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Peak Water Pt. 2

Re: Peak Water

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 12:55:38

Global list of water-related conflicts grows ... /80249048/
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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby AdamB » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 19:35:33

onlooker wrote:
Four billion people face severe water scarcity, new research finds

If 4 billion people faced scarcity...I they couldn't get enough water to keep alive, then we would have 4 billion fewer people, pretty fast.

Titles designed to scare often are attempting to put a heightened awareness on something which in this case, if there was a real scarcity, it would be the front page ion every newspaper in the worlds as those 4 billion dehydrated, and then died within the week.

So, as usual, "severe water scarcity" probably means they can't waste 300 gallons a day washing and cooking and watering their lawns and playing in the street when people open the hydrants and whatnot, but aren't about to suffer any real consequences from NOT being able to live like idiot American suburbanites.
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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 19:39:44

I have to concede you that point Adam that is true. But the main point of water scarcity is not on drinking water but on water for agriculture which is by far the most common use of fresh water.
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Peak Water Pt. 2

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 00:41:13

"Scarcity" doesn't mean you have no water at all. It means that you're sources of water are not adequate to all your needs, and often, that the water you can access is not very good or very reliable.

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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby vox_mundi » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 11:15:26

Caste Protests Choke Delhi’s Roads and Water Supply

Delhi has “completely run out of water,” its chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, said on Twitter on Monday morning.

Four days of violent unrest outside this capital city had left at least 19 people dead by Monday, choked surrounding highways and the city’s water supply, led schools to close and halted production in the area by India’s biggest carmaker.

The Indian Army, sent over the weekend to quell the violence, took back a crucial water canal on Monday that members of a caste demanding affirmative action had captured, Delhi officials said. But they added that water would remain in short supply for at least a week.

Although the army had retaken control of the main water canal serving Delhi, it had been damaged and needed repairs, Mr. Das said. He said 80 percent of roads that had been closed were open again on Monday morning.

Delhi, whose only river is the polluted Yamuna, depends for its water on the neighboring states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

Delhi officials said they decided to close the city’s public and private schools to conserve water. They said they had also arranged for 700 water tankers to bring water to areas of Delhi where the water supply had run out.
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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby vox_mundi » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 21:58:27

Ten million without water in Delhi

More than 10 million people in India's capital, Delhi, are without water after protesters sabotaged a key canal which supplies much of the city.

Sixteen million people live in Delhi, and around three-fifths of the city's water is supplied by the canal, which runs through the neighbouring state of Haryana.

Mr Chandra said that prior warnings meant that people had managed to save water, and tankers had been despatched to affected areas of the city, but that this would not be enough to make up for the shortfall.
The army took control of parts of the canal on Monday morning, but repairs are expected to take time.

The violence had earlier forced the closure of several key roads and national highways, and paralysed the railway system in northern India.

Manak Canal - Water source for 3/5ths of Delhi
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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby Subjectivist » Fri 20 May 2016, 16:48:46

After reading the post yesterday about how much water you get when you burn fossil fuels I was reminded that a few years ago the furnace at work was converted from fuel oil to gas. As a result so much water condensed in the chimney the first winter that it started backing up into the flue and into the furnace. The furnace repair guy drilled a hole in the brick chimney near the bottom to drain it, problem fixed.

Then I asked myself, how much water could a place in the desert or in a drought get from burning natural gas and condensing the flue gasses?

Well California natural gas burning electric generators burn about 1 Trillion cubic feet of methane in an average year. One cubic foot of methane burned and then condensed into water yields about 1.9 ounces or about 57 ml of liquid water.

So metric first because the math is easy, 57 trillion ml is 57 billion liters of water.

Then American style, 1.9 trillion ounces divided by 128 is 14,843,750,000 gallons of distilled water.

That sounds like a lot of water, but I looked it up. The USGS estimates California consumes 38,000,000,000 gallons every day, or over 730 times as much per year that you could get from condensing the power plant waste water vapor.

