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Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby careinke » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 07:10:48

Cog wrote:Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20th.

a) Peacefully
b) Over the dead bodies of thousands of leftists

Choose one

Unfortunately, I agree. If trumps election is overturned, I would expect a civil war. The Dims are playing with some very dangerous fire.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 08:49:32

careinke wrote:
Cog wrote:Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20th.

a) Peacefully
b) Over the dead bodies of thousands of leftists

Choose one

Unfortunately, I agree. If trumps election is overturned, I would expect a civil war. The Dims are playing with some very dangerous fire.

It will be peaceful. The Dim pajama boys will just sit around and whine.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 10:32:56

Eh, maybe. Lots of inner city types are pretty well armed.

I'm not racist but a realist. Think BLM and Ferguson, in DC.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 11:03:51

Newfie wrote:Eh, maybe. Lots of inner city types are pretty well armed.

I'm not racist but a realist. Think BLM and Ferguson, in DC.

The inner city types won't get past the first wide screen TV outlet or liqueur store. :twisted:
I would not want to be a cop or fireman on duty that day as some riots are likely.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 15:08:18

Wisconsin recount is finished. Results to be released at 1500 CDT. A federal judge has stopped any recount going forward in Pennsylvania. Michigan recount was stopped a few days ago. This travesty is nearly over.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 18:31:23

wisconsin recount

Trump picked up a net 162 votes as a result of the recount that the Wisconsin Elections Commission certified Monday. Green Party candidate Jill Stein requested and paid for the recount that began Dec. 1.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Cog » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 18:34:34

The latest Dem operation is to push the Russian hack angle. The allegation is that by hacking the DNC and releasing the e-mails containing evidence of collusion between DNC leaders, the media and the Clinton campaign, the Russians changed the outcome of the election. Essentially, they are arguing that if they had been able to keep their corruption and devious attempts to subvert the democratic process a secret, then people would have voted for Hillary, but once the Russians showed everyone how corrupt she was they voted for Trump.

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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 20:03:05

I don't like using the word "hack". It's a bit of subtrafuge. Many if not most folks (I believe) hear "hack" and think it means "manipulated the tallies in the voting machines." In fact we are talking more about (at worse) "selectively releasing damaging information."

I suppose the Rs could argue back that their email was not exposed because they took a more professional attitude towards secrets and took appropriate measures to protect their info. (Just playing lawyer, don't know if it's true.).

But it is kind of ironic that Hillary was accused of not respecting email security measures and it is just those lax security measures that allowed someone access to the system which embarrassed them.

Kind of makes the argument that the email issue mattered after all. ;)
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 20:21:42

Newfie wrote:I don't like using the word "hack". It's a bit of subtrafuge. Many if not most folks (I believe) hear "hack" and think it means "manipulated the tallies in the voting machines." In fact we are talking more about (at worse) "selectively releasing damaging information."

To the geeks among us the word hack means any accessing of someone else's computer where the hacker can read and copy files and if they wish insert programing to disrupt the proper function of that computer. Trojan horses, viruses, and worms come to mind.
Having the ability to reveal the text of Emails between Clinton campaign staffers certainly qualifies as a hack.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 20:41:35

"To the geeks among us." True.

To J6P? I don't think they make that fine a distinction. And that was my point that the average joe is hearing something else.

Now I don't know that as a provable fact but I'm going with it until proven wrong.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 20:53:43

Newfie wrote:"To the geeks among us." True.

To J6P? I don't think they make that fine a distinction. And that was my point that the average joe is hearing something else.

Now I don't know that as a provable fact but I'm going with it until proven wrong.

Well that is what the Dems that haven't given up yet are hoping public opinion will come to believe but they are running out of time.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 20:54:22

The one person who knows for sure where the hacked emails came from is Julian Assange---Assange has a long history of breaking news at Wikileaks and he's always got things right. Assange sets up communications with his sources, and he vets them and spends time authenticating where the data is coming from before he puts it on line.

Assange has been very clear that the Russians were not the source of the DNC and Podesta email leaks. He has pretty much said the source of the leaks was a young tech worker at the DNC who was appalled at the collusion between the DNC and the CLinton campaign to defeat Bernie Sanders. The tech worker was a classic "inside source", i.e. a whistleblower. Unfortunately he was murdered under mysterious circumstances after the wikileaks put out the DNC emails.


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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 26 Jan 2017, 20:03:16

The US inspector general has just launched another hacking investigation ----this time the investigation is of the outgoing Obama administration. The investigation is over the accusation thatObama's DHS launched at least ten cyberattacks on the Georgia state computer network, apparently in an effort to hack the election for Hillary.


Right now computer scientists have found the cyberattacks on the Georgie election computer system originated from DHS IP addresses. It should be possible to determine precisely which computers in the Dept of Homeland Security were used to make the cyberattacks, and since the time of the attacks is also know, it should be possible to determine which person or persons at DHS used those computers and carried out the cyberattacks.


Now it comes out---the Obama administration hacked the election. The US inspector general is now investigating.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby dissident » Fri 27 Jan 2017, 19:05:49

Oh noes! Russians have taken over the DHS!
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 27 Jan 2017, 19:50:20

Interesting - so one of the two places in the country where actual electoral totals were vulnerable online (the other is Oregon) appears to have been hacked by DHS computers.

Not that I believe that, because one of the most basic of hacker tricks is to "spoof" the tracking software into believing that the attack comes from somewhere else.

For the record, we should NEVER vote online and never allow votes that are cast online to count in an election. That is pretty much the same error as leading an angry bull into a china shop and then sticking him with something sharp in a tender spot - the outcome and the damages are predictable.
As for which "side" was more successful in the disinformation war over the Internet, I could care - you'd be a fool if you let bogus news, social media, and the like affect what should be a carefully considered decision to vote for someone.

I'd say there are lots of fools at, just judging by threads like this one.
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 27 Jan 2017, 20:08:02

KaiserJeep wrote:Interesting - so one of the two places in the country where actual electoral totals were vulnerable online (the other is Oregon) appears to have been hacked by DHS computers.

Not that I believe that, because one of the most basic of hacker tricks is to "spoof" the tracking software into believing that the attack comes from somewhere else.

The US Inspector General is investigating. If someone faked the IP addresses to make it look like the cyberattacks on the voting system in Georgia were coming from the DHS when they weren't, then the investigation should show this.

On the other hand, IMHO this is exactly the kind of dumb thing people in the Obama administration would do, and I won't be surprised a bit if the IG finds the IP addresses are right, and some overzealous D party true believer at DHS was behind the attacks and was out to hack the election in Georgia to throw it to Hillary. 8)
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Re: Computer scientists say strong evidence of election hack

Unread postby JV153 » Sat 28 Jan 2017, 05:50:09

In 2015 I was looking at a job application in Finland, there was the following list (in Finnish text).

Do you have any of the following ?

1) fork-lift card
2) first-aid certificate
3) Driver's license
5) road safety card

I didn't apply for the job - something kind of funny about that list.


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