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US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop workers

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US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop workers

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 10:57:39

More than 300 young foreigners, packing candy in a warehouse in Pennsylvania, staged a high-profile walkout and protest against their employers and the State Department, which oversees the program. They alleged that they had been worked to exhaustion and had met few Americans except supervisors who pressed them to pack faster and threatened to have them deported.

“My parents agreed to send me because it would be a way to improve my English,” wrote Aysel Kiyaker, a student from Turkey who paid $3000 for her airfare and work visa. “They told us the job would be easy and fun and they would have pizza parties for us.”

Instead, Kiyaker found herself lifting heavy boxes on long shifts in the rural factory, owned by the Hershey Company. “After work my whole body was numb,”
she wrote in an affidavit for the National Guestworker Alliance. She said one friend was threatened after she complained, and another was fired for not working fast enough. “After that happened, people were more afraid.”


But the bad publicity stunned and embarrassed the State Department. Officials there promised to investigate the alleged abuses and review the program, which brings more than 100,000 foreign students to the U.S. every summer. This week, department officials said they are planning a major overhaul to prevent such problems from recurring and reinforce the program’s diplomatic purpose.


The goal of the program, according to the State Department's site, is to foster "global understanding through educational and cultural exchange."

Instead, says a representative of the National Guestworker Alliance, students who wound up at the Hershey's plant were living in "economic captivity," forced to pay for mandatory company housing that left them with $40 to $140 a week for 40 hours of work.

"They were desperate and feeling isolated," the organization's communications director, Stephen Boykewich, said in an interview with The Times.

With all the millions of jobless in this country, why is the federal government and companies like HERSHEY importing slave wage visa workers?

These are clearly sweatshop factory conditions. "Work faster or you get deported." No cultural exchange as promised, no contact with Americans other than hard labor in the factory. Company housing, that they have to pay for, leaving them with $40 - $140 for 40 hours hard labor.

According to the above article, the Turkish girl had to PAY $3,000 in fees for the privilege of being a foreign visa sweatshop worker in the US. That's worse than indentured servitude -- at slave labor wages, she won't even make enough to recoup the "fees." They promise these kids "fun and pizza parties" but obviously it's all about companies like Hershey getting SLAVE WAGE LABOR for their US plants.

Happy Halloween. Enjoy your candy.. it was packed by a slave worker, either offshore or right in Pennsylvania by frickin' Hershey. Evil corps. The outrage never ends.. they just LOVE their cheap labor visa immigrants whether for the factory or IT, nurses, all fields -- why employee Americans, when employing foreigners who you can pay less than minimum wage and deport if they complain is so much more profitable. :evil:
Last edited by Sixstrings on Sat 29 Oct 2011, 11:15:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Cog » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 11:14:59

I'm going long on Hershey is this is their business model. There is money to be made here and I'm not going to miss this gravy train.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Hoops_Mckann » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 13:37:44

Cog wrote:I'm going long on Hershey is this is their business model. There is money to be made here and I'm not going to miss this gravy train.

Is there sarcasm I see there?

Anyway, unfortunatly most people would not change their buying habits as it does not appear to affect them directly.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 14:33:58

Hoops_Mckann wrote:
Cog wrote:I'm going long on Hershey is this is their business model. There is money to be made here and I'm not going to miss this gravy train.

Is there sarcasm I see there?

No, he's serious.

This is what the Republican Party is now. The only applause Rick Perry can seem to get is when he brags about executing more people than any other governor (by a long shot).

Cog is not alone. Watch the debate audiences.. when they talk about people who lack health care the crowd roars "LET HIM DIE."

This is the same, flag-waving military-loving people who BOOED A US MARINE just because he is gay and asked if a Repub prez would discharge him. He's over there doing a combat tour and these tea partiers boo him -- have they served, would they let their own kids serve? No.

This is what Republicans are. They are not joking.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Cog » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 15:13:35

I'm a Libertarian by the way. We like making money too. :lol:

No one is forcing these kids to come over here. Work is hard. That is why its called work instead of play. They will learn more in that factory than they will hanging out on Facebook.

Either way Sixstrings, isn't the State Department being run by the Democrat-In-Chief Hillary Clinton? Perhaps you should be bugging her instead of the forward thinking and profitable Hershey Corporation.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 23:01:01

Sixstrings wrote:With all the millions of jobless in this country, why is the federal government and companies like HERSHEY importing slave wage visa workers?

These are clearly sweatshop factory conditions. "Work faster or you get deported." No cultural exchange as promised, no contact with Americans other than hard labor in the factory. Company housing, that they have to pay for, leaving them with $40 - $140 for 40 hours hard labor.

Six, we often (respectfuly) disagree with each other on economic issues, but this is so over the top that I am in your camp on this one.

The obvious answer (I believe) is simple. MONEY. This is why there is no REAL federal action on a meaningful solution to deal with the illegal immigrant (i.e. cheap Mexican labor) issue in this country.

So then we get Alabama, Arizona, and a great mess. We also increasingly are getting (IMO) a rather mixed message about the rule of law in this country.

Run a red light - get a massive fine to help pay for some broke township. Flaunt labor laws and get an attaboy from TPTB.

Meanwhile offshoring continues with tax breaks for companies that do it, and high fives all around as corporate profits grow -- and net new jobs don't keep pace with net new folks who need jobs.


While I don't believe in "soak the rich" as the solution to our problems, clearly we need to do SOMETHING besides ignore everything and claim the problem is "intransigence by the other side of the aisle" (which BOTH sides are constantly guilty of).

By the way, I have no problem with soaking EVERYBODY a bit -- and the rich will get hit a lot harder, especially if we get rid of some tax breaks. But that will never happen either -- the lobbyists would be SO sad...
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: US State Dept., Hershey candy importing sweatshop worker

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 29 Oct 2011, 23:33:48

Sixstrings wrote:With all the millions of jobless in this country, why is the federal government and companies like HERSHEY importing slave wage visa workers?

Don't you know?

The federal government and the state department have THOUSANDS of different programs. Many of them are downright stupid, but once they get established in the government, they are NEVER ended unless funding is cut.

Obama promised in 2008 to go through the budget line by line and cut out these worthless programs, but that was a complete lie. Instead, Obama never reviewed or cut programs---instead he has borrowed trillions from China to keep all the government programs like this one going.

In gratitude, Hershey's will probably give Obama a big campaign donation---thats how crony capitalism works. 8)

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