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What would your presidential platform be?

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What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 00:12:37

I thought I'd just say what MY perfect domestic policy platform would be, if it were up to me.

So here goes:

* $15 minimum wage
* Fix the ACA, get everyone's premiums down, have universal healthcare as the goal.
* Refinance student loans to low interest rates.
* College cost reform -- needn't be free, but make it inexpensive.
* A small wall street trades tax like Bernie proposed.
* Border control, keep deporting just like Obama used to do until he stopped recently. No more sanctuary cities. Don't do Democrats' idea of total open border.. but then yes, you also have to do amnesty for those already here.
* Infrastructure, green energy / tech investment. Government partnerships, with guys like Elon Musk. While I'm at it, writing a dream platform, I'd throw in a major commitment to space development. To give the US some growth for the FUTURE, an industry to be way out ahead on that none of our competitors are. Moon base, space stations, whole nine yards.. lets get mining that moon before Beijing does.

Anyone else want to share, what would YOUR platform be, if it were up to you?
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Cog » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 00:18:08

Follow the US Constitution.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 01:21:10

Sixstrings wrote:
Anyone else want to share, what would YOUR platform be, if it were up to you?

1. My top priority would be to reinstate the constitutional constraints on war-making. Obama has now started three foreign wars (Libya, Iraq, Syria) without Congressional approval. These illegal wars need to be stopped now. Its disgraceful that the MSM and the left is silent as the constitutional limits on presidential war powers are shredded by Obama.

2. My second priority would be to reinstate some kind of independent prosecutor law. The lawless activities of the Obama administration, from gun-running to Mexican drug cartels to using the IRS to go after Obama's political enemies, to ignoring the espionage laws and setting up private email servers and ordering the security systems on the State Dept. computer network, to obstructing the FOIA law, and now covering up and obstructing investigations of Hillary's criminal selling of favors from the State Dept. to governments who donated to her "Foundation." piggy bank have been swept under the carpet by Obama. Its disgraceful that the MSM and the left is silent about the cover ups and criminal activity in the Obama administration.

3. My third priority would be to reinstate the Glass-Steagal act that was repealed during the first Clinton Presidency. This law protected the US for decades from the kind of financial abuses that resulted in the 2008-9 collapse. Its disgraceful that the MSM and the left is silent about the failure of the Obama administration act on this much needed legislation.

4. My fourth priority would to clean up the Dept of Justice and once again make sure that the rich and powerful are subject to prosecution before the law just like ordinary people. Obama didn't prosecutor a single one of his wealthy friends on Wall Street after the 2009 collapse---the banksters should be prosecuted now. D Senator Corzine was caught lying about his crooked investment company---but never prosecuted. That man should be in prison. Right now Hillary is getting a pass on her violations of the espionage act and her graft done through the Clinton Foundation. She should prosecuted, and if found guilty she should serve time. Its disgraceful that the MSM and the left is silent about the failure of the Obama administration to prosecute the banksters or Hilalry, or pretty much any rich and powerful D.


If I were president I'd change a few things.......
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby ennui2 » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 10:26:54

Planty, you're forgetting about bringing in Palin as your running mate and thumping Drill Baby Drill.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Lore » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 10:30:48

Yeah, I blame Obama for not prosecuting Bush, The Lesser, administration. That should change.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Timo » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 10:41:19

Deportation for anyone who does not share my ideals and vision for A'Markah.

Sorry. I was being Ibon being DJT.

My platform would be all of the current members of Congress are the first against the wall. They'd all be shot with blanks. Ironically fitting for the job they've done for the past several years.

Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 01 Jul 2016, 10:55:51

1/ end the drug war, legalize the lot with medical supervision & free detox.

2/ get the shackles off small business, let people make business meet the market & only regulate when absolutely necessary.

3/ equality under law & due cause being properly enforced.

4/ crime has a victim, no victim no crime, no more milking the general public for petty road offenses. On the other hand, let the penalty match the crime where there is incontrovertible evidence, but if the penalty is less than death, reform programs & gangbusting must be top priority in prisons.

