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Supporting our Rule of Law

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Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby DickMcManus » Mon 13 Jun 2011, 16:44:29

I am a former cop and retired US Army, Chief Warrant Officer/ counterintelligence special agent.

I think we have to work as citizens of the US and United Nationas (Earth) to stand up when we see our government doing wrong. I am writing a book about SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S. and you can read the chapters I have posted at ... y/messages

For example, my chapter Demanding accountability for the torturers among us Parts 1 to 4

The point I am making as we work toward survival as beleivers in the coming Long Emergency, we are much better prepared if we know our uncensored history. Now I don't claim everything I write is the truth, only I have done my best in my research to honestly write what I think is the truth. I am very open to changing my mind.

Pleases let me know if you find any of my work confusing or as shocking to you as it was when I first learn about it.

If Pres. Obama does not do so before the end of this term in office, he becomes an accessory after the fact to war crimes. The same holds true for every member of Congress, and every elected public official who does not speak up and demand the prosecution, and every group of people who call themselves Democrats and does not pass a resolution demanding prosecution.

What difference does it make if our elected officials just say, “lets move on and took to the future?” Well, it makes a difference to me and I have no respect for the Democratic Party and all elected officials and candidates who just don’t have the courage to speak up and say “no man is above the law.”

Join Facebook CAUSE Petition/resolution to prosecute Bush et al for war crimes
WHEREAS House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Sens. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan) were briefed for at least two years from 2002 to 2003, about the facts that cruel, unusual and in human treatment, to include water-boarding was ordered done by former President of the United States, George W. Bush and his subordinates,

And WHEREAS the CIA additionally gave these Congressmen about 30 private briefings, some of which included descriptions of “technique and other harsh interrogation methods,”

And WHEREAS they had a Constitutional and legal duty under US treaty to go public about the plan for use of torture, ghost prisons, and exceptional rendition to torture by proxy nations and/or actual past acts of torture by the CIA and others - not withstanding that the US government had classified the information about these illegal acts.

BE IT RESOLVED therefore, the US Justice Department must prosecute them for conspiracy to torture.

What is meant by "JUSTICE"?

You learn that someone has committed a war crime or any crime, what is your DUTY?

"JUSTICE" means civil society has a duty to make sure there is a punishment for those who have committed a crime. Those harmed by the criminal must trust that the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM will investigate, try, and punish the convicted criminal according to punishment spelled out by the criminal law.

No one is above the LAW. All men are created equally under that law.

Without a trial, we shut off the light of the law.

Petition for a Constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United

ther modification
Anyone can spray any chemicals and any amount of them into the sky without any public input or government oversight. There are over 60 weather modification project going on today. ... r_embedded

The 9/11 collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings was due to controlled demolitions and only a few companies have this expertise. Therefore, the next question we need to answer is who was responsible for the cover up of the controlled demolitions.

for the rest of the story see:

Join the facebook cause Democrats for a new 9/11 investigation

People who want a new investigation of events of 9/11
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Mon 13 Jun 2011, 17:20:04

Um, DM, when can we start the impeachment of Obama for violating the War Powers act with Libya?
Can we impeach him for violating international laws for his method of killing Osama (not that I disagree with his methods, just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of your post)
Will your book have the chapters on
"Demanding accountability for the absolute failure of Keynesian Economics during the Obama years"?
Hey DM, present your petition to the local Alquida reps, perhaps to the head of Syria right now. I'm sure they'll support you
Here's some other books and subjects you might enjoy reading about
The Rape of Nanking
Mao's cultural cleansing
The dictates of Wahabi branch of Islam
Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Mon 13 Jun 2011, 19:02:51

This is too easy
"What difference does it make if our elected officials just say, “lets move on and took to the future?” Well, it makes a difference to me and I have no respect for the Democratic Party and all elected officials and candidates who just don’t have the courage to speak up and say “no man is above the law.”
War Powers Act violation
International violation of Pakistan's airspace (I'm cool with it)
Assorted "Czars"
Weinergate and now his affection for underage girls, not that Rangel considers this an issues, he stated he would only be upset if it had been underage boys, oh, and Rangel's violations of the law.

DM, "Rule of law as it applies to thee, not to me"
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Novus » Tue 14 Jun 2011, 07:59:31

I agree with Dick McManus. Bush is a war criminal and should be prosecuted. But I agree with Fishman as well. Obama is a war criminal too who expanded Bush's wars and started a third illegal war in Libya. The big lie is that America has ceased to be a democracy. We only live under the illusion of choice. There is none and hasn't been in a long time. Both parties Republicans AND Democrats are controlled by the same monied interests and big business that want American soldiers to die overseas fighting an unjust war killing for profit of the few. They all have blood on their hands. It doesn't matter who you vote for because all you are going to get is MORE WAR no matter what happens and nobody will every be prosecuted for these crimes.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 14 Jun 2011, 08:28:58

All the while the hidden hands keep working on the NWO. You ppl are going after the straw bosses. Brilliant..... :lol:

Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:01:41

Clearly DM has never picked up a history book of any sort, and now he's writing one. Novus, however you want to look at it, every president who has ever fought a war could easily be convicted of war crimes.
Washington shot unarmed folks in the French Indian war
Lincoln suspended hab. courpus
FDR commited numerous

So what.
Did they consistently abuse the system? No, war always pushes a country to the edge. You have to approach your enemy. Al quida commits attrocities beyond the pale of most of history, and they gladly say they will commit more. We try not, but push our own guidelines at times. And never claim we will commit more, unlike Al quida
Grow up.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 14 Jun 2011, 10:26:59

So the little fishy learned some hisStory. :lol:

Remember hisStory is always written by the winners. lsol u2

Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Novus » Tue 14 Jun 2011, 20:06:07

Fishman wrote:
So what.
Did they consistently abuse the system? No, war always pushes a country to the edge. You have to approach your enemy. Al quida commits attrocities beyond the pale of most of history, and they gladly say they will commit more. We try not, but push our own guidelines at times. And never claim we will commit more, unlike Al quida
Grow up.

