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The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby ennui2 » Fri 02 Oct 2015, 19:01:05

onlooker wrote:so called "War on Terror" which is a smoke screen for an imperialistic US

Unmitigated bullshit. Go say that to the victims of the marathon bombing.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby ennui2 » Fri 02 Oct 2015, 19:03:43

Ulenspiegel wrote:it hurts to see that Russia is much more rational.

I'd hesitate to call its foreign policy more rational. Remember that Russia was the one who barreled into Afghanistan before we did and reaped a Vietnam-grade smackdown, then experienced a similar quagmire in Chechnya. Wait and see how this plays out first before assuming they really know what they're doing.

I'm really tired of this childish tendency to want to wave the flag for one side or the other and not concede that both sides are imperfect.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Fri 02 Oct 2015, 19:08:29 ... S-left-out

CBS edited out significant parts of Putin's interview with Charlie Rose. This sort of "soft" censorship shows the NATO MSM for what it is. If they were so "free" and "unbiased" they would show all the parts. What are they afraid of?
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 02 Oct 2015, 19:11:01

I said War on Terror not terrorism. Yes terrorism exists in no small part due to our meddling over there in ME. Or do you think a drone assassination campaign that ends up killing innocents is not going to rile up more then a few. Oh and let us feel bad about all the victims of terrorism not just the ones in our backyard. Let us just say that terrorism takes many forms and countries can be the biggest terrorists. terrorism "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 02 Oct 2015, 21:59:41

dissident wrote:

CBS edited out significant parts of Putin's interview with Charlie Rose. This sort of "soft" censorship shows the NATO MSM for what it is. If they were so "free" and "unbiased" they would show all the parts. What are they afraid of?

Wow Diss, what an eye opener that is, on both Putin & MSM reductionism.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 00:34:40

ennui2 wrote:
onlooker wrote:so called "War on Terror" which is a smoke screen for an imperialistic US

Unmitigated bullshit. Go say that to the victims of the marathon bombing.
Which happened first? The "War on Terror" is just a continuation of decades of oily meddling in the Mideast.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 00:37:59

ennui2 wrote: Remember that Russia was the one who barreled into Afghanistan before we did...
You unofficially barreled in first.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 00:47:21

ennui2 wrote:
onlooker wrote:I prefer if possible to get news from bloggers or a small fringe media co or website.

The problem with bloggers and small "fringe" media is that they are nothing but opinion-pieces. Just because a blogger says something doesn't make it anymore true than the MSM. Bias has both a macro and micro component.
Yes, the MSM do an excellent job of reporting whatever anonymous "officials" tell them.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 03:05:28

Timing is incredibly bad... But karma, sometimes you just can't outrun it.
Same end of week....
US inflicts some collateral damage on a hospital killing real civilians and aid workers.
Russia bombs a bunker, and its instant civilian casualties complete with touching picture (taken 5 days before the first Russian air mission....)

Yeah, I'm kinda have a bit of doubt on maintaining that "we're the good guys" thing.... /sigh
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Strummer » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 07:29:00

ennui2 wrote:Remember that Russia was the one who barreled into Afghanistan before we did

What? No. The US started supporting the afghan mujahideen terrorists trying to overthrow the government in summer 1979, before the soviet involvement.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 04 Oct 2015, 09:41:08 ... ainst-ISIS

Comparing recent BBC headlines with BBC headlines from 4 years ago when NATO obliterated several cities in Libya, you could be forgiven for thinking that BBC journalists and editors have only now realised that bombs kill people, in particular Russian bombs (the British, French and American variety only ever killing 'bad guys' with 'pin-point accuracy').

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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Mon 05 Oct 2015, 12:01:07

The Russian air force in Syria has flown straight into the West’s fantasy air space. The Russians, we are now informed, are bombing the “moderates” in Syria – “moderates” whom even the Americans admitted two months ago, no longer existed.

It’s rather like the IS fighters who left Europe to fight for the extremists' state. Remember them? Scarcely two months ago, our political leaders – and leader writers – were warning us all of the enormous danger posed by “home-grown” extremists who were leaving Britain and other European countries and America to fight for the monsters of IS. Then the hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees began trekking up the Balkans towards Europe after risking death in the Mediterranean – and we were all told by the same political leaders to be fearful that IS killers were among them.

It’s amazing how European Muslim fighters fly to Turkey to join IS, and a few weeks later, they’re drowning in leaky boats or tramping back again and taking trains from Hungary to Germany. But if this nonsense was true, where did they get the time for all the terrorist training they need in order to attack us when they get back to Europe?

It is possible, of course, that this was mere storytelling. By contrast, the chorus of horror that has accompanied Russia’s cruel air strikes this past week has gone beyond sanity.
“American officials” – those creatures beloved of The New York Times – claim that the Syrian army does not fight IS. If true, who on earth killed the 56,000 Syrian soldiers – the statistic an official secret, but nonetheless true – who have so far died in the Syrian war? The preposterous Free Syrian Army (FSA)?

This rubbish has reached its crescendo in the on-again off-again saga of the Syrian “moderates”. These men were originally military defectors to the FSA, which America and European countries regarded as a possible pro-Western force to be used against the Syrian government army. But the FSA fell to pieces, corrupted, and the “moderates” defected all over again, this time to the extremist Nusra Front or to IS, selling their American-supplied weapons to the highest bidder or merely retiring quietly – and wisely – to the countryside where they maintained a few scattered checkpoints.

