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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Jake_old » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 09:52:46

I would love specops ability to provoke this kind of vitriol. Wonderful.

Things aren't so black and white as Abortion = murder, unless you agree that consumerism = murder.

Industrialisation = Murder

Is contraception Murder?

Is masturbation for that matter? 8O
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Starvid » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:01:19

Can't we put these kind of threads in the US forum?
Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Ketzl » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:06:42

RedJake wrote:I would love specops ability to provoke this kind of vitriol.

Well it's not virtiol, it's just that his post's so easily refuted that everyone wanted a turn at bat. Pitch a few more fatballs, please! Meaty peak oil discussion, on the other hand, seems to involve specialized knowledge, dire civilization-wrecking problems and lots of statistics. Math is hard. Let's debate abortion or whether bias is a factor in biased studies by biased people about people and their biases, that's a lot more fun than contemplating unavoidable doom. Tennis anyone?
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby NEOPO » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:31:36

Right - lets not turn this into an abortion debate.

I invite Linlithgowoil and/or others here:

linlithgowoil and abortion

As far as Spe goes - yes - yes it is easy to refute what he says and yes it has been hard to resist lately yet I am feeling as if the funtime is over.

I think Spe is simply a troll and should be banned.
All he is about is promoting the converative agenda and frankly I dont believe he deserves a place here on this forum.

I will now start a forum petition to get Spe removed.
Perhaps many will join me.
I think if Spe dont go then I must as I can easily find bullshit to read just about anywhere and that by staying here I am only condoning the presence of idiot posters on this forum :lol:

I smile with the knowledge that I am not alone and that the better man will overcome the lesser 8)

Perhaps a temporary BAN would HELP Spe much like it seemed to do for JD...........
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Macsporan » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:47:54

I second that. Specop007 is a conservative troll and should be banned. If this forum was being properly run he would have been banned years ago.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby linlithgowoil » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:50:19

Right - lets not turn this into an abortion debate.

You started it! But its right, lets not argue. Lets just agree that you are all wrong and I am right.

Ok.. now, peak oil...
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Jake_old » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 10:59:23

I am disturbed by 2 things here

One is that I want to defend Spec's presence on, I'm sure he could do that himself!!!

Second is this

I second that. Specop007 is a conservative troll and should be banned. If this forum was being properly run he would have been banned years ago.

Freedom of speech? Thought? Why are you so easily angered? If we all agreed on this board we would all curl up and wait for the collapse OR all join together a build a utopian bliss after having executed those who are deemed deviant from the norm.

If we all agreed it would be hideously boring. The man makes me angry too, but what the hell. He usually has a logical case IMHO. Just don't agree most of the time.

We must stop banning things.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 11:14:13

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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby basil_hayden » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 11:16:57

Macsporan wrote:I second that. Specop007 is a conservative troll and should be banned. If this forum was being properly run he would have been banned years ago.

You would have been banned also, for your "liberal" helping of one-liner ad hominem attacks upon others, Macspewing.

And Neo, if it's so easy to refute Spec's posts and you do not wish to see them, hit the ignore button and stop crying to mommy every time Spec presents you with another bloody nose during your refutation. All you are about is promoting your psuedo-liberal agenda.

This BS gets tiring. If the COC were truly enforced, 3/4 of the posters would be gone from this board.

The real issue is that all of these reporter morons miss the really big mechanisms behind the scenes and are always in a fall-back position trying to promote ways to fix a broken system - this by definition is conservative. To me, "conservative" is defined as "I want things to be the way they used to be" as opposed to "liberal" which to me means "we need to blow this thing up and start again". The media isn't blowing anything up. They regurgitate either whatever Bushco wants (Bill O'Reilly-type)them to or exactly the opposite (Rense-type).

The facts are the facts, this is what media should be reporting. It is up to each of us to make the decision as to how to use this factual information. The latest Hollywood divorce news does not effect my life, signs of peak oil does.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Macsporan » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 12:04:12

Specop persistantly starts threads that have nothing remotely to do with Peak Oil for no other reason than to start fights and seek attention.

Beneath his hammy inpersonations of an honest workin' man he is a twisted sado-masochist poseur, and a bigotted whackjob who uses this forum like a urinal, drenching it in stinking rightwing propaganda.

His attacks on newbies chase many away to the loss of all concerned.

He degrades the whole tone of this forum with his carefully-cultivated ignorance and ill-natured arrogance.

He has no sense of humour, humanity, generosity of spirit, goodwill or any other redeeming feature.

His interest in PO is negligible.

He should be banned, the sooner the better, in the interests of social hygiene.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Jake_old » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 12:15:46

Now that was funny :lol:

Good put down, lets leave it at that.

