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Obama's Legacy

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Evaluate Obama's Legacy as President of the United States

Obama will go down as the greatest president in US history. He permanently changed this country for the better
No votes
Obama will go down as one of the great presidents and he leaves a great legacy
Obama has been a good president and he leaves a substantial legacy
Obama has been an average president and he leaves an average legacy
Obama has been a poor president, but fortunately his legacy will be mostly reversed by Trump
Obama has been one of the worst presidents and the ACA, O's executive orders and all his regulations willl be expunged by Trump, leaving virtually no legacy
Obama has been the worst president ever. He has permanently transformed this country for the worse.
Total votes : 20

Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 13 Dec 2016, 01:56:25

As Obama approaches the end of his two terms in office, its time to evaluate the legacy he is leaving behind for the people of the United States. Evaluating Obama's legacy is difficult, because much of it was done by executive order and regulation, and these can be reversed by Trump.

I have been critical of Obama at times, but I have also praised him when he has done praiseworthy things. Personally, I think that much if not all of what Obama accomplished as president will reversed by Trump. Obamacare is going to be repealed by the Rs. Trump will undo Obama's executive orders and regulations. Trump's cabinet appointments will reverse the regulations Obama had created at the EPA, DOE, etc. etc. Events will rapidly sweep away O's foreign policy initiatives in the middle east and Asia. O's efforts to create a free trade treaty with Asia (the TPP) are already dead, and the Paris Climate Treaty may also falter if Trumps pulls the US out or tries to renegotiate it. However--- there is one part of Obama's legacy that can never be taken away. I think there is one thing that Obama wil alwaysl be remembered for and that one thing will define him in history forever.

Obama's main accomplishment and his legacy in history will be his status as the first black president of the United States.

Obama's legacy and his place in history is as the first black president of the United States
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 13 Dec 2016, 14:11:32

Trump was just asked by CNN if he was going to "dismantle Obama's legacy".

Trump emphatically answered "NO NO NO...." and went on to essentially say he was just going to tweak a few things to improve it and make it more like "what's right".


Maybe Obama's legacy isn't at risk after all.

Maybe President Trump will wind up adopting many Obama's of policies, much as President Obama adopted many of the same Bush policies he denounced as a candidate. :)
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 17 Dec 2016, 14:15:28

I was very surprised while watching "Washington Week in Review" on PBS last night when the panel starting bashing Obama and his failed legacy. Washington Week in Review" is about the most dependably liberal and pro-D show on TV---they don't even have a token conservative on the news panel.

Nonetheless they started bashing Obama for "ranting" about Putin in his final news conference. The moderator asked if the US and Russia were now in a new cold war. One of the commentators said "YES" and then noted that Obama had promised to "reset" the US-Russia relationship back in his first term, so the new cold war was part of Obama's failed legacy.

YES! EXACTLY RIGHT! Thats exactly what I've been saying. Obama didn't understand the nature of Russia and Putin, and he bungled his way into a new cold war with Russia. That is an enormous black mark on Obama's legacy, IMHO.


In Obama's first term everything was Bush's and the Rs fault. In his second term everything is Putin and the Russian's fault. Once again Obama wants us to believe that he bears no responsibility for anything that has happened while he is president. :lol:
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 17 Dec 2016, 17:15:11

There is something to being the first black president, I'll give you that. That wasn't enough, however, to overcome the expectations that people had of him. Very early on into his first term he began to let people down. He wasn't the second coming, and it hurt his reputation. Turns out he was just a man.

All kinds of people have tried to fling poo at him, and most of it hasn't stuck. In terms of his reputation he will be known as the guy who managed to prevent us going down into a second Great Depression. Along with that, for those who inquire more closely, there will be the fact he didn't throw too many bankers in jail. He didn't break the system in an effort to fix it. He managed it from within. And he managed to keep it upright even though it was teetering for a long time while under his watch.

His foreign policy did focus on Asia. At a time when most people were quite happy to purchase almost everything they owned from Asia, a trend that had its origin in the time before Obama, he had the temerity to focus on Asia. No, he didn't do anything emblematic towards Asia. He didn't 'go to China' like Nixon. He did try to focus on the other Asian nations, other than China. He did realize that one day Vietnam would be taking jobs from China in the same way that China took jobs from the US. He did engage the other Asian nations in such a manner as that they had status with the US when their time came.

He did realize that one day the Chinese wouldn't be able to willy nilly devalue their currency in the way they had always been able to and that they would face having to deal with a more structured order internationally. For all that, he didn't engage the Chinese in places like Africa, where they fought hard to gain an economic foothold that has become intrinsic to many African nation's economies. Neither was he very good at combating African corruption.