Washington admitted their disappearance, bemoaned their fate, concluded that new “moderates” were required, persuaded the CIA to arm and train 70 fighters, and this summer packed them off across the Turkish border to fight – whereupon all but 10 were captured by Nusra and at least two of them were executed by their captors. Just two weeks ago, I heard in person one of the most senior ex-US officers in Iraq – David Petraeus’s former No 2 in Baghdad – announce that the “moderates” had collapsed long ago. Now you see them – now you don’t.

But within hours of Russia’s air assaults last weekend, Washington, The New York Times, CNN, the poor old BBC and just about every newspaper in the Western world resurrected these ghosts and told us that the Russkies were bombing the brave “moderates” fighting Bashar’s army in Syria – the very “moderates” who, according to the same storyline from the very same sources a few weeks earlier, no longer existed. Our finest commentators and experts – always a dodgy phrase – joined in the same chorus line.
But for heaven’s sake, let’s stop fantasising. A few days ago, a White House spokesman even told us that Russian bombing “drives moderate elements... into the hands of extremists”.

Who’s writing this fiction? “Moderate elements” indeed...
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 05 Oct 2015, 12:36:16

"The best laid plans of mice and men" for naught.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Fri 16 Oct 2015, 17:21:00 ... iFo3SuRLao

A rather tame statement of the obvious.

Actually, Russia has a clear and present threat from the ISIS evolution of the Middle East. It will face a 100 years' war with these medieval lunatics including within its own borders. The US and its NATO pals are hoping for this. But those NATO pals are idiots since this Salafi vermin will be targeting them as well.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Mon 02 Nov 2015, 13:12:20 ... z3qLh5pDwT

Five of 6 Syrian Hospitals Allegedly Hit by Russian Airstrikes Don't Exist

Russia's Defense Ministry denied the existence of five out of six Syrian hospitals allegedly hit by Russian airstrikes.

"I would like to remind you that a week ago several leading Western media outlets citing the US-based Syrian American Medical Society accused us of allegedly bombing hospitals in al-Ees, al-Hader, Khan Tuman, Sarmin, Latamna and al-Zirba," ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters.

The spokesman added, that "all these reports were made without any proof."

"We investigated this information. It turned out, in fact, that there is a hospital only in the settlement of Sarmin. There are no hospitals in al-Ees, al-Hader, Khan Tuman, Latamna and al-Zirba, and, consequently, there are no healthcare workers," he added.


At least the NATO media should check some basic facts before spewing its lies.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sat 07 Nov 2015, 23:28:17 ... ine/ri8917

Media Silent on Striking Revelations in the Kiev Sniper Massacre Trial in Ukraine

On July 15, 2015, the prosecution made public in court for the first time its charges alleging that two arrested members of the Berkut special company massacred 39 out of 49 killed protesters on February 20, 2014: Link (0h19 – 2h07).

However, the prosecution’s case unraveled on July 17 when the brother of one of the victims stated during his questioning by the prosecutors that Andrii Saienko was killed not from Berkut positions but from a top floor of the Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina: Link (0h20).

He made this conclusion on the basis of his brother’s position as shown in a video at the moment of his killing and an entry wound location in upper right chest area and a steep wound channel to the backbone.

The prosecutors and relatives of some of the victims reported during the trial that technical expert reports in the investigative file established that Saienko and at least 9 other protesters were killed from the same exact 7.62mm caliber weapon.

His revelation alone means that that a significant proportion of the protesters were shot from this Maidan-controlled hotel, since this caliber bullets were extracted from bodies of 16 protesters.

But the prosecution charged two Berkut members with their killings, even though Saienko’s brother and his lawyer officially handed to investigators the aforementioned video file in October 2014.

The NATO media is all about propaganda narratives and not facts.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sun 08 Nov 2015, 13:57:13


Pathetic Orwellian revisionism by Reuters.
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Mon 09 Nov 2015, 02:49:08

dissident wrote:Image

Pathetic Orwellian revisionism by Reuters.

"Rebels", "terrorists", "freedom fighters", "militants", "volunteer battalion", "insurgents", "revolutionaries", "partisans", "guerrillas", "infiltrators", "resistance", ...

I remember seeing an edit like that on where Chechen "freedom fighters" became Chechen "terrorists". This was shortly after 9/11 - I guess Faux was still in cold warrior mode. :lol:
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Re: The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Unread postby dissident » Sat 21 Nov 2015, 16:09:34 ... lying.html

US Media Shows Footage of Russian Airstrikes Passed Off as American

PBS NewsHour, a daily US television news program shown on the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), used footage of Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets, claiming that they were US airstrikes, an Information Clearing House article revealed.

Earlier this week, the US government said it would intensify anti-ISIL airstrikes and bomb the terrorist organization's oil infrastructure, which is ISIL's primary source of income.

After that, on November 16, the US military said it destroyed 116 trucks carrying illegal oil in ISIL-controlled territories.

"On Monday, 295 trucks were in the area, and more than a third of them were destroyed, United States officials said. The A-10s dropped two dozen 500-pound bombs and conducted strafing runs with 30-millimeter Gatling guns. The AC-130s attacked with 30-millimeter Gatling guns and 105-millimeter cannons," the New York Times colorfully described the US military operation that allegedly took place on November 16.

Well, it sure sounded like a major anti-ISIL operation in the wake of the Paris attacks. But so far, these are just claims, not backed by any evidence.

Simply pathetic. So we don't even know if the US actually bombed any of the oil trucks.
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