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Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 04 Feb 2016, 22:11:30

Newfie wrote:I like the idea of the tax ....but not what the money is to be used for. That's idiotic.

Why is trying to get us off of oil idiotic?

Newfie wrote:Driverless cars, exactly what problem does that fix?

Fewer car owners, because they're basically robotic taxis.

Newfie wrote:High speed rail? Another subsidy for the upper middle class!

What would you rather have? LOW speed rail? It's 2016 already and our rail system is ancient to the point of ridiculous. And this is speaking as someone who took the local commuter rail into town last year, only to see it seize up from late winter storms.

Newfie wrote:Other possible motives?

I'm sure Planty will produce plenty.

You guys are so predictable. The closer anyone in power comes to trying to do something positive, the more you'll whine about it not being executed exactly the way you want it to.

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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby peripato » Thu 04 Feb 2016, 22:28:14

Plantagenet wrote:
peripato wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:Obama is the head of the D party and both Hillary and Sanders have pledged to follow O's policies if elected President.

The real question now is whether Hillary and Sanders will make the $10/barrel oil tax part of the D platform for the 2016 campaign. As ennui notes above, this is essentially a carbon tax, and the timing couldn't be better with oil prices so low due to the oil glut.

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Are you suggesting Hillary and/or Bernie are going to oppose Obama's $10/bbl oil tax proposal?

I don't think that will go over very well with the D base they need to get elected----the D base is mostly looking for a candidate who will continue O's policies.

Ha ha, ok...not sure if you're *punking* me here. But either way, it's funny...
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 00:45:00

Well if the revised story is correct this would be a tariff on oil from anyone outside of the NAFTA agreement. Or would it include the TPP countries and South America Free trade zones as well? That is the problem with all these overly complicated free trade arrangements, you have to hire a team of lawyers and pay big fees before you know who is actually covered by any potential piece of legislation.

Honestly I think if we had stuck with some of the more protectionist measures and kept our middle class we would be so much better off as a nation. Instead a few at the very tip top of the pyramid are getting everything they could possibly want and the lower levels are being forced to compete with third world wage levels. The Union bosses sold their souls back in the 1970's and it has been down hill for the middle class ever since.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 02:19:36

ennui2 wrote:Other possible motives?....I'm sure Planty will produce plenty..

What other possible motives are you fantasizing about, ennui2y?

This carbon tax is about the only intelligent thing Obama has done in the last five years, and you want to ascribe it to an ulterior motive?

Whats wrong with taking Obama at his word that his motive for instituting a carbon tax is to reduce fossil fuel use and to raise money to build some "green" infrastructure like light rail and high speed rail networks that don't rely on fossil fuels? :)
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 05:10:29

Jeez guys, you know what fuel taxes are in the rest of the modern world? We pay 45 cents a liter, about a buck a gallon in US terms- about 4 times what big radical O is proposing. The money goes to transport infrastructure, mostly to roads. Europe pays more.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 05:44:33

My first reaction to this is just that while taxes were never raised on the super rich, there has been an ACA penalty fine passed, and healthcare costs are up, and now this new oil tax proposal. That's a tax on working and middle class. Also, minimum wage was never raised and the economy is anemic at the moment and maybe headed for recession again.

As a Democrat, I would expect the President to be fighting for raising working and middle class wages -- get that done FIRST, and THEN come back and talk about a new tax.

Other than that, I would be suspicious about where the $300 billion would be going to, exactly. The article says "self driving cars." So what does that mean, exactly? The devil's in the details here. WHERE would all this money be going, is it like a boondoggle thing or would it be money well spent -- would it be pork and crony capitalism and corporate welfare, or would it be construction projects on time and under budget?

This is very general:

mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches

That would have to be looked over with a fine toothed comb to make sure it's not wasted money on boondoggle stuff.

This thing has no chance of passing, per the article it'll be a difficult spot for Hillary to be in so I assume she'd shy away from it. It's a tax increase on working and middle class:

The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.

Paul Ryan says the oil tax proposal is "dead on arrival:"

the proposal immediately faced resistance from Republicans.

"Once again, the president expects hardworking consumers to pay for his out of touch climate agenda,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement, arguing it would lead to higher energy prices and hurt poor Americans.

Ryan went on to describe Obama’s plan as “dead on arrival” in Congress.

“The good news is this plan is little more than an election-year distraction. As this lame-duck president knows, it's dead on arrival in Congress, because House Republicans are committed to affordable American energy and a strong U.S. economy," Ryan said.

