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Liberal's War On Science

Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 09 Jul 2017, 16:53:16


Did you intend to make a relevant comment or just agitate?
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Cog » Sun 09 Jul 2017, 18:46:13

Newfie wrote:Cog,

Did you intend to make a relevant comment or just agitate?

Ok here you go. The federal government is bloated and we need to fire as many people as we can that are employed by it. If these people have any scientific merit to them and were not just hired by Obama as a political favor, then they should have no problem obtaining employment in the private sector.

There is my relevant comment.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 06:21:48

Not relevant what so ever as it misses the point.

The point being that the Presidential staff needs some input on scientific matters. You know, that physics thing. I don't give a hoot if these guys have employment or not. What I care about is a leadership that is aware of scientific thought and the consequences of actions.

Trump has a degree in Finance, which is sort of applied Economics. This is the group of disconnected and self benighted geeks, who have been responsible for the global financial and economic mess, it is this crowd. This is the group that brings us unlimited growth in a limited world. If anyone ever needed a dose of reality and scientific thought it's these guys.

If Trump wants to fire the current staff fine. Good riddence. What is his alternative for having scientific input? The writings of Chairman Bernanke?
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Cog » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 07:20:22

We have cabinet secretaries who have staff at the DOE and EPA if the president is curious about some scientific angle to making American great again. He can pick up a phone and call them for whatever information is pertinent to his job. We don't need legions of "scientists" camped out in the White House creating position papers on matters better left to the various agencies to create.

Reducing duplication of effort is key to reining in the Hydra we call the federal government. Obama had dozens of these climate change working groups in just about every agency in the federal government. Those are rightly being dismantled. We don't need dozens of working groups to deal with a single issue when one can do the job.

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, for those in love with the federal bureaucracy, but if your job doesn't enhance making the USA stronger, safer, or economically more competitive, then its on the chopping block.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 07:57:52

"I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, for those in love with the federal bureaucracy, but if your job doesn't enhance making the USA stronger, safer, or economically more competitive, then its on the chopping block."

Oh for goodness sake Cog, will you please read and comprehend. I AGREE with this above statement. I thought I made that abundently clear.

The reason for having folks on staff, direct to the White House, is to have a quick, clean, clear line of communication with experts who are not beholden to someone else. Sure he can call the EPA, but then his question will get filtered through the EPA bureaucracy, and take time to get back after being vetted and reviewed by the brass. Sometimes you just want someone you can sit down with and chat, informal like. Maybe even someone who can help you formulate the question to the EPA. Or set off a BS alert.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Cog » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 08:47:40

Maybe Trump should set up an account here. There seems to be no lack of experts to advise him.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 08:50:16

Newfie, the entire Republican has ostensibly either rejected or not understood the solid scientific standing of Anthropogenic Global Warming. So, it is no surprise that they are no longer even trying to hide their disdain for and discounting of scientific input.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 08:53:03

Cog wrote:Maybe Trump should set up an account here. There seems to be no lack of experts to advise him.

No , he would not like it here as the issues are much too factually oriented and so he could not "spin" them as it would suit him
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 16:34:40

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But really, can't we let this ridiculous thread die the death of neglect it so richly deserves, rather than keep on bumping it (and no, I did not just 'bump' it myself, as it was already at the top of the line). Thanks.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 18:56:14

Cog wrote:Maybe Trump should set up an account here. There seems to be no lack of experts to advise him.

I was rather hoping you would explain how my last post was wrong.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Cog » Mon 10 Jul 2017, 23:00:46

I suspect that Trump has his own way of doing things. He is at heart a CEO. When he wants something he calls up whoever has the information and says "Come down here tomorrow and give me a briefing on XYZ", Maybe he wants to make sure he got rid of all the Obama hold-overs before he appoints a National Science advisor. Which he has not done by the way.

His mandate to his various cabinet secretaries was to find ways to cut their budgets. That is his priority and perhaps he feels starting with cutting White House staff is a good first step.

Is there some science emergency brewing right now where a team at the White House is needed?
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby efarmer » Tue 11 Jul 2017, 01:02:52

Liberals and Conservatives are the dichotomy that has brought our nation to it's knees
while the nations swirls the toilet bowl of destiny and history. No hard decisions, catering
to fiscally dead ends, no real plans for real purchase and sustainable solutions, and the
never ended stream of who is to blame instead of who found solutions by any means
or collaboration. Trump reads speaches and then twiiters them to death for personal
gain and glory or tilting to his 35% base.

