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Marco Rubio on climate change

Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 12 May 2014, 10:28:31

Rubio Has Blunt Words on Climate Change, Hillary Clinton

I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what’s happening in our climate. Our climate is always changing,” he said.

Okay, well, that's idiotic.

I have issues with climate change mitigation *policy*. I'd never be for bankster cap and trade scams, or just carbon taxes (that's just tax grab).

But Rubio is just an idiot. For starters, it would help matters if we:

* transitioned the national truck fleet to nat gas. Trucks, busses, all of that should be nat gas. There are so many tractor trailers on the interstates in this country, just doing that would make a difference.

* Ban coal. No more coal fired plants. No exporting coal. (that ain't gonna ever happen, but it *would* make a difference)

* China has to get off coal. That's the big one. Again, it ain't gonna happen, they have over 200 new coal fired plants in the pipeline. They are the world's largest polluter. Beijing has so much smog it's pea soup and everyone wears masks.

I saw an article about coal mines shutting down in Canada. It's not because coal is so bad for the environment, but rather there is so much coal being mined and it is so cheap that it's not profitable to mine it in Canada! That's the future, more coal for the developing world, and exponentially more pollution.

Nothing can ever happen to mitigate climate change. Because even the lefties are against nuclear. It's impossible. But Rubio is still wrong that there aren't "actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what’s happening in our climate."

Those actions are there, they could be taken, but China ain't gonna do it and neither are our entrenched big coal / energy interest groups, and lefties don't want nuclear, it's all impossible.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby efarmer » Mon 12 May 2014, 11:09:48

I tried to use the online Latin to English translation
to see what Marco Rubio would yield.

marcere, marcui, marcitus V INTRANS
be withered/flabby, droop/shrivel;
flag/faint; be weak/enfeebled/idle/apathetic

rubius, rubia, rubium ADJ
[XAXDO] lesser

I don't know if this all adds up to being more
droopy and shriveled or less or if it even did
a good match up for my input on translation.

So instead of being stumped and confused I am going
to pretend I am back in the 1950's and just bluster
and kick around in the dark until I hit something.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 12 May 2014, 11:21:24

efarmer wrote:I tried to use the online Latin to English translation
to see what Marco Rubio would yield.

marcere, marcui, marcitus V INTRANS
be withered/flabby, droop/shrivel;
flag/faint; be weak/enfeebled/idle/apathetic

rubius, rubia, rubium ADJ
[XAXDO] lesser.


I don't like Rubio. :( He's the kind of guy that's qualified enough for the airport authority, or a county commission, but I do not know how he has risen so far.

He's actually a serious contender for 2016. He's not qualified. I am not joking, he's like county commission material and that's it. On top of that he's too young and doesn't know anything, he's the classic GOP empty suit. At best he needs a good 10 years in the Senate to learn some things. Obama wasn't qualified either, on foreign policy -- we have to stop making these mistakes.

There was some kind of political scandal with him some years back, the accusation was that he used GOP party credit card for his back wax salon treatments. Now Charlie Crist, he's actually qualified, and a good man. Nothing shady on his record, like with Rick Scott who was a hospital corp CEO and his company defrauded Medicare.

I cannot fathom why people vote for some of these people. Qualifications aside, they don't even pass the "would you have a beer with them" test.

I'll be split on this next election. I have foreign policy concerns. If all hell is breaking loose in Europe, we actually do need the "daddy party" back to handle that even though Repubs are impoverishing the nation. But Marco Rubio is just another Sarah Palin, utterly unqualified, it's scary how the GOP just has nobody to offer up.

Jeb Bush *may* be alright, but I could never vote for him if he talks like an idiot all through the primary just to get the primary votes. It turns my stomach.

That's really all they have, that's even qualified. Jeb Bush. If Mitt Romney ran again I could vote for him this time. The key for me, as a voter, is I need to see some moderation and compassionate conservative and responsibility, stop acting like an idiot and dumbing everything down, we need a darn Bob Dole -- a serious moderate, competent adult in charge -- and no more tea party red meat crap.

(I imagine I'll be voting for Hillary. She's actually that moderate Republican we need. I can trust her and Bill to handle things competently, foreign and domestic policy. And ultimately -- nobody addresses the root problems, they're really all republicans, nobody is for workers rights, nobody will do anything about climate change.)
Last edited by Sixstrings on Mon 12 May 2014, 11:29:25, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Pops » Mon 12 May 2014, 11:22:30

Droop the Lesser. I like it!

