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THE Germany Thread Pt. 4

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THE Germany Thread Pt. 4

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 07 Sep 2017, 12:26:30

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Problem with Germany is such that at the moment the only credible alternative to Ms Merckel is Mr Schultz (this guy from EU parliament), who will invite even more Arab refugees.
I do not understand why Germans as a nation have decided to abdicate into abyss and give away land to Muslims.
No precedence in history of mankind, but there are few possible copycats right now in Western Europe.


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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 08 Sep 2017, 08:43:36

M_B_S wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:Problem with Germany is such that at the moment the only credible alternative to Ms Merckel is Mr Schultz (this guy from EU parliament), who will invite even more Arab refugees.
I do not understand why Germans as a nation have decided to abdicate into abyss and give away land to Muslims.
No precedence in history of mankind, but there are few possible copycats right now in Western Europe.


EAN: 9783864454929

I have not read or spoken German in decades since I left University, but the google translate page of the synopsis made it sound like a book I would read if it had an English edition available.
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 19 Sep 2017, 10:41:40

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 23 Sep 2017, 12:23:29



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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Sun 24 Sep 2017, 13:10:40

Merkels Great Coalition minus 15%

But Merkel could hold the power with the "Jamaica " Option

CDU/CSU + FDP+GREEN ... -far-right

Angela Merkel wins 4th term as chancellor of Germany
A far-right party just surged into third place. German politics is no longer politics as usual.
Updated by Sarah Wildman Sep 24, 2017, 12:10pm EDT
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 25 Sep 2017, 03:18:22

First German "Bundesland" falls to the party AFD ... 03033.html

The nationalist Alternative for Germany party has won the biggest share of the vote in the eastern state of Saxony during Sunday's parliamentary elections.
The state is the birthplace of the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, which has staged anti-Muslim demonstrations in the state capital Dresden since 2014.
Saxony has also seen numerous high-profile attacks on migrants and refugee shelters in recent years, prompting the local government to launch a public relations campaign to improve its image abroad.
State election authorities say the anti-migrant Alternative for Germany, or AfD, received 27 percent of the votes in Saxony during Sunday's national election. That's a tenth of a percentage point more than Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democrats received in the state.
Saxony is the home of AfD figurehead leader Frauke Petry.


Refugee Mother Merkel feed the AFD

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 25 Sep 2017, 16:05:40

Does Germany give the vote to immigrants?

Did the million illegal aliens who flooded into Germany two years ago get to vote to Merkel?

If not, then it appears most Germans still support Merkel and her coalition partners and their open borders immigration policy, as only 13% voted for the AfD and against more immigration.

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Mon 25 Sep 2017, 16:48:30

Plantagenet wrote:Does Germany give the vote to immigrants?

Did the million illegal aliens who flooded into Germany two years ago get to vote to Merkel?

If not, then it appears most Germans still support Merkel and her coalition partners and their open borders immigration policy, as only 13% voted for the AfD and against more immigration.


I wouldn't conclude that most Germans support an open border immigration policy. Immigration policy is only one factor in deciding who is the best leader/party to vote for. The AfD party appears to include some who are against single sex marriage, against gay people and anti-semitic. There's also the question of competency -- if the AfD did come in first would they actually have the talent needed to run the government? The pragmatic thing to do was to reelect Merkel and her coalition partners.
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby dolanbaker » Mon 25 Sep 2017, 17:10:20

Another thing to consider is who the last right wing leader of Germany was and what happened!
That alone would make many think twice about voting for them, even if they agree with all their policies.
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 25 Sep 2017, 23:30:44

Poll analysis show that old women over 60 years save the day for Merkel.
20% of the males vote for AFD.
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Re: New failed State - Germany

Unread postby cephalotus » Thu 19 Oct 2017, 17:09:13

EnergyUnlimited wrote:There are lots of peaceful peoples from places like Eastern Europe, Far East or Latin America who are known to integrate easily and to be hard working.
They would be very happy to come, given a chance, and they are often reasonably educated.

That's one major point what the EU is about.

Yet somehow Muslim troublemakers from ME, Pakistan and North Africa are the preferred lot...

That's nonsense. (Almost) noone in politics "wants" them, but there are no easy solutions. What should we have done in 2015? Shot them at the border? Put them into concentration camps?
Also don't forget that asylum is a basic human right by UN. (you may ask if someone fleeing from central Africa needs to go to another continent)
Of course there needs to be a solution. This immigration crises gets more and more expensive.

Failed state from peak oil perspective?

