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Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

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FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 16:03:31

The FBI has re-opened their investigation of Hillary's emails. Apparently a new batch of Hillary's emails has been discovered that may contain confidential government emails.

Clearly this is a major "October Surprise" for Hillary's presidential campaign, as well as representing a personal legal problem for her.

There must be something quite significant in the new trove of emails, or the FBI wouldn't have taken the unusual step of re-opening a closed investigation of Hillary, particularly on the eve of the election.

Hillary's legal jeopardy may even be bigger now then it was in the first FBI investigation. Presumably Hillary came up with a story when she was deposed that the FBI accepted as to why she was using a personal server. Hillary also assured the FBI that they now had all the emails.

But did Hillary tell the truth to the FBI when she was deposed under oath? Here is a new trove of emails...... How is that possible when Hillary told the FBI they had all the emails?

If Hillary didn't tell the FBI about this new trove of emails back when they deposed her, then she committed perjury. Perjury is a felony crime and the FBI takes perjury very seriously.

Secondly, if there are classified government documents in this new trove of emails, then Hillary is back in legal jeopardy under the espionage act.

Looks like FBI director Comey has some balls after all......

Comey and the FBI decided to stop being weasels........

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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 16:56:03

Hillary's buddy Podesta just sent the FBI an open letter demanding to know why the FBI has re-opened the criminal investigation of Hillary's emails now, of all times.

Podesta wants to know why the FBI couldn't wait until AFTER the election which is just 11 days from now?

Well---the law isn't about convenience for the criminals, Mr. Podesta.

The law is about bringing evil doers and miscreants like Hillary and Huma to the bar of justice!!!!

Trapped in a web of deceit of their own devising, the long arm of the law comes down at last on Hillary and Huma!!
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 17:00:35

Plantagenet wrote:The FBI has re-opened their investigation of Hillary's emails. Apparently a new batch of Hillary's emails has been discovered that may contain confidential government emails.

Gee. Color 99.99% of the population surprised. The other 001% knows her personally, has contributed money to her or her foundation, is terrified that their email is among those hacked and will reveal their involvement in paying to play, or works for a foreign government and is irritated that they have lost access to such a fine lobbyist on their behalf.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 19:03:47

dohboi wrote:Are you more in the Trump camp these days on that issue, or are you now aligning yourself more with Clinton here?

Well.. I voted for her.. so what do you think? Of course my views align with hers.

Climate change isn't a big issue for me, but sure, I agree with her moderate common sense approach to eco issues, and also energy.

For example Clinton wants the US to be #1 in oil production, for the next 100 years (I heard Joe Biden say that, in his speech in support of her).

Now I know maybe YOU don't like that doh ( :razz: ), but I like it and I think it's a good idea to be pro oil. It's good for the country, and economy, and national security.

Something you SHOULD like about her, I assume -- she ALSO says she wants the US to be "the green energy superpower of the future." She talks a lot about that. So, she's for BOTH things.. and then over time, green energy will just take over more, through natural market forces -- without forcing it though, and punishing the oil industry.

Clinton is pro oil, AND pro green energy, she wants to do both.

And, she's got other ideas that a voter doesn't need to be a "eco justice warrior," to agree with. Like, solar panels. I heard her in one speech, she was talking about how states should change their laws so that solar panel distributed power can get rolled out.

So sure, that's all good ideas, in a centrist moderate way.

But even if she WAS super far left super eco justice warrior -- I'd STILL be for her, 100%. Because she's so solid and good on some very important, core issues.

The republic itself, for goodness sake. The Constitution. Democracy, rule of law, democratic western values, right vs. wrong, human rights.

And if all that ain't enough, one could add --

* She's got class, and decorum, and won't ever say crazy or awful things or take the country and world on a roller coaster ride.

* She doesn't curse in public. She sets a good example.

* World leaders all respect her and support her, while only dictatorships like Trump.

Does anyone really need more reasons than that?

If it involves having to hug a tree too, then I don't care, I like trees anyway. We can just wrap the American flag and Constitution around that tree, and hug it all. :-D
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 19:32:12

Plantagenet wrote:There must be something quite significant in the new trove of emails, or the FBI wouldn't have taken the unusual step of re-opening a closed investigation of Hillary, particularly on the eve of the election.