He didn't cancel any big defense initiatives. Unlike Jimmy Carter, who was cratered for canceling the B-1 bomber program, he didn't cancel the F-35. What he did do along those lines was to go whole hog after the use of drones to project American power without putting American lives at risk. There was blowback from this, in the form of increased terrorism as a result of the agitation too many collateral deaths brought on, but it was manageable, sort of. Obama managed to project American power without putting very many American lives at risk. His legacy along those lines may have more to do with how Americans sometimes need to take on some of the risk that he allowed them to take off of their shoulders, in order to feel more a part of what they are doing and to understand who they are as Americans in the greater world. He wasn't thought of as presiding over a producing America when actually America under him produced quite a bit. The way he separated average Americans from their responsibilities may have played some part in that.

Obama let the Europeans go their own way. He didn't try to rein them in economically. He didn't attempt to tie their economic policy to that of the US. He didn't engage with the more socialist experiments in Europe and try to discredit them. He just let them fail, if they were going to fail. He let the Europeans worry about Europe. What was going on over in the US was enough for him. If it was built up and running with some steam when the Europeans were failing, or stagnating that might be a good thing.

He was aggressive at threatening Russian hegemony over the territories south of Russia. He engaged in a lot of posturing, military and otherwise, in those places in order to keep the Russians off step. He did try to get them to change their corrupt way of doing things, but only in the manner of offering the olive branch with the left hand, not the right.
Last edited by evilgenius on Sat 17 Dec 2016, 17:39:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby dissident » Sun 18 Dec 2016, 01:25:15

The Democratic Party was neoconized under Bill Clinton. Obama was a caretaker who consolidated W.'s neocon legacy and was essentially a neocon himself. Obama's "legacy" is to have no real legacy at all. A cog in the neocon machine that rules the US. Trump may shake things up but there is a soft coup being attempted against him. We may yet see Killary, the neocon war witch, in office.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 18 Dec 2016, 22:43:19

dissident wrote: Obama's "legacy" is to have no real legacy at all.....

Well, he was the first black President----that's a true historical milestone.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 01:47:55

pstarr wrote: Obama accomplished little other than a few continuing police actions in our resource colonies. And continued our corrupt medical system. Nothing new there. Move along please.

Yes, thats true enough. But in a few years all that will be forgotten.

The only thing people will remember about Obama is that he was the first black president. Its his legacy.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby MD » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 10:44:30

epic failure. tried to steer US to a place where the majority did not want to go. The left, behind his mandate, made the mistake of thinking theirs was the manifest destiny, and attempted to shame any opposition into silence, thinking the strength of their extreme arguments would carry the country. Oh they were so wrong, and their knee-jerk attempts to reclaim their lost momentum are the most dangerous trends we face.

And no, I am not partisan in my commentary. I'm more socialist than not, these days. Still conservative, from a conservationist perspective. Is there such a thing as a social conservative? If so, that would be me.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Cog » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 11:05:40

Obama has created more racial division than George Wallace.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 11:22:36

Cog wrote:Obama has created more racial division than George Wallace.

Funny, might actually be true. Wallace was never President and if he was he would have been worse. But as it stands, probably right.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 11:29:41

But also he leaves behind Donald Trump as a reaction to his time in office. Folks sure didn't want to vote for 4 mores. And a Democratic Party in shambles.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby mmasters » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 12:42:10

He's out of his depth being president, he never should have been more than a mayor.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 14:27:56

I heard a joke about Obama's legacy:

first guy: Kennedy's legacy is that he put men in outer space

second guy: Thats nothing. Obama's legacy is that he put men in women's bathrooms.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 21 Dec 2016, 23:37:46

The News Hour on PBS is doing a series on Obama's Legacy. The very first episode is an interview with Ta-nehisi Coates about Obama's legacy as the first black President. Coates is a brilliant journalist who won a MacArthur genius grant.

Ta=nehisi Coates argues that Obama's unique background allowed him to become President. He believes Obama is virtually unique amoung American blacks because he was raised in a white family in middle class comfort on Hawaii---a multicultural society----, and so was spared the poverty and racism that other blacks have experienced. This lack of personal experience of racism is what enabled him to be such an effective campaigner and resulted in him becoming the first black president.


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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby ralfy » Thu 22 Dec 2016, 06:27:23

Generally the same legacy as the other Reagan clones.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 22 Dec 2016, 21:56:49

Dr. James Hansen was just asked what grade he would give Obama on his legacy in the area of climate change.

Hansen said he would give Obama a "D".

Why such a low grade? Hansen said Obama didn't keep his promises on climate change back in 2009-10 when the Ds had the majority. Obama said lots of nice sounding things but he didn't actually accomplish anything when he had the chance.

And what about the 2015 Paris Accords? Hansen says the Paris Accords are a sham and a fraud---the 1992 UN Accord that started the climate change treaty process ALREADY contained an acknowledgement that climate was changing and countries must act, plus a commitment to move towards a binding treaty to reduce CO2 emissions. Here we are 25 years later and all Obama did was enact a new Accord that is worse then the one the UN did 25 years ago.

No wonder I like Dr. Hansen so much-----he's saying exactly what I've been saying.

Dr. James Hansen gives Obama a "D" grade on his climate change legacy.
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Re: Obama's Legacy

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 24 Dec 2016, 19:36:27

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