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how do you deal with the disappointment

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how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby peeker01 » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 09:55:27

for five years i have prepped and saved. just bought a bunch of gold. now oil is dropping
like a rock, silver is in the tank. will i see collapse in my lifetime.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby Pops » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 10:06:10

I take out my disappointment on trolls.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby jboogy » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 10:19:02

I'm not dissappointed the collapse hasn't occured...yet. More time to prepare. Because it is coming, the signs become clearer every day. The worldwide debt crises grows larger and potentially more explosive with every additional extension of, (and increase in), bailout money. It mathematically HAS to detonate eventually. I only hope that the restructuring in this country is relatively quick and painless, but I have a feeling it won't be.

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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 10:43:46

Ok, so you've bought a commodity at its high... for now. But for what purpose did you buy it? Did you buy it, in order to sell it at $2000? If you did, you're just speculating, and you shouldn't take your losses any more seriously than a spin of the roulette wheel. OTOH, if you bought it, in order to insulate against hyperinflation, just relax; no one gets to say when, or even if in our lifetimes, such an event will occur. I do have gold, bits bought over the years, if one day my last months' budget goes from supporting my family to being enough for one loaf of bread, then I'll know its time to exchange some for cash in order to reset the playing field for me and mine; but till then, its just pretty little ooh-shiney's. They aren't hurting anything sitting in their box, and I certainly can't complain about their change in value; heck right now, if you have investments that are keeping up with inflation you count yourself in the win column, and gold generally does do just that.

In a more general sense, you shouldn't look forward to "collapse". Be thankful it hasn't come yet. There is absolutely no chance that you will be more comfortable and secure after collapse, than before. Its not a benign reset. If anything, it'll be a magnitude 10 entrenchment. That point in time will almost certainly lock in the course of the rest of your life, and likely the lives of several generations afterwards. If you think the rich and powerful get their way now... you've not seen anything yet.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby peeker01 » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 11:07:02

thanks r11. i worked in the garden for a while and i feel a bit better.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby vision-master » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 17:15:14

peeker01 wrote:for five years i have prepped and saved. just bought a bunch of gold. now oil is dropping
like a rock, silver is in the tank. will i see collapse in my lifetime.

The Iron Age is ending. Replace the physical Gold with Gold in your Heart. :)

Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby ian807 » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 18:14:24

Every day collapse doesn't happen, I breathe a little sigh of relief, followed by a silent "Thank You." I then walk to the store, appreciate the everyday miracle of plenty therein, perhaps withdraw a few dollars from an ATM (speaking of miracles) and spend a few dollars on luxuries like fresh fruits and vegetables out of season, spices or even a book.

Thus I assuage my dissapointment. I'd like to continue this for the next 34 years or so.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby eXpat » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 18:16:22

AgentR11 wrote:In a more general sense, you shouldn't look forward to "collapse". Be thankful it hasn't come yet. There is absolutely no chance that you will be more comfortable and secure after collapse, than before. Its not a benign reset. If anything, it'll be a magnitude 10 entrenchment. That point in time will almost certainly lock in the course of the rest of your life, and likely the lives of several generations afterwards. If you think the rich and powerful get their way now... you've not seen anything yet.

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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby dorlomin » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 19:10:10

I dont buy the 'collapse' that many do. I have always thought the most likely scenario is going into what the UK was like in the 70s. Those who have the money to prep properly but are realistic about the variability of potential outcomes will find self sufficiency a blessing.

Powercuts, huge unemployment, short working weeks, stumbling between economic crisis to crisis, swinging between far left and hard right as politicians run out of ideas and bell bottoms.

Bell bottoms and big sideburns.

The horror........
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby Bill Hicks » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:00:02

It's a slow crash, peeker, and will probably take another decade or two to play out. Along the way, it is going to claim many millions of people one at a time, starting with the least prepared first. You've put yourself in a position to at least not be one of them.

I actually blogged about the slow crash vs. fast crash issue just today. Check it out if you're interested: ... n-how.html
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby the48thronin » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:02:57

dorlomin wrote:I dont buy the 'collapse' that many do. I have always thought the most likely scenario is going into what the UK was like in the 70s. Those who have the money to prep properly but are realistic about the variability of potential outcomes will find self sufficiency a blessing.

Powercuts, huge unemployment, short working weeks, stumbling between economic crisis to crisis, swinging between far left and hard right as politicians run out of ideas and bell bottoms.

Bell bottoms and big sideburns.

The horror........

