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Gulf Catastrophe Pt. 3(Merged)

Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 10:50:52

And per usual, it really doesn't take that much to keep up.

First you get rid of the people paying you not to understand:
Ilargi: US small business sentiment is down. Consumer income is down. Consumer spending is down. Pending home sales are down. Worldwide, crops are threatened by drought and floods. And while some claim that a US bumper crop will ease the problems, American corn is not exactly a perfect substitute for Russian and Ukrainian wheat, which go a long way towards feeding extensive segments of Middle East and Northern African populations.

Maddog78= not his real name :twisted: maybe a PetroEngineer, who knows :twisted: wrote:
dissident and mcgowan are loonies. You want a source for that?

And YES, I do want a quote for that. With some detail
on why which is supported by SOMETHING/ANYTHING
other than YOUR sayso.

Thanx but as usual expecting nothing from PetroEngineers
but after the fact looking for the wounded to shoot.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 10:53:24

Maddog78 wrote:
dissident wrote:I see the BP apologist poseur "experts" are patting themselves on the back about their supposed deep insight into the blowout. Well, here's a detail that blows you all out of the water:

2,300 barrels of mud were injected into a well with a total capacity of 1,200 barrels (assuming 100% integrity claimed by the "experts"). link

No, no leakage is possible because the "experts" think so with their guts. Since no leakage is possible that is why BP is in a rush to cement the well from the top even before the relief well gets a chance to complete its job (link).

You ignorance is laughable.
The last bullhead and kill I was involved in we ultimately pumped 17,000 bbls of saturated CaCl2 brine.
The hole volume was about 1400 bbls.
Was that a conspiracy, too? :lol:

If you did that Abandoned Well Leaking Rigel/17 Hands,
why yes it is.

Or maybe they've called you for advice on how to do something besides PropWash/Corexit on the Ocean Saratoga?
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 10:55:35

And ok, on that 17 000 bbls.

The depth of the well. Sub surface, sub sea or on shore.

Name of rig. Name of location. Is well still leaking.

And what happened to same after you replaced with cement.

Or did you decide to produce some of it.

Company as well.

Waiting with baited breath for first attribution with source.

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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:03:14

Maddog-PetroEngineer Head Priest wrote:dissident and mcgowan are loonies. You want a source for that?

Unfortunately it seems to have evolved into, this is the place to come for conspiracy theory nonsense and this is the place to go to get some actual good discussion without all the tinfoil.

(I would as well with your track record;}

Fuck TOD. Like How Long did it take those YOYO's to realize that the DWH WAS actually leaking. That it WAS actually
leaking more than 5000 bbls per day. That 5 MILLION BBLS
had geysered into the Gulf.

That a Leaking Oil Well really IS a Static Kill. Really?

Like when do you STOP. Like where does everything OVER
WellBore Vol go. As the Cap a Top BOP is STILL leaking.

And give me ONE POST at TOD mentioning Ecocide.
OR which BigOil could afford an EpicFail Deepwater without the Complete Guarantee Backing of the US Gov't. Walruses.

And there will be ZERO Deepwater going forward with out same and Abandonment of the Local Pop-

See Nigeria British Petroleum for details on the results of THAT. :badgrin:
How much WOULD it take for the US/CG/BP to pay flaks to intercede on their behalf.

And I'm not even going to read an ENTIRE 300 post thread.

Oh and I look forward to TOD or ANyone who deigns to inform us Small People on the Damage to the Marianas due to Ida.
The Condition of Well Bore left behind. And this:

The Position/Date of DWH drilling, and the Play by Play of the MonthLong Blow Out Ordeal Lost $25 mil Schlumberger Tool Lost and 3 000 bbls of Mud in the Shallow Play (17 Hands?;} and then the push thru this (Slant Drilling/2 weeks lost anyone?;} Selling of bp stock multiple people/sources
and replacement of Everything First Rate with Inferior/Rookies.Speed Up.

Expecting Nothing but Air. Tick Tock.
We're just getting started:

Alexander Higgins:

To assist the Committee in investigating these issues, the Committee requests a briefing, by August 6, 2010, on BP’s retention of third party consultants, academics, and scientists, in connection with assessing the environmental and health impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, as well as restoration efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.

1 BP buys up Gulf scientists for level defense. roiling academic community, The Mobile Press Register (July 16, 2010);
BP accused of ‘buying academic silence’, BBC News (July 22, 20 10);
BP tries to limit release of oil spill research, The Associated Press (July 23,20 10).
Last edited by mcgowanjm on Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:14:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:04:57

Land rig, about 6-7 years ago.
Middle Eastern desert country.
Gas well.
No spill, just blew gas until it naturally bridged off after approx 4 1/2 hrs.
Once bullheaded and killed, filled her from bottom to top with cement and a mechanical bridge plug on top of that.
Obviously never produced it after that.
Medium sized independent oil co and a major drilling contractor.
No chance I will name the company and rig owner on a public forum like this.
I guess I must be covering up a conspiracy? :lol:
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:08:04


Correction the well was losing pressure slightly from a valve that they were worried would cause further problems when they started the injection. It wasn't leaking from Rigel or somewhere 7 km away as you have postulated previously. This was all explained quite well in the August 3rd press release by Thad Allen:

Female (AP): How serious was this leak, and how long do you think it's going to be before the actual test again?