This is all about the story about who is to blame to take the hit for America slipping into
a regional and broke experiment that went large on too many things at once beyond it's
means and mindset. And so we ponder if an intelligent community organizer from gut shot
Chicago is more eloquent than a self absorbed developer and and golf course guy have the
real answers for a nation hungry for their national executive, while waiting for the corporate
and malleable whores of congress to do something unrelated to oaths they took in the glory
days of austere extremism or the people who think the government can print money to fix
the Grand Canyon gap of income versus outflow (for votes and popularity) and then magically
wake up and do something smart for their nation. The tools these people offer up to save their
nation are the torch and the plunder, and they act like it is a brilliant choice of well thought out
alternatives for us to pick on like a Sunday chicken. Methinks the notion we can rule the world and also take care of the people are nigh unto the end, the party that tells them loses immediately. We of course all lose in the gambit but with the exquisite illusion of whom to blame for it, which is useful for the next election. When someone tells us we are 5% of the global people and we use 20% of the global resources and they live and have a plan and are somewhat reasonable I will vote for them and then they will be destroyed by the American Jimminy Cricket chorus of "The World Owes Me A Livin". This is the big story, the executive is going to tell you the feel good one, Obama, or Trump or the next one, (probably let a woman win to take the big fall). So Trump is probably closer to the truth, the big fat cats, the big city media, the smart and connected, most probably will be undone by all the little people, who they gamed and ployed with fancy crap from positions of power, will simply stop playing and wreck their trusted demographics to take profit and power and join them in being nonviolently, but surely and unconditionally fucked in every possible way and form. It is hard to eat and thrive way up on the handle of leverage and privelege, it is humble but possible near the earth.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby onlooker » Tue 11 Jul 2017, 02:49:44

Yes fully agree the management/decision making system is broke in no small measure due to our dysfunctional politics
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Cog » Tue 11 Jul 2017, 04:57:40

Going back to the science theme for a bit and Trump. I don't sense that Trump hates science but it better be some sort of applied science. If you aren't designing, building, engineering, or creating something with your science, then I doubt Trump has much use for you.

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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 11 Jul 2017, 06:22:54


While there ma or may not be something brewing it doesn't hurt to have some folks around to reach out to in short order, semper paratus.

And maybe he does, I don't know. I hope so. I suspect you also hope so.

What occured was it gave the D's a talking point.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby derhundistlos » Mon 17 Jul 2017, 19:43:58

I am so relieved that you have a "sense"- a feeling-Trump does not hate science. IOW, he loves science so long as it is enriching him.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby Tanada » Wed 03 Oct 2018, 15:47:19

Scholars Publish Absurd Gender Studies Papers To Prove Academia Has Gone Insane

A group of scholars has been getting bogus studies published in peer-reviewed journals to make the point that many in academia no longer value reason when it comes to gender issues.

Helen Pluckrose, a researcher and author; James Lindsay, who has a doctorate in math and is also an author, and philosophy professor Peter Boghossian noticed that “Something has gone wrong in the university – especially in certain fields within the humanities.” The trio set out to prove just how easy it would be to publish various studies of a dubious nature in respected journals.

For one year, the three submitted academic papers to journals covering “cultural studies,” “identity studies” – such as gender studies – and “critical theory.” They submitted 20 papers to relevant journals. So far, seven have been accepted (four of which have already been published online), seven more are under review, and six were rejected. The scholars also say they received four offers to peer-review other papers because of their own studies.

The papers that were published are absurd, the most infamous of which was about how dog parks promote “rape culture” in Portland, Oregon. This paper was so outlandish it caught the attention of Tori Airaksinen, who found the “author” of the piece had lied about her credentials. Airaksinen and others' questioning of the study caused Pluckrose, Lindsay, and Boghossian “to conclude the project early.”

Another study published by the trio suggested we shouldn’t praise those who build muscle and not those who build fat. According to the scholars, they wanted “to see if journals will accept arguments which are ludicrous and positively dangerous to health if they support cultural constructivist arguments around body positivity and fatphobia.” They were right.

The third published article suggested men should anally self-penetrate using sex toys to “decrease transphobia and increase feminist values.” The final published paper suggested men frequented “breastaurants” like Hooters “because they are nostalgic for patriarchal dominance and enjoy being able to order attractive women around.”

The accepted but not yet published studies included a paper explaining that the critique of social justice is unethical, one that was nothing more than “bitter, divorced feminist” ramblings created using a “teenage angst poetry generator,” and one that rewrote part of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” with “fashionable buzzwords.”

The scholars recommend that “all major universities to begin a thorough review of these areas of study (gender studies, critical race theory, postcolonial theory, and other ‘theory’-based fields in the humanities and reaching into the social sciences, especially including sociology and anthropology), in order to separate knowledge-producing disciplines and scholars from those generating constructivist sophistry.”

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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby GHung » Wed 03 Oct 2018, 16:48:42

Should be titled:

Scholars Fraudulently Publish Absurd Gender Studies Papers To Prove Academia Has Run Out of Ideas And Needs Something, Anything, To Publish.

Methinks we've reached "Peak Ideas That Matter Much". Probably several decades ago.
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Re: Liberal's War On Science

Unread postby ralfy » Wed 03 Oct 2018, 22:18:05

That reminds me of the Sokal affair.
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