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LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Discussions of conventional and alternative energy production technologies.

Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 4 (merged)

Unread postby dinopello » Tue 07 Oct 2014, 10:31:43

Beery1 wrote:I propose making the moderator's job easier by moving this discussion to Open Topic Discussion, because clearly it is not about energy tech, and keeping it focused on energy tech is a lost cause. No one here, not even Rune, is talking about actual energy technology. This quote sums it up:

Rune wrote:Those 50 people here at including you and me can thoroughly believe that the Rossi E-Cat and the Defkalion Hyperion are both outrageous alternative energy scams and the LENR would STILL be fascinating to follow!

But it wouldn't - not unless we find pop culture subjects fascinating. And certainly not from the perspective of energy technology, which is what we're here for. If it's a scam, then discussion of it has no place in the Energy Technology forum or in any loosely 'peak oil' related forums.

I'm so confused about where to post E-Cat stuff...

Anyway, Rossi seems to be going after the copycat scammers trying to muscle in on his thing

Warning for fraudulent websites claiming ECAT partnership
29 Sep 2014/in ECAT News/by ECAT

It has come to our knowledge that a fraudulent website “Pulsodream” has surfaced on the Internet. They are illegally seeking investments related to ECAT products by Leonardo Corporation. “Pulsodream” do NOT have any licenses or rights to sell or market the ECAT under Leonardo Corporation, NOR representing any other Licensee of Leonardo Corporation.

“Pulsodream” is a total fraud and has been reported to the appropriate authorities.

Please be aware.

/The ECAT Team
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LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby diemos » Sat 21 Oct 2017, 18:08:03

Six years ago the LENR age began as Andrea Rossi demonstrated his 1MW E-Cat plant to a stunned world. Since that momentous day the world has been completely transformed. Adoption of the E-Cat technology has been going full speed ahead with units rolling of the Chinese assembly lines as fast as they can be installed. Fossil fuel use has collapsed as this revolutionary technology has made old sources of energy obsolete. The world has rejoiced knowing that climate change is no longer an issue with limitless carbon free energy available to the world. Economic development in the third world has taken a quantum leap as limitless free energy has energized economies around the world.

Oh wait ... none of this has happened.

Rossi's gizmo quietly disappeared never to be seen again. Not a single watt is being generated anywhere in the world via LENR. We're still almost totally dependent on fossil fuels.

How odd.

Luckily, black light power is now converting hydrogen to dark matter in order to generate power. (Adios hydrinos, we barely knew you.) Commercial units are sure to be available ... any ... day ... now.

Looks like Steorn has folded up shop on their Orbos and has auctioned off the conference room tables and chairs. ... 3-Nov2016/
Adios Orbo, we barely knew you.
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Re: LENR and the E-CAT thread

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 21 Oct 2017, 20:29:07

By now Rossi has named his private island "Suckerpunch Hideaway". Where are all the goofballs who believed his crap here? Carlrunehole?
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The Great Energy Transition: A Progress Report

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 11 Dec 2017, 21:01:29

On Nov. 24 in Stockholm, there was a demonstration of the progress that the Italian, Andrea Rossi, has made in his decades-long effort to develop a new source of energy based on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). As Rossi’s last demonstration of an earlier version of his energy-producing device was back in October of 2011, it seems worthwhile to note his progress and compare it to the other new energy-producing technology which may be coming on the market soon. It should be obvious to all that the world’s leaders are not making a sufficient effort to curtail the use of fossil fuels to at least mitigate what almost certainly will be centuries of climate-induced disasters. These disasters will range from the flooding of the world’s coastal cities; to insufficient food and water to support a growing world population that is now

The Great Energy Transition: A Progress Report
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Re: The Great Energy Transition: A Progress Report

Unread postby dbruning » Wed 13 Dec 2017, 18:42:17

I followed the Rossi thing for a while with some hope.

At this point, I firmly believe that if there was something there it would have been brought to market by now.

Test in November....he heated a bowl of water? How underwhelming.

6 years later after promising he had generators for sale if you had the $$$?

I will say this...If his tech is real...and he's been sitting on it for so long due to fear of not getting his due....I truly hope someone else steals his thunder and makes his money by selling an actual working product.

But I have no remaining hope such a product exists. I am very willing to be absolutely and completely wrong about the entire situation. So we'll see.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby Cog » Wed 13 Dec 2017, 22:46:43

I thought this thread had died and went to cornie heaven a long time ago. I'm glad to see it has been resurrected for me to laugh at again.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby diemos » Wed 13 Dec 2017, 22:54:17

If only gullible, technically clueless reporters where an energy source we would be saved.
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Re: The Great Energy Transition: A Progress Report

Unread postby dolanbaker » Fri 15 Dec 2017, 13:33:28

pstarr wrote:AdamB most have gone totally off the rails. Finally.

He's now promoting LENR? yikes.

