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THE Yemen Thread (merged)

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 20 Feb 2017, 06:07:32

The WAR CRIMES by Saudi Arabia against the people of Yemen are for sure immense. ... i-capital/

Video footage of Saudi Coalition airstrikes on the Yemeni capital
By Leith Fadel - 19/02/2017

The Saudi-led coalition led a series of airstrikes against Houthi positions in Sanaa and surrounding areas, Sunday.

Video footage of the Saudi-led Coalition airstrikes over the Sanaa countryside was released by Ruptly on Sunday evening; it would show the moment the bombs struck the area.

But the western mass media are absolutly quiet about this greatest massaker in the middle east after WWI+WWII

The per capita food suupply in Yemen triggered by the Saudi "Embargo" is now down to ~1500 kcal

THE GREAT FAMINE in Yemen more people will die than in Syria

But who cares the oil and money must flow......

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 11 Mar 2017, 06:08:08


VIDEO: At least 26 dead as Saudi-led airstrike hits marketplace in Yemen
By Paul Antonopoulos - 11/03/2017

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:31 A.M.) – At least 26 people were reportedly killed, according to military officials, after a Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit a marketplace on the outskirts of the Red Sea port of Khokha in Hudaidah on Friday.

Footage reportedly capturing the aftermath of the bombing raid showed bodies among flames left by the airstrike.

Local media reported that Saudi planes continued to fly overhead, preventing medical services from reaching the victims of the bombing. The majority of those killed were reportedly civilians....
****************** ... ace-yemen/
Another Saudi Massaker in Yemen but who cares the oil must flow.....

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 16 Mar 2017, 07:58:53

UN: Half of Yemenis on the brink of famine

The UN food agency has warned that over half of Yemenis are on the brink of famine as the Arab country continues to be hit by relentless Saudi airstrikes, PressTV reported.

In a report issued on Wednesday, the World Food Programme (WFP) said that 60 percent of Yemenis, or 17 million people, were in “crisis” or “emergency” food situations, the report continued.....

The Saudi Genozid @ Yemens by "Food Embargo"

WHO CARES the SAUDI OIL must flow.... and ARAMCO IPO is coming.... ... of-famine/

While Germany is making BIG DEALS with SA

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Re: Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 27 Mar 2017, 08:56:17

Article on attempting to get food into Yemen. It seems Yemen imports 90% of its food and shipments are way down. Some "small" boats are moving food into South Yemen, sounds like smuggling.

From this article you get the idea the government is trying to starve out the competition. ... od-crisis/
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Re: Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 27 Mar 2017, 08:59:56

I just reread "Rise and Fall of the British Empire". There seem to be parallels between the late empire period (post WWII) and the current USA tactics. Small strikes, no news coverage, limited scope.

As always I remain stupified by USA actions in the ME. More and more convoluted all the time.
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 19 May 2017, 15:27:30

Breaking: Yemeni forces strike Saudi capital with ballistic missiles ahead of Trump visit

SANA’A, YEMEN (10:20 P.M.) – Yemeni forces loyal to Houthi movement and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh launched a missile strike on Saudi capital of Riyadh.

According to emerging reports, missile division of Yemeni Army fired two “Burkan-2” surface-to-surface ballistic missiles.

Minutes after Al Masirah TV channel reported the strike, Saudi fighter jets had been noticed buzzing in the sky over Sana’a. ... ump-visit/
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Re: Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby EdwinSm » Thu 03 Aug 2017, 10:24:14

Yemen conflict: Cholera risk for more than a million children

Cholera is bad (figures to date give a case fatality rate of 0,44%), but the figures for starvation in the near term are horrendous.

More than a million children in Yemen are at high risk of dying from cholera, says Save the Children.
The number of people infected with the disease during the country's civil war has already reached more than 430,000.

Malnourished children are at least three times more likely to die if they are infected with cholera.
Out of the million severely malnourished children under five living in Yemen's cholera hotspots, the charity says 200,000 are at imminent risk of starving to death.

More than 1,900 people have died of the disease since April, a third of them were under 15 years old.

Cholera is easy to treat, but with two years of war destroying much of the health system....

This is a sorry picture of what localise doom might look like when the health service is destroyed. I suppose as this is playing out over months it must be considered a "slow" collapse.
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Missile intercepted near Riyadh

Unread postby AdamB » Sun 05 Nov 2017, 10:35:45

Saudi Arabia says it has intercepted a ballistic missile fired from Yemen, after a loud explosion was heard near Riyadh airport on Saturday evening. The missile was destroyed over the capital and fragments landed in the airport area, officials quoted by the official Saudi Press Agency said. A TV channel linked to Houthi rebels in Yemen said the missile was fired at the King Khalid International Airport. The civil aviation authority said that air traffic was not disrupted. Saudi forces have reported shooting down Houthi missiles in the past , though none has come so close to a major population centre. "The missile was launched indiscriminately to target the civilian and populated areas," said Turki al-Maliki, a spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen. "Shattered fragments from the intercepted missile landed in an uninhabited area of the airport and there were no injuries." Witnesses reported seeing

Missile intercepted near Riyadh
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 07 Nov 2017, 23:18:34

I have yet to see anything in the MSM media about Yemen firing off a bunch of missiles at Riyad so if this is a real story they are doing a bang up job of ignoring it.
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby vox_mundi » Mon 04 Dec 2017, 13:05:39

Yemen: Ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh killed

Yemen's ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed by Houthi rebels near the capital, Sanaa, a development expected to have major implications for the war in the Arab world's poorest country.

