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Modern Campus McCarthyism

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Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 14 Dec 2015, 19:12:30

I realize that most of you don't read a conservative rag such as The American Spectator, but this is worth your time:

The New Campus McCarthyism
It’s getting deadly serious because the chronically aggrieved have federal law on their side.
By Gilbert T. Sewall – 12.14.15

For thoughtful liberals the current campus turmoil is a nightmare. Academic progressives set this bonfire long ago. Now they cannot contain it. Worse, many of their colleagues are dancing around the flames with Dionysian glee, taking advantage of the eruptions to aggregate their own interests and power.

Just ask the Christakises.

Yale University lecturer Erika Christakis announced last week she would not be teaching this spring. Her husband, Nicholas, the Master of Silliman College and an eminent sociologist, will take a sudden sabbatical. In the wake of her now notorious — and beautifully reasoned — email on policing Halloween costumes, the Christakises have been “humiliated, treated as moral lepers for politely expressing the most moderate of views,” as a New York Daily News editorial put it, and “thrown to the mob.” (1)

Faculty support for Erika has not been entirely absent. Over 80 faculty members, most of them in STEM fields, signed a letter of support. No one in the English and History departments saw fit to do so. The letter prompted some students to claim that STEM faculties were “far-removed from reality,” not sympathetic to minority students, and perhaps required remedial courses in ethnic studies.(2)

But this is not just a Yale thing. A Brown University professor — too fearful to use his name — calls what’s going on around him McCarthy-like witch hunts. Indeed, when it comes to Diversity Goodthink and Badthink, we are getting into House Un-American Activities Committee territory of the early 1950s.

Based on non-incidents, hoaxes, and trivialities, firebrands at dozens of colleges and universities are stirring themselves into self-righteous hysteria and rage. Shrieking, finger-snapping banshees command administrators to shut up and listen to their tirades. They know who’s in charge.

Watching learned, accomplished scholars debase themselves, cater to Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter-style demands, and try to negotiate with unreason is both sad and disgusting. But keep in mind, many of those rolling over are not doing so against their better judgment or unwillingly but embracing it as catharsis. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Others — high-minded altruists who have given and loved, only to be whipped by ingratitude — are puzzled and hurt. Still, they wish to make amends and do the right thing. They cannot fathom the frenzied colleagues and campus diversity hustlers who do not share their altruism but instead wish to exploit it.

What seems to be parody emanates from once great institutions. The University of California defines microaggressions as “brief, subtle verbal or non-verbal exchanges that send denigrating messages to the recipient because of his or her group membership (such as race, gender, age or socio-economic status).”

According to the UC president’s office, examples of Badthink include:

“There is only one race, the human race.”
“America is a melting pot.”
“Men and women have equal opportunities for achievement.”
“Gender plays no part in who we hire.”
“America is the land of opportunity.”
“Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
“Affirmative action is racist.”
Such microaggressions, the argument goes, lead to a “hostile learning environment.”

This is no joke, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh points out. Berkeley — and the federal government — view this kind of thing as legally actionable. (3) “This is stuff you could get disciplined or fired for, especially if you aren’t a tenured faculty member,” Volokh says.

The driving force is the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Education, often acting in tandem with the Department of Justice. In official notices giving “guidance” to schools and colleges since 2010, both have defined campus discrimination, harassment, disparate impact, and safety in novel, extraordinarily broad, and threatening ways. These so-called Dear Colleague letters — which use the threat of federal money cut-offs to amplify their force — are chilling and authoritarian, no less.

The tools are laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and sex (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972). Title VI and Title IX Compliance Coordinators are lodged into campus life and, like football coaches, are in some ways more powerful than college and university presidents.

The idea of “safe space” is absurd — until you realize that OCR authorities have decreed that colleges and universities have a legal “responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students.” (4) Thus empowered, calculating agitators and injustice collectors know they can make legal trouble — and that if they do, federal authorities are quite likely to back them up.

The remedies redouble past diversity efforts. Yale pledges $50 million to hire faculty of color and sensitivity training on racism and discrimination for the entire administration. Not to be outdone, Brown outlines $100 million in diversity tribute — and protesters sneer that’s not enough. More scholarships and hires, more cultural centers, more tuition remission, more workshops, more apologies. We’ve been here a long time, and things are not improving.