Are we starting on 2016 already? If so we need another thread so we only have one.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 12 May 2014, 11:40:19

Pops wrote:Are we starting on 2016 already? If so we need another thread so we only have one.

I don't mind if you want to make one and merge. It's too early to talk 2016, but I'm a political junkie so I'm always following these things.

I posted this because I wanted to illustrate *what a true climate change idiot* sounds like. I have some issues on policy, but I'm not an idiot about climate change. I may still wonder about those solar cycles and the totality of what's going on, but I know enough to vote right now to ban coal and get trucks onto nat gas. And lefties must accept nuclear.

And also, China has to make changes too. They are the #1 problem and polluter now and it will get so much worse with the whole developing world -- they're all using coal, hundreds of plants in the pipeline.

(my policy ideas are actually radical, and far to the left of Obama and the Democratic establishment, the things I talk about really would mitigate climate change -- for all their talk, the closest Democrats ever came to doing anything was cap and trade bankster scams. So I just want people to realize that, that you can vote D or green party or whatever, but nobody is actually going to do what would make a difference. They'll just call something like cap and trade a climate change policy, when it's not.

Even a place like the UK, with a pretty good record, actually just *exports* their pollution.

Germany has done the best of all, but look what they did after Fukoshima -- they frickin' went back to coal! Now their emissions are up. It's ridiculous. France is all nuclear. I've got a nuke plant near me. If you accept the climate change threat, then sorry folks, you must accept nuclear. Lefties are off in la la land too, like we can all just live in transition towns and not use energy. Nobody is practical, and realistic, and looking at the big picture, and recognizing that means China too.

I've said my peace.)
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Pops » Mon 12 May 2014, 12:30:08

I don't care if we talk about the politics of CC. Politics are more a predictor of a person's stance than anything else I'd guess.

I saw this the other day and thought it was right on point:
Why do Republicans so stubbornly resist the climate change story? It's not like when a tornado touches down, it spares them, targeting only Democrats. Conversely, why are liberals so eager to buy the climate apocalypse? It's not like they can insulate themselves from rising energy prices or job losses that a drastic energy diet would produce.

The answer is that each side is driven by concerns over whether this issue advances or impedes its broader normative commitments, not narrow self-interest.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Pops » Mon 12 May 2014, 12:31:17

for that matter I don't care if we talk about '16 - I just want to keep it in the Americas forum this time.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Pops » Mon 12 May 2014, 13:17:52

Straight US party politics goes here

The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby drwater » Mon 12 May 2014, 15:38:30

"Our climate is always changing" - That's the standard line. Truth is the energy imbalances (aka "forcings") are pretty straightforward to understand and even to calculate for most of them. You just add up the natural imbalances (solar output/sunpots, tilt and orbit effects, volcanoes, aerosols) AND the direct effects of the greenhouse gases (which are given physical properties). So it's the COMBINATION of natural and manmade effects that are causing the change. It just so happens that the manmade effects are starting to overwhelm the natural effects.

Something can be done about it starting now. An honest revenue-neutral carbon fee and dividend program would seriously incentivize market based change.

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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby hvacman » Mon 12 May 2014, 15:53:39

“I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow the earth revolves around the sun, that would actually have an impact." - the Pope, circa 1615

“I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow we evolved from apes, that "evolution" would actually have an impact." - The state of Tennessee, circa 1925

“I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow the world is round and finite, that would actually have an impact” - a good chunk of the world, circa present.

Per Wikipedia on "flat earth"- "In a satirical piece published 1996, Albert A. Bartlett uses arithmetic to show that sustainable growth on Earth is impossible in a spherical Earth since its resources are necessarily finite. He explains that only a model of a flat Earth, stretching infinitely in the two horizontal dimensions and also in the vertical downward direction, would be able to accommodate the needs of a permanently growing population." So it looks like Rubio is a flat-lander, for sure.

The late Prof. Al Bartlett - if you haven't ever heard him speak or read is works, go to You'll get a kick of of him.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby hvacman » Mon 12 May 2014, 17:24:33

Found it. Here's a PO tribute to Prof. Al.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby hvacman » Mon 12 May 2014, 17:52:22

You know what's funny/sad? How the same people that trust their lives to the dead-on accuracy of the high-level science in jet flight, GPS navigation, the Internet, digital wireless phones, radio and satellite communication, nuclear power and weaponry, etc., yet are convinced that the climatological scientific community, for some reason, have gone daft and are in the pockets of petty politicians.

To say you "believe in" or "do not believe in" anthopogenic climate change (or peak oil "theory") misses the point. This is not religion. "Belief" has nothing to do with it. There is only probable fact, based on scientific evidence. And the evidence keeps mounting...