In 2017 rewneable energy contribution to the electriicty secor will be 38% and growing. Wind ans solar PV have become competitive in price. together with lignite more than 50% of electricity production is now from our own resources, that's higher than it was for many decades...

sales of electric vehicles will start to grow soon, theer are noe mulitbillion € investmenst in German car industry about that. In just 10 years buying an electric car will be quite normal.

Public and private dept is under control, employment rates are higher than ever before in history.
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Re: THE Germany Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Wed 08 Nov 2017, 14:12:30

More info at link below quote.

COP23 Host Germany is Europe’s worst offender on climate, according to the European Climate Leadership Report 2017, Measuring the Metrics that Matter published today in Bonn, Germany at COP23 by the NGO Energy for Humanity.

The new report ranks European countries on their climate leadership using official Eurostat data and exclusive data from

The key findings are:

Germany’s much-vaunted “Energiewende” programme has made things worse for the climate by shutting down carbon free nuclear capacity and locking in the dependency on coal burning for decades, despite hundreds of billions in investments and subsidy-schemes. In terms of absolute greenhouse gas emissions, Germany is by far the largest emitter in Europe (EU-28 plus EFTA plus Turkey). Germany alone emits 18 per cent of total emissions. Germany is not decarbonising as fast as other large emitters (14th of 23 countries analysed). Furthermore, by exporting electricity generated by fossil fuels, Germany is significantly increasing the CO2-intensity of neighbouring countries’ electricity consumption.
Climate leaders are countries with hydro-power resources and strong policies to support nuclear energy, alongside renewables. These countries include Switzerland (hydro and nuclear), Norway (hydro) and Sweden (hydro and nuclear). In contrast, antinuclear Austria backs up its hydro capacity with fossil fuels, driving down its overall climate performance.
Countries that have pragmatic yet ambitious climate and energy policies, such as the UK, are driving down their emissions. The UK has achieved the largest absolute reduction in GHG emissions in Europe from 2010-2015. Some Eastern Europe countries like Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, have also decreased their high emissions levels significantly in the recent years while growing their economies.
For the first time, the data accounts for cross-border flows of carbon emissions. Importing dirty electricity impacts the carbon intensity of electricity consumption in some countries. The report strongly recommends that policy makers take imports and exports into account.
A high percentage of installed new renewable capacity does not guarantee low CO2 emissions.
“Germany does not deserve its reputation as a climate leader”, EFH Executive Director Kirsty Gogan said. “France, however, with this week’s timely decision to not force accelerated shut-downs on its nuclear fleet, is bound to stay on top as one of the most decarbonized nations, while Germany falls further behind.

“The UK has demonstrated that real climate progress is possible with a policy that supports all low carbon sources including renewables and nuclear.”

“Our analysis shows that true leadership on climate comes from countries like UK, Sweden and Switzerland, where energy policy has supported the transition to low carbon economies. By contrast, promoting a green vision where renewables alone can power the future will lock in long-term dependency on fossil fuels.” says Wolfgang Denk, one of the authors and European Director of EFH.

“This is the first report that includes cross-border flows of electricity and its emissions”, says Rauli Partanen, one of the authors and an independent energy analyst. “Our data paints a picture that is very different from the usual reports that for example concentrate on renewable energy capacity additions. We found out that those are poor proxies for actual climate leadership and progress,”

The European Climate leadership 2017 report proposes 3 new metrics to measure climate leadership:

Total GHG emissions per GDP in 2010 as baseline (leader: Switzerland)
Absolute GHG reductions from 2010 to 2015 for measuring recent net progress (leader: UK)
Average annual decarbonisation rate from 2010 to 2015 measuring how fast countries are “greening” their economy (leader: Poland)


Climate leaders are countries that combine three elements: a low carbon intensity of electricity supply, a rapid reduction in their absolute level of emissions, and the maintenance of high levels of GDP.

Countries which are leading the way in carbon emissions per GDP are those that have chosen to expand the provision of low-carbon electricity and those with good hydro-power resources.

Countries with strong reliance on coal are in the bottom half of the climate leadership ranking. In terms of absolute emissions, the COP23 host Germany is actually a very poor performer. The decision to shut dow its nuclear plants prematurely means Germany has to keep its massive fleet of lignite and hard coal power plants on the grid far into the future. Germany is already failing its 2020 emission reduction targets, and there is currently no indication that it will do much better in the future. Far from advancing decarbonisation, the antinuclear “Energiewende” has locked Germany into long-term carbon dependency.

On the other hand, the U.K. serves as a strong example where carbon reduction is mandated by law. Recent climate policy actions have started to work, and most recently the country has pledged to shut down its coal burning fleet by 2025; new coal plants can only be built if they are equipped with carbon capture and storage technology.