The only group prohibited from self-protection and exclusive identity, it appears, is white heterosexual men, who must adhere to protocols of inclusion without resistance or complaint. This explains why fraternities are considered devil’s dens. It clarifies why Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia faced shocking, utterly false allegations last year that unscrupulous journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdley and the odious University of Virginia president Teresa Sullivan parlayed for their own benefit. (5)

Many liberals understand that claims of institutional and structural racism on campus are inflated and false. The reality is exactly the opposite. They discern implacable hostility and the desire to destroy. Complaints smell cooked up, bogus, and inauthentic. Demands seem preposterous and limitless.

The students who strike outsiders as narcissistic snowflakes spouting fatuities are not that at all. Many earnestly seek to dispossess “white” America and forcibly erase the inherited past. Not to comply with demands is to hate and possibly run afoul of the law.

The campus upheavals reflect failure of decades-long legal and extra-legal diversity efforts. Faculties and trustees in good faith and with vast generosity have done just about everything they can to broaden opportunity and access for all. The loudest complaints come from the very students whom they have carefully groomed and admitted on a preferential basis.

What if we have flattened the educational playing field? No, actually more than that. What if we have re-graded the playing field to give advantages to just about anyone who can play a diversity card? And still, despite everything, there is disparate achievement. What if some students are able and willing to use educational opportunity better than others? What are we going to do? What are federal authorities going to do?

I don’t think we’ve yet seen the worst of what activists and their allies in government and media have in mind. Everyone — especially scholars and liberals — should shiver at what these blood-in-my-eye discontents wish to coerce American campuses and all of us into being.

(2) STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Mon 14 Dec 2015, 19:59:16

There is a variety of passive narcissist that claim to be victims and then they run to "work the refs" looking for backup. Some people can't help but "protect" the narcissists, and survivors call these enablers of narcissists the "flying monkeys." Apparently this is a huge thing in some families, especially where people have lots of kids so that they will have an endless supply of helpless people to manipulate. Naturally, when these people leave home and go to college they play the victim. Heck their narcissist parent might even drop in to spread the chaos by being "offended" at every damned thing.

The confusing part about "The American Spectator" complaining about "McCarthyism" is that I'm pretty sure they liked Joseph McCarthy. Orwellian Doublespeak?

And just let me say Merry Christmas Happy Holidays!

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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Pops » Mon 14 Dec 2015, 21:35:17

Nice rant against political correctness by the faction that is most upset their politics have become incorrect.

I especially like how the right always seems to be playing the "I'm rubber and you're glue" game: "this was started long ago..." after many commentators have talked about how the nativist bigotry spewing from the Republican party today is a result of decades of Limbaugh et al stoking the flames of, well, hate.

Nowadays everyone thinks they are the next Rush or Trump. That they can be facebook famous by being the most outrageous trolls possible. Sad for a small group self-labeled as "conservative" and Christian to sound pretty well the antithesis of everything I recall reading about Jesus.

Any rate, I think colleges and universities are definitely not places for censorship. More speech is always better (unless of course it is not really speech but corporate lobbying).

Here is the ACLU:
That's the wrong response, well-meaning or not. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects speech no matter how offensive its content. Speech codes adopted by government-financed state colleges and universities amount to government censorship, in violation of the Constitution. And the ACLU believes that all campuses should adhere to First Amendment principles because academic freedom is a bedrock of education in a free society.

And more...
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 14 Dec 2015, 22:53:45

Is this about having respect for everyone regardless of race, gender, creed or color? I believe so. How this can be equated to McCarthyism is beyond me. Maybe a privileged few feel threatened.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 15 Dec 2015, 04:52:27

KaiserJeep wrote:Academic progressives set this bonfire long ago. Now they cannot contain it.

To be fair, the same is said of the tea party and right wing. That the establishment center right stoked it and used it but now it's become a "frankenstein" and they "cannot contain it."

*The same may well be the case on the Left*.

You see it on the college campuses with all the "safe space" excessive victimhood and "being offended," and then there's a rowdy left (green party types, sanders) that are every bit as much rowdy and "against the man" as the tea party is.

But this is not just a Yale thing. A Brown University professor — too fearful to use his name — calls what’s going on around him McCarthy-like witch hunts. Indeed, when it comes to Diversity Goodthink and Badthink, we are getting into House Un-American Activities Committee territory of the early 1950s.

Yup, there was a free speech event at Yale -- something about promoting free speech -- and the safe space protesters spat on them. Actually spat on them. What kind of safe spaces are these? They aren't even civil, they're rude.

Most Americans like freedom and don't like this kind of thing. Anyone can become a "nazi," and other people just don't like it. It's like with "condo association nazis" or "home owners association nazis" -- moderate and reasonable is good, but someone with nothing better to do than to go around policing and writing things up, nobody likes that.

