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Environment dominates list of most censored Media stories

Environment dominates list of most censored Media stories

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 02:56:17

Today, Americans are more likely to get their news from several different sources through Facebook than they would from CBS Evening News. Daily newspapers all over the country are struggling and, in some cases, dying. A story that appears on one obscure outlet can suddenly become a viral sensation reaching millions of readers at the speed of light.

And yet, as Jensen's Project Censored found, there are still numerous big, important news stories that receive very little exposure.

As Project Censored staffers Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth note, 90 percent of U.S. news media—the traditional outlets that employ full-time reporters—are controlled by six corporations. “The corporate media hardly represent the mainstream,” the staffers wrote in the current edition's introduction.

“By contrast, the independent journalists that Project Censored has celebrated since its inception are now understood as vital components of what experts have identified as the newly developing 'networked fourth estate.'”

Jensen set out to frame a new definition of censorship. He put out an annual list of the ten biggest stories that the mainstream media ignored, arguing that it was a failure of the corporate press to pursue and promote these stories that represented censorship – not by the government—but by the media itself.

“My definition starts with the other end, with the failure of information to reach people,” he wrote. “For the purposes of this project, censorship is defined as the suppression of information, whether purposeful or not, by any method – including bias, omission, underreporting, or self-censorship, which prevents the public from fully knowing what is happening in the world.”

1. Half of global wealth owned by the 1 percent
We hear plenty of talk about the wealth and power of the top 1 percent of people in the United States, but the global wealth gap is, if anything, even worse. And it has profound human consequences.

Oxfam international, which has been working for decades to fight global poverty, released a January 2015 report showing that, if current trends continue, the wealthiest 1 percent, by the end of this year, will control more wealth than everyone else in the world put together.

As reported in Project Censored, “The Oxfam report provided evidence that extreme inequality is not inevitable, but is, in fact, the result of political choices and economic policies established and maintained by the power elite, wealthy individuals whose strong influence keeps the status quo rigged in their own favor.”

Another stunning fact: The wealth of 85 of the richest people in the world combined is equal to the wealth of half the world's poor combined.

The mainstream news media coverage of the report and the associated issues was spotty at best, Project Censored notes: A few corporate television networks, including CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and C-SPAN covered Oxfam's January report, according to the TV News Archive. CNN had the most coverage with about seven broadcast segments from Jan. 19 to 25, 2015. However, these stories aired between 2 and 3 a.m., far from primetime.

Sources: Larry Elliott and Ed Pilkington, “New Oxfam Report Says Half of Global Wealth Held by the 1%,” Guardian, Jan.19, 2015,

Sarah Dransfield, “Number of Billionaires Doubled Since Financial Crisis as Inequality Spirals Out of Control–Oxfam,” Oxfam, Oct. 29, 2014,

Samantha Cowan, “Every Kid on Earth Could Go to School If the World's 1,646 Richest People Gave 1.5 Percent,” TakePart, Nov. 3, 2014,

2. Oil industry illegally dumps fracking wastewater
Fracking, which involves pumping high-pressure water and chemicals into rock formations to free up oil and natural gas, has been a huge issue nationwide. But there's been little discussion of one of the side effects: The contamination of aquifers.

The Center for Biological Diversity reported in 2014 that oil companies had dumped almost 3 billion gallons of fracking wastewater into California's underground water supply. Since the companies refuse to say what chemicals they use in the process, nobody knows exactly what the level of contamination is. But wells that supply drinking water near where the fracking waste was dumped tested high in arsenic, thallium and nitrates.

According to Project Censored, “Although corporate media have covered debate over fracking regulations, the Center for Biological Diversity study regarding the dumping of wastewater into California's aquifers went all but ignored at first. There appears to have been a lag of more than three months between the initial independent news coverage of the Center for Biological Diversity revelations and corporate coverage.

In May 2015, the Los Angeles Times ran a front-page feature on Central Valley crops irrigated with treated oil field water; however, the Los Angeles Times report made no mention of the Center for Biological Diversity's findings regarding fracking wastewater contamination.”