You could supply every California resident about 2 quarts of water a day, about enough to keep you from dying of thirst, but no bathing or other uses.
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Re: Peak Water

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 20 May 2016, 16:56:55

They don't bath in CA much anyways, do they? :lol: :lol: :lol: (except in hot tubs, and they never change the water in those, or so the midwesterners tell themselves in envy!) :lol: :lol:

But really, that is an interesting idea.

What I worry about is the water vapor as well of course as the CO2 that airplanes are introducing into the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere.
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Water Wars

Unread postby vox_mundi » Tue 13 Sep 2016, 12:51:25

Water Wars: The Next Great Driver of Global Conflict?


No resource stands to be more affected by the arrival of the Anthropocene than fresh water. Finite and increasingly scarce in many parts of the world, fresh water remains the most vital single input for everything from food production, energy generation, and manufacturing to human health, social development, and economic modernization. Unlike oil, water has no substitute, making access to it nothing less than a matter of existential importance to every living creature on Earth.

Yet despite its monumental role in local and international affairs, water ironically remains completely undervalued, pumped and consumed virtually free of charge across much of the world. We essentially pump water as we breathe oxygen; it is a learned reflex, central to our ability to survive and thrive as a species. Nicknames like “blue gold” and “oil of the 21st century” attest to the value of fresh water and its importance to everyday affairs throughout the world.

While every country’s water equation is different, at a global scale the basic problem is that demand for water is soaring while water supplies are being squeezed. On the demand side, the challenge results from an inexorable combination of global economic and population growth combined with water-use inefficiencies. On the supply side, the problem results not just from exhaustion of the world’s stock of fresh water capital, as is happening to groundwater reservoirs nearly everywhere. Fresh water supply is also becoming less predictable as climate change sets in—shifting rainfall and snowfall patterns and increasing evaporation rates are giving us more frequent droughts and floods.

Water stress is best understood as a precursor to conflict. While the environmental security community generally agrees that water disputes rarely leads to interstate violence, the same cannot be said of intrastate conflict. Here, at the subnational level, water disputes and instability can trigger violent conflict, particularly in situations of existing social, political, or economic fragility. Water stress acts as an accelerant, increasing the likelihood of conflict. Moreover, water scarcity-fueled instability can have dangerous security implications for wider geographic regions.

The upshot is that the arrival of the Anthropocene foreshadows a world where received wisdom may no longer be a reliable guide to the future. Water insecurity from drought, excessive groundwater extraction, and changed seasonal precipitation patterns is affecting — or soon will affect — regions as diverse as the Middle East, South Asia, the Caribbean, northern China, sub-Saharan Africa, the western United States, and many more.

Are 'Water Wars' imminent in Central Asia?

Water Wars Are Coming: 60% of South Asian Groundwater is Unusable

Sixty percent of groundwater in South Asia is unusable, according to a new study in Nature Geoscience. The future of water security in the region is extremely precarious, a growing body of research shows.

Around 750 million people in the Indo-Gangetic Basin — from India to Pakistan to Nepal to Bangladesh — rely on these water sources for drinking and agriculture. Fifteen to twenty million wells draw water from the ground.

At the same time, melting glaciers are threatening water security in the region. As global temperatures rise, key glaciers that feed South Asia’s most important rivers are rapidly disappearing. Hundreds of millions of people rely on rivers like the Ganga to survive.

Why Water War Has Broken Out In India's Silicon Valley


Violence has broken out in India's technology hub Bangalore in Karnataka state over a long-running dispute about water. Protesters are angry at a Supreme Court ruling ordering Karnataka to share water from the Cauvery river with neighbouring Tamil Nadu. TS Sudhir reports on the latest crisis.

... Tamil Nadu says it badly needs the river water for irrigation. Drought-hit Karnataka argues that most of the river water is now needed for drinking water supplies in Bangalore and some other cities, leaving no water for irrigation at all.

... The main city of Bangalore is the worst affected: the violence in the technology hub forced the closure of many offices and much of the public transport system. Police have imposed an emergency law that prohibits public gatherings, and more than 15,000 officers have been deployed across the city.
One person was killed when police opened fire on protesters on Monday evening. Buses and trucks bearing Tamil Nadu number plates have been attacked and set on fire. Schools and colleges are closing early and many businesses are shut.

