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The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefield

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The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefield

Unread postby Shar_Lamagne » Thu 30 Jun 2011, 20:48:24

The world is about to descend into a 30 year war as the battle for energy heats up.

World security expert Michael Klare believes the next three decades will see powerful corporations at serious risk of going bust, nations fighting for their futures and significant bloodshed.

He said the winners in the race for energy security will get to decide how we live, work and play in future years - with the losers 'cast aside and dismembered'.

Professor Klare, of Hampshire College, predicted that nations would soon resort to armed violence in a bid to protect their natural resources.

He likened the looming conflicts to the 17th Century 30 Years War.
This was when Europe was engulfed, between 1618 and 1648, in a series of brutal battles between the imperial system of governance and the emerging nation-state.

He added: 'When these three decades are over, as with the Treaty of Westphalia [which ended the 30 Years War] the planet is likely to have in place the foundations of a new system for organizing itself - this time around energy needs.

'In the meantime, the struggle for energy resources is guaranteed to grow ever more intense for a simple reason: there is no way the existing energy system can satisfy the world’s future requirements.

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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 02 Jul 2011, 08:52:11

'In the meantime, the struggle for energy resources is guaranteed to grow ever more intense for a simple reason: there is no way the existing energy system can satisfy the world’s future requirements.



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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 05:33:32

Cold Fusion? What a friggin' ..... They have been promising Cold Fusion since the 1970's. You might as well believe in the tooth fairy.
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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby vision-master » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 08:25:16

Or how about AGW. :lol:

Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby eXpat » Sun 03 Jul 2011, 11:07:32

And pawns are aligning...
Russia to deploy 2 army brigades in Arctic
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's defense minister says the military will deploy two army brigades to help protect the nation's interests in the Arctic.

Anatoly Serdyukov says his ministry is working out specifics, such as troops numbers, weapons and bases, but a brigade includes a few thousand soldiers.

Serdyukov was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying Friday the brigades could be based in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk or other areas.

Russia, the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway have been trying to assert jurisdiction over parts of the Arctic, believed to hold up to a quarter of the Earth's undiscovered oil and gas.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia "remains open for dialogue" with its polar neighbors, but will "strongly and persistently" defend its interests in the region.
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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby Loki » Sat 09 Jul 2011, 14:45:20

I doubt very much that we'll be seeing a world war over energy any time soon. We've already seen some regional resource wars (Iraq being the prime example), but a nation-state-based world war leading to a New World Order strikes me as improbable.

We're more likely to see the continued tanking of parts of the world economy. Demand destruction will take care of energy scarcity. There will be gas at the gas station, you just won't be able to afford it. I'm thinking of the US in particular, which is still a major oil producer despite our gas guzzling habits, but the same will probably apply to the other civilized energy-rich gas-guzzling Anglo nations (Canada, Australia).

Don't know much about Europe's situation, but I'd guess it depends on Russian whims. Japan is kinda screwed when it comes to energy. Don't know what their response will be to the energy crunches we have ahead of us. But they lack the belligerent youthfulness they once had. Their energy fate is also probably tied to Russia.

China and Russia are probably the wild cards in this mess. Is it likely they'll start a world war over oil? I doubt it. Will the US? Even less likely (we prefer sucker punching old ladies in the dark of night, and even then we limp away with a black eye and a bloody nose). Europe? Ha! The word “neutered” comes to mind....
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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby Cog » Sat 09 Jul 2011, 14:46:56

Cid_Yama wrote:Cold Fusion? What a friggin' ..... They have been promising Cold Fusion since the 1970's. You might as well believe in the tooth fairy.

Nailed it!!
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Re: The 30 Years War: Why energy will be the next battlefiel

Unread postby Cog » Sat 09 Jul 2011, 14:52:02

A couple of brigades of combat troops close to the Arctic Circle will not affect matters in a significant way. The area under consideration is huge. Regardless of the impacts of global warming, which will open up new areas for exploration in that area, the difficulties involved in exploiting those areas for production will be irrelevant to the long term depletion going on in more suitable climates. IMO the oil resources that might be contained in Arctic Ocean will never be developed because anyone with the capability of doing so will have already collapsed.
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