I heard some analysts saying this is a political move on Comey's part.. that he's bending to intense pressure from partisan Republicans, particularly in congress.

The GOP is such a mess. They probably want to impeach Clinton day one.. yet, they'd probably have to impeach Trump too, after they figured out that yeah, he really is pro Kremlin. 8O

That Kremlin stuff -- just in my opinion, the GOP finally lost all moral high ground and credibility.

There's bad.. and then there's BAD.

HRC's the one, folks. Stronger together, with our American values intact. Who cares about a yoga email. The founding fathers would have been a LOT more worried about a demagogue and Benedict Arnold kind of stuff, than they would have about just a little "tea pot dome" scandal that will come and go.


Just objectively.. YES, this is a game changer and some bad news to come out, eleven days before election day. :|

This thing could wind up making the election go right down to the wire, very close.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 19:56:05

Plantagenet wrote:The law is about bringing evil doers and miscreants like Hillary and Huma to the bar of justice!!!!

Well that's fine, but what about the investigation into the Russia stuff, that Democrats are demanding?

From what I've read, traditional type Republicans in the House and senate ARE in fact concerned about this Trump and Russia stuff, yet they played politics and blocked any congressional investigation, just to protect Trump.

Top Democrats Call on FBI to Investigate Trump Ties to Russia Over Hacking

Top Democrats on four House committees that oversee national security on Friday called on the FBI to investigate Donald Trump's purported ties to the Russian government and its alleged hacking of Democratic groups and operatives.

"Troubling new evidence appears to show that the Trump campaign not only was aware of cyber attacks against Secretary Clinton's campaign chairman, but was openly bragging about it as far back as August," read a joint statement from Reps. Elijah Cummings, John Conyers, Elliot Engel and Bennie Thompson, who are respectively the ranking members of the House Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, and Homeland Security.

"For months, we have been asking the FBI to examine links between the Trump campaign and illegal Russian efforts to affect our election," the Democrats' statement continued. "In light of this new evidence -- and these exceptional circumstances -- we call on the FBI to fully investigate and explain to the American people what steps it is taking to disrupt this ongoing criminal activity." ...

Trump continues to highlight the Wikileaks dumps during campaign events, saying earlier this week in Pennsylvania, "I love WikiLeaks."

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's campaign has been trying to raise the alarm about what they call Russian government sponsored hacking intended to boost Trump.

Former CIA Director Michael Morell said on a conference call organized by the Clinton campaign Friday morning that he was "100 percent confident" that the Russian government was behind the Podesta hack, calling it "a direct assault on our democracy."

"Trump continues to play to Putin's hand almost every single day," Morell added.

FBI Director James Comey said in congressional testimony in late September that he was aware of Democrats' call for an investigation but that he would not "confirm whether there is or is not an investigation."

GOP Blocks Probes Into Trump-Russia Ties

But GOP leaders have refused to support efforts by Democrats to investigate any possible Trump-Russia connections, which have been raised in news reports and closed-door intelligence briefings. And without their support, Democrats, as the minority in both chambers of Congress, cannot issue subpoenas to potential witnesses and have less leverage to probe Trump.

Privately, Republican congressional staff told The Daily Beast that Trump and his aides’ connections to Russian officials and businesses interests haven’t gone unnoticed and are concerning. And GOP lawmakers have reviewed Democrats’ written requests to the FBI that it investigate Trump before they were made public.

But the lawmakers in both chambers have declined to sign on to them. Republicans have no appetite to launch inquiries into their party’s presidential nominee, and they continue to believe the FBI flubbed its investigation into Clinton and her aides,

SO PLANT.. why is it that when it comes to Clinton, director Comey brings this little thing out eleven days before the election.

But when it comes to TRUMP, director Comey "would not confirm whether there is or is not an investigation."

BOTH things, about these candidates, should be made public. No?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 20:55:31

Sooo, just say it once for the record, 6S:

"I, like Hilary Clinton, accept the overwhelming scientific evidence that global warming is real, that it is caused by humans, and that it will lead to catastrophic outcomes if we don't control our CO2 emission"

Say it. Or are you afraid to?
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 20:55:34

Sixstrings wrote:
SO PLANT.. why is it that when it comes to Clinton, director Comey brings this little thing out eleven days before the election.

Isn't that obvious?

