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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 30 Aug 2016, 13:14:11

A Large Houthi Army invades SAUDI ARABIA ... iers-asir/

The Houthi forces, backed by the Yemeni Republican Guard, continued their strategic advance across the Saudi province of Asir on Tuesday, capturing a number of sites from the Coalition fighters in the process.

In addition to the advance at the Assir Province, the Houthi forces and their allies are making significant progress in the Jizan Region and Najran countryside; this leaves the Saudi Army with their backs against the wall inside their own country....
Saudi Troops have heavy losses and are on the run!

Yes Saudi Arabia the WAR is homeland

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 02 Sep 2016, 03:19:57

Yemeni Army missile strikes 700km deep into Saudi Arabia

Sana’a, Yemen (5:04 A.M.) – A SCUD missile fired by the Yemeni Republican Guard reportedly struck the Saudi city of Ta’if that is located approximately 700 km deep into the oil-dependent nation.

This military development is of massive significance because it implies that the Saudi capital of Riyadh is within the range of the Yemeni ballistic missiles, and may therefore change the trajectory of the Yemeni conflict further to the side of the Sana’a-based elected government of Yemen.... ... di-arabia/

Saudi Arabias WAR in Jemen escalates into a ballistic missile war.

Maybe the Huthis have to attack the SA Oil+Gas infastucture to get the whole worlds attention.



What is a SCUD missile impact ... di-arabia/
More: ... 2056874863
“I wish there is no war in Yemen. I wish that we have electricity and water back and that we live happily. And that we eat until we are full.”

So says a 10-year old Yemeni kid, reflecting on his dreams of a return to peace in war-ravaged Yemen, a conflict that is pushing millions of people into famine, with 320,000 of children already facing severe malnutrition. Despite the lack of specific figures, reports show that a lot of children were born and died during the ongoing conflict due to the collapsing health system and severe malnutrition.
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 07 Sep 2016, 06:12:55

While Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemens capital Sanaa a Houthi Army takes more and more ground in Saudi Arabia ... di-arabia/

Over the last 24 hours, the Houthi forces have managed to seize three villages in the Al-Khabuah area, while also killing a large number of Saudi soldiers.

The Yemeni Republican Guard’s official Twitter account reported that 4 Saudi Army vehicles were also destroyed during this counter-attack by the Houthi forces....

Is Saudi Arabia loosing the WAR against Houthis?!

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 08 Sep 2016, 03:11:29

Yemeni forces ambush Saudi soldiers in southern Saudi Arabia
By Izat Charkatli - 08/09/2016

Riyadh, KSA (2:46 A.M) – Video footage emerged of soldiers from the Yemeni Republican Guard supported by Houthi militias ambushing Saudi troops in one of the Saudi Arabia’s southern provinces.

Fighting has become so intense in southern Saudi Arabia that the Saudi government had begun relocating “Southern Resistence” militias from Aden to the southern border as Yemeni fighters advance on the provincial capital of Najran. ... di-arabia/


Maybe its Time for millions of pilgrims to cancel the Hadj because Saudi Arabia is no more a save place but a WAR place!
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 12 Sep 2016, 02:12:44

Big defeat for the Saudi Army: Houthi Offensive in Saudi Arabia succesfull!
The Tribune of Yemen reported on Sunday night that the Houthi forces and their allies managed to capture the Al-Farida Military Camp in the Jizan Region after a fierce battle with the Hadi loyalists and Saudi-led Coalition.Al-Farida Military Camp is located near the contested city of Al-Khabuh in the Jizan Region; it was one of the Saudi Army's main bases in this area.

In addition to capturing this military site, the Houthi forces and their allies confiscated the Saudi Army's heavy weapons and Abrams Tanks that were left behind.
Yemeni Houthis overrun a Saudi Army position in Saudi Arabia's Aseer region 11 09 2016
Battle Videos

It seems that the decadent Saudi Troops are no match for the Houthi Army ... -on-yemen/
M_B_S ... -on-yemen/
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 15 Sep 2016, 06:01:46

Houthi Army in Saudi Arabia moves forward!

Saudi Army in serious trouble as Houthi Forces reach outskirts of Najran
By Leith Fadel - 15/09/2016

NAJRAN, SAUDI ARABIA (12:20 P.M.) - The Saudi Royal Army is in serious trouble at Najran in southern Saudi Arabia, following the arrival of the Houthi forces at the southern outskirts of this strategic city.
Should Najran fall to the Houthi forces in the coming weeks; this will require the Saudi Army to send in a large number of reinforcements to the Saudi-Yemeni border in order to recapture a large chunk of their country that has already been lost.


This is a total desaster for the SAUDI CROWN PRINCE as the commander in chief...... :badgrin:
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 16 Sep 2016, 03:31:14

Saudi Air Force attacks Sanaa International Airport

Image ... l-airport/
SANAA, YEMEN (11:35 P.M.) - The Saudi Royal Air Force reportedly carried out 4 airstrikes in the Yemeni capital on Thursday night, targeting the Sanaa International Airport.