Sources: Dan Bacher, “Massive Dumping of Wastewater into Aquifers Shows Big Oil's Power in California,” IndyBay, Oct. 11, 2014,

“California Aquifers Contaminated with Billions of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater,” Russia Today, October 11, 2014,

Donny Shaw, “CA Senators Voting NO on Fracking Moratorium Received 14x More from Oil & Gas Industry,” MapLight, June 3, 2014,

Dan Bacher, “Senators Opposing Fracking Moratorium Received 14x More Money from Big Oil,” IndyBay, June 7, 2014,

4. Popular resistance to corporate water grabbing
For decades, private companies have been trying to take over and control water supplies, particularly in the developing world. Now, as journalist Ellen Brown reported in March 2015, corporate water barons, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, the Carlyle Group, and other investment firms “are purchasing water rights from around the world at an unprecedented pace.”

However, over the past 15 years, more than 180 communities have fought back and re-municipalized their water systems. “From Spain to Buenos Aires, Cochabamba to Kazakhstan, Berlin to Malaysia, water privatization is being aggressively rejected,” Victoria Collier reported in Counterpunch.

Meanwhile, in the United States, some cities—in what may be a move toward privatization—are radically raising water rates and cutting off service to low-income communities.

The mainstream media response to the privatization of water has been largely silence.

Sources: Ellen Brown, “California Water Wars: Another Form of Asset Stripping?,” Nation of Change, March 25, 2015,

Victoria Collier, “Citizens Mobilize Against Corporate Water Grabs,” CounterPunch, Feb.11, 2015,

Larry Gabriel, “When the City Turned Off Their Water, Detroit Residents and Groups Delivered Help,” YES! Magazine, Nov. 24, 2014,

Madeline Ostrander, “LA Imports Nearly 85 Percent of Its Water—Can It Change That by Gathering Rain?,” YES! Magazine, Jan. 5, 2015,

5. Fukushima nuclear disaster deepens
More than four years after a tsunami destroyed Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant and causing one of the worst nuclear accidents in human history, radiation from the plant continues to leak into the ocean.

But the story has largely disappeared from the news.

As Project Censored notes: The continued dumping of extremely radioactive cooling water into the Pacific Ocean from the destroyed nuclear plant, already being detected along the Japanese coastline, has the potential to impact entire portions of the Pacific Ocean and North America's western shoreline. Aside from the potential release of plutonium into the Pacific Ocean, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) recently admitted that the facility is releasing large quantities of water contaminated with tritium, cesium and strontium into the ocean every day.

We're talking large amounts of highly contaminated water getting dumped into the ocean. The plant's owner, Tokyo Electric Power Company, “admitted that the facility is releasing a whopping 150 billion becquerels of tritium and seven billion becquerels of cesium- and strontium-contaminated water into the ocean every day.” The potential for long-term problems all over the world is huge—and the situation hasn't been contained.

Souces: “TEPCO Drops Bombshell About Sea Releases; 8 Billion Bq Per Day,” Simply Info: The Fukushima Project, Aug. 26, 2014,

Sarah Lazare, “Fukushima Meltdown Worse Than Previous Estimates: TEPCO,” Common Dreams, August 7, 2014,

Michel Chossudovsky, “The Fukushima Endgame: The Radioactive Contamination of the Pacific Ocean,” Global Research, Dec.17, 2014,

6. Methane and Arctic warming's global impacts
We all know that carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are a huge threat to climate stability. But there's another giant threat out there that hasn't made much news.

The arctic ice sheets, which are rapidly melting in some areas, contain massive amounts of methane – a greenhouse gas that's way worse than carbon dioxide. And, as the ice recedes, that methane is getting released into the atmosphere.