The FBI has found thousands of Clinton government emails on the laptop Wierner uses to email out pictures of his wiener. Some of them are apparently classified (I mean the emails are classified---not the Wiener's wiener pics).

If the FBI delayed investigating this astonishing breach of national security until after the election, they would be accused of playing politics. Comey did the right thing by following standard procedures and moving as soon as possible to investigate what appears to be an immense leak of highly classified government documents.

Come on now----aren't you curious how thousands of Hillary's emails wound up stored on Wiener's computer next to all his pictures of his wiener? Did Hillary send her classified emails to Wiener in exchange for his Wiener pics? Or did Wiener hack Hillary's person server and steal the secret documents? Maybe Huma made secret copies of all the classified government email traffic and took it home and stored to secret emails on Wiener's laptop until she could sell it to Russia?

What in heck is going on with the friggin email anyway??!!?!?!?!

Last edited by Plantagenet on Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:01:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 20:58:28

Perhaps as explanation the FBI will release one Email between Hillary and Huma where they discuss deleting those 33,000 Emails making sure to delete all the ones that reveal criminal activity. You don't think they were really worried about Emails concerning Yoga classes do you?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 20:59:43

dohboi wrote:It doesn't amaze me that some are voting for Trump.

Because lots of people are just stupid, and they stupidly think expressing their (generally perfectly legitimate) anger is more important than anything else. But they, and all of us, will end up regretting it. But, like Brexit, too late.

For a short term thrill to use the voting booth as an anger management tool, to shout out a huge FU to the system, they are willing to risk the entire democracy and perhaps the world (when he gets those stubby little fingers on The Button... 8O ).

More (and Moore) here:

Meanwhile, more bad news for Trump, good for Clinton: ... 1477657992

U.S. Economy Roars Back, Grew 2.9% in Third Quarter
Growth rate was the fastest recorded in two years after expanding an anemic 1.4% in the second quarter

I dont know the voting for Trump risks anything more ( or less) than voting for Clinton.

I guess I'm really at a stage where I don't give a damn. And frankly I don't understand how any thinking person can advocate for one over the other.

You do realize in some level, I suppose, that a roaring economy is just the kind of rampant consumerisim you (rightfully) carry on about so much elsewhere. There is a severe cognitive dissonance here.

Not picking on you here Dohboi, I'm just as confused and bewilder as anyone.

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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:08:44

I think NY State/City police were also involved in the investigation. Maybe they didn't give Comey an alternative. Either you reopen or we go public.

But just what we have now.
Hillarys best bud
Who's husband is a pedophile
Has classified documents on his computer
To/from Hillary
Which he used solicit sex with underage girls.

Comey has his career on the line here. I doubt that is all there is to it. I'll bet he doesn't sleep a wink tonight. Glad I'm not him, poor guy.

The one plus is that this is high drama, theater of the first order. Great stuff. Just don't let it mess with your day job.

Don't sound too good for the home team.
Might get worse.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:41:43

Plantagenet wrote:Isn't that obvious?

The FBI has found thousands of Clinton government emails on the laptop Wierner uses to email out pictures of his wiener. Some of them are apparently classified (I mean the emails are classified---not the Wiener's wiener pics).

Okay so what is the actual email? Why is Comey just saying there's some new email out there, BUT HE WON'T SAY WHAT IT IS and then that's just leaving it hanging for voters to wonder about. Eleven days before the election. Doesn't seem fair to me.

AND MOREOVER -- per the articles I just linked, REPUBLICANS are blocking Democrats from being able to subpoena and investigate about Trump and Russia.

If they can't subpoena, if Republicans just shut them down (to protect Trump), then the truth can't be known.

If the FBI delayed investigating this astonishing breach of national security until after the election, they would be accused of playing politics.

It's one thing to be be sloppy and that makes it easy for Russia to get info -- BUT IT'S A WHOLE OTHER THING TO HAVE RUSSIAN VIEWS. Do you not see that distinction? Trump's got a lot of flat-out straight-up kremlin views -- and Republicans are blocking D's from investigating it.

It's the difference between a hill and the Himalayan mountains.

Trump wouldn't even HAVE to ever be sloppy about intel -- he already agrees with the Kremlin! He doesn't even believe US intel anyway! He apparently just listens to Russian intel! Goodness, Plant. Think about it.