The Saudi airstrikes luckily did not kill or injure anybody; however, they did cause material damage to this once thriving airport in the heart of the Yemeni capital.

In addition to their airstrikes over the Sanaa International Airport, the Saudi Royal Air Force launched several attacks against the Houthi forces at the Nihm District.

Saudi Arabia has relentlessly bombarded northern Yemen over the last two weeks, killing a large number of civilians while their ground forces fail to advance near the border....
**************************** ... bing-obama
Saudi Arabia resumed its appalling war in Yemen last week and has already killed dozens more civilians, destroyed a school full of children and leveled a hospital full of sick and injured people. The campaign of indiscriminate killing – though let’s call it what it is: a war crime – has now been going on for almost a year and a half. And the United States bears a large part of the responsibility.

By all standards this is a WAR CRIME bombing a civilian airport.

Where is UN ?! And the peace Nobel price US president?!

Where is the EU with sanctions against Saudi Arabia ?!

Ah yes its SAUDI WAR CRIMES => The oil must flow!



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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby dissident » Sat 08 Oct 2016, 12:56:15 ... s-capital/

Saudi air strike kills over 75 at funeral in Yemen’s capital

WARNING some graphic content!

Where is Kerry and his call for war crimes proceedings? Where is France with a UN Security Council resolution draft.

F*cking liars and bloody hypocrites. The Saudis have been given a greenlight to suppress democracy in Bahrain and to wage a war of aggression on Yemen. No squeaking about "poor children victims" from the NATO mass media.
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby dissident » Sat 08 Oct 2016, 20:03:56

The death toll is now several hundred. Here is the funeral hall that was destroyed together with the mourners inside:




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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby dissident » Sun 09 Oct 2016, 15:04:45



Not a single mention of Saudi Arabia. Pure empty rhetoric. No calls for war crimes tribunals and not UN Security Council resolutions.

Give me a single example of such an attack in east Aleppo.
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby Tanada » Sun 09 Oct 2016, 16:03:54

Of all the crimes of the media Hypocrisy is the very worst. It is nothing but propaganda in service of someone other than the public at large.

What purpose does this war in Yemen serve for the people of Saudi Arabia? What purpose does it even serve for the leaders, other than giving their military some actual battle experience against soft targets? So long as you only hear the sanitized version of events you will never know.
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 12 Oct 2016, 04:49:36


Please fire Mr Kirby he is a shame for the USA and YOUR Administration

But is it not YOUR policy Mr. PEACE NOBEL PRICE holder.... ... civilians/

WASHINGTON D.C. (11:20 P.M.) - The U.S. State Department Spokesperson, John Kirby, claimed on Tuesday that the Saudi airstrike against Yemeni civilians in Sanaa was "different" than Russian and Syrian airstrikes in Aleppo.

The flustered Kirby then claimed the Saudis are not "deliberately targeting civilians" like the Russians and Syrians; furthermore, the Saudi Air Force is "investigating" the airstrikes.

Shockingly, Kirby then asserts that the Saudis are defending themselves against the Houthi fighters that are allegedly being armed by the Iranians.

Kirby's comments were not only false, but also contradictory because his regime has supplied weapons to the opposition in Syria.....

The US Morality under Obama is as worse as ever..

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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 12 Oct 2016, 10:46:44 ... civilians/

U.S. and U.K. Continue to Actively Participate in Saudi War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians

Glenn Greenwald
October 10 2016, 5:42 p.m.
FROM THE START of the hideous Saudi bombing campaign against Yemen 18 months ago, two countries have played active, vital roles in enabling the carnage: the U.S. and U.K. The atrocities committed by the Saudis would have been impossible without their steadfast, aggressive support.

The Obama administration “has offered to sell $115 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia over its eight years in office, more than any previous U.S. administration,” as The Guardian reported this week, and also provides extensive surveillance technology. As The Intercept documented in April, “In his first five years as president, Obama sold $30 billion more in weapons than President Bush did during his entire eight years as commander in chief.”

Mr. Obama it is Time to pay the price...for Yemen War Crimes

Or are you still able to look in the mirror with your piece Nobel-Price fit on and your Family @ your side?

Ah wait Mr. Bush jr. a War Criminal is not paying any price too ...... :badgrin:
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 04:19:49 ... ern-yemen/

SANAA, YEMEN (5:05 A.M.) - The Saudi Coalition launched several airstrikes over northern Yemen on Wednesday night, targeting the densely populated provinces of Sana'a, Sa'ada, and Hajjah.

According to the Yemeni Republican Guard's official media wing, the Saudi Air Force struck the Yemeni capital at least 6 times tonight, killing and wounding several civilians in the process....

Image ... ern-yemen/

Saudi War Crimes but Mr Obama is celebrating his peace nobel price and last days in office with US champus...

Hey Mr. Obama where is the peace?

The Oil must flow...
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 18:32:09

UNICEF: Malnutrition in Yemen at an all time high
By Paul Antonopoulos - 12/12/2016 ... time-high/

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has said that the highest ever recorded rates of malnutrition kids in Yemen comes as Saudi Arabia continues with aggression against the country.

