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Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby kuidaskassikaeb » Mon 16 Jun 2014, 16:12:46

Yeah the I thought maybe it didn't fit. I mean we know how to quarry safely. It was another example of Exon Mobile behaving badly, which is really the only connection to fossil fuel. But it has a really big euuu quotient

By early March, the road reopened—directly above the bodies of the buried victims. "In our culture, when a body is dead under the rock, there should be no one going in there," Piwago told Wilson that month. "We respect our dead, but the government and companies, they did not listen. They just did the road on top of the bodies."

Can you say poltergeist. Anyway when we hear about Maoist rebels etc. This is how they are recruited.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 16 Jun 2014, 16:23:18

Good point, k. If EM is so sloppy in this kind of operation, how can we trust their assurances that other operations are going to be safe?
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 28 Oct 2014, 09:56:23 ... htub-ring/

Huge ‘Bathtub Ring’ Of Oil On Sea Floor Left From BP Spill
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby Graeme » Tue 16 Dec 2014, 17:00:54

Forget Oil. Here Are The More Insidious Things That Polluted America’s Air And Water This Year

This year, three billion gallons of waste were injected into California’s underground aquifers. Eighty millions pounds of toxic grey goop were spilled in a North Carolina waterway. Clouds of thick, black, oily dust coated children’s playground equipment in Chicago’s southeast side.

Like every year, 2014 saw a wide range of environmental pollution from fossil fuel development. But there was no BP-scale well blowout, no Lac-Mégantic-sized crude oil train explosion. Instead, many of this year’s major fossil fuel disasters came from a more insidious source — not the fuels themselves, but the waste products they create. These are essentially the leftovers from fossil fuel development: wastewater from oil and gas drilling, coal ash from coal burning, and petroleum coke from tar sands refining.

“I think it’s been a big year for coal ash, fracking, and petcoke,” said Abigail Dillen, the vice president of litigation at Earthjustice, an environmental law firm. “We saw some high-profile disasters, and they happened at moments in the news cycle where they got more attention.”
While 2014 was not devoid of conventional polluters, environmentalists say the news media has had an increased focus on waste-based pollutants in 2014 — a signal that the problem is growing. Most importantly, they say, it shines a light on the lack of federal environmental regulation that could assure safe disposal of the waste.

Here’s a look back at how fossil fuel wastes like coal ash, wastewater, and petcoke shaped the year in pollution.

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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 24 Dec 2014, 14:20:58 ... oil-spill/

Experts Arrive To Help Barehanded Children Clean Up Massive Bangladeshi Oil Spill

The children using their hands and utensils to clean up a massive oil spill in the world’s largest unbroken stand of mangrove forests are getting some backup. U.S. oil spill experts joined a U.N. team to respond to this ecologically devastating and hazardous oil spill in the lush, carbon-rich mangrove forests of Bangladesh’s renowned Sundarbans region, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Sundarbans means “beautiful forest.”

In the early morning of December 9, foggy weather in the estuarine waters of the Sela River caused a cargo ship to ram the Southern Star 7, a tanker ship laden with between 66,000 and 92,000 of thick furnace oil bound for one of the nation’s oil-burning power plants. The tanker had dropped anchor because of the fog, and when the cargo ship ran into it, the collision was strong enough to kill the tanker’s captain and spill most of the thick, black, sludgy liquid cargo.

The estuary was protected as a sanctuary for rare dolphin species, but that designation did not stop the oil from gushing into the mangrove forest. Even worse, twice-daily tidal flows in and out of the estuary spread the oil spill over 40 miles along the Sela and Pusur Rivers, deep into the area’s mangroves, shorelines, and wetlands.

