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US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:28:42

Mass Killers Often Begin Their Reign Of Terror At Home ... mg00000009

“Typically, someone is aggrieved about something, and they decide to lash out as a direct response,” he said. “You see a mixture of ideological drivers and interpersonal drivers, coupled with a lack of protective factors that culminated and crystallized at a certain point in a person’s life.”
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:31:00

KaiserJeep wrote:
asg70 wrote:So quickly we forget radical right-winger shooters like Dylan Roof.


Right wing? Dylan Roof is a Democrat, and lest you forget, Gov. George Wallace, the very symbol of Segregation, was a Democrat. Robert Byrd, Senate Majority Leader for decades, was a KKK member with the high rank of Wizard. The Democratic Party has long been and remains the haven of intolerence and terror.

Thanks KJ. Thank you for your thoughtful and historically correct post.

Yes, I thought it was bizarre when asg70 posted that pic of Dylan Roof. Roof is a stone-cold racist D----a little relic of southern history from the time when the D party was virtually interchangeable with the KKK and Jim Crow Laws had been passed by Ds in every state in the south. Roof even has a little confederate flag with him---symbol of the Confederacy created when traitorous Ds tried to destroy our country just so they could continue to keep human beings as slaves. Its revolting.

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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:37:22

you do realize who Trump's favorite President is?
the one he admires most and attempts to emulate ?
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:39:42

Satori wrote:ummm
you do realize who Trump's favorite President is?
the one he admires most and attempts to emulate ?

I don't follow Trump as closely as you do.

Please share your deep knowledge of all things Trump.

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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:48:14

here is what President Trump had to say ,in part, about the shooting

"We can all agree that we are blessed to be Americans, that our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace, and that we are strongest when we are unified and when we work together for the common good.

Please take a moment today to cherish those you love, and always remember those who serve and keep us safe. God bless them all, God bless you, and God Bless America."

I suggest we leave it at that
words of wisdom of hope and unity
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 14:05:59

Florida man set to go on trail for making threats against Congressional R


Looks like we are going to see less tolerance for D extremists who resort to violence or threaten violence.

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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Cog » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 14:50:55

We could start the war on political terror by declaring the Antifa a terrorist organization.
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 15:55:46

Satori wrote:oh please
the Democratic Party of today is nothing like what it used to be
and neither is the Republican Party

I believe that the Democratic Party is today everything it was when Andrew Jackson founded it on a platform of White Supremacy, Indian Relocation, and anti-civil rights for slaves.

For example, most American Blacks self-identify as Democrats. As a group, Blacks are the most committed rascists in the USA today.

But you see, I long ago learned to ignore what politicians say and notice what they actually do. It is a skill that most people never acquire. The current preoccupation with what Trump says or tweets is a prime example. I think he is focussing the media on a few tweets and then getting his agenda in place without their notice. He is making tactical use of a medium no politician has effectively tapped yet.
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 16:50:28

"getting his agenda in place without their notice."

with all due respect this is just DELUSIONAL,pure and simple
you actually think Trump is sneaking stuff in under their noses?
some people can walk and chew gum at the same time
you NEED to spend a little time every now and then on some of the "lefty" sites
they are VERY much aware of what is going on
Trump has mobilized the left like nothing I have ever seen
ever swat a hornets nest with a stick?
thats exactly what Trump has done,make no mistake about it

"without their notice " :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
just keep believing that :P
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 17:14:03

Some of the stuff Trump has done without much notice in the lefty press:

1. Opened ANWR to oil drilling.
2. Allowed the Dakota access pipeline to begin operations.
3. Reversed the Obama Administration ruling that added the Texas Hornshell Mussel to the ESL.
4. Agreed to sign the Transatlatic Trade and Investment Partnership with the EU.
5. Drafted legislation to revoke and replace Obamacare.
6. Stayed numerous EPA regulations that were crushing the US economy.
7. Successfully tested a ground-based ABM system.

The present situation is almost surreal, the near-hysterical coverage of Trump and possible Russian connections has totally derailed coverage of his progress on a far-reaching deregulatory and pro-defense agenda.

By all means, you lefties should continue your hornet-like furious buzzing, while he gets things done.
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 17:28:02

you REALLY think that escaped their notice?

put down the Kool Aid

you truly are DELUSIONAL

good grief

and along related lines of things DELUSIONAL people believe

Too Many Americans Apparently Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows ... mg00000009

Trump has a secret agenda that he is sneaking by everyone
'cause Nancy Pelosi and friends are so very inexperienced in all this polly ticking thingy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 17:46:53

I said "without much notice", a subtle distinction. Every moment and every sound byte devoted to the fake news story about the Russians is that much bandwidth taken from the real issues which I listed.

You are perfectly welcome to devote however much coverage to the fake Russian news story, which originally was a tactical plant by Roger Stone in the frenzy before the November '16 election, but which has since taken on a life of it's own. It means nothing because it was a fake story to begin with. However it is an excellant diversion from the real Trump agenda, which if not exactly being ignored, is not being rigorously investigated and reported. The public has a limited bandwidth for politics, and however much the Russian story gets reported, it benefits the real Trump agenda.
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 17:54:56

oh so now Roger Stone a Trump associate,and well known lying slime ball is planting FAKE news on behalf of Trump ?
good to know,maybe this is ANOTHER area of investigation for Mueller :o

Trump being criminally investigated is NOT fake news though now is it?
and his finances now coming under scrutiny is NOT fake news either
and he seems to be the one distracted
the "left" wins this one no matter how it comes out
but thanks for playing :lol:

now I HAVE to call Nancy P. and let her know what is going on
boy is she gonna be pissed :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 18:03:22

Roger Stone is a paid political hack, and he has more often than not been paid to elect Democrats. I doubt if he has any real ideology of his own, but he is a master media manipulator.

Every second the news devotes to fake stories is beneficial to Trump.

FWIW, you seem confused about one thing. Both Stone and Trump were found in the gatherings of lefty New York Democrats for decades. Trump is no more a devoted Republican than you are. He is a pretty good vote panderer, and with Stone's tutelage is rapidly getting lots better.
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Satori » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 18:19:06

well us "lefties" just had us a big meetin' down by the crik
and we're on to you now
that city slicker New York shyster Trump ain't gonna be foolin' us no more
NO SIR :lol:
now has anybody seen my magic beans ?
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Re: US Republican Congressman and Aides Shot

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 16 Jun 2017, 00:29:37

Satori wrote: us "lefties" just had us a big meetin' down by the crik...

Was it for your remedial spelling class? :lol:
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