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PEAK OIL's greatest threat: The United States of America!

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respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby JoeW » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 14:24:29

I disagree. The greatest cause of peak oil is the fact that oil is a finite resource. If not, then no peak oil.

The greatest threat is the US?
I suppose you mean the greatest threat to world peace?
Well, the US has a powerful military force. That force can be used to make war, or to enforce peace.
I guess in that respect my father was therefore the biggest threat in my household? He controlled the majority of the resources and was the most powerful individual in the household. He could have used his force violently, but instead preferred the threat of force to ensure peace among his children.

I don't know why I'm even posting a response. I think the initial post was ambiguous.
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Unread postby Taskforce_Unity » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 14:28:58

ow come on you are seeing things way too simplified. They are an empire as empires were before. If things happened another way Europe would be "the Empire" or russia would be "the empire". At the current moment with the current system someone has to have the power and use up the most resources so why does it matter if it is America or not. The fact is peak oil will happen and who uses the most or discussing who is the biggest baddest guy out there (which is totally nonsense to my opinion) won't help solve any problems.
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Dangerous America

Unread postby PenultimateMan » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 14:51:14

America's claim to the virtues and idealism of it's founding documents and history are wearing very thin. When the shockwaves spread as a consequence of passing peak production globally, the gloves will most likely come off. I've been trying to find some cause for hope - some remotely even rational response to the die-off scenario which looks inevitable (poulation follows available energy up and then back down again). Here's the best I can think of: any sort of global rationing would presuppose an amicable, trusting international environment which is clearly lacking. Thus War is likely. Once one side has won (if indeed that is the outsome) then that side will manage global affairs and resource allocation, presumably in its own best interests. Then nature takes its course. Where is there any hope in this? The alternative to this outcome would be human extinction so order preserved makes sustainbility a possible long term option after the gruesome adjustments have been made.

Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby Jack » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 16:12:29

ailrickson73 wrote:Would you call what the US is doing in Iraq a <show of force> or a <violent response>?

I'd call it securing peace and freedom for the Iraqi people.
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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby Bytesmiths » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 16:32:39

Jack wrote:
ailrickson73 wrote:Would you call what the US is doing in Iraq a <show of force> or a <violent response>?
I'd call it securing peace and freedom for the Iraqi people.
And besides that, it doesn't hurt that we get to decide what they do with their oil as part of the process.

I wonder what the excuse will be when we invade an oil-rich democracy, like Venezuala -- or Canada in 30-40 years, when the price of energy is so high that tar sands start looking profitable.

Some US soldier in Viet Nam wrote:We had to destroy the village to save the village.
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Unread postby Concerned » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 16:44:51

The US is strong in its military, but they cannot dream of taking on the world (heck, they can barely handle Iraq!). I dont think they would even have a chance to take on just China if they tried.

Although I oppose the war on the false claims of 1. WMD and then later transformed to 2. Freedom, Democracy and Liberty (yeah right)

Think again.

If the US were to really start clamping down on the Iraqi people by this statement I mean literally killing them off similar to Indians in America, Aboriginies in Australia, Jews in WWII Germany, Kurds in Turkey, Christians in Armenia, Tutsis in Rwanda etc.. etc.. then the US could easily control Iraq.

At the moment it's not politically expediant to do so, who knows in the future how desperate nation states will be? Desperate enough to entertain the thought of real and massive human destruction.
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Jack is correct - we must think happy thoughts!!

Unread postby Dvanharn » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 17:25:54

I don't understand most people here. If we just all tune our auras and focus our psychic energy on the concept of peace and freedom for the Iraqi people, it will happen!!

In the meantime, our U.S. multinational corporations get wonderful contracts on oil infrastructure and other construction work, exclusive sales for crop seeds. I'm sure that under George Bush's economic leadership and careful hand's off handling of the economy will lead to prosperity, comfortable retirements, and affordable health care for everyone. Nirvana, here we come!!