The death was first announced on Monday by the Sanaa-based interior ministry, controlled by Saleh's allies-turned-foes, the Houthi rebel movement.

His killing was later confirmed to Al Jazeera by Saleh's political party, the General People's Congress (GPC).

There were earlier reports that the Houthis blew up one of Saleh's houses, after storming the property. Houthi sources said Saleh was killed by the rebels in a rocket-propelled grenade and shooting attack on his car at a checkpoint outside Sanaa.

Yasser al-Awadi, the GPC's assistant secretary-general, was also killed.
The Houthis, who are believed to be backed by Iran, stormed Sanaa in September 2014. They seized control of the city and eventually led President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who succeeded Saleh in 2012, to flee to Saudi Arabia.

In March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition intervened to reinstate Hadi's government. Three months later, following Saudi-led coalition air raids on his home in Sanaa, Saleh officially announced for the first time the establishment of his alliance with the Houthis.

Saleh was killed two days after he publicly broke off ties with the Houthis, amid intense street battles between the rival factions that led to the killing of dozens of people.

In a televised statement on Saturday, the former president expressed his openness to talks with a Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels, in what the fighters called "a coup" against their fragile alliance.

... "This will not bring Yemen any closer to an end in fighting," said al-Masmari. "We can only be sure that the Houthis are now united under one leadership. Before there were two leaderships, two different agendas, two different ways how to win the war."
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 10 Feb 2018, 11:23:30

4 new cranes start unloading aid in Yemen amid hunger crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) - Four mobile cranes dispatched to Yemen have started unloading deliveries of humanitarian aid and commercial goods in Hodeidah, the United States said Friday, as the war-wracked nation faces the world's worst hunger crisis.

The cranes arrived in Yemen in mid-January after a Saudi-led coalition that has blockaded the port agreed to allow in the new cranes, which aid groups have described as crucial for easing the dire humanitarian crisis in the Arab world's poorest country. They took several weeks to be erected before becoming operational on Friday.

The cranes, capable of carrying about 60 tons each, were purchased by the U.N. World Food Program with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. With the cranes in place, it will take half as long to unload ships carrying food, medicine and other critical supplies, USAID said.

The World Food Program has said that more than 22 million people need aid in Yemen. An estimated 17.8 million Yemenis are considered "food insecure" and cannot predict where their next meal will come from, the U.N. has said.

The port at Hodeidah handles roughly 70 percent of Yemen's imports, but the area is controlled by Yemen's Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, who have been at war with the Saudi-led coalition for several years. In 2015, a Saudi-led airstrike destroyed cranes at the Red Sea port, and the coalition has maintained a blockade on Hodeidah and other Houthi-controlled ports, describing it as an effort to interdict weapons from reaching the Houthis.

In November, the coalition eased the blockade on Hodeidah, as criticism of Saudi Arabia mounted over the dire humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Rights group have said the Saudi-led military campaign has driven the humanitarian disaster, although Saudi Arabia has said it has spent nearly a billion dollars in aid to Yemen and plans to spend another $1.5 billion along with its partners.

"The United States urges all parties to continue to allow all humanitarian and commercial goods, including fuel, to enter Yemen" through Hodeidah and all other access points, said USAID spokesman Clayton McCleskey.

The roughly 3-year-old civil war in Yemen has killed more than 10,000 people and displaced 2 million, sending the price of petrol, cooking gas and other necessities surging more than 200 percent. The war has also spawned an alarming cholera epidemic as the nation's health system collapses.

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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 01 Jun 2018, 19:35:15

Those cranes may not be doing a lot of good soon. ... emen-port/
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 18 Oct 2018, 03:41:33 ... ing-famine
By Ciaran Gallagher

The UN has warned that Yemen is facing potentially “the worst famine in the world in 100 years”.

More than five million people are at immediate risk of starvation with the UN estimating that an additional 8 million are at risk in the short to medium term.

Lise Grande of the UN this week said: “We predict that we could be looking at 12 to 13 million innocent civilians who are at risk of dying from the lack of food.”

End the war
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 18 Oct 2018, 06:27:39 ... s-in-Yemen

War Crimes who cares... The Oil must flow
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Re: THE Yemen Thread (merged)

Unread postby vox_mundi » Wed 24 Oct 2018, 13:24:18

14 million people in Yemen face 'imminent famine'

Clashes have blocked access to a facility where grain is milled that could feed 3.7 million people for a month, according to the U.N. humanitarian chief.

Mark Lowcock told the Security Council that this famine would be "much bigger than anything any professional in this field has seen during their working lives."
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