Comey did the right thing by following standard procedures and moving as soon as possible to investigate what appears to be an immense leak of highly classified government documents.

There's not even any point to having classified information, if we elect a president that maybe has the views of the Russian kremlin, Plant. :roll:

Here's an analogy. Let's say "America" is a church. And it's got two sides, in the congregation. And they argue with each other. So one side is saying that Pastor Hillary is a little bit sloppy with the books and accounting, and that's not being a good Christian.

Yet -- the guy that they're supporting for pastor, Pastor Trump, is not even a Christian at all. Maybe he's not sloppy, but he's an atheist! So what kind of pastor is that, for "America church."

So who do you pick? The sloppy pastor, that at least she's a Christian and believes in the Bible.

And this is just an analogy -- democracy, our Consitution, the founding fathers, all that Americana and western civilization.. it's an ideology, just as Christianity is. But for that matter, a lot of Christian voters weren't comfy about Trump either. He can't name passages from the Bible, OR the Constitution, ok?

The only thing he's consistent about, is how much he likes Putin.

Come on now----aren't you curious how thousands of Hillary's emails wound up stored on Wiener's computer next to all his pictures of his wiener? Did Hillary send her classified emails to Wiener in exchange for his Wiener pics?

I think I heard on the news, that Huma used his computer at some point.

Maybe Huma made secret copies of all the classified government email traffic and took it home and stored to secret emails on Wiener's laptop until she could sell it to Russia?

The Clintons have made money from Russia, but neither Bill nor Hillary have ever talked like they're actually Russian. And not just Russian, but pro Putin Russian, that's what I'm saying here.

There's nothing wrong with being Russian -- but for an American, they should emulate someone like Gary Kasporov. Not Putin.

What in heck is going on with the friggin email anyway??!!?!?!?!



Vote Clinton.. she's Lady Liberty..

Last edited by Sixstrings on Fri 28 Oct 2016, 22:02:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:49:37

dohboi wrote:U.S. Economy Roars Back, Grew 2.9% in Third Quarter
Growth rate was the fastest recorded in two years after expanding an anemic 1.4% in the second quarter

What do you think the chances are that those numbers have been cooked to paint a rosy picture just before the election? I'd say about 5 to 1 cooked. Expect a big revision in a month or two.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:56:52

Sixstrings wrote:
Okay so what is the actual email? Why is Comey just saying there's some new email out there, BUT HE WON'T SAY WHAT IT IS and then that's just leaving it hanging for voters to wonder about. Eleven days before the election. Doesn't seem fair to me.

Just imagine how unfair it would be for the FBI to discover Hillary's top secret emails on Wiener's laptop and NOT investigate it.

Of course this needs to be investigated.

First off the FBI needs to find out what was the nature of the relationship between Hillary and Anthony Wiener? Were they part of a love triangle with Huma?

What if Wiener and Hillary were having phone sex (or email sex) and she sent him the confidential movement documents to show her gratitude to him.

Is Huma a spy? Is Wiener a spy? Is Hillary a spy?

Whats with all the friggin emails between stored everywhere EXCEPT on the secret govemrent intranet where it belongs.

Lovers? Spies? Email thieves or just careless? ---There are a thousand questions that need to be answered here.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 21:59:01

Trump is not in office and can have any view he wants about Russia or Putin. There is no possible impropriety there to investigate.
Hillary excepting bribes (disguised as charitable donations) in exchange for access to the State Department and policy changes in favor of the bribe payers is a crime.
Why can't you see past her curtain of lies Six?
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 22:05:40

Hey Six check out the cover of the New York Post.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 22:12:56

When you are investigated for a secret clearance one of the things they look at is any kind of impropriety in your history. Drugs, sex, gambling, whatever. The question being are you open to blackmail? Do you have a vulnerability that can be exploited by an enemy.

So some kind of relationship between two women who have husbands with sexual dysfunctions would be a redlight.

Kinda basic really.

Now if something went further than that, if someone exploited either husbands secrets for information, well that would not be good.

Not saying this is what happened, but these are the things we pay the FBI to look for, and for good reason.

BTW.....I like to watch the Vegas betting as more accurate than the polls. Real skin in the game. They are still heavily in HRC favor but have moved 6 points in the last few hours. That is a VERY big fast swing. Clearly this ain't for nothing.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 22:15:11

vtsnowedin wrote:Trump is not in office and can have any view he wants about Russia or Putin.