The Bangladeshi government’s chief forestry official for the region, Amir Hossain, told reporters on December 16 that “the catastrophe is unprecedented in the Sundarbans, and we don’t know how to tackle this.” For more than a week following the collision, oil spill response comprised little more than local fishermen, villagers, and even children manually scooping up oil with buckets and pans, with no protective gear...
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 15 Jan 2015, 19:13:08 ... sel-spill/

230,000 People Told Not To Drink Their Water After Diesel Fuel Spill In Canada
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 09 Apr 2015, 11:29:01 ... don-study/

Scientists Link Pennsylvania’s Fracking Boom To Increased Radioactive Gas In Homes
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 16 Apr 2015, 19:14:40

Mexican Oil Spill Leaves 100,000 Without Drinking Water

Greenpeace Mexico says incident underscores problems with ‘dirty’ oil industry

An oil spill in the Mexican state of Tabasco has left roughly 100,000 people without drinking water on Wednesday.

The spill, which occurred on Sunday, was reportedly the result of a Pemex pipeline being breached by oil thieves.

It polluted two rivers, forcing the shutdown of four water treatment plants, which initially left half a million people without drinking water.

Mayor of the state capital of Villahermosa, Humberto de los Santos Betruy, said the spill caused “heavy ecological damage.” ... king-water
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Fri 17 Apr 2015, 08:12:28

FYI: Radioactive radon gas originates in the mantel 100's of miles below where frac'ng occurs. On fact, I've prrsonally run a number of radiometric surveys lookinh for oil reservoirs. And how: looking for areas of radon concentrations LOWER then average. Turns out radon doesn't migrate vertically thru oil very well. What happens: it's deflected away from the oil deposits and creates a halo around them with higher concentrations.

Also if one bothers to do a liitle research they would discover that the vertical flow of radon to the surface is measured in terms of feer per CENTURIES. About 25 years ago there was a huge hypr about radon gas contaminstion. In reality the conventration of the emmited gas is so small that it's harmless. The danger came from inhaling dust in basements etc where over decades the radioactive materal concentrated to dangerous levels. On the time frame they mention no significant amount of radon gas emmisions can occur. But if one goes into there old unventelared basements amd sweep the dust around dangerous levels of radon levels would develop in seconds.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 17 Apr 2015, 10:37:33

Soooo, you're saying we don't need to 'feer' the 'conventration' of 'contaminstion'?? :P
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Fri 17 Apr 2015, 11:48:28

He's saying, 'Fear the Sweeper'.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 19 Apr 2015, 15:18:26


In a little-noticed move just one day after the Johns Hopkins report was released, a Pennsylvania court allowed the state’s environmental regulators to keep the public from reviewing data from radioactivity testing at oil and gas drilling sites. ... n-fracking

Nothing to hide here, folks...move along, move along...
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sun 19 Apr 2015, 21:37:17

Cid/dohboi - Exactly. Back when the radon hype was at its peak folks were advised to have those dusty closed spaces tested and if high levels were found to have a pro hazmat crew clean it out. This was a particular problem where folks lived where igneous rocks were at the surface. Read my post again. I didn't sat radon wasn't dangerous. If you want a warning from a higher authority here's the word from your friendly EPA:

"Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. You can't see radon. And you can't smell it or taste it. But it may be a problem in your home. Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. That's because when you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.

Radon can be found all over the U.S. Radon comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon can be found all over the U.S. It can get into any type of building — homes, offices, and schools — and result in a high indoor radon level. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.

You should test for radon. Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third floor for radon. EPA also recommends testing in schools. Testing is inexpensive and easy — it should only take a few minutes of your time. Millions of Americans have already tested their homes for radon."

Of course none of these well documented facts will deter folks who want to blame oil patch activities for everything from warts to bad breath. LOL. Just imagine how many of our above average group here was ready to buy into this bullsh*t.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 20 Apr 2015, 07:22:57

"Pennsylvania court allowed the state’s environmental regulators to keep the public from reviewing data from radioactivity testing at oil and gas drilling sites."