I just pray to our Lord that we can come up with more brilliant ideas like forbidding Iraqi farmers to save seed for next years planting, which also ehlps to get rid of the uneconomic practice of promoting crop and seed-line diversity. Farmers that have been interviewed so far are overjoyed at the prospect of never having to save seeds for the next years planting ever again. They know that the multinational corporations will always have the farmsr's welfare at the top of their agendas.

I wonder how long it will take those thick-headed Iraqi's to realize the wonderful things we are doing for them, and throw those nasty Baathist holdouts and foreign terrorists out of the country so theer can be peace and prosperity once again in Mesopotamia.

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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby ailrickson73 » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 17:38:12

Jack wrote:I'd call it securing peace and freedom for the Iraqi people.

Secruing peace for the Iraqi people? Surely you're joking. More like replacing the visible tyrant, with a puppet goverment controlled by having Uncle Sam's hand up its ass!

Campaign slogans in the future of Iraq:
"Peace sells, but who's buying the oil?"
"Do what you're told, and no one gets killed."
"Vote for me, my face fits better on a puppet."
"I support gay rights!"
"George Bush is my best friend, he comes over for tea."
"My eldest sons got to school with the Bush's family eldest sons!"
"Vote for me, free T-Shirts for everyone!"
"My name is Osama Binladin!"
So on and so on..
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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby Jack » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 19:30:14

Bytesmiths wrote:And besides that, it doesn't hurt that we get to decide what they do with their oil as part of the process.

I wonder what the excuse will be when we invade an oil-rich democracy, like Venezuala -- or Canada in 30-40 years, when the price of energy is so high that tar sands start looking profitable.

See? It's a win-win deal.

In the case of Venezuala, we need to rescue the Venezualan people from communism and return peace and prosperity to the region.

As for Canada, one cannot minimize the risk of permitting the French to maintain a beachhead in North America. Mark my words, if we permit them to insinuate themselves in the area, American children will be forced to say Oui' and Merci. No civilized people can permit such a horror.
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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby Bytesmiths » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 20:29:09

Jack wrote:... one cannot minimize the risk of permitting the French to maintain a beachhead in North America. Mark my words, if we permit them to insinuate themselves in the area, American children will be forced to say Oui' and Merci. No civilized people can permit such a horror.
You <b>WILL</b> be assimilated. C'est la vie.

BTW: The Quebecois do not consider themselves French, nor do they really speak French, any more than Americans consider themselves English. When I lived in Switzerland, Quebec sitcoms were on TV. Although performed in Quebecois, these shows were dubbed in French so the Swiss-French could understand them.

But I understand that Jack's just pulling our leg, trying to provoke an inflammatory response, just like a good cancer cell should... :-)

George W Bush wrote:The problem with the French is they don't have a word in their language for entrepreneur.
Need I say more about "assimilation?" :-)
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Unread postby Specop_007 » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 20:49:31

Concerned wrote:
The US is strong in its military, but they cannot dream of taking on the world (heck, they can barely handle Iraq!). I dont think they would even have a chance to take on just China if they tried.
Although I oppose the war on the false claims of 1. WMD and then later transformed to 2. Freedom, Democracy and Liberty (yeah right) Think again.
If the US were to really start clamping down on the Iraqi people by this statement I mean literally killing them off similar to Indians in America, Aboriginies in Australia, Jews in WWII Germany, Kurds in Turkey, Christians in Armenia, Tutsis in Rwanda etc.. etc.. then the US could easily control Iraq.
At the moment it's not politically expediant to do so, who knows in the future how desperate nation states will be? Desperate enough to entertain the thought of real and massive human destruction.

Iraq had(has) weapons of mass destruction. Even they admitted as much. So easy to forget history isnt it.
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Re: PEAK OIL's greatest threat: The United States of America

Unread postby Specop_007 » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 20:50:13

ailrickson73 wrote:THe US are the biggest consumers, one if not the biggest producers in history. They are the nation with the greatest dependce on oil in the world and by far!

They have the strongest army, and have proven in a multitude of times their willingness to use it in order to oppress other states to suit their needs.

Its no wonder they are the nation to initiate the ressource war by illegally invading Iraq on false pretences.