Dahr Jamail, writing in Truthout, notes that all of our predictions about the pace of global warming and its impacts might have to be re-evaluated in the wake of revelations about methane releases:

“A 2013 study, published in Nature, reported that a 50-gigaton 'burp' of methane is 'highly possible at any time.' As Jamail clarified, 'That would be the equivalent of at least 1,000 gigatons of carbon dioxide,' noting that, since 1850, humans have released a total of about 1,475 gigatons in carbon dioxide. A massive, sudden change in methane levels could, in turn, lead to temperature increases of four to six degrees Celsius in just one or two decades—a rapid rate of climate change to which human agriculture, and ecosystems more generally, could not readily adapt.”

Jamail quoted Paul Beckwith, a professor of climatology and meteorology at the University of Ottawa: “Our climate system is in early stages of abrupt climate change that, unchecked, will lead to a temperature rise of 5 to 6 degrees Celsius within a decade or two.” Such changes would have “unprecedented effects” for life on Earth.

A huge story? Apparently not. The major news media have written at length about the geopolitics of the arctic region, but there's been very little mention of the methane monster.

Source: Dahr Jamail, “The Methane Monster Roars,” Truthout, Jan. 13, 2015,

10. Costa Rica is setting the standard on renewable energy
Is it possible to meet a modern nation's energy needs without any fossil-fuel consumption? Yes. Costa Rica has been doing it.

To be fair, that country's main industries—tourism and agriculture—are not energy-intensive, and heavy rainfall in the first part of the year made it possible for the country to rely heavily on its hydropower resources.

But even in normal years, Costa Rica generates 90 percent of its energy without burning any fossil fuels.

Iceland also produces the vast majority of its energy from renewable sources.

The transition to 100 percent renewables will be harder for larger countries – but as the limited reporting on Costa Rica notes, it's possible to take large steps in that direction.

Sources: Myles Gough, “Costa Rica Powered with 100% Renewable Energy for 75 Straight Days,” Science Alert, March 20, 2015, ... or-75-days.

Adam Epstein, “Costa Rica is Now Running Completely on Renewable Energy,” Quartz, March 23, 2015, ... ble-energy.

11. Pesticide Manufacturers Spend Millions on PR Response to Declining Bee Populations

12. Seeds of Doubt: USDA Ignores Popular Critiques of New Pesticide-Resistant Genetically Modified Crops

19. “Most Comprehensive” Assessment Yet Warns against Geoengineering Risks

21. The New Amazon of the North: Canadian Deforestation

22. Global Killing of Environmentalists Rises Drastically

25. Greenland's Meltwater Contributes to Rising Sea Levels

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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 03:42:48

that you Cid for those timely links. Yes how quaint that the MSM find it convenient to not speak about the most pressing environmental issues. How quaint that the masses have yet to rise up together to say NO more like their lives depended on it. Because they do, as scientist Beckwith stated a decade or two left till unlivable conditions on Earth. We truly have arrived at the End of times. I do not say this lightly. The inertia and denial just continue while problems get exponentially worse. Well I say let us not worry about it because it is too late so what is the use.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 03:51:30

Here is a quote from the book 6 degrees our future on a hotter planet
"Habitable areas will shrink towards the poles.
There would be a total collapse of civilisation requiring new forms of governance,
quite probably not of a democratic nature.
There would inevitably be a massive reduction in the supportable population. Quite
possibly billions will die."
This scenario would play out at 5 degree Celsius increase. Of course 6 degrees even worse. "The human species may survive a 6
temperature rise but it is by no means certain". So that is what likely awaits us one or two decades from now.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Tanada » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 07:05:13

Censorship is a much to trite explanation. The reason some news items blow up on Facebook or Twitter and become international news is people are interested in them. All of the information is out there, but people simply do not care for one reason or another.

