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Unread postby vision-master » Sat 04 Aug 2012, 17:57:09

Been going on for the last two weeks, painful rash, tired, spacy, stomach ache, hard to get day-today tasks done, kinda like mono.........

Anyone here had it? 8O

Re: SHINGLES............

Unread postby Ferretlover » Sat 04 Aug 2012, 19:29:29

I am sorry you don't feel well, VM.
No, I haven't had shingles, although I did have chicken pox as a child.
*Spoiler alert: Don't read if you are a hypochondriac! One of my grandmothers had shingles and said there was an old wives' tale that if the rash circled your whole body, you would die.
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Re: SHINGLES............

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 04 Aug 2012, 21:02:01

It's to do with your liver and circulation. Toxic buildup over a long period. Best thing to do is a serious detox and a planned exercise regime; which has to be enough to make a sweat. Sauna can help. The worst thing you can do is become more sedentary; which of course the pain factor makes you want to do. If there is a genuine Chinese Doctor in your area, go see them asap, they have a much better approach to ageing diseases like shingles, than western Doctors. Shingles are a warning sign that your liver and lymphatic system are not coping. They won't kill you, but if you don't sort it out, something else will and sooner than later. Not a pleasant way to go.

Not nice to hear you are suffering VM; best wishes for your recovery.
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Unread postby Fishman » Sat 04 Aug 2012, 23:39:13

VM, has nothing to do with your liver. Go ask your doc for some relief.
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Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 00:00:38

Mayo Clinic might be worth a glance.

Any recent changes in diet, activity, environment ... ?
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Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 03:08:06

Yeah fill up with more drugs; fish you don't know what you are talking about.
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Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 03:28:50

VM, if nothing else, Shingles can cause a lot of pain and some pretty nasty rash symptoms.

My mom had it about 25 years before she died and she had no liver problems. Once she got over it she had no noticable after-effects. Various friends have said their parents had it. Everyone I know who had it or family members had it complained most of a "lot" of pain. See a doctor for some relief as Fish suggested instead of being scared or perhaps ill-advised by us non-medical types (me included).

There is a fairly new vaccine for it. Problem is, it costs about $250 and generally most medical insurance including Medicare won't pay for it (at least as of a few years ago). Also, it is only estimated to be about 50% effective -- which to me given the potential side effects and the costs seems like a rip-off. If memory serves (again, a doctor should advise on this), they only recommend taking it if you either haven't had shingles or haven't had it for a long time, and you have had chicken pox, and you're a certain age/health.

I hope you feel better soon.
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Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 06:13:02

In Chinese medicine shingles are caused by 'Liver Fire/ Damp Heat'. Might be hocus pocus according to western science; but for many conditions CM is more effective than western. Try googling it.
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Unread postby PeakOiler » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 07:10:13

Yeah, I had it once. On one side of my face and forehead. Extremely painful. :(
The doctor prescribed hydrocodone for the pain. That stuff works well! Other than the pain killer, take some supplements and eat foods that help your immune system, and I bet the Chinese herbs and medicines are also high in antioxidants.

According to this reference, WebMD

Adding more fruit and vegetables of any kind to your diet will improve your health. But some foods are higher in antioxidants than others. The three major antioxidant vitamins are beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. You’ll find them in colorful fruits and vegetables – especially those with purple, blue, red, orange, and yellow hues. To get the biggest benefits of antioxidants, eat these foods raw or lightly steamed; don’t overcook or boil.

Get well soon vision-master.
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Unread postby PeakOiler » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 08:18:08

Hey I came across this article on what weakens one's immune system which I thought was interesting:

Poor Diet: Poor diet for a long time can weaken the immune system. Foods with chemical additives, pesticides, preservatives damage the immune system and that can cause to develop any chronic disease. When our body lacks nutrition, we’ll have a weak immune system.
Overdose of Sugar: Excessive consumption of refined sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs. Consuming high amount of sugar has a bad effect on the immune system.
Excess Alcohol: Excessive drinking of alcohol harms the immune system. Just like sugar, too much of alcohol reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill germs. Also, high dose of alcohol produces an overall nutritional deficiency, depriving the body of valuable immune- boosting nutrients. How does alcohol affect the body?
Lack of Sleep: A good sleep essential for our body to restore itself. This helps to rebuild immune system. Without adequate sleep, immune system becomes weak because it doesn’t get the chance to rebuild.
Stress: Stress suppresses the immune system functions. Long term stress is extremely bad for immune system. Research shows that chronic stress lowers the number of white blood cells.
Dehydration: This means the body in note getting enough fluid. Dehydration can cause many medical problems. To work our immune system properly the sufficient amount of water is very essential.
Medication: Overuse of prescribed or non-prescribed medications can damage immune system. Drugs are major toxins that we put into our body. Adding to this, prolonged use of antibiotics weakens the immune system.
Radiation Exposure: Chemical exposure, UV, and radiation exposure- all these damage the immune system.
Unhygienic Lifestyle: A good hygiene care is very important to maintain a strong immune system. Too much exposure to germs may stress the body beyond what it could handle. A good hygienic life is best to avoid infection and keep a strong immune system.
Inactivity: Exercise is very important to keep a good immune system. Exercise helps to increase the blood flow which helps cleansing the body of certain toxins and waste products. Check out the 20 simple tips to stay fit. Lack of exercise slows down this process and it results a weak immune system. Obesity can also lead to a weak immune system.