I think he's just keeping the site alive by updating old threads with new information and "news", I very much doubt that he considers it promoting.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby Cog » Fri 15 Dec 2017, 15:04:21

Pstarr, besides me, you are the biggest troll on this board. Lets not be casting aspersions here. AdamB is a valuable counter-point to the idiocracy that is the ETP model.
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Re: Skepticism for Skepticisms sake! (merged) Pt. 1

Unread postby diemos » Sat 28 Apr 2018, 19:32:41

Tanada wrote:The split that started this thread was about cold fusion because Rune was posting links supporting his POV while other members were not.


If I say the sun rises in the east, or water is wet, or they have not produced a working gizmo. Do I need to provide a link for it to count?
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Re: The Great Energy Transition: A Progress Report

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 28 Apr 2018, 19:44:58

pstarr wrote:AdamB most have gone totally off the rails. Finally.

He's now promoting LENR? yikes.

pstarr has been warned in the past of a temporary banning (by Tanada, as I recall) for attacking AdamB, who has posted a lot of relevant items on various threads as a volunteer.

And yet he can't help himself. pstarr, if you don't like posts that lack credibility, you could certainly post far less of them, for starters.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Tue 30 Oct 2018, 18:54:46

Happy Halloween!!! Here's a zombie tale:
Shares in WPCT jumped 4.4p to 86p, a high for this year, after Link Fund Solutions, the trust’s appointed alternative investment fund managers, dramatically upgraded the value of Industrial Heat by 357% to $112.9 million (£85.2 million).

Although the trust’s share price remains well below its 100p launch three years ago, the hike in Industrial Heat’s valuation boosts its underlying net asset value (NAV) by 8.8% with NAV per share rising 8.02p to 99.6p, broadly back at the level it floated at in 2015.

The good news was totally unexpected as Industrial Heat, a private energy technology company based in North Carolina, USA, has been derided by mainstream scientists over its attempts to use the E-Cat technology developed by Andrea Rossi. It claims to offer a potential answer to the world’s energy crisis, saying it is possible to generate energy at much lower temperatures than previously required in nuclear fusion. Rossi and Industrial Heat settled a legal battle over the right to use his invention last year. ... t/a1157456
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby diemos » Wed 31 Oct 2018, 10:43:20

Oh my ... has it been another year already. Well here goes.

Seven years ago the LENR age began as Andrea Rossi demonstrated his 1MW E-Cat plant to a stunned world. Since that momentous day the world has been completely transformed. Adoption of the E-Cat technology has been going full speed ahead with units rolling of the Chinese assembly lines as fast as they can be installed. Fossil fuel use has collapsed as this revolutionary technology has made old sources of energy obsolete. The world has rejoiced knowing that climate change is no longer an issue with limitless carbon free energy available to the world. Economic development in the third world has taken a quantum leap as limitless free energy has energized economies around the world.

Oh wait ... none of this has happened.

Rossi's gizmo quietly disappeared never to be seen again. Not a single watt is being generated anywhere in the world via LENR. We're still almost totally dependent on fossil fuels.

How odd.

Well, I'm sure the limitless free energy that violates the laws of physics will be here ... any ... day ... now.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby Cog » Wed 31 Oct 2018, 13:01:02

Nothing that can't be fixed with some creative marketing and behind the curtain "testing" ;)
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby Carnot » Wed 31 Oct 2018, 13:19:09

Just remember that when the alternative is unemployment then it is amazing what tricks can be deployed to garner funding.

Remember all the promises form biofuels; cellulosic ethanol, algae, and woodchip gasification. Millions, upon millions fritted away and gullible investors duped with promises of riches that never materialised and never will do. Never, ever forget the thermodynamic principles. These are good examples of EROEI and I will leave it at that.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 03 Nov 2018, 07:31:24 ... -e-cat-sk/

Modern capitalism- put an honest gun to a bank teller, get a few notes, go to prison for a very long time. Put a box of lies in front of gullible cornies, get millions, rinse & repeat, no consequences. Why Rossi is not rotting in jail? Because he's generating business, turnover, & he's not threatening to kill anyone, just lying his god damned ass off.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby EdwinSm » Mon 05 Nov 2018, 04:51:25

Sea, It depends on whether you rip off the wealthy then like Bernie Madoff you can get up to 150 years in prison. You probably would get less if you had killed someone. Maybe the ECAT rip off did not target people wealthy enough to buy revenge through the "justice" system.
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Re: LENR, Rossi and the ECAT Thread pt 5

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 05 Nov 2018, 06:33:16

Can't argue with that. What's most amazing about Rossi though is his history with Petroldragon, & his ECAT scam having fully occurred in the smart phone era. A near moron could find in a few clicks there was extremely strong evidence this guy is a total fraud with no morals, yet his new con garnered many millions. It's near unfathomable. Reminiscent of a certain Bible character, 'Saint' Paul, or Saul.
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