By dusk, dark smoke had filled the Bangalore skies. Some 35 buses had been set on fire by protesters, just because the buses belonged to an travel agency whose owner is Tamil.

Across the border, in Tamil Nadu, petrol bombs were hurled at a popular restaurant owned by a resident of Karnataka in Chennai while the driver of a vehicle with Karnataka number plates was slapped and ordered to say "Cauvery belongs to Tamil Nadu".


Yemen conflict: UN disturbed by deadly air strikes on water well

... Witnesses said warplanes first bombed workers drilling for water, then hit a crowd gathered at the scene.

"I remain deeply disturbed by the unrelenting attacks on civilians and on civilian infrastructure throughout Yemen by all parties to the conflict, which are further destroying Yemen's social fabric and increasing humanitarian needs, particularly for medical attention at a time when the health sector is collapsing," UN Humanitarian Coordinator Mr McGoldrick said in a statement on Monday.
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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby regardingpo » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 05:14:15

China Threat to Water Security

Nearly all of China’s neighbors have forged water agreements among themselves but not one of them has a water agreement with the Asian giant.

Chellaney acknowledged that it would be difficult to convince Beijing to consider negotiating a regional agreement, saying its key location as the source of much of the region’s water gives it little reason to share resources with its neighbors downstream. ... 84148.html

China's looming water crisis
One unintended consequence of China's spectacular economic growth is a growing water shortage, reports Joshua Bateman. As rivers run dry, aquifers sink, climate harshens and pollution spreads, he asks: can China solve its water crisis?

...China's water shortage has global implications. As more water projects are built in China and water is diverted from the south to the north, the water supplies of nearby countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Thailand and Bangladesh will be affected. ... risis.html
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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby vox_mundi » Sat 24 Sep 2016, 12:25:43

Syria conflict: Air strikes leave 2 million in Aleppo 'Without Water'

Intensified attacks on the Syrian city of Aleppo have left nearly two million people without water, the UN says.

The UN children's agency says fierce strikes on Friday prevented repairs to a damaged pumping station supplying rebel-held districts of the city.

In retaliation, Unicef says, a nearby station pumping water to the rest of Aleppo has been switched off.

Unicef deputy director Justin Forsyth told the BBC: "Aleppo is slowly dying, and the world is watching, and the water is being cut off and bombed - it's just the latest act of inhumanity."

Unicef spokesman Kieran Dwyer said the lack of running water could be "catastrophic" as residents now had to resort to contaminated water and were at risk from waterborne diseases.


He said water was being used as a weapon of war by all sides. The pumping station supplying rebel-held parts of Aleppo was damaged on Thursday and subsequent strikes had made repairs impossible, Mr Dwyer told the BBC.

"That pumping station pumps water to the entire population of the eastern part of city - that's at least 200,000 people and then in retaliation for that attack a nearby pumping station that pumps water to the entire western part of the city - upwards to 1.5 million people - was deliberately switched off," he told the BBC.

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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 24 Sep 2016, 13:31:35

This is a military strategy called "investment"----its been used for thousands of years to conquer an enemy fort or a fortified city that would be too difficult to take by a direct assault. The attacking forces mount a siege of the fortified city, allowing no food or water to go in our out for as long as it takes to starve and weaken the enemy forces inside the city.

The Syrian Army (with help from heir Russian, Lebanese and iranian allies) have more or less surrounded Aleppo and isolated it from outside aid. Now they are cutting off the food and water supplies to Aleppo in order to starve out the enemy Islamist forces.

OK--we've got them surrounded. We've cut off the water and food. Now all we have to do is wait and starve them out
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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby vox_mundi » Sat 24 Sep 2016, 14:35:07

Plantagenet wrote:This is a military strategy called "investment"----its been used for thousands of years to conquer an enemy fort or a fortified city that would be too difficult to take by a direct assault. ... Now they are cutting off the food and water supplies to Aleppo in order to starve out the enemy Islamist forces. (along with the 2 million civilians)

OK--we've got them surrounded. We've cut off the water and food. Now all we have to do is wait and starve them out

It's also called a War Crime

Rule 53. Starvation as a Method of Warfare

Rule 53. The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of warfare is prohibited.
Summary: State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

Rule 54. Attacks against Objects Indispensable to the Survival of the Civilian Population

Rule 54. Attacking, destroying, removing or rendering useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population is prohibited.
Summary: State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. This rule is a corollary to the prohibition of starvation (see Rule 53).

along with ...