Obama $10-Per-Barrel Oil Tax Lands With Thud in Congress

Transportation System

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, the Republican chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said he agreed on the need to improve the nation’s transportation system but would oppose the oil tax.

"I’m unsure why the president bothers to continue to send a budget to Congress," Inhofe said in a statement. "His proposals are not serious, and this is another one which is dead on arrival. America is ready for a new president.”

I would not be for this thing, UNLESS:

* Some taxes on rich went up first
* Working and middle class wages go up first
* Then have someone like Trump in the WH, that would make sure it's not a bunch of boondoggles. Make sure the money is wisely spent, and the projects come in on time and under budget.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 06:45:56

I'm hearing it reported on tv news. 25 cents a gallon. (would also raise some people's electric bills, and food and all other consumer goods in the supply chain that use oil)

Anyhow.. people aren't gonna like this, lol.. a new gas tax.. :roll:

Republicans won't pass this thing, but if it were passed it would be the first gas tax hike in 25 years.

Just to note, there was already a full $1 trillion for infrastructure in the stimulus bill in '09. A new oil tax really has nothing to do with needing $300 billion in infrastructure. It's a tax on oil industry and gas tax, for the sake of it, like punitive tax.

And what have we heard all over the country – and in particular here in Louisiana? That our infrastructure is crumbling, the roads and bridges are in collapse and something has to be done. If we’re not mistaken, that was the rationale for the trillion-dollar stimulus plan he forced through Congress in 2009.

But the whole plan is designed to do something else, destroy the oil industry.
The wacko greenie left is not even hiding that fact anymore. Their plans are to put the thousands of Louisianians who work in the oil and gas industry out of work.

The Louisiana delegation sent statements out blasting it.

First up: Congressman Charles Boustany, who is running for Senate

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, (R-Lafayette) released a statement blasting President Obama for his plan to propose a $10 tax on every barrel of oil to pay for a new “21st century clean transportation system.”

Boustany said: “This President has relentlessly attacked the American oil & gas industry and the working families who depend on these jobs. Today, oil prices are at their lowest point in over a decade, and the workforce is hurting. But the President is proposing a tax hike that will be passed on at the pump to these same families who are trying to make ends meet.

“This is another absurd attack on American energy, and it has to stop. I will personally see to it this new tax never sees the light of day.”

Next up, we have House Majority Whip Steve Scalise:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) released the below statement following reports that President Obama will propose a $10-a-barrel tax on oil:

“President Obama’s proposed $10 per barrel tax on oil is dead on arrival in the House. From day one of President Obama’s Administration, he has waged open warfare on American energy and his radical policies have cost jobs while increasing costs on hard-working families. Washington spending is already too high, and the best way to create more jobs and get our economy back on track is by cutting taxes and controlling spending. The House will kill this absurd proposal, and instead focus on lowering costs and growing our economy.

The politics though are going to be great for the Democrat Party unless Republicans get out in front of it. The Democrats will portray Republicans as in the pocket of Big Oil and opposed to clean energy.

Republicans need to make the argument about how this will hurt middle and working class Americans. Drive this home all over the country.

UPDATE: Congressman Ralph Abraham just sent this to us:

WASHINGTON – Congressman Ralph Abraham, M.D., R-Alto, released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announced plan to increase taxes on oil by $10 per barrel.

The President’s proposal is nothing more than a plan to raise taxes on our families. Gas prices will immediately spike by 25 cents per gallon. That means a family could be paying as much as $7 or $8 more each time they fill up the family van.

President Obama is clearly willing to subject our struggling poor and middle class families to greater financial burdens for the sole purpose of appeasing radical environmental activists. An additional tax burden on hard-working Americans is not the answer, and I will never vote to support such an irresponsible tax increase,” Dr. Abraham said.

Obama oil tax proposal would cost motorists

That means a 15-gallon fill-up would cost at least $2.76 more per day. It would also affect people who use heating oil to warm their homes and diesel to fill their trucks. But Obama will also propose a relief fund for families affected by higher energy bills.

Of course, at a nationwide average of $1.77 per gallon on Thursday, gasoline is already cheap compared to historic highs. Environmentalists say a small price increase is worth it to help fight climate change and spur innovation.