Notes to Editors

Energy for Humanity is a non-profit organisation, funded by philanthropic donations, advocating for climate action and energy access.
Energy for Humanity used Tomorrow’s Electricity Map Pro in order to gather data & visualisations for this report.
Germany emits 18.3% of total GHG emissions of EU, EFTA and Turkey, which is why their strategy matters so much for net reductions. The GHG emissions as a function of GDP is measured with metrics 1 and 3.

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 20 Nov 2017, 04:52:35

Germany under Merkel now in the dark shadow of the Weimar Republik

Merkel is now without Bundestag legitimation = majority so we should call her " Reichsverweser "

Ms. MERKEL ... ela-merkel

German coalition talks collapse after deadlock on migration and energy

Chancellor Angela Merkel left facing prospect of forming minority government – or fresh elections – after FDP quits negotiations....
Announcing the collapse of talks as an “almost historic day”, Angela Merkel on Sunday night insisted that the parties would have been capable of reaching a compromise even in spite of their polarised views on migrations, and described the FDP’s walk-out as “regrettable”.

A so-called “Jamaica” coalition – so nicknamed because the parties’ traditional colours mirror those of the Jamaican flag – represents new ground even for Germany’s experienced leader and has only previously been tested at regional level.

In a month of talks, Merkel has often cut a passive figure as party representatives found themselves at loggerheads over issues such as the question of how many of the migrants who found their way to Germany in 2015 and 2016 would be allowed to be reunited with their families.

Migration emerged as a contentious political issue in Germany following the refugee crisis, when 1.2 million migrants entered the country in 2015-16. The backlash against Merkel’s decision to keep open Germany’s borders has resulted in a far-right party, the anti-refugee Alternative für Deutschland, entering the German parliament for the first time in more than 50 years.

Merkel its Time to go.

This is the End

November 19 2017 German History was written again

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 20 Nov 2017, 09:02:17

I think she was played,set up to look weak and ineffective. I doubt her party will have a better hand after the new elections.

Interesting stuff.
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 11 Dec 2017, 15:57:22

Muslim Migrants Mob shouting "Tod den Juden" in Berlin 2017

Violent protest in Berlin / Germany after Trumps Jerusalem statement.

Merkel its time to step down!

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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 12 Dec 2017, 05:20:27

Bericht aus Deutschland under Merkel 2017
12. Dezember 2017, 8:52 Uhr ... -forderung


"Und denk ich an Dich Deutschland in dieser Weihnacht werde ich um den Verstand gebracht"


More: ... ts-berlin/
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Why Germans Are Being Paid To Use Power

Unread postby AdamB » Sat 06 Jan 2018, 15:41:51

Germany’s drive to use renewable sources of energy seems to be bearing fruit. Beginning last weekend, prices for electricity in the country declined below zero. That means consumers are being paid to use the power, rather than the other way around. This isn’t even the first time this has happened. According to one of Europe’s largest electricity trading exchanges (the EPEX Spot), it has happened more than 100 times in 2017. All of this would seem to bode well for German households, long regarded as operating under the highest energy prices on the continent. Well, not quite. But someone else is getting paid. And the whole matter has crucial implications for where the energy industry is going next… Given the heavy amount of taxes and fees charged for power, the wholesale cost factors in only about 20 percent of the real price charged to the average residence. That ...

Why Germans Are Being Paid To Use Power
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 05 Mar 2018, 04:23:27




Merkel it is still Time to step down before Germany burns!


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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 22 Mar 2018, 05:02:17

Donnerstag, 15.03.2018

Mit wachsendem Befremden beobachten wir, wie Deutschland durch die illegale Masseneinwanderung beschädigt wird. Wir solidarisieren uns mit denjenigen, die friedlich dafür demonstrieren, dass die rechtsstaatliche Ordnung an den Grenzen unseres Landes wiederhergestellt wird.

The German Resistance is growing.

Merkel it is still time to step down.
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Re: Poll: Must Chancelor Merkel step down?

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 18 Apr 2018, 04:56:10

Berlin after Merkels Asyl politic 2018

The arab migration mob is hunting and beating jews

Proof : ... 85044.html ... auer-berg/ ... in-berlin/
Jewish teen said beaten by Muslim man in anti-Semitic attack in Berlin
Adam Armush, who was wearing a kippa at the time, says he filmed assailant hitting him with a belt and shouting 'Yahudi,' or 'Jew' in Arabic, to 'give police something to go on'

The fruits of Merkels Asyl policy!

My good old Germany is dead => civil unrest and maybe war is coming soon....

Thanks Ms. Merkel :x

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