5/ habitat, every government at every level must provide 10% land & budget equivalent to restoration & corridor habitat, at minimum.

6/ no subsidies for 3rd children & beyond. Free birth control.

7/ minimum wages to be set locally by commitee according to local factors & a basic formula.

8/ schools to accommodate students to accelerate or delay as appropriate, by learning not age

9/ everyone gets to go around the world for a year, as long as they try all the local estrogens.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 02 Jul 2016, 05:20:36

This is a good thread, some good responses.

The idea was just that with all the talk about the candidates (that most of America doesn't like, either one of them), it's not often discussed much on this forum just what YOU would want.

ennui2 wrote:Planty, you're forgetting about bringing in Palin as your running mate and thumping Drill Baby Drill.

Ennui, would you care to share any policy things or something you'd like the federal government to do, or stop doing?

You can't just be a clever cat with a hat and just criticize, without being FOR something.. :razz:
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 02 Jul 2016, 05:56:31

Plantagenet wrote:1. My top priority would be to reinstate the constitutional constraints on war-making. Obama has now started three foreign wars (Libya, Iraq, Syria) without Congressional approval. These illegal wars need to be stopped now. Its disgraceful that the MSM and the left is silent as the constitutional limits on presidential war powers are shredded by Obama.

This is a good thread, to just see where everyone is coming from.

I can see you're genuinely, sincerely anti war, Plant. About the specifics though, I'd just note that Libya was all Clinton, Obama himself was the holdout on that, in the administration. The Europeans and Clinton really wanted a lot more done with Libya, but O said no.

Other than that, I don't remember the details enough to debate Libya. One thing I do remember though, is just how much the European leaders were calling for the US "to do something." I don't know if it was really about French oil contracts or what it was.

Things are not always "America's" fault -- Uncle Sam is at the head of the table and there's dozens of allies all looking to him, and the US is managing this Big Global Thing and this large alliance. With a thousand different moving parts, it's all very complicated, and Russia is a part of the dynamic.

Geopolitics / strategy is 3d chess.

It's not really an option to just stay out of it. Inaction, is the same as action, and leads to other things and problems.

Regarding war powers -- congress set it up that way back in the cold war. In fairness, during this Obama admin, actually the criticism from congress was that he never did ENOUGH.

3. My third priority would be to reinstate the Glass-Steagal act that was repealed during the first Clinton Presidency.

I agree with you there. And that's what Bernie was / is for.

As a practical matter, the important thing is that at least Dodd Frank doesn't get weakened.

4. My fourth priority would to clean up the Dept of Justice and once again make sure that the rich and powerful are subject to prosecution before the law just like ordinary people. Obama didn't prosecutor a single one of his wealthy friends on Wall Street after the 2009 collapse---the banksters should be prosecuted now.

I agree. Wall street owns both parties, government's in their pocket, so that's why there's so little policing.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 02 Jul 2016, 06:05:49

SeaGypsy wrote:2/ get the shackles off small business, let people make business meet the market & only regulate when absolutely necessary.

In your opinion, is there too much small business regulation in Australia?

4/ crime has a victim, no victim no crime, no more milking the general public for petty road offenses.

I agree on the latter. The former, that there should be no victimless crimes, is a libertarian principle that I generally agree with.

7/ minimum wages to be set locally by commitee according to local factors & a basic formula.

Are you sure about that? Would you really want the minimum wage to go DOWN, in Australia? Other wages would come down too, no?
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 02 Jul 2016, 07:04:30

The formula would have to be real cost of living base, more or less how it is done here, except there aren't enough protections for casualised & part timers & setting is done nationally which doesn't allow for cost of living variables.
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Re: What would your presidential platform be?

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 02 Jul 2016, 09:56:27

My platform as a real politician would be to say whatever the polls said I needed to say to get elected, then do what I planned to do after the swearing in ceremony paying no attention to the promises I made during the election process. Just like Trump/Clinton/Johnson are doing today and like every Presidential candidate since probably U.S. Grant has done.
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