Based on non-incidents, hoaxes, and trivialities, firebrands at dozens of colleges and universities are stirring themselves into self-righteous hysteria and rage. Shrieking, finger-snapping banshees command administrators to shut up and listen to their tirades. They know who’s in charge.

Yup, it's ridiculous. No respect for the rights of others, anymore, only THEY have rights (that's like narcisism, how Preston pointed out).

IF THEY HAD AN ISSUE AT THE ROOT OF IT then I could respect that. Like it was back in the 1960s. Make it about something; there's no war on right now, so it's not "ending the war." But pick some cause that's tangible and in the right -- how about living wages, I could understand that, that one makes sense.

But no, rather, it's just bizarre stuff like being offended by "halloween."

And then it devolves into hysteria, the safe space group getting angrier and angrier the more a professor apologizes, and these poor faculty don't know what to do. They don't know what they did to offend, they say sorry, but then the kids get even more upset.

What seems to be parody emanates from once great institutions. The University of California defines microaggressions as “brief, subtle verbal or non-verbal exchanges that send denigrating messages to the recipient because of his or her group membership (such as race, gender, age or socio-economic status).”

It could get so bad that people can even twitch the wrong way, or that would offend someone. :lol:

This is no joke, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh points out. Berkeley — and the federal government — view this kind of thing as legally actionable. (3) “This is stuff you could get disciplined or fired for, especially if you aren’t a tenured faculty member,” Volokh says.

Yup, political correctness violations get people fired. Bottom line, that's it, yer out the door. Maybe ONE warning.

In the corporate world, I've just always gone along with it (I'm a nice person anyway), but when this is expanded out to all of society and not just the workplace then that's when it's a problem. People should be free, when they are off the clock.

The driving force is the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Education, often acting in tandem with the Department of Justice. In official notices giving “guidance” to schools and colleges since 2010, both have defined campus discrimination, harassment, disparate impact, and safety in novel, extraordinarily broad, and threatening ways. These so-called Dear Colleague letters — which use the threat of federal money cut-offs to amplify their force — are chilling and authoritarian, no less.

There've been articles about some schools that even banned "playing tag" or "hugging."

Bottom line about it all -- the far lefty can get wacky, and the far left definitely gets wacky too.

Can't let either one of those be all in charge.

Bottom line: Yale needs to hire some conservative profs, they really do, just so students get a rounded education. They're being shortchanged if it's just all liberal.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 15 Dec 2015, 05:16:45

David Cameron in the UK says the liberal concept of "safe spaces" threatens the British tradition of democratic open debate:

It's PMQs, not safe spaces, which is the future for open debate

The idea of so-called 'safe spaces' is increasingly being used by those who would rather not hear people from a different side of an argument to their own. As was shown when activist Maryam Namazie spoke recently at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her critique of certain aspects of life in some Middle Eastern countries was not something that several members of the Islamic society wanted to hear. So they thought if they attended and heckled, and played various noises over her speaking so that others couldn't hear, that would be best for everyone.

Safe spaces arguments (and the Goldsmiths' Islamic Society had tried and failed to use safe space policy to get the debate cancelled) are increasingly used by people to argue that hearing someone else speak is difficult for them.

Democratic candidates build ‘safe spaces’ from tough questions

We all have ourselves a good laugh at what’s happening on campus: shutting down freedom of speech in the name of “starting a conversation.” Deprivation of due process in the name of “justice.”

The application of force — “I need some muscle over here” — in the name of “safe spaces.”

Not everyone has noticed, though, that the Democratic Party is essentially turning into the nationwide equivalent of hysterical college activists.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 19 Jun 2016, 18:15:25

Wayne State University is dropping their math requirement and replacing it with diversity studies.

Wayne State University has announced that it is dropping its math requirement and replacing it with a class on diversity studies.

I wonder what kind of jobs today don't need any math skills, but do need knowledge in the field of diversity studies?

We can't do any math but all 6 7 of us are really diverse.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 13:12:46

Let it be known that for all of the campus furor in the late '60's and early '70's, (Vietnam War, Kent State Massacre, Chicago 7 trials, etc) I still managed to get an engineering degree.

That cannot happen today at Wayne State University. Without Mathematics, the other STEM studies are useless wastes of time.

This is a true story from the last five years of my employment at a major Silicon Valley tech firm.

The (computer) engineering group I managed needed another electronic technician in our lab. The techs build prototypes, operate test equipment, record data, and like tasks at the behest of the design engineers. They have 2-year associate degrees from technology schools and community colleges.