Rule 31. Humanitarian Relief Personnel

Rule 31. Humanitarian relief personnel must be respected and protected.
Summary: State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. Respect for and protection of humanitarian relief personnel is a corollary of the prohibition of starvation (see Rule 53), as well as the rule that the wounded and sick must be collected and cared for (see Rules 109–110), which are applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. The safety and security of humanitarian relief personnel is an indispensable condition for the delivery of humanitarian relief to civilian populations in need threatened with starvation.

“Let me be clear: The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a war crime.”

These are the words of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, uttered in connection with the starvation of civilians in rebel-held Madaya, a suburb of Damascus encircled by forces, including Hezbollah, loyal to the Assad government. His condemnation of the situation in many parts of Syria was echoed this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry who, in connection with the start of the Syrian negotiations (now suspended), bluntly stated:
[P]eople are dying; children are suffering not as a result of an accident of war, but as the consequence of an intentional tactic – surrender or starve. And that tactic is directly contrary to the law of war. ... war-crime/

But you're OK with that.
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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 25 Sep 2016, 00:00:38

vox_mundi wrote:War're OK with that.

You are having a delusion.

I simply described the tactics the Syrian army (and their allies from Russia, Hamas and Iran) are using to crush the resistance forces in Aleppo. I never said I was OK with it.

But lets look at the question of "war crimes" more closely, since you've brought it up.

In the six years of the Syrian war, both the Syrian Army and the Islamist forces have already committed numerous war crimes. ISIS is committing war crimes. By some lights the Russian air force committed war crimes when it bombed civilians in cities. And what Hamas and Iran and the Free Syrian Army and the local Al Qaida militia are doing in Syria is no picnic either.

And what about the USA? What the heck are we doing bombing Syria? IMHO the US is also committing war crimes by bombing Syrian civilians who never did anything to us. And then consider the war in Syria is the context of US law--- there never was a declaration of war against Syria, so the US war there is clearly unconstitutional. But apparently you're OK with all that.

The US never declared war against Syria so why are we bombing it?

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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Sun 25 Sep 2016, 03:42:31

Gas pipelines need to built to Europe through Syria to lessen Europe's dependence on the Russians might be one reason

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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby vox_mundi » Tue 27 Sep 2016, 20:41:25


Pakistan warns of 'Water War' with India if decades-old treaty violated

ISLAMABAD/NEW DELHI - Pakistan would treat it as "an act of war" if India revoked the Indus Water Treaty regulating river flows between the two nations, Pakistan's top foreign official said on Tuesday.

Tension has been mounting between the nuclear-armed neighbors since at least 18 Indian soldiers in the disputed Kashmir region were killed this month in an attack that New Delhi blames on Pakistan.

India on Tuesday summoned Pakistan's High Commissioner in New Delhi to inform him about two men from Pakistan now in Indian custody who it alleges helped gunmen cross the disputed Kashmir border before the attack. Pakistan denies involvement in the raid and has

One retaliatory move being considered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is for India to "maximize" the amount of water it uses including by accelerating building of new hydropower plants, along three rivers that flow into Pakistan, a source with knowledge of a meeting attended by Modi on Monday told Reuters.

The source said India does not plan to abrogate the decades-old Indus Water Treaty. But using more of the rivers' water is still likely to hurt Pakistan as the Islamic Republic depends on snow-fed Himalayan rivers for everything from drinking water to agriculture.

Sartaj Aziz, foreign policy adviser to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said Islamabad would seek arbitration with the Indus Water Commission which monitors the treaty if India increased the use of water from the Chenab, Jhelum and Indus rivers.

However, if India revoked the treaty, Aziz said Pakistan would treat that as "an act of war or a hostile act against Pakistan."