Admiral Allen: The leak involved two valves that are on the kill side of the capping stack. And they started to lose pressure. We found that – found that out in time and were able to lock the valve shut. Had ultimately those valves failed for any particular reason, that might have caused hydrocarbons to go into the environment. That would have been not a good thing.

But in the course of the checks that were done leading up to the injection test it was located, and they were able to deal with it overnight. There was a chance we could have had hydrocarbons into the environment had we not located it.

Female: But it's been stopped?

Admiral Allen: It's been stopped. Yes. Correct

As Dissident stated>>>>>their is a TOTAL VOL of a WELL BORE
with Integrity.

That's why they've got 8 000 bbls of mud topside I suppose.
Scare the well into submission.

God you are truly won't accept the word of someone who has been involved in this business for 30+ years over your own ill-informed views. The following is from the August 3rd press release by Thad Allen and it confirms exactly what I was saying:

We do not know exactly how much mud will be pumped in. It will depend on the condition of the well itself. There are three different types of areas down there that will need ultimately to be filled with mud. The drill pipe to the extent that one is present. The casing itself, and the air outside the casing, the annulus to make sure that neither gas nor hydrocarbons are coming up through that.

Regarding the total volume of mud that we pumped in, it will vary on whether or not we're pumping only into the casing or the annulus as well. But we need enough mud to pump in to give us the pressure readings. There are various lines that would describe how much volume and pressure there would be if you add the casing and the annulus and you were filling it up or you were just dealing with the casing.

But of course this is just the opinion of the scores of reservoir engineers and drillers who are dealing with the kill obviously doesn't stand up to your own belief system which apparently is largely based on your extensive readings from conspiracy theorists blogs.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:12:31

mcgowanjm wrote: And I'm not even going to read an ENTIRE 300 post thread.

Doesn't surprise me since you obviously don't even read all the posts in the threads here where you have posted about 300 times.
rockdoc123 and myself have had to repeat ourselves two or three times on something as simple as sidetracks while you continued to post up links to wild tinfoil bloggers who seem to think a well labelled A and a sidetrack labelled B are some sort of evil coverup.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:20:51

Maddog78 wrote:Land rig, about 6-7 years ago.
Middle Eastern desert country.
Gas well.
I guess I must be covering up a conspiracy? :lol:

Thank You, and yes you are. A lying Murdering Criminal Syndicate is the definition of Conspiracy. A RICO would do wonders. ;}

At best you're trying to relate a 'Spindletop Onshore'.

At worst obfuscation. Because, Like you could actually
get within feet of the well with manpower/optics.

That you can't see the difference is disappointing.

Like bp(now Apache) claiming a 5 acre ManMade Pad is not
really Offshore in the Arctic.
Like a BlowOut Will be contained to that 5 acre pad.

Just insane.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:27:41

Maddog78 wrote:
mcgowanjm wrote: And I'm not even going to read an ENTIRE 300 post thread.

Doesn't surprise me since you obviously don't even read all the posts in the threads here where you have posted about 300 times.
rockdoc123 and myself have had to repeat ourselves two or three times on something as simple as sidetracks while you continued to post up links to wild tinfoil bloggers who seem to think a well labelled A and a sidetrack labelled B are some sort of evil coverup.

And I've Told
You Ad Nauseum that I will read to the first Non Sourced
Error. And like a Math Problem stop there, because I don't do Near Math in these situations. ;}

no sense in it.

Then I post and refute your statement referenced. And move on.

Maybe a Library, MSM, Billion $ Corp with ALL kinds of Lawyered Up staff is to who you think your addressing.

Nope. Just me. James.

Global financial markets, though, are up. So everything must be fine after all?! Perhaps not. Perhaps what we witness is an ongoing and deepening chasm that divides the world of finance and politics on the one hand and the world of everyday people on the other, as Rasmussen Reports indicates: 67% of Political Class Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction, 84% of Mainstream Disagrees.

Guess whose side I'm on, MD. Then guess yours.

Maddog78 wrote:wild tinfoil bloggers

So Bob Cavner/Daily Hurricane a WTB?

Or you're referring to another of my MANY Attributions/Sources/Quotes.
Feel free to give one/any/all for refutation. Because like
OMFGPalin I REFUDIATE your remarks. And don't Misunderestimate me either. LMFAO Too good.