Disasters for most people fall into one of two categories, either they are a personal experience that keeps them bust with survival issues, or they are a Hollywood/Media entertainment experience. Even things like massive terror attacks or wars are turned into Hollywood adventure stories more often than fact based documentaries, because most people are looking for the entertainment factor and facts are irrelevant.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Fishman » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 07:54:38

Well Cid they've been so busy with the buttkiss'Bama news for the last 7 years. I'm sure that a Republic president will allow all those subjects to get their appropriate time. That or even Mother Jones called them "The Lamest "
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Lore » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 08:44:15

The article has less to do with politics and policy and more about the elite who controls it all.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 10:51:31

Ah, the Limbaughtomized makes another appearance.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 12:15:33

I don't think its so much a question of censored, as that those stories just don't drive any reader interest. Like the OP points out, a lot of folks are getting their chosen collection of stories via interneted social media, twitter, facebook, aggregators. The problem there, is that their choices self select the topics they see. If Bob is not interested in Global Warming, there is no force on Earth that can cause Bob to receive news regarding Global Warming. Without seeing articles on gw, Bob just puts the whole issue in a vague "for political nerds only" box and pushes it out of sight. Much less important than whether you like watching Kardassians wiggle...

Its really unfair to view the MSM as some topic setter/opinion making force these days. They exist to sell soap. They run articles that help them sell soap. Nothing more. Nothing less. Journalists report on stuff about places they've never been, about things happening in languages that they can't even say, "where's the bathroom" in. On topics that are vastly above their paygrade. Why should people take an MSM article seriously in the first place. Its a big vague advertisement, wrapping a small direct advertisement, to cause you to think one brand of soap is different from another brand of soap.

If you want news to get to Bob, you're going to have to go get the real opinion maker.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 14:26:22

One of the most underreported news stories in the article was the fear of writers to write about certain topics. (i.e 22. Global Killing of Environmentalists Rises Drastically). Physical assassination and character assassination (i.e. making them out to be child molesters or something similarly despicable, so no one will ever give them the time of day again), are normal tools in the Corporate toolbox.

Agent has a point, airheads will always be airheads and will self select airhead topics to read. And with our education system, and TV conditioning, we have a lot of them. See the movie God Bless America. (Although TV is going the way of the mainstream media.)

But if the stories just aren't there to read, then no one knows. About a decade ago there was an internet blogger in California that took on Richard Scaife in particular and the Plutocracy in general. He was found in a public bathroom right next to Richard Scaife's office in Philadelphia, with multiple gunshot wounds to the head. It was ruled a suicide. There was no mention in the police report about any connection between the dead man and Richard Scaife. Just some stranger who shot himself in the head in a bathroom.

There are no rules, no laws at that level of power. And gnats get swatted.
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Sun 25 Oct 2015, 14:33:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 14:32:16

All too true, and yet somehow, some important messages do seem to be finally getting through: ... R_20151021

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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 14:43:57

Well, you can't hide something that is actually happening forever.

One more thing on character assassination. It is extremely easy to do. Hack their computer, load a bunch of child porn on it, then make an anonymous tip to the local police. Just an example of how easy they can take someone down. Those that are afraid have good reason. Physical assassination is rarely necessary.
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Sun 25 Oct 2015, 15:02:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 14:46:58

I think the Pope's advocacy may have made a difference in this most recent upswing in general understanding.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 15:16:08

ummm, related to Cid Yama relating the story of the person who supposedly killed himself with multiple gunshot wounds to the head. How would one even get off another shot to one's own head. I would think normally one would do the trick. Believe it or not I have also found out about some UFO cover up whistle blowers who have been found dead under mysterious circumstances. Just saying.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 15:53:44

Sorry it wasn't Philadelphia, it was Pittsburg. His name was Steve Kangas. it happened Feb 8th 1999. I looked online and it is almost impossible to find a factual story about it. It's now all conspiracy theory or smear.

What is factual.

Kangas was a military intelligence officer when he was in the service.

He was an investigative journalist on Usenet.

He was attending graduate school in Santa Cruz.

He wrote about the overclass in America.

He caught the ire of Richard Scaife, who launched a smear campaign against him.

Somehow he ended up in the bathroom in the office suite of Richard Scaife, where he was found shot dead.

The following day it was ruled a suicide with no connection mentioned between between Scaife and Kangas.

Scaife was never interviewed by police.

Scaife's papers continued to smear Kangas after his death and tricked his parents into giving them access to Kangas' computer and office.