Well what does that mean, people in office can have far right views, if they just want to, and they could for some odd reason align with the Kremlin over our allies, if they want to.

It's all free speech, vt. If some Americans want to be far left communists, then they can. If some want to be far right fascsits, then they can do that too.

There is no possible impropriety there to investigate.

If you read up on all the articles about this, then you'd know there are some good reasons to look into things. About some of Trump's staffers' connections to pro Putin oligarchs and regimes. Also, that he never released his tax returns.

If you read the dailybeast article, then you'd know that some Republicans in congress are concerned about this too -- but they blocked D's from investigating, because they don't want to hurt their nominee Trump.

There are NUMEROUS articles, and I have posted them, about Trump not believing even the Republican chairman on homeland security who was on his debate prep team.

There are numerous articles, and this was in the debate, about how Trump will just not believe US intelligence -- 17 agencies, civilian and military.

So make of it what you will.

Hillary excepting bribes (disguised as charitable donations) in exchange for access to the State Department and policy changes in favor of the bribe payers is a crime.
Why can't you see past her curtain of lies Six?

If the GOP had any of the other candidates, especially Bush or Kasich, for its nominee -- then you'd have a point.

But the only alternative is Trump. Therefore, they must both be fully weighed, and each voter determine which one is worse.

Trump's a seriously flawed standard-bearer, for reform, just in my opinion.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Fri 28 Oct 2016, 23:01:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 22:33:42

vtsnowedin wrote:Hey Six check out the cover of the New York Post.

Well okay, that looks interesting.

Would you be willing to read the dailybeast article, and would you speak up that Democrats ought to be allowed to hold some hearings to find out more about the Trump-Russia stuff? (though it's too late now for hearings, it would be up to Comey to say something, if there's any investigation going on about Trump campaign)

Trump’s affection for Russia’s Putin knows no bounds

Donald Trump just can’t seem to stop. A week after the Republican nominee said he’d like to incorporate the Russian leader into his post-election presidential transition process, and sided with Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies, Trump now wants Hillary Clinton to be nicer to the foreign foe.

Let me get this straight. When it comes to foreign affairs, Trump believes it’s perfectly “smart” to speak “very badly” about China, Mexico, NATO allies, and others. When it comes to domestic affairs, Trump has no qualms about speaking “very badly” about women, Latinos, African Americans, veterans, immigrants, people with disabilities, U.S. military leaders, and America’s elected leaders.

But if Hillary Clinton has unkind words for Russia’s authoritarian bully, that rubs Trump the wrong way. It’s just not “smart,” in the GOP candidate’s eyes.

Let me help you guys out, that may be in favor of Trump..

The best argument you could say is just that the rest of the government would be a check on him. And if that happened, his Putin admiration and all his kremlin-tied staff, may actually work out to something good.

Or, Trump could be a nightmare for the UK and Europe -- maybe they would be abandoned, left to face Russia on their own. And the US is out of the picture, neutered, having a pro-Putin president just like the old Ukraine did.

You guys that may like brexit so much -- well, Boris Johnson WAS NOT enamored with the Kremlin, nor did Boris Johnson ever speak against democracy values or NATO.

On the economy -- Trump could work out, or he could cause a depression or even great depression. It's an open question. He's a protectionist, and he's a chaos maker and yet he's running for leader of the world order -- maybe that's not a good idea.

Me as a voter -- I might be wrong -- but I wasn't going to take a chance on any of the above, heck no.

And, I'm a Democrat and centrist anyway.. was a Republican years ago.. and just in my opinion, Trump is far right alt right, and that's just not for me, and I realize everyone is different.. I'd never vote Jill Stein either.. I'd never vote far left or far right, because those are just not my values.
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Re: FBI reopens criminal investigation of Hillary

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 28 Oct 2016, 23:17:54

Anyhow, I don't want to argue back and forth, I've already voted. I respect everyone else, and however they choose to vote.

Back on topic:

vtsnowedin wrote:Hey Six check out the cover of the New York Post.

Okay, so what do you guys think this new email is? Is it just going to hang out there as a mystery, Comey dropping this little gem but not even saying what the email is? 11 days out, from election day, with voting going on RIGHT NOW (early voting).
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