We were told by the company Human Resources Director that our normal practice of interviewing candidates, even giving them tests on electronic circuits and the like, and hiring the most qualified person would not be followed in this case. We were told that a recent minority graduate of a local tech school would be our new lab technician. His name was Manuel and he had a Hispanic surname.

Manuel was shown into the lab and introduced. On the first day, we assigned another tech to give him some remedial training, as Manuel had somehow managed to graduate with a less than complete understanding of electronic circuits - specifically, he did not have any knowledge of digital circuit symbols, or of the Boolean Algebra used for simple "combinational logic". Humans make mistakes - we expect several mistakes in the complex circuitry of a new computer design, and the electronic techs are expected to recognize such errors and either bring them to the attention of the design engineer, or to correct the circuit diagram themselves.

Even after an additional two weeks of training by our best tech - and me - Manuel could not perform these tasks. I finally realized that his real problem was a lack of basic mathematics skills - one cannot resolve complex Boolean expressions without the underlying knowledge of Algebraic equations acquired in High School. I complained to HR that the man was not qualified, and the company hired a tutor for him - and his work schedule became four hours of work and four hours of math tutoring, and I was working late soldering circuits (I was not willing to ask anyone else, we had a full work schedule and people were already putting in extra hours).

In the fifth week of his employment, Manuel started coming in late. He was counseled about this by HR. This did not improve his tardiness. He also quit even attempting to master the required Boolean math, our Algebra tutor quit in disgust. I spent all of my "extra" time attempting to keep the peace in my group, as nobody wanted to work with Manuel, even the other Hispanics, or the Asians, or the lone Black tech.

Manuel started bleeding through his clothes and leaving spots of blood in his work area. It seemed that once he had paid off his immediate creditors, he had started to spend every available penny in a local tattoo parlor, adorning himself with body art. He also showed up one morning with a new high-end Harley Davidson motorcycle, the loan for which I had confirmed his employment to a local bank. Then I had pointed out to Manuel that he could have gotten the same loan amount from the company credit union at a rate one and one half percent lower - which annoyed him. Then he simply stopped coming to work. I notified HR, who investigated and attempted to get Manuel into a substance abuse program, which he was no more interested in than he was in Algebra.

Manuel was never replaced - the computer business was re-aligning itself in the wake of the new generation of smart phones and other mobile devices, there were a couple of lean sales years, and I lost the slot Manuel had attempted to fill. I also had to lay off a few more people, so I started making my own retirement plans, and when the early retirement program was offered, I took them up on it.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 11:55:09

I neglected to give you the punchline for the story of Manuel. Within two months of his termination, I wrote an obituary for the company web page. I was the sole white face at his funeral. According to his sister, Manuel had first maxxed out his new credit cards buying custom Harley-Davidson accessories, then he had traded the motorcycle for a large amount of drugs, and within a week had taken an overdose of "crack".

I always felt that the company had contributed to his death by giving him a good job he was unqualified for. But there was no personal element to this, because I was never given any choice in selecting my new electronics technician.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 12:31:10

Plantagenet wrote:Wayne State University is dropping their math requirement and replacing it with diversity studies.

Wayne State University has announced that it is dropping its math requirement and replacing it with a class on diversity studies.

I wonder what kind of jobs today don't need any math skills, but do need knowledge in the field of diversity studies?

Well Plant, let's tell the story in a balanced way, OK?

First, it's a zerohedge article.

Second, I don't see this quote in your link, and if it's there it distorts the thrust of the article. (I might be missing it, or they might have clarified the story, changing the text). This is a PROPOSAL by a faculty committee. Here's the lead statement in the article:

A faculty committee has proposed adding a three credit hours requirement in diversity to the general education curriculum at Wayne State University. It also recommended that WSU drop its university-wide requirement in mathematics, an idea that was carried out on June 13.

And further down in the article, we get clarity on the thought process behind dropping the math requirement. It's not as alarming as it sounds:

The committee’s proposal for the new curriculum recommended replacing the math requirement with a quantitative requirement and creating “quantitative experience courses.” It’s unclear if the quantitative courses will replace the math requirement. The goal of those courses, according to the committee, would be for students to develop "the ability to interpret quantitative representations of information (such as graphs and tables), and the ability to use quantitative information to communicate in a purposeful way."

Blue font mine, for emphasis. When I went to school, various courses emphasized graphs and chart reading. Some were part of math courses (like analytic geometry -- all that cartesian coordinate algebra), and much of this was sprinkled throughout various courses, starting back in grade school. So if they actually DO this and make it substantive -- then it might actually be a good thing.