We need another Lorenzo, I would not have been quite so interested in these boards had Spec & Lorenzo not had their 'special' relationship.

I hope he's ok and comes back :(

Newbies shouldn't be frightened away, god knows they're gonna get worse in the real world. You can't unlearn PO awareness, I wish (sometimes) that I could.

Edit: sorry helped this go off topic :oops:
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby rogerhb » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 12:31:42

seahorse wrote:Reagonomics? Trickle Down? The common man knows that the only thing that "trickles down" is shit.

No, no, no, it's piss that trickles down. :-D Shit has interactions with cooling systems. :lol:
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Mower » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 12:49:26

linlithgowoil wrote:I find it fascinating how people who support abortion go out of their way to make sure they do not refer to the baby as a person, simply because they can't see them yet.

Abortion is a fucking lame debate anytime anywhere. Only busy-bodies care. That's one thing I wont miss is fascists thinking they have a right to decide what I can do with my body.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Jake_old » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 13:33:49

Abortion is a fucking lame debate anytime anywhere. Only busy-bodies care. That's one thing I wont miss is fascists thinking they have a right to decide what I can do with my body.

Unfortunately mower, I think we will all have to get used to fascists in the coming years. Don't usually like making predictions, but it seems inevitable. People actually want to ban free speech, intrioduce biometric id cards, round up all the (insert favouraite race to hate here) and deport/gas them.

It's comming back :(

I really should say something about the liberal media :lol:
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby elroy » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 15:08:57

And what was it then a couple months ago, when the big networks like fox and cnn and some others admitted they reported in a manner that wouldn't upset the white house for some reason.. Liberal media my ass.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Specop_007 » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 17:07:07

NEOPO wrote:Yes it is hard to be unbiased and thats what we want from our reporters isnt it?

To be unbiased and really kinda not human.
We want news reporting machines but when we get them we will only believe that the machines have been hacked!!!!

And if these folks are normally liberal does that make it wrong?

Perhaps by seeing all the news all the time its easy for them to see just how idiotic the right and even the left has been.

Are you a christian/catholic Spe???
If so I would love to wax long on the subject with you.
I will warn you though that I am armed to the fucking teeth with knowledge from my experiences with the comparative study of religion - self study that is - as only one can learn the truth from within.

Non demoninational. I believe in a higher power, but I dont choose a religion to follow. For all I know, its a big purple dragon that farted the world into existance.

Are you against abortion Spe?
I have that personal story of abortion which i am sure that you have read.
Even after all that I still support a womans right to choose.
Its logic man not my preconceived notion of whats right - pure and simple logic.

Pro Choice. The issue is simple but people always try to fuddle and muddle it up.
Theres 2 sides. Pro Choice or Pro Life. There IS not middle ground.
Pro Life means you DO NOT support abortion under any circumstances.
If you can find even 1 instance in which you would allow an abortion then you are by definition pro choice.
Normally I do not agree with abortion. But, I am able to find certain instances and circumstances in which I would see no problems with an abortion.
Therefore I am, by definition, Pro Choice.

Are you for tax cuts for the rich and do you believe in "trickle down" economics Spe?
I would equally like to discuss the ills of reagenism and bushism if you have time.
We can draw upon vast records,charts and data to see exactly what each side has done when in office.

I support tax cuts for the rich only insofar as the poor pay no taxes. This seems grossly unfair to me.
I think all should be levied a fair tax. Pipedream I know.

In the end I am neither republican nor democrat.
Neither liberal nor conservative.

Let me be brief and to the point.
I'm very shallow when it comes to what leans me one way or the other. The reason I choose Republican over Democrat is very simple.
The 2nd Amendment.
Democrats want to take my guns. Fuck all that. I vote Republican.

I dont know why I even ask you anything as its clear how you feel by the stupid shit you post.

Thats not very nice. So, is everyone who doesnt believe exactly what you do a dumbass?

If I was like the many I would have you on ignore yet I cannot bring myself to do it...... as I know......... ignorance is not bliss.

Thats because others cannot handle the thought of people not believing what they do. Its sad really. You however are above that and realize not everyone marches to the same drum. Which leads me to my point above.
I dont think you think I'm a dumbass, nor do I think you think everyone who doesnt think what you do is a dumbass. If you did, you'd click Ignore and wander around with the blinders on.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Specop_007 » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 17:11:02

Macsporan wrote:Specop persistantly starts threads that have nothing remotely to do with Peak Oil for no other reason than to start fights and seek attention.

I assure you, I need not post drivel and start fights to seek attention. Quite frankly I