A lot of this is common sense, but identifying which of the above might be useful. Good reminders at any rate.

I think work stress was the trigger when I got shingles.
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Re: SHINGLES............

Unread postby vision-master » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 09:04:33

SeaGypsy wrote:It's to do with your liver and circulation. Toxic buildup over a long period. Best thing to do is a serious detox and a planned exercise regime; which has to be enough to make a sweat. Sauna can help. The worst thing you can do is become more sedentary; which of course the pain factor makes you want to do. If there is a genuine Chinese Doctor in your area, go see them asap, they have a much better approach to ageing diseases like shingles, than western Doctors. Shingles are a warning sign that your liver and lymphatic system are not coping. They won't kill you, but if you don't sort it out, something else will and sooner than later. Not a pleasant way to go.

Not nice to hear you are suffering VM; best wishes for your recovery.

Huh, I got it the day after a bout of heat exhaustion while hiking in 100+ F weather?

It's caused from STRESS and a compromised immune system (Remicade for PsA) + I'm close to 60 now......


Unread postby dinopello » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 10:41:11

My Dad and older sister got it about the same time me and my younger sister had the chicken pox. I was about 9 at the time, Dad in his 50's or early 60's and older sister was in her 20's. Don't remember the details about it but I guess my Dad was not going to work which was very unusual so I remember the event.

I just passed by the drugstore today and noticed big shingles vaccine signs and I've noticed the shingles commercials from the drug company. Is it more prevelant now or just a drug company hyping up a product?

Hope you feel better soon, VM.
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Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 12:29:01

SeaGypsy wrote:In Chinese medicine shingles are caused by 'Liver Fire/ Damp Heat'. Might be hocus pocus according to western science; but for many conditions CM is more effective than western. Try googling it.

But as per some more conventional research shingles are just return of chickenpox in different form, eg it is recurrence of Herpes zoster virus.

On very few occasions victim of this virus may develop shingles directly but usually there is chickenpox first, long dormant period lasting for few decades and then shingles.
Shingles are usually cropping out once your immune system is weakened and incidentally liver disease can cause such sad situation.
But sometimes there is a little (if at all) underlying immune deficiency problem.

Shingles are also often showing up as a result of cancer (often not yet detected) which is damaging your body and reducing immunity.
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Unread postby Fishman » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 15:37:56

"In Chinese medicine shingles are caused by 'Liver Fire/ Damp Heat'." But if you scrape a lesion and send it off for viral culture you get herpes zoster. Danged if I've ever seen a lab sheet with positive liver fire/damp heat. All of the above stressor MAY contribute to shingles but not necessarily. Unfortunately the vaccine is fair at best, and VM, the vaccine won't help you at this point. A little neurontin might help, but hey, try Sea's chinese crapshoot, it's your agony. Apparently ingesting Chinese herbs is not "filling up with drugs"
PS I know it hurts like hell, if it keeps going its called post herpetic neuralgia, hope you feel better soon. See a doctor.

Dino, neither. Pharmacies can give some vaccines now. The vaccine just got approved for those above 50 years of age. It's relatively new but only moderately effective.

From a peak oil perspective, probably worthwhile, more importantly the pneumovax would be VERY worthwhile. Some would argue no vaccines doubting western medicine. Its your personal call. Generally don't be the first to take a vaccine, or the last.
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Unread postby vision-master » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 16:26:38

Was on valacyclovir for 7 day's, late night was bad, today I'm thinking the worst is over as I feel human once again, 15 day's of going down the road feeling bad.....


Unread postby ColossalContrarian » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 19:33:42

Good to hear you're doing better vm!
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Re: SHINGLES............

Unread postby Pretorian » Sun 05 Aug 2012, 22:36:06

Ferretlover wrote:One of my grandmothers had shingles and said there was an old wives' tale that if the rash circled your whole body, you would die.

Sadly, it's true.
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Unread postby steam_cannon » Mon 06 Aug 2012, 08:16:32

pstarr wrote:
vision-master wrote:Was on valacyclovir for 7 day's, late night was bad, today I'm thinking the worst is over as I feel human once again, 15 day's of going down the road feeling bad.....
Glad to see you on the mend. :)

Glad you're on the mend! It's good you saw your doctor. Valacyclovir is a good antiviral for shingles so that should help.

Shingles is a recurring virus that has become a problem now days since they started immunizing kids. In a way it's good that kids aren't getting this virus, but because kids aren't getting chicken pox, older people aren't being re-exposed, so their immunity weakens and the chicken pox virus infecting the nerves in their skin resurfaces years later causing shingles. If kids weren't immunized for chicken pox, few adults would be getting shingles. Also the kids will need booster shots when they are older. So overall, this has meant more business for the vaccination industry. But as far as improving public health, it's only a small win, especially for people who haven't gotten chicken pox boosters and are getting shingles.

Anyway, it's great you saw your doctor for this. I hope you feel better soon.
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Unread postby Fishman » Mon 06 Aug 2012, 17:46:52

Steam, I've not read anywhere that the incidence of shingles is going up with the vaccination of kids. If anything shingles should slowly go down with the vaccination of children. The vaccination is a live virus but weaker. Theoretically they will be less likely to get shingles as they get older. Zoster (chicken pox) resides in the nerve root after the first infection. The adult vaccine is just a larger dose of the kid vaccine that bumps up your immune response, hopefully keeping your already present zoster virus under control
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