When I went to college, artists, TEACHERS, historians, etc. could slip through with what we called "bonehead math" which seemed to be a rehash of high school algebra from what I remember (I dragged my girlfriend through that after she almost flunked pre-calculus and realized that pre-med wasn't such a good idea, no matter how much her father wanted her to have the title of "Dr".)

So first, this might not be a bad thing at all, and net, it's not like they're completely removing quantitative concepts, and so far making the diversity studies a requirement is at the proposal stage.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 13:10:30

KaiserJeep wrote:Let it be known that for all of the campus furor in the late '60's and early '70's, (Vietnam War, Kent State Massacre, Chicago 7 trials, etc) I still managed to get an engineering degree.

That cannot happen today at Wayne State University. Without Mathematics, the other STEM studies are useless wastes of time.


Even after an additional two weeks of training by our best tech - and me - Manuel could not perform these tasks.

Don't assume this is anything new, or is unique to engineering.

I was terrified at first as an application programmer at IBM, because some of my peers (hired near my hire date, graduates from college with a degree in computer science) were being fired. As I was busy writing complex applications, I didn't have time to assess their skills at the time.

Later, I discovered these people were fired for complete lack of skills. In one case I watched the "Manuel" experience repeated, as a peer couldn't write and test a "test" program IN TWO WEEKS that took me 30 seconds to conceptualize and fifteen minutes to write and test (after asking the manager if he was serious about the assignment -- they were assessing the difficulty to ensure they weren't sued for improper termination later).

This was in 1982. In 1990 I was trying to get useful code out of assembly line folks who had showed "high aptitude" for programming and had gone through three months of retraining to be a computer programmer.

A few excelled. Most were an unmitigated disaster. The effort was there until they gave up, but the results were virtually nonexistent. (I personally was involved with a number of these on my team for a few years, so I know this from personal experience).

As for engineering, my father told me (not using names, and I was still no working at IBM) about how he was now getting people with four year college mechanical engineering degrees, who could not do their work due to not knowing how to set up a simple proportion (for one example). This was in the late 70's. I don't know what happened to such folks (or how in the HELL they got an engineering degree).

It may be worse now. It was minorities then too, generally -- just different ones. They called them "protected groups" back then. (This is NOT a racist thing. People over 40 and women were two specific protected groups -- I kid you not). The government ought to have to reimburse businesses that carry such people (once it's been shown they completely lack the skills they represented on their application) for every cent they spent on them. Perhaps then, the requirements for "protected groups" would be better balanced.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 13:46:42

I tried to prevent hiring mistakes by giving all the screened applicants a test on basic electronics. You could pass my first screen if you had either work experience as a technician, or military experience as a technician, or the associate degree in electronics technology.

Then everybody got the same test, for years and years. I understood from applicants I interviewed that my group's hiring practices were famous or perhaps infamous, but I disliked firing people, so I put extra effort into hiring people who were qualified. This really helped with group productivity, but also caused a higher turnover in my group, because more of my people got promoted to more responsible positions, including several people who went from successful project managers in my group, to group managers themselves.

HR actually scrutinized my hiring practices and concluded that although I rejected a higher percentage of applicants, I also was doing nothing outside the law or outside of company policy.

FWIW I did already have a very diverse group when Manuel was added to it. I had more Asian engineers than White, for example - not unusual for Silicon Valley, but I also had several women and other minority groups. People were only fired from my group for inability to work with others, or like problems - things I never figured out how to test or interview for.

I will tell you this: Some of the tech schools that spend the most on TV advertising are just diploma mills, and never in my experience produced qualified techs. I had better luck with community colleges and with ex-military techs. Having previously been a military tech myself, I simply asked them whether and what types of equipment they had maintained. If they were vague or didn't remember, I knew they were one of the watchstander/equipment operators, versus being a real tech with electronics skills. There were approximately three watchstanders for every repair tech in the military.
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Re: Modern Campus McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 22 Jun 2016, 01:02:40

Outcast_Searcher wrote:-snip-
It may be worse now. It was minorities then too, generally -- just different ones. They called them "protected groups" back then. (This is NOT a racist thing. People over 40 and women were two specific protected groups -- I kid you not). The government ought to have to reimburse businesses that carry such people (once it's been shown they completely lack the skills they represented on their application) for every cent they spent on them. Perhaps then, the requirements for "protected groups" would be better balanced.

I was also a "protected group" member. My group was "Vietnam Era Veterans", which were quite unpopular after the war. That protected group was not created by Congress until after my hire date at my original company, but they were happy enough to count me as part of their quota, as was the company that bought mine, and the larger company that bought them. In those two buyout/mergers, I went from a small company (about 3000th in size) to one of the Big 4 tech firms.
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