deep trouble while creating Universe.
I was told this story by one Jew.
It is easy to realize that Jesus just does not fit into their narration at all and they consider him impostor and a fraud - what this Jew was pointing out.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 03:45:22

theluckycountry wrote: I doubt it will escalate to include the Syrians or the Iranians.

Oops, my bad lol. Looks like they are having in as well.

Syria Launches Missiles On Golan Heights As US Begins 'Surging' Defense Aid To Israel
The Syrian Army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli Defense Force have confirmed the attack:

This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern Lebanon between Israel and likely Hezbollah positions. Al Jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from Syria:

This is good. I was so over the ukrainian war, it was a boring war really. Someone should start a thread on this new war so we can bury zalinskee once and for all.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 03:49:59

EnergyUnlimited wrote:I was told this story by one Jew.
It is easy to realize that Jesus just does not fit into their narration at all and they consider him impostor and a fraud - what this Jew was pointing out.

Well if I wanted advice on God the last place I would go to would be a Joo. That would be like getting marriage guidance of an old whore. They are clearly in naughty corner and have been for thousands of years and moving to Israel after WWII was like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 05:12:37

theluckycountry wrote:This is good. I was so over the ukrainian war, it was a boring war really. Someone should start a thread on this new war so we can bury zalinskee once and for all.

Yes, wars run by Middle Eastern barbarians of all kinds are far more entertaining, but saying that I do pity civilian casualties on both sides - pictures are not pretty really.

But they both do what Bible says.
Here it is:

1 Samuel 15:3
“Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

Meantime Putin is making a meal out of it pointing that American made world order no longer works:
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 13:14:19

What would happen if irresistible force have met unmovable object?
We may soon find out.

Well this time poor Jews (always good and innocent) have been attacked.
Not that these Jews did not give any reason to be attacked (there are plenty) but said attack was a truly barbarian one - mainly against civilian population rather than against militarily legitimate state targets which would be attacked if more civilized people are fighting.

So the Jews have responded - in equally barbarian fashion - by massive bombings of residential estates in Gaza.
They got an idea here what to do:

Deuteronomy 20: 16-17
16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:
17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Yet another group of barbarians (this time located in Lebanon) is already attacking Jews from the north - which may result in Jews bombing capitol of Syria.
Should that happen - they will have a war with Syria and Iran as well.
Then US will join in (and maybe few other big players as well) - so keep watching - it is getting interesting.

Here you have US/Jewish perspective: ... -east-war/
And here more from Palestinian angle: ... at-to-know

Regardless how it will all end - post WW II global order is gone for good.
Putin must be laughing out loud and Chinese as well.

Lets keep on stirring this shit and watch what is going to happen - nothing good probably.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 15:56:02

There are believes in certain American circles that we are now witnessing beginning of WW3:
And here is more about current war and some information including historic perspective of Palestine/Israel conflict:
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 11 Oct 2023, 17:52:54

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Yes, wars run by Middle Eastern barbarians of all kinds are far more entertaining, but saying that I do pity civilian casualties on both sides - pictures are not pretty really.

I find myself a bit desensitized these days, so many deaths on the media, how many in that earthquake in Afghanistan? 2000+ now? I imagine a shot in the head would be preferable to being buried alive under a pile of stones, laying in the dark, your bones broken and crushed. Now that wouldn't be pretty.

Gaza Doctors Issue 'SOS To Whole World' As US Proposes Evacuation Corridor To Egypt

So send them packing down across the sinai desert and create another refugee camp with a million people in it. Why not. They are acting like innocents but they harbored the Hamas, they would have cheered them on! Now it's like "Oh Shit" They are so stupid. Living in their little slice of dirt, completely dependent on imports from israel and then they bite the hand that feeds them.

It was interesting to see what happened when the palestinians were ejected all those decades ago, they set up camps in the desert and their own people shunned them, just left them there but no manna for them. Arabs are the worst kind of scum, they live like pigs in squalor yet turn their noses up at Bacon and Dogs. Their religion has all these factions and they are always murdering each other on the basis of it. For 60 years they have controlled a vast oil wealth and yet they haven't managed to get their hands on a single nuclear weapon, how ineffectual are they? Israel on the other hand has managed to build hundreds of them and lure the west into supporting them at every level. I'm no fanboy for the jews but credit where credit is due. There are some smart cookies there.

But I hope this conflict doesn't end too soon because I'm not ready for another Virus lockdown scam just yet.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 12 Oct 2023, 00:25:27

theluckycountry wrote:Arabs are the worst kind of scum, they live like pigs in squalor yet turn their noses up at Bacon and Dogs. Their religion has all these factions and they are always murdering each other on the basis of it.

Christians (Catholics/Orthodox/Protestants) were also doing it for last several hundreds of years and only recently stopped.
Northern Ireland was perhaps last hotspot where Christian religious war was carried.
There is something universal in all monotheistic religions based on Middle Eastern mythology - they all tend to result in mass murders and religious wars.

For 60 years they have controlled a vast oil wealth and yet they haven't managed to get their hands on a single nuclear weapon, how ineffectual are they? Israel on the other hand has managed to build hundreds of them and lure the west into supporting them at every level. I'm no fanboy for the jews but credit where credit is due. There are some smart cookies there.