James. Real Name. McGowan :twisted: 8O :badgrin:
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:28:26

mcgowanjm wrote:
Maddog78 wrote:Land rig, about 6-7 years ago.
Middle Eastern desert country.
Gas well.
I guess I must be covering up a conspiracy? :lol:

Because, Like you could actually
get within feet of the well with manpower/optics.

I spent 60+ days at the well site. Slept in a trailer about 300 yards from it.
I could see it just fine. :P
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:34:15

mcgowanjm wrote:Feel free to give one/any/all for refutation.

Off the top of my head, how about that Newsvine / BK Lim one?
Myself, rockdoc123 and ROCKMAN over at TOD all publicly expressed our thoughts on that one.
I see his story has been taken off of Newsvine now. Hmmmmm.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:35:50

Thad per MD78 wrote:Thad Allen and it confirms exactly what I was saying:

We do not know exactly how much mud will be pumped in. It will depend on the condition of the well itself. There are three different types of areas down there that will need ultimately to be filled with mud. The drill pipe to the extent that one is present. The casing itself, and the air outside the casing, the annulus to make sure that neither gas nor hydrocarbons are coming up through that.

You realize this makes no sense. We know exactly based
on condition of well.

So if, and the PSI rising rapidly to a substandard 6700 psi
then a slow 1 psi per hour rise from then on to now, doesn't indicate an outflow into another zone, I'll need your

Including why the TopCap/FlexJoint is STILL leaking oil
and where those oil/gas blobs are rising up from below ROV Camera angle. While Same Thad quoted above says Well
is now STATIC.
Last edited by Tanada on Thu 05 Aug 2010, 12:32:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:42:34

Maddog78 wrote:
mcgowanjm wrote:Feel free to give one/any/all for refutation.

Off the top of my head, how about that Newsvine / BK Lim one?
Myself, rockdoc123 and ROCKMAN over at TOD all publicly expressed our thoughts on that one.
I see his story has been taken off of Newsvine now. Hmmmmm.



BK LIM. You can reply to my post above, which Blister/gCaptain
also references to tell me the anwers.

Second, Rocdoc? Please. I answer him any and everytime I see his missives. You and him ping off each other.

And ROCKMAN. Thank you. The Head Priest of PetroEngineering. I've had words, and he agreed.
We were talking Haynesville Play at the time.

Since 107 Days ago, I've read him some. He has a knack for steering the conversation away from bp's Epic Fail
6 month long Macondo history.

Give me a quote of his. Let's go. Too bad TOD kicked me off.
I could address Rock over there. ;}
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 11:48:49

mcgowanjm wrote:Give me a quote of his. Let's go. Too bad TOD kicked me off.
I could address Rock over there. ;}

Like I said, you don't even read what we post before you go off>
Yesterday, just a few pages back.


It's been fun but I have to go now.
Take care.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 12:44:16

You realize this makes no sense. We know exactly based
on condition of well.

no they do not know the condition downhole. That is precisely why they were doing the injection at the rate they needed to simply because they do not know how much of the annulus is actually open or communicating behind pipe. The intergrity test only shows that whatever the configruation below surface it is fully contained because the pressure continued to buildup along the model they thought it would.

So if, and the PSI rising rapidly to a substandard 6700 psi
then a slow 1 psi per hour rise from then on to now, doesn't indicate an outflow into another zone, I'll need your

How many times does it have to be explained to you that this is exactly what was modelled to occur based on the knowledge they have about the oil chemistry, the reseroir permeability, length of pipe, pressure etc.etc. BP engineers modeled this and it was discussed on the Macondo crisis response site....they even show the buildup curve and state it is exactly what they predicted under a reservoir/borehole configuration with full integrity. This was also substantiated by one of the reservoir engineers over at TOD who did the calculation and posted graphs from his reservoir model that matched almost exactly with the measured pressure increase.

Including why the TopCap/FlexJoint is STILL leaking oil
and where those oil/gas blobs are rising up from below ROV Camera angle
The valves were fixed....T. Allen stated that and if they weren't there is no way in the world they would have attempted to pump mud and cement as the outcome would have been disasterous....which it hasn't been. What oil and gas rising? No such thing according to the gov't. Allen mentions that there is bubbling gas at the surface that they have determined is related to bacterial generated methane, a very common occurrence on the seafloor.

While Same Thad quoted above says Well
is now STATIC.