Thirsty megacities poisoning rural groundwater: study


A massive drawdown of water beneath delta-based megacities across the world may be pulling surface pollution deeper into the ground, risking contamination and health problems for local populations, a new study said Tuesday.

Research led by Holly Michael of the University of Delaware in the United States used the example of Bangladesh's capital Dhaka to show how unsustainable water use was exacerbating arsenic pollution.

Water consumption in greater Dhaka, home to some 18 million people, is lowering the local water table by more than three metres per year in some areas.

Slaking the capital's thirst is driving down shallow water contaminated with arsenic—known to cause a host of deadly health problems.

Using a new method for calculating water flows, the researchers showed that deep sources of clean water outside the capital could be polluted "within a decade," said the study, published in Nature Communications.

Previously, scientists had said it would take up to a century for contaminants such as arsenic to infiltrate deep groundwater at least 150 metres below the surface.

... Over the last half century, the water table under the capital has declined by about 60 metres.

Nearly half a billion people live in 50 deltas around the globe, most of them concentrated in megacities.

The availability and status of surface water supply will be aggravated by climate change and rapid population growth, the researchers note
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Re: Water Wars

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 30 Sep 2016, 20:18:39

Some people get it. Loser to home. ... rowth.html

Waukesha has known for years that its thirst for water was outsipping the supply. But they are hardly alone in assuming we can grow and consume forever without consequence.

We have an oblivious, the-aquifer-is-always-half-full delusion that we never have to live within our means. Somehow future generations will figure out how to do that even as we continue to destroy the very means they will need to live.

We are exceeding the carrying capacity of Earth while reducing its ability to support all life. Take a moment to drink that in. We are probably heading for a painful date with sustainability when reality asserts itself.
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The global water crisis

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 01 Sep 2017, 03:34:50

World Water Week: 10 shocking facts about the global water crisis
29 August 2017,
As research released for World Water Week (27 August - 1 September) warns that more than 100 cities face flood-related risks similar to those currently being felt in Houston, edie dives deep into the data to pull out 10 alarming statistics which underline why businesses must act NOW. ... ss-crisis/

Thirsty world must wake up to looming water crisis, expert says
More than one-third of humanity is water-stressed every year or season, while drought crises are on the rise from California to Ethiopia as the planet warms, said Fred Boltz, who leads The Rockefeller Foundation’s work on science and environment. ... pert-says/

“We are really facing a global crisis,” he said, noting that demand is predicted to outstrip supply by 40 per cent by 2030.



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Re: The global water crisis

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 01 Sep 2017, 10:59:26

BOOOM 2017

Rome announces water rations due to 'extraordinary drought'

Image ... ry-drought
Rome's water provider has responded to the continued drought in the capital with new measures that will see a reduction in water pressure at night from September onwards.
Residents of Italy's capital have been told they will see their water pressure reduced from next month.

Romans will have to get used to water rations it seems because of "the persistence of an extraordinary drought," announced provider ACEA in a statement on Monday.
The water rationing in Italys capital Rome is NOW in place 09/01/ 2017
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Hell and high water

Unread postby Whitefang » Sun 03 Sep 2017, 13:14:52 ...

The prolonged heatwave has devastated crops across Europe, leaving some countries facing their worst harvests since the end of the second world war.
The searing weather, especially in central and eastern Europe, has forced countries that usually export food to import it for the first time in decades. Several, including Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, are experiencing rising food prices and the UN is warning this will have a severe impact on economies.

According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), wheat output in the EU is expected to be millions of tonnes down on last year, with much greater losses in southern Europe than in the north.
France has also been severely hit, and is expected to lose more than 20% of its grain harvests. Italy is expected to lose 13% of its wheat, Britain 12% and other countries 5%-10%. In Britain, one immediate effect is likely to be a 7p rise in the price of a loaf, retailers said.
In Ukraine, once known as the breadbasket of Russia, the wheat crop fell to 5m tonnes this year, a 75% decrease on normal years.

An oldy from 2003, a warming warning for the near future.
Looks like it is going to get nasty from 2020 on, economy, peakoil, food and especially water related issue's, salt and sweet water flooding and drought, fire and storm, hell and high water.
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