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Iran Thread Pt. 6

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THE Iran vs Great Britain Thread (merged)

Unread postby Carlhole » Tue 12 Jul 2005, 18:56:38

The London Bombs, The Rogue Network And Iran By Webster G. Tarpley

WASHINGTON, DC -- Last week's London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds another horrendous crime to its own dossier. But this time, their operations appear imperfect, especially in regard to the lack (so far) of a credible patsy group which, by virtue of its ethnicity, could direct popular anger against one of the invisible government's targets. So far, the entire attribution of the London crimes depends on what amounts to an anonymous posting in an obscure, hitherto unknown, secular Arabic-language chatrooms in the state of Maryland, USA. But, based on this wretched shred of pseudo-evidence, British Prime Minister Tony Blair who has surely heard of a group called the Irish Republican Army, which bombed London for more than a decade has not hesitated to ascribe the murders to "Islam," and seems to be flirting with total martial law under the Civil Contingencies Act. We are reminded once again of how he earned his nickname of Tony Bliar.

Unread postby KiddieKorral » Tue 12 Jul 2005, 19:03:50

Oh boy, here we go...
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Unread postby spot5050 » Tue 12 Jul 2005, 22:00:08

Yikes. If a million monkeys had a million keyboards...
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Unread postby Wildwell » Tue 12 Jul 2005, 22:27:58

Another complete load of garbage. The bombers have been caught, it's a bunch of misguided kids from Leeds, ok?

Everything else mentioned in that article has been explained.

For example, the power surge was how the explosions were picked up by the electrical controllers as the circuit breakers tripped out. Because cables were probably damaged, it was probably not apparent to electrical/signal controllers exactly what had gone wrong. They can't see these trains, for example Piccadilly line control is at Earl's court several miles away.

More likely after the incident, it was reported by LUL control to the national grid, while the grid controllers were looking into their systems it was probably reported to the media that is was a power failure. The tube was closed soon after and all explosions were simultaneous, therefore no one else was put at risk. People were not 'streaming onto the subway'.

The Israeli thing has been denied, pure rumour.

I saw somewhere, in another article, that the BBC is state run. Incorrect, the BBC is not state run it's a corporation funded by a TV license fee. It doesn't always support the government, far from it. Eg Falklands war, Iraq WMDs. There are plenty of other news sources that are not controlled in any way.

If you want my opinion on how the British people will react, they will carry on as normal the best they can. Sadly, I think there will be a backlash against some Muslim communities. People will probably insist the trouble makers are rounded up before any sort of ID is brought in. The coming days I think the government is going to have to answer serious questions over security and possibly immigration – even though these people were British born.

Get used to it, there' people in this world that do not like the US and its allies. Individuals are more than capable of bombing soft targets if they so feel, it doesn't take a government conspiracy for a few disaffected kids to get bomb making instructions off the internet, taking a train to London and blowing themselves up. Hopefully the same thing won’t happen to the US.
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Unread postby I_Like_Plants » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 02:03:04

Those misguided kids from Leeds need to be hung, at high noon, nice and slow.

And England need to realize that importing the human equivalent of the smallpox virus may not be a very pro-survival mode.

Did you guys also import nazis during WWII?
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Unread postby Didga » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 02:21:54

I_Like_Plants wrote:Those misguided kids from Leeds

Managed to get some high grade military explosives and timing devices then successfully carry out the best coordinated "terrorist" attacks in the recent history of the U.K. (Think Patsy)

Subtle though these attacks were in comparison to 911 the signature of the NWO is clear to those who have an interest or have research the topic.
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Unread postby Antimatter » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 03:08:50

yawn. How many London conspiracy/NWO/Illuminanti etc threads do we need?
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Unread postby I_Like_Plants » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 03:42:26

In any case I'll repeat what I've said before, I wonder what they used for explosives? If we'd had that stuff in WWII we'd have won the thing in weeks.
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Unread postby Wildwell » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 08:50:17

Didga wrote:
I_Like_Plants wrote:Those misguided kids from Leeds

Managed to get some high grade military explosives and timing devices then successfully carry out the best coordinated "terrorist" attacks in the recent history of the U.K. (Think Patsy)

Subtle though these attacks were in comparison to 911 the signature of the NWO is clear to those who have an interest or have research the topic.