President Obama wants to impose a huge new oil tax.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 09:47:42

You can look at this proposal one of two ways, either it is a throw away plan by the President to make the GOP look bad during the election cycle, or it is a serious plan to A) support the domestic oil industry and B) raise funds for programs he really believes in for future transportation in the USA.

Trying to make the GOP look bad doesn't make any sense to me for two reason, 1) they make themselves look bad enough you don't need too, 2) it could easily backfire and make the Democrat party look like the guilty party if HRC and BS don't fully support it.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Simon_R » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 10:07:53

I think if he really wanted this to pass, then he should raise money for a project, and when that project is done, then so is the tax.
If he just sais .... pay me, and I promise it'll be grand, I am not sure how many people would believe him.

Personally I think he should raise money for an electrified train network, linking each state capital which you could drive trucks onto.
get that sorted then worry about other projects if this is can be carried off

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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby wildbourgman » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 10:58:23

Alright this thing has no chance at passage UNLESS it's only directed to foreign oil as a tariff. That's something that I could certainly see a candidate Trump backing. I can see plenty of oil state politicians backing this as well as a few top union thugs. So you bring this to congress and let the republicans and democrats in oil states turn the bill into a compromise, protectionist, job protection bill and that is the only way it could pass.

I'm not for it at all, but I can see it happening.

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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 13:23:03

SeaGypsy wrote:Jeez guys, you know what fuel taxes are in the rest of the modern world? We pay 45 cents a liter, about a buck a gallon in US terms- about 4 times what big radical O is proposing. The money goes to transport infrastructure, mostly to roads. Europe pays more.

Exactly right.

Finally, after 8 years, Obama has come up with a reasonable plan to build high speed rail and other much needed infrastructure in the US and people are kvetching about their taxes going up.

This plan will reduce oil use and increase spending on green infrastructure. Hillary is campaigning to be the heir to Obama--- If Hillary has any brains at all, she will quickly endorse Obama's new tax plan and make it one of the themes of her 2016 presidential campaign. :idea:
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:08:10

Plantagenet wrote:
SeaGypsy wrote:Jeez guys, you know what fuel taxes are in the rest of the modern world? We pay 45 cents a liter, about a buck a gallon in US terms- about 4 times what big radical O is proposing. The money goes to transport infrastructure, mostly to roads. Europe pays more.

Exactly right.

Finally, after 8 years, Obama has come up with a reasonable plan to build high speed rail and other much needed infrastructure in the US and people are kvetching about their taxes going up.

This plan will reduce oil use and increase spending on green infrastructure. Hillary is campaigning to be the heir to Obama--- If Hillary has any brains at all, she will quickly endorse Obama's new tax plan and make it one of the themes of her 2016 presidential campaign. :idea:

Lol, I doubt even Bernie would touch this socialist thing with a ten foot pole. :lol:

Look at the comments on the articles I posted. People get MAD about a gas tax. It's stuff like "These politicians?! Just when gas finally goes down and people are just finally getting their head up above water even a little bit and not so financially devastaed, then sure enough the government wants a gas tax!"

Clinton has already promised not to raise taxes on any families making $250k or under.

But here's the thing -- anyone making a quarter million dollars can afford the darn gas tax and higher prices.

The biggest concern is people making 30k and under, or 20k, or senior citizens trying to survive on ten thousand a year. THEY would be HIT with this regressive tax hike. Forget upper middle class, working class and elderly really can't afford it.

Does Obama not care?

The oil tax proposal is a out of touch with reality in America kind of move to make. Obama administration never even raised the minimum wage in seven years, much less a minimum living wage. And senior citizens had their social security COLA cut.

Gas tax? Uh, no.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:23:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:22:49

Sixstrings wrote:
Lol, I doubt even Bernie would touch this socialist thing with a ten foot pole. :lol:

Look at the comments on the articles I posted. People get MAD about a gas tax. It's stuff like "These politicians?! Just when gas finally goes down and people are just finally getting their head up above water even a little bit and not so financially devastaed, then sure enough the government wants a gas tax!"

Clinton has already promised not to raise taxes on any families making $250k or under.

Well----there's the problem right there. The Ds campaigned on a carbon tax in 2008 and building more infrastructure, but once in office Obama renegged on his promises and never sent the carbon tax to Congress. Now--after seven years of political cowardice, Obama finally finds the courage to propose a carbon tax again, and you're telling me that Hillary and Bernie and the rest of the Ds who won't support it.

How will we ever get anything done in the US when our leaders delay and duck every problem.