Tectonic plate theory was similarly controversial for several decades in geological circles before the evidence slowly mounted that it was the one best explanation for all the diverse unexplainable "coincidences" popping up at the various continents. A great book for all to read is "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". It discusses how messy science becomes when new evidence continues to rise that requires restructuring old scientific models. The old guard always hangs onto the old model, tweaking it beyond recognition to retain it until the bitter end. Even Einstein had his limits. Though he revolutionized physics himself, he could not accept the necessary conclusions of the even newer theories of quantum mechanics.

"As I have said so many times, God doesn't play dice with the world."

We at PO have a ring-side seat to watch and participate in two messy scientific revolutions right now - global climatology and global energy. Wait - add economics to that list as we see if we can spend our way out of peak oil.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby GHung » Mon 12 May 2014, 19:39:21

Rubio is just repeating the 'Monster Words'. Say them often enough and loud enough and the monsters that would derail his carefully routed little train will stay away. Rubio can't afford climate change since everything he's ever invested in, and plans for, depends on it not being real and human-caused.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 12 May 2014, 21:06:37

GHung wrote:Rubio is just repeating the 'Monster Words'. Say them often enough and loud enough and the monsters that would derail his carefully routed little train will stay away. Rubio can't afford climate change since everything he's ever invested in, and plans for, depends on it not being real and human-caused.

Good point.

Rubio isn't interested in anything, except money and power for Marco Rubio. Like most politicians. He's just unusually transparent.

Someone like a Jeb Bush says idiotic things to pretend to be dumb, and play to the base, and Romney did that too in that last primary. Thing to remember about Rubio though -- he's not pretending, he really is an idiot.

Not to be insulting, as I said he's fine for county commission, but hold on cowboy not the presidency good lord.

Never trust a man that gets his back waxed, not for commander in chief anyhow. It's too vain and posh, it's got that John Edwards hair fussing vibe. That's just not a serious person, that's not someone you can trust. I couldn't vote for him.

"And yet just in recent weeks, two weeks ago it has come out in news accounts he had a Republican Party of Florida credit card that he charged $130 haircut, or maybe it was a back wax," he said. "We are not sure what all he got at that place."

Host Greta Van Sustern interrupted. "Wait a second, stop. A back wax? Wait a second."

"I don't know what it was, you know," Crist continued.

Van Sustern responded, "I know, but was there a suggestion it was for a back wax? Or a haircut? Or are you being flip?"

"I don't know what it was," Crist replied. "Initially we were told it was a haircut. And then he said it wasn't a haircut."

"The detachment from reality is stunning to me," he continued. "And to try to say that you're a fiscal conservative, yet you spend $130 for maybe a haircut and maybe other things, I don't know what you do at a salon when you are a guy."

And then that bizarre state of the union response he gave, where he was sweating buckets and kept diving down for water, looking at the camera like a deer in headlights:

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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Mon 12 May 2014, 21:53:55

So how was Obama qualified to be President?
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby ennui2 » Tue 13 May 2014, 20:59:21

Looks like Planty has a new candidate to back after Sarah "Drill baby drill" Palin.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 14 May 2014, 02:17:34

Serial_Worrier wrote:So how was Obama qualified to be President?

He wasn't.

But I like him better than Rubio, and his IQ is many multiples of a Rubio. I ain't following Rubio anywhere. 2016 is going to hinge on foreign policy. If things are a mess we can't elect another college professor. Or somebody not ready for prime time.

Find someone with experience, GOP. Run Mitt Romney again, he's competent. Maybe Jeb Bush.
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Re: Marco Rubio on climate change

Unread postby Subjectivist » Wed 14 May 2014, 04:45:53

Sixstrings wrote:
Serial_Worrier wrote:So how was Obama qualified to be President?

He wasn't.

But I like him better than Rubio, and his IQ is many multiples of a Rubio. I ain't following Rubio anywhere. 2016 is going to hinge on foreign policy. If things are a mess we can't elect another college professor. Or somebody not ready for prime time.

Find someone with experience, GOP. Run Mitt Romney again, he's competent. Maybe Jeb Bush.

Personally I am sick of the Clinton/Bush dynasties, President Obama was suppossed to be a fresh start away from all that. Didn't work out like I expected. The Bush and Clinton children and grandchildren should just marry each other and drop the pretense of being different. They are not the Hatfields and McCoys, more like the Austrian Hapsburgs and Spanish Hapsburgs. Just one big happy family.

Time for some fresh genetic material in the political gene pool.
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