No timing devices were found

Police sources told the BBC they had not recovered any timing devices from the bomb scenes, possibly indicating that detonation was by hand.

As for best co-ordinated, any regular user of the tube could have worked it out.
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Unread postby Doly » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 08:55:08

Wildwell wrote:Police sources told the BBC they had not recovered any timing devices from the bomb scenes, possibly indicating that detonation was by hand.

Or using mobile phones. I still suspect that the suicide bombers didn't know they were going to suicide. What's easier and more apparently harmless than a phone call?
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Unread postby Wildwell » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 10:22:07

Trouble is mobile phones don't work on the tube. Sometimes you can get a signal on some of the stations on the cut and cover lines (Circle/Met) if the stations are fairly close to daylight. EG Paddington, Edgware road, the area between King's cross and Moorgate near where Thameslink runs.

It's not to say they wouldn't be used elsewhere.

Made me laugh when someone on the news said last night that we need airport style security on trains. Apart from the cost and practicality issues, there's nothing to stop them bombing sports events, elevated motorways or shopping malls. There's no easy answer and things like mobile phones don't help.

It seems a very British thing to spend a lot of money on safety and security devices to mitigate risks on things that are normally very safe. We could spend £1 billion on the tube, only to find someone goes and drives a van load of explosives up onto the elevated part of the M6 in Birmingham and takes out the motorway and 100 people with it. This is a problem we all face, not just tube, bus and plane users, which is why the only answer is to find these creatures that wish to commit such acts and deal with them before they deal with us.
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Unread postby 0mar » Wed 13 Jul 2005, 14:55:08

The timing is too far-fetched for me. In less than a week, they found out exactly who, what, where, when and how?

This event was allowed to happen to further British and US interests. Especially after reading Crossing The Rubicon, it puts a whole new perspective on things that even peak oil can't touch.
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Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby Serendipity » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 12:03:39


They are building WMDs...
They are supporting terrorists...

Guess what comes next ?
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby cynthia » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 12:11:21

serendipity wrote: "Guess what comes next ?"

The US wins the natural gas and oil lottery?
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby fossilnut2 » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 12:18:27

Serendipity wrote:Click

They are building WMDs...
They are supporting terrorists...

Guess what comes next ?

Who invaded? Who occupies? Who has WMDs?

When will the Brits learn that they are a 'has-been' power and the era of troops singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers' while marching off to promote 'White Man's Burden' is over.
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby peaker_2005 » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 12:18:58

cynthia wrote:serendipity wrote: "Guess what comes next ?"

The US wins the natural gas and oil lottery?

:lol: *sigh* If only...
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby rogerhb » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 13:22:54

And how much arms does the UK export?

In the first Gulf war, Iraqi troops were wearing British uniforms!
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby Free » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 14:06:30

Serendipity wrote:Guess what comes next ?

Well since we are obviously long past the "wild insinuations and rumors get passed around in the internets" - stage the next thing you know is that we learn on Fox-News that Iranians eat babies alive and that it was them who murdered Lady Di.

After that America gets attacked - in Iran.

And after that "The giant quagmire fuckup part 2" comes to a television near you.
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby rogerhb » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 17:01:43

During the first world war, both sides demonised each other.

The British claimed the Germans were inhuman and bayonetted babies in Belgium.

The Germans ridiculed the British and French as incompetents.

However after a few battles the Germans realised that the Allies were not incompetant and they had been lied to.

However due to the brutality of war, the British version of the barbaric Hun held, despite both sides using the same fearsome weapons.

So to demonize an enemy there has to be an element of truth, unless you are the US.
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Re: Iran behind attacks on British

Unread postby Starvid » Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:05:24

It wouldn't surprise me if it were the Iranians doing, at least partly. Iraq is together with the US and Israel their greatest enemy. A weak destabilized Iraq is in their interests.
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