UNICEF said in a report on Monday that nearly 2.2 million children in the impoverished country need immediate care because of acute malnutrition, with 1.7 million alreaady suffering from moderate acute malnutrition....
Who cares the oil and the $ must flow

Germanys dirty secret : BIG DEAL with Saudi Arabia ... udi-arabia


The German Defence Minister was in Saudi Arabia on Thursday aiming to conclude a training deal for Saudi military officers, eliciting sharp criticism from German left-leaning parties....

Germanys "Great Coalitions" politic!
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Wed 28 Dec 2016, 04:50:22

Houthi forces capture military base inside Saudi Arabia
By Leith Fadel - 27/12/2016

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:20 A.M.) - The Houthi forces carried out a surprise operation in Saudi Arabia's Asir Region on Tuesday, targeting the Al-Safinah Military Base that was under the Saudi Army's control.

Video footage of the Houthi forces operation was captured by Hezbollah's official media wing on Tuesday; it showed the latter's units entering AlSafinah Military Base after a short firefight with the Saudi Army.... ... di-arabia/
Houthi Army operating deep in Saudi Homeland....

Special Houthi forces should attack vital Saudi Oil infrastructure to wake the world up.
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Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby EdwinSm » Sun 29 Jan 2017, 06:20:02

While the problems spill over from the political-cum-religious fault lines in the Arab world, Yemen shows a picture of what a collapse could look like, and some of the troubling issues around it (such as population massively exceeding the local carrying capacity).

BBC wrote:The conflict-driven food crisis in Yemen could become a full-blown famine this year, the UN's humanitarian chief has warned.

Two million people need emergency food aid to survive and child malnutrition has risen 63% in a year.....

A child under five dies every 10 minutes of preventable causes, he said.

Severe poverty, war damage, and a naval embargo by the Saudi-led coalition have all damaged food security.

About 14 million people are currently food insecure in Yemen, including 2.2m children who are acutely malnourished and nearly 500,000 suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

...Jamie McGoldrick, the UN humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, told the BBC that people were desperate and wheat supplies would last only an estimated three more months.......

"Everywhere you go, you see people begging in the streets in bigger numbers, you see people rummaging through rubbish to survive," he said.

"You hear catastrophic stories of children dying because they can't get to health centres. People dying of malnutrition, people dying of preventable diseases.

"It will get worse because the problem is that the economy is in really bad shape and banking sector doesn't function."

Widows, orphans, the disabled and elderly are no longer receiving a monthly allowance from the government and 1.25 million civil servants were not receiving regular salaries, Mr O'Brien said.

Previously dependent on imports for 90% of its staple food, the country has been hit hard by a naval embargo imposed by the Saudi-led coalition....,
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Re: Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby dissident » Sun 29 Jan 2017, 10:23:31

Yes, it is a type of template for collapse.

But what is nauseating is that the bleeding heart "humanitarians" in NATO who were spazzing 24/7 about the east Aleppo don't give a flying f*ck about the engineering of a famine in Yemen. Saudi Arabia needs to be bombed back to the camel age. Instead it gets a green light from NATO to perpetrate any war crime it wants on the Yemenis.
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Re: Yemen: A picture of a collapse in the ME.

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sun 29 Jan 2017, 13:26:22

First casualty reported in our war against terrorism under the brand new Commander in Chief. Interesting that so far the TV media seems more fixated with the POTUS's war with SNL then actions in Yemen. I wonder what the Saudis are feeling right now? And the Iranians? From

"US special operations soldier has been killed and three others wounded in a surprise raid against Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen. Local officials say 41 Al-Qaeda militants, as well as 16 civilians, were killed in the attack."

And again always wonder how terrorists, who are essentially armed civilians, are distinguished from "civilians"?
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Re: WAR! Saudis are bombing Huthis in Yemen

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 06 Feb 2017, 04:41:58

Breaking: Ballistic missile strikes Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


According to emerging reports from Yemen, a surface-to-surface missile fired by the Yemeni Army has hit Riyadh in Saudi Arabia.

The missile was launched on Sunday evening, and sources in Yemen have described the missile test as successful. It is unclear exactly what missile was used, and casualty figures, if any, are yet to be reported.

Saudi Arabia militarily intervened in the Yemeni Conflict in 2015, leading a coalition of almost 10 Middle Eastern countries. In October 2016, a Yemeni activist warned that Riyadh was the next target for a Yemeni missile attack.

Update 1: More information has emerged, suggesting that the missile was a variant of a Russian Scud, known as the “Borkan” surface-to-surface missile.

Update 2: Sources indicate that the missile struck a military base West of Riyadh, in Mazahimiyah.

Update 3: On social media, a Saudi attempts to cover-up the attack, saying that the sound of the explosion in Riyadh was an earthquake or meteor.

Update 4: Co-Founder of Mona Relief, a Yemeni charity, Dr. RS Karim, has reported that his contacts in Riyadh told him that a state of emergency has been declared.

If true this missile attack is a GAME CHANGER

The Saudi Princes are smelling the taste of the WAR they try to fight.

=> Bring the WAR to the enemy......

A scud missile hit
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