You mean the same Al Queda that was funded by the CIA to fight the Russians because Bin Laden was our man until he wasn't. One mans' freedom fighter is another mans' terrorist. Vision master is correct when he says history is written by the victorious. The winner gets to write as many lies in the history book as he wants. That is just it our current leaders and powers that be are consistently abusing the system. Our real enemies are within. Try to see the bigger picture that America is descending into tyranny in its' ongoing murder for profit wars. Perhaps this reality is too scary for people like you to acknowledge. You tell other people to grow up but are unable to grow up your self.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Wed 15 Jun 2011, 01:35:44

pstarr wrote:Fishman can't see the truth. He's stuck in his Christian fog.

Free your mind Fish. Evolution.

Fish is a Christian?

Wow, I never would have guessed. And I mean that in a completely not ironic way.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Wed 15 Jun 2011, 14:17:06

Good news DM, the Congress is sueing the president for his illegal war in Libya, finally justice being served in a least a small part.

My theology is your best counter? Pathetic. You can tell a liberal has lost the intellectual arguement when they attack your theology and abandon their original arguement.
Wars of profit are always one's perspective. French Indian, profit, Crimean, profit, WW2 Pacific, definitely profit, US civil war definitely profit. Only one I could come with that was not profit was WW1, just plain bizarre to me

"You mean the same Al Queda that was funded by the CIA to fight the Russians because Bin Laden was our man until he wasn't. One mans' freedom fighter is another mans"
Wrong, did Al quida strike Russian before the Afgan wars?
Course for the nut jobs I'll throw out 9/11, but then there's our embassies in Africa attacked, the first tower attack, the Cole.
Novus, facts buddy, facts are what are important, not liberal bs.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby pablonite » Wed 15 Jun 2011, 19:30:56

Good luck with the book.
Real history is not necessarily pop history that's for sure.
Being an ex-cop - intelligence agent, are you a Freemason McManus?

If you want a completely different slant on alternative US history and what could be happening you might want to flip through about 1800 pages of Vatican Assassins 3rd ed. by Jon Eric Phelps. Warning though, he is a devout Protestant Christian but if half of what he says is true the future looks grim for the United States and the entire world.

I am not religious myself but do enjoy reading about religion, I found his writing style and arguments mighty convincing as his grand conspiracy theory resonates with much of what we can see with our own eyes today. There certainly seems to be a grand plan afoot and things like Obama, Al-CIA-duh and even energy security appear to be red herrings at times.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby rangerone314 » Thu 16 Jun 2011, 06:32:07

Fishman wrote:Clearly DM has never picked up a history book of any sort, and now he's writing one. Novus, however you want to look at it, every president who has ever fought a war could easily be convicted of war crimes.
Washington shot unarmed folks in the French Indian war
Lincoln suspended hab. courpus
FDR commited numerous

So what.
Did they consistently abuse the system? No, war always pushes a country to the edge. You have to approach your enemy. Al quida commits attrocities beyond the pale of most of history, and they gladly say they will commit more. We try not, but push our own guidelines at times. And never claim we will commit more, unlike Al quida
Grow up.

War does push a country to the edge. That is why it should not be entered into lightly.

What is the metric for the "War on Terror"? Is it the same one for the "War on Drugs" (which really began 40 years ago under Nixon).

The modern US seems fond of impractical, unwinnable wars that waste resources but makes a lot of money for a few specific industries. (Military industrial complex, prison industrial complex & law enforcement etc)

Ask a few Mexican judges or police chiefs (if you can find them still alive) how our War on Drugs is going. Or some of the vast prison population we have.
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Cloud9 » Thu 16 Jun 2011, 06:45:11

We need war. It keeps us afraid and submissive and it gives a raison d’etre for our military industrial complex
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Thu 16 Jun 2011, 17:20:55

DM, you have so inspired me. Weiner is stepping down, now lets call for his criminal procecution, because as you wrote

"JUSTICE" means civil society has a duty to make sure there is a punishment for those who have committed a crime" and no one is above the law.

So lets get out of at least one war Cloud, perhaps Libya for a start?
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Fishman » Fri 17 Jun 2011, 09:15:30

Supporting our Rule of Law
Another person arrested possibly attempting to bomb the Pentagon
I wonder if it was a person upset about the healthcare law as Bloomberg stated about the last attempted bomber.
I wonder if it was a right wing terrorist as Napolitano was most concerned about when she came to office.

Supporting our Rule of Law, a joke for this administration
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Re: Supporting our Rule of Law

Unread postby Ferretlover » Fri 17 Jun 2011, 22:13:59

Cloud9 wrote:We need war. It keeps us afraid and submissive and it gives a raison d’etre for our military industrial complex

Not to mention (but, I will) it takes the the healthiest and strongest young men, and women, and sends them off to be killed-usually for some stupid reason-and screws up the human gene pool even further.
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