Sheesh! :roll:
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:31:18

Plantagenet wrote:
Sixstrings wrote:
Lol, I doubt even Bernie would touch this socialist thing with a ten foot pole. :lol:

Look at the comments on the articles I posted. People get MAD about a gas tax. It's stuff like "These politicians?! Just when gas finally goes down and people are just finally getting their head up above water even a little bit and not so financially devastaed, then sure enough the government wants a gas tax!"

Clinton has already promised not to raise taxes on any families making $250k or under.

Well----there's the problem right there. The Ds campaigned on a carbon tax in 2008 and building more infrastructure, but once in office Obama renegged on his promises and never sent the carbon tax to Congress. Now--after seven years of political cowardice, Obama finally finds the courage to propose a carbon tax again, and you're telling me that Hillary and Bernie and the rest of the Ds who won't support it.

How will we ever get anything done in the US when our leaders delay and duck every problem.

Sheesh! :roll:

Bernie has said "carbon taxes" before, on the campaign trail. But I'd be curious if he gets asked about this particular question, in Obama's budget.

The main problem with any kind of tax hike like a gas tax is that it's *regressive*, not a *progressive* tax. So this would put too much burden on the poor and elderly. And they've already had cuts, and they were already poor before the cuts.

I don't think some people don't realize how many poor people there are, in much of this country.

There's a reason why there's two populist candidates out there, filling up 20,000 seat stadiums.

I'd like to see Bernie's reaction to this oil tax thing, because otherwise he's generally very aware of how many elderly there are in the country, trying to survive on ten grand a year. And all the millions of working poor and unemployed.

Gas tax? Thanks, but no thanks.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:40:15

SeaGypsy wrote:Jeez guys, you know what fuel taxes are in the rest of the modern world? We pay 45 cents a liter, about a buck a gallon in US terms- about 4 times what big radical O is proposing. The money goes to transport infrastructure, mostly to roads. Europe pays more.

If the US gov wants Australian level taxes on the elderly and working and middle class, then they'd have to do Australian level wages and benefits first.

Can't just have the Australian taxes, without the Australian benefits.

And another factor here is that there are some state governments jumping in too with new gas taxes, I think I heard Connecticut just raised theirs. So a new federal gas tax would be on top of new state taxes, then eventually oil goes back up again and now people are stuck with the taxes too -- governments want to slip this tax in while oil prices are low.

Any way you slice it -- voters in the US don't like new gas taxes, much less a federal one.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:49:48


This is my response to your baiting, troll!

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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:51:26


One of the great things about being a leftist is that you never have to be consistent. Fossil fuels are too cheap!, we are constantly told, and their overuse is wrecking the planet. But when oil prices and gasoline pump prices soar, the left complains that the oil industry is gouging us. But when oil prices collapse and the pump price goes down, what does the left want? Higher taxes on gasoline to get the price back up! Because high-priced gasoline is only fun if its achieved through taxes rather than supply and demand.

Obama’s New Oil Tax Would Hike Up Gas Prices 22 Cents a Gallon

Obama’s New Oil Tax Plan Will Hike Gas and Heating Prices
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:53:21

Plantagenet wrote:
ennui2 wrote:Other possible motives?....I'm sure Planty will produce plenty..

What other possible motives are you fantasizing about, ennui2y?

This carbon tax is about the only intelligent thing Obama has done in the last five years, and you want to ascribe it to an ulterior motive?

Whats wrong with taking Obama at his word that his motive for instituting a carbon tax is to reduce fossil fuel use and to raise money to build some "green" infrastructure like light rail and high speed rail networks that don't rely on fossil fuels? :)


Tax is good.

High speed rail absolutely relies heavily on ff. It is only a subsidy for the rich.
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Re: Obama proposes $10-a-barrel oil tax

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Feb 2016, 14:57:17

Tanada wrote:You can look at this proposal one of two ways, either it is a throw away plan by the President to make the GOP look bad during the election cycle, or it is a serious plan to A) support the domestic oil industry and B) raise funds for programs he really believes in for future transportation in the USA.

Trying to make the GOP look bad doesn't make any sense to me for two reason, 1) they make themselves look bad enough you don't need too, 2) it could easily backfire and make the Democrat party look like the guilty party if HRC and BS don't fully support it.

That's why for asked for other motives. The political motives are not obvious and the stated transportation motives are very pro fossil fuel/ big industry/ business as usual. The tax is good, but there is little to applause in the rest.
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