Which it must be or he would not have ordered BP to proceed with circulating cement down the borehole this morning.

keep digging the hole deeper are already well in over your head! :roll:
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby dinopello » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 14:36:54

rockdoc123 wrote:
So if, and the PSI rising rapidly to a substandard 6700 psi
then a slow 1 psi per hour rise from then on to now, doesn't indicate an outflow into another zone, I'll need your

How many times does it have to be explained to you that this is exactly what was modelled to occur based on the knowledge they have about the oil chemistry, the reseroir permeability, length of pipe, pressure etc.etc. BP engineers modeled this and it was discussed on the Macondo crisis response site....they even show the buildup curve and state it is exactly what they predicted under a reservoir/borehole configuration with full integrity. This was also substantiated by one of the reservoir engineers over at TOD who did the calculation and posted graphs from his reservoir model that matched almost exactly with the measured pressure increase.

Did they post the predicted pressure build-up profile before they started the activity ?

If so, then I give them a lot of credit. If not, then I'm not saying they did anything untoward, but I have seen engineers tweak predictive models (starting conditions, other variables) after the fact to show that the model was closer to being correct given the right parameters (that were determined after the real results were known).
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 15:17:31

Did they post the predicted pressure build-up profile before they started the activity ?

If so, then I give them a lot of credit. If not, then I'm not saying they did anything untoward, but I have seen engineers tweak predictive models (starting conditions, other variables) after the fact to show that the model was closer to being correct given the right parameters (that were determined after the real results were known).

Not sure that this matters one way or another. The BP engineers aren't showing their model but rather the measured pressure buildup and stating that they felt confident to go ahead with the top kill procedure as model and measurements were consistent with full integrity. The TOD reservoir engineer posted all of the assumptions that went into his model and even mentioned the reservoir engineering simulation tool he was using (can't remember whether it was eclipse or what), posted his calculated results showing the predicted buildup using the known reservoir parameters and the model matched the measurements. Whether they did it before shutin or not doesn't really matter, it is the fact that the models which incorporate all of the measured parameters from PVT, logs, cores and tests match the measured pressure buildup that justifies the conclusion of integrity.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 16:08:00

I look forward to being proved wrong.

And I'm still waiting for same.

You cannot give me a premeditated plan by the USCG/BP
that in any way was followed.

Everything done to date had a bp/CYA date stamp on it.

And it has yet to be explained.... just keep fillin' in the blank from Day 1.

Why Corexit was used. Who besides bp benefited from this.
Where in the Mitigation Plan was 2 million gals Super AnitFreeze Hemorrhaging Agent to be flown over Gulf.
Name the date first seep reported.
First time 'Abandoned Well Leaking'.
Well Integrity Test.
That 6700's a baseline.
the Depth at which the Schlumberger Tool was lost.
Where the Shallow Gas Play is located.

The Bathysphere Contour Lines Cross.

Seismic Data. AND on and on. And yet the USCG/bp
up to including today with cement of BOP (which must be removed btw) and oil lobs leaking now out of the seafloor.

Looking more and more like Chernobyl's Sarcophagus.

When sometime in the future a more advanced civilization(Thanx GranPa!!;} will address the issue.

rocdoc wrote:Which it must be or he would not have ordered BP to proceed with circulating cement down the borehole this morning.

keep digging the hole deeper are already well in over your head! :roll:

Please. Kill the well, and be done with me.
Until then: ... 828&st=645

adoucette wrote:QUOTE (enord @ Aug 5 2010, 09:58 AM)
whats to keep the relief well from doing the same as the main well? gas bubble+ whatever.....thanx

If they were just drilling into the well prior to the Static Kill, then there would be the same risks as in any well.

But in this case they will have run cement down to the bottom of the well and so the relief well should just drill into cement and find no oil pressure at all.

If so, they will also run cement down the relief well and be done with it.

As Al Higgins is watching oil blobs floating up around the cemented well's seafloor.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Thu 05 Aug 2010, 17:30:32

I might regret this but jimmcg, here's one for you. ... 40&page=50

I can't really discount 100% what that horizon3 fellow is saying with what I know about it.
His theory could technically be true. The bp people who have much more info. than us internet dweebs would probably know for sure.

I haven't had a chance to check the ROV's for myself so I don't know for sure if there is any sign of oil still.
jimmcg, don't just post an old blog saying there are still leaks, go have a look for yourself and tell me what you think.
Even if there is a possibility of pressure releasing through that 16" csg. bullheading cement should get it and there should be no signs of oil at the wellhead.
As usual it is all speculation when you don't know the exact pressures and volumes bp is seeing.
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Re: GOM oil catastrophe

Unread postby Maddog78 » Fri 06 Aug 2010, 00:06:42

BP say they have successfully cemented the well. ... Id=7064239

HOUSTON - BP today completed cementing operations at the MC252 well at 14:15 CDT, as part of the static kill procedure. Monitoring of the well is underway in order to confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.
Operating with the guidance and approval of the National Incident Commander and government officials, BP continues the ongoing relief well operations. Depending upon weather conditions, mid-August is the current estimate of the most likely date by which the first relief well will intercept the Macondo well annulus.
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