The smartest thing Jews are doing now is maintaining high TFR (for now it is ~3) which far exceeds this of Whites and most of Arabs. It is outstanding and it looks that they have managed to keep out excessive infestation with "woman rights".
So they are producing enough of cannon fooder for wars to come.
They got nukes by means of infiltration of US.
These nukes might not help them much if you look on numbers of them and Arabs/Turks/Iranians and might lead to mass genocide of all of them if they use them and get overrun anyway.
And of course Pakis have nukes as well.

I will be out for few days.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 13 Oct 2023, 06:19:41

EnergyUnlimited wrote:They got nukes by means of infiltration of US.

Actually, they didn't infiltrate, they invented them. It was Jooish scientists like Eisenstein, Szilard, Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr (half jewish) that invented it. 2/3 of the scientists on the manhattan project were jews. Samuel T. Cohen and Herman Kahn, both sons of jewish parents invented the neutron bomb. Jews are everywhere, people underestimate them.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 18 Oct 2023, 15:24:04

I find a direct correlation between the Mass media reporting, and activity on many threads. Once the TV shifts to a new emotive topic so does the posting. Though not always... Consider the Israeli conflict/war. Even the US President goes over there, but for some reason the subject is completely ignored here? I think people have an aversion to discussing Israel. I think the nation and it's people are universally hated.

Consider the facts. Palestine was never a recognized state, had no recognized capital, even among the islamic nations. The region was basically a wasteland up until 1948. Then the jews reclaim it as their state and this is globally accepted, except by the Islamic nations that hate them for religious reasons. They attack it, relentlessly, their stated goal, the genocide of the jewish people. America, as the global bastion of democracy lends aid to the nation, Israel defeats the Islamic armies, and after the defeat and the conquest of more territory (buffer zone) it seeks peace with it's neighbors but they double down on the genocidal rhetoric.

So we move to today, the Hamas, a globally recognized terrorist organization attacks across the border and murders hundreds of civilians. Their primary target was the civilian population, the murdering of men women and children, and the abduction of many which they took back across into the Gaza. Not as prisoners or hostages for negotiation, but to make sport of and murder. And the average response of a Western person. "Well they had it coming because they stole the Palestinians homeland and oppress them." Very interesting attitude.

Cornell University Professor Russell Rickford is much in the news this week with his celebration of the Hamas attack on Israel.

While insisting he does not condone the targeting of civilians, he heralded as “exhilarating” an attack that led to the massacre of civilians, the raping of women, and the taking of hostages.


Now "this" stuff is being pulled off the web faster than cloths of the line in a spring shower.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 19 Oct 2023, 03:31:22

I think it entirely depends on what you're watching as far as news sources; which is one of the reasons I really like twitter's "follow" system. It becomes fairly easy to craft a 50/50 narrative presentation with just a bit of gardening from time to time to keep the sides in balance. Of course, it can also be used to create an echo chamber where you only see the stuff that agrees with what you already believe to be true...

I've honestly not paid much attention to US print or TV news in recent years; other than the periodic crime story and the weather, the rest of it boils down to a simple, "We support the current administration" or "We oppose the current administration" nothing more even need be said, the rest is just a mindless pile of word dribble that obfuscates the position of the particular network on the D or R scale in an attempt to make themselves appear less biased.

As to Israel vs Hamas; I'm certainly and unabashedly supportive of Israel, but I wonder what their exit strategy is. Do they intend to capture, depopulate, and annex the Northern chunk of Gaza as a response to the attack? They are seriously on their way towards that goal, but it seems like that'd be a hard piece of territory to digest. Are there other possible responses to the attack that would leave Israel in a more stable configuration? I don't know....
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby jato0072 » Thu 19 Oct 2023, 11:17:18

Joshua 6:20 "When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city (of Jericho). 21 They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys."

Israel means to destroy the enemy. Whether they can accomplish the task is another matter. They also might stop if/when the USA takes away their spending money or toys (equipment, ammunition and parts re-supply).

Back to Ukraine:

War of attrition, not much has changed in the last year... just more death and loss of material.
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Re: THE Israel Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 19 Oct 2023, 18:30:45

jato0072 wrote:
Israel means to destroy the enemy. Whether they can accomplish the task is another matter.

Interesting theory, based on a 2500 year old event? As far as my observations have been, Israel has had many many opportunities to "Destroy the Enemy" and have instead pulled back and sought a peace settlement, even when it was clear they were in total control, as after the 6 day war.

Why does the Gaza even exist? Why didn't israeli forces simply wipe it off the map in 1967, after all they captured and occupied the Gaza then, and the Sinai Peninsula all the way to the suez canal, and took the Golan heights and the west bank off Jordan? Why not just obliterate the islamic hoards then? Or drive them down into Egypt or over to Jordan?

The simple fact is the muslin nations abandoned their own and left them in the desert as a fifth column. They are just cannon fodder for the Israelis and every time they pull a stunt like this they make Israel stronger and stronger. A stray gnat won't be able to cross the border after this.

jato0072 wrote:Back to Ukraine:
War of attrition, not much has changed in the last year... just more death and loss of material.

Yes, totally boring now, all it achieved was the destruction of the ukraine and the strengthening of russia. They sharpened their teeth on the bones of those nazis.
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