I believe that the US, is the greatest cause, and the greatest threat as far as peak oil is concerned.

And China iswhat in this deal? A cute cuddly panda with no ill will towards anyone?
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Unread postby Bytesmiths » Wed 01 Dec 2004, 22:03:45

Specop_007 wrote:You have added this person to your <b>Ignore List.</b> Click HERE to view this post.
Ah, how sweet it is... :-)
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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby khebab » Thu 02 Dec 2004, 14:27:34

Jack wrote:See? It's a win-win deal. In the case of Venezuala, we need to rescue the Venezualan people from communism and return peace and prosperity to the region.
As for Canada, one cannot minimize the risk of permitting the French to maintain a beachhead in North America. Mark my words, if we permit them to insinuate themselves in the area, American children will be forced to say Oui' and Merci. No civilized people can permit such a horror.

Monsieur Jack, read my lips: Les Français vous emmerdent.

I won't translate. Perfect example of why some Americans are disliked in the world. Definition of freedom according to Jack the American:
1- be free to buy my products or die
2- be free to give me your oil or die
3- be free to choose a pro-american government or die
4- be free to adopt my lifestyle or die, etc.
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Re: respectfully disagree...?

Unread postby Bytesmiths » Thu 02 Dec 2004, 15:12:22

Jack wrote:In the case of Venezuala, we need to rescue the Venezualan people from communism...
Are you saying that capitalism trumps democracy?

No matter the form of government there, the people did choose it -- twice. First by vote, then when overthrown by a US-tacitly-backed military junta, by massive protest that eventually restored the duly elected government. (The Bush admin had major egg on its face for not condemning the junta.)

Jack, you champion of individual responsibility, you're saying the people are always right, unless they disagree with you? Why you old dog -- you could qualify as a Kerry supporter with that attitude! :-)

I love it when people define "freedom" as "the freedom to agree with me."
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it odd

Unread postby Cool Hand Linc » Sat 04 Dec 2004, 02:39:59

Spec it is odd that some chose to ignore the true and say these weapons did not exist in any way or form.

Saddam killed an entire city of people from his own country to test out a weapon. Wait thats not mass destruction? Is it?

I don't understand most people here. If we just all tune our auras and focus our psychic energy on the concept of peace and freedom for the Iraqi people, it will happen!!

I was focusing my psychic energy. Then our military went in....
Peace out!

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Re: it odd

Unread postby trespam » Sat 04 Dec 2004, 02:46:28

MissingLink wrote:Spec it is odd that some chose to ignore the true and say these weapons did not exist in any way or form.

Saddam killed an entire city of people from his own country to test out a weapon. Wait thats not mass destruction? Is it?

Of course they existed. We sold him the technology in many cases and argued against repercussions when he used them against the Iranians and his own people. They did exist. No question about that. And then they were destroyed or rotted, as these types of weapons due.
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ya ya

Unread postby Cool Hand Linc » Sat 04 Dec 2004, 02:55:45

Ya Ya Ya,

I don't think many can stand up under a microscope.
Peace out!

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Re: it odd

Unread postby Specop_007 » Sat 04 Dec 2004, 03:06:57

trespam wrote:
MissingLink wrote:Spec it is odd that some chose to ignore the true and say these weapons did not exist in any way or form.

Saddam killed an entire city of people from his own country to test out a weapon. Wait thats not mass destruction? Is it?

Of course they existed. We sold him the technology in many cases and argued against repercussions when he used them against the Iranians and his own people. They did exist. No question about that. And then they were destroyed or rotted, as these types of weapons due.

Some of his chemical weapons were built "in house" as it were.
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Unread postby Specop_007 » Sat 04 Dec 2004, 03:15:18

Bytesmiths wrote:
Specop_007 wrote:You have added this person to your <b>Ignore List.</b> Click HERE to view this post.
Ah, how sweet it is... :-)

"Another one bites the dust"

Sweet!! One more flaming liberal asshat who doesnt know his head from a hole in the ground I will no longer have to argue with, and prove them wrong time and again with these pesky things called "facts".
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