The rest out there is speculation and fabrication.
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Sun 25 Oct 2015, 17:21:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Lore » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 16:32:30

The media is ultimately controlled by its advertisers. You only have to take a look at when someone makes a a social gaffe and advertisers pull the plug and not long after that the offender is gone.

The environment is played down because throwing it up in everyone's face all the time does not build confident buyers. That's why there is no doom channel on television. We like to fantasize about it, in a Mad Max kind of way, but when it comes to reality, it's not so entertaining.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 16:49:33

Yes that is another part of it too, people just do not want to know about doom particularly when that doom relates to them.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Lore » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 16:58:52

onlooker wrote:Yes that is another part of it too, people just do not want to know about doom particularly when that doom relates to them.

People normally get that on Sunday going to church, but it's usually prefaced with salvation is yours after death and please don't forget to fill the collection basket for your eternal guarantee.

Doesn't work so well at Walmart. Signs like, "Ready to buy before you die" are a hard sell.
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby vox_mundi » Sun 25 Oct 2015, 20:01:55

Cid_Yama wrote:One of the most underreported news stories in the article was the fear of writers to write about certain topics. (i.e 22. Global Killing of Environmentalists Rises Drastically). Physical assassination and character assassination (i.e. making them out to be child molesters or something similarly despicable, so no one will ever give them the time of day again), are normal tools in the Corporate toolbox.

Agent has a point, airheads will always be airheads and will self select airhead topics to read. And with our education system, and TV conditioning, we have a lot of them. See the movie God Bless America. (Although TV is going the way of the mainstream media.)

But if the stories just aren't there to read, then no one knows. About a decade ago there was an internet blogger in California that took on Richard Scaife in particular and the Plutocracy in general. He was found in a public bathroom right next to Richard Scaife's office in Philadelphia, with multiple gunshot wounds to the head. It was ruled a suicide. There was no mention in the police report about any connection between the dead man and Richard Scaife. Just some stranger who shot himself in the head in a bathroom.

There are no rules, no laws at that level of power. And gnats get swatted.

Environmentalists are a dying breed in Brazil also ...

Why are Brazil’s environmentalists being murdered?

The killers came from the forest, the very same forest Raimundo Santos Rodrigues so loved.

The environmentalist had spent years defending one of the last pristine swathes of the eastern Amazon rain forest from loggers, miners and farmers. But his activism had earned him enemies in Brazil’s northern state of Maranhão.

Santos Rodrigues and his wife were riding their motorbike from the market back to the Biological Reserve of Gurupi when two men suddenly emerged from the treeline, witnesses told local media. As the couple crossed a bridge, the gunmen opened fire, hitting both the environmentalist and his wife.

To ensure their objective, the assassins ran up to Santos Rodrigues and stabbed the injured man to death.

Also, the 'two shots to the head' suicide reminded me of journalist Gary Webb, the character behind the movie Kill the Messenger. Don't get between the CIA and their drug enterprise.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Mon 26 Oct 2015, 01:23:50

AgentR11 wrote:Like the OP points out, a lot of folks are getting their chosen collection of stories via interneted social media, twitter, facebook, aggregators. The problem there, is that their choices self select the topics they see.
I think FB has algorithms that do that automatically - no need to self select.

AgentR11 wrote:If you want news to get to Bob, you're going to have to go get the real opinion maker.
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Re: Environment dominates list of most censored Media storie

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 26 Oct 2015, 07:51:44

Keith_McClary wrote:
AgentR11 wrote:Like the OP points out, a lot of folks are getting their chosen collection of stories via interneted social media, twitter, facebook, aggregators. The problem there, is that their choices self select the topics they see.
I think FB has algorithms that do that automatically - no need to self select.

It does, and I was including that; google also watches what you choose and tailors the presentation to your interests. Google also often shows an article and explicitly asks you whether you are interested in a topic. Couple clicks on "no" for global warming, and its done for. Similar for youtube (a part of google, but still).

By "self select" I don't mean a necessarily active, deliberate choice, clicking a button, or whatever. But rather the inclusive set of behaviors that is used by aggregators to display content that users will click on.
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