I wish you were right.. but I don't think you are.. look up 3 posts...
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby Oakley » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:39:23

Collapse is a process of fits and starts, punctuated with periods of stability and even recovery. It does not happen in a flash, but over a long period of time. Of course there will be some significant way points like failure of significant systems like the electric grid, water systems, sewerage systems, and food production and distribution systems.

Disappointed seems to me a strange way to look at the failure for sudden collapse to have arrived. After all, millions of people will die early deaths.

As far as your disappointment about gold and silver not reaching new heights, it looks to me like the price of silver spiked and is well on its way down to below $10 over the next two years. Gold may hold up a little better, but will likely head south also. Many people got caught up in the mania, so you are not alone, but there are those of us who placed our bets back in 2001 on the long side of the precious metals markets and exited in April, 2011 at or near the top, and are now making money on the short side. These markets are not for amateurs, many of whom bought in the frenzy of the spike. My advice is to take your losses now rather than ride the wave down, hoping against hope.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby peeker01 » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:54:23

i am thinking about selling the gold and buying more beans and rice. what do you think.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby TreeFarmer » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:57:34

I would think that a little, and I do mean little, gold/silver would be all that you woud buy at first. There are a ton of other things that I'd want to have prepared other than having gold/silver. If anything I'd only put 10% of my prep money in gold/silver until I had paid for land I can live on and grow food along with lots of hand tools/seeds and maybe some solar panels and a windmill depending on location.

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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby basil_hayden » Mon 27 Jun 2011, 21:52:41

Removing expectations eliminated dissapointments.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby Novus » Tue 28 Jun 2011, 04:37:59

peeker01 wrote:for five years i have prepped and saved. just bought a bunch of gold. now oil is dropping
like a rock, silver is in the tank. will i see collapse in my lifetime.

You didn't understand peak oil as well as you think you do if you think things were just going to go up and up to the moon. The market price of oil may be dropping but the cost of producing the oil is still rising regardless. The Cheap oil is pretty much all gone. We now get a significant portion of our oil from tar sands and deep water drilling. If prices continue to collapse how will the oil industry continue to turn sand into oil or drill in 2 miles deep in the ocean. If prices continue to collapse below the point where the cost of oil production exceeds what the oil can be sold for then no oil will be pumped. That is doomsday and it is getting pretty close.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby John_A » Tue 28 Jun 2011, 07:36:21

Oakley wrote:Disappointed seems to me a strange way to look at the failure for sudden collapse to have arrived. After all, millions of people will die early deaths.

Millions of people already do. Obesity related diseases (here in the States), heart disease, car crashes, a regular litany of death. Isn't sudden collapse supposed to show up as something more than same-old, same-old?

Slow crash I understand, even if I am disappointed in collapse being so gentle that generations can go by and not notice. I had hoped for a fast crash once, once there was less crude to go around, things were supposed to change (change being defined as the dieoffs related to lack of crude oil and knock on effects). I had this dream once of standing in the middle of an LA 6-lane highway and it being empty. Now that is some change you can believe in. Doesn't look like it is working out that way though.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby GoIllini » Tue 28 Jun 2011, 13:02:14

dorlomin wrote:I dont buy the 'collapse' that many do. I have always thought the most likely scenario is going into what the UK was like in the 70s. Those who have the money to prep properly but are realistic about the variability of potential outcomes will find self sufficiency a blessing.

Powercuts, huge unemployment, short working weeks, stumbling between economic crisis to crisis, swinging between far left and hard right as politicians run out of ideas and bell bottoms.

Bell bottoms and big sideburns.

The horror........

LOL, your post sums up my take on the situation. This is what I project for the US for the next 5-10 years. Can't see much further out than that. Historically, we've had 17-year bull and bear secular cycles in the US.

Regardless, you take care of your base first. Pay off your credit card debt. Then hedge your energy consumption. And food consumption. And then your real-estate. This is going to take you a decade or so, anyways, and is a smart, conservative financial move. I think relative to the equities market, commodities are going to cost more in ten years than they do today. And that may very well be the perfect time to sell and start a business or it may turn out to be a good time to buy a private island in the Great Lakes.
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Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 28 Jun 2011, 17:50:11

Removing expectations eliminated dissapointments.

Teachings of Buddha. :)

Re: how do you deal with the disappointment

Unread postby Bill Hicks » Tue 28 Jun 2011, 19:41:45

"The only difference between disappointment and depression is your level of commitment."

- Marc Maron

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