You honestly don't find this just a tad ... suspicious?
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Mon 20 Apr 2015, 20:03:48

dohboi - Yes, I do. But then I read the details and discovered your characterization wasn't entirely correct. The agency turned over 294 pages of the report detailing the study along with other data. But they did refuse to turn over the data samples because the state law doesn't require them to. Not just for this study but all similar studies. Not sure why that law exists but this isn't a special exemption. The judge's explanation: "The Judge ruled in favour of the DEP which argued that a “premature” public release of the still “unvalidated and preliminary” data could lead to the circulation of erroneous or misleading conclusions regarding health risks." IOW the ruling wasn't that the data would never be released but that it just wouldn't be released at this time. Thus it does sound like those folks are creating an issue out of a non-issue.

Regardless the public was given the detailed of the study. What also makes me a tad suspicious is why all the chatter about not getting the sampling data and not commenting on the reports analysis itself. Perhaps because it does fit their preconceived prejudice??? BTW did you read my portion of the post that pointed out that radon gas is essentially EVERWHERE. That would seem to guarantee it would be found where they were well as areas not being drilled. But all that pales in comparison the PROVEN FACT that radon is a naturally occurring element and isn't man-made. Thus a very basic question: since radon isn't created by either the drilling or frac'ng what exactly is the concern regarding those activities? That focus I find very suspicious.

Law360 -- A Pennsylvania appeals court on Friday said the state's Department of Environmental Protection needn't provide an environmental group with data and information underpinning a forthcoming study on the connection between oil and gas extraction and radioactivity, concluding that the data is exempt from disclosure. A three-judge panel reversed a July ruling from the state's Office of Open Records that the Delaware Riverkeeper Network was entitled to receive records detailing sampling data from the DEP’s study of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material, or TENORM, associated with gas and oil extraction. The panel determined that the sample data is exempt from disclosure under the state's Right-To-Know law because it constituted records of a noncriminal investigation.

"It is clear based upon the record evidence that because DEP collected the sampling data at issue in compliance with the Radiation Protection Act’s mandate that DEP monitor, control and regulate radiation sources on an ongoing basis, it was the result of 'a systematic or searching inquiry, a detailed examination, or an official probe' in the course of DEP’s official duties and, thus, constitutes a noncriminal investigation," the panel concluded. The decision referred to a provision of the Right-To-Know law that exempts from public access investigative materials or records that would reveal the progress or result of certain types of official agency investigations

Delaware Riverkeeper Network had made the request to the DEP in April 2014, and the agency granted the request in part, turning over 294 pages of material describing the TENORM study and the status of the study, along with some other documents. But it denied the request regarding the underlying sample data, arguing that it constituted noncriminal investigative records and internal pre-decisional deliberations.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 21 Apr 2015, 11:08:59

No time to address all these points right now. But I must say that I can't follow your reasoning here:

"radon is a naturally occurring element and isn't man-made...since radon isn't created by either the drilling or frac'ng what exactly is the concern regarding those activities?"


All sorts of nasty things are not created by humans. Heavy metals, for example, are 'naturally occurring' but I don't want them in my water.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Thu 23 Apr 2015, 21:13:33 ... evelopment

from PONews:

Thirty thousand square kilometers of land lost to oil and gas development

" area equivalent to three Yellowstone National Parks."

What a freakin' ongoing disaster on so many levels.
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Fri 24 Apr 2015, 16:30:50

Oklahoma Lawmakers Vote To Outlaw Fracking Bans As Earthquakes In The State Spike ... ling-bans/

And for a mathematical analysis:

Oklahoma - Not OK ... #more-7320
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby clif » Sat 25 Apr 2015, 01:12:14

Oklahoma Lawmakers Vote To Outlaw Fracking Bans As Earthquakes In The State Spike

When I read that, all I could think dumb and dumber has gone from funny movie to tragic reality ........
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Re: Fossil-Death-Fuel Disasters (besides GW)

Unread postby dohboi » Sat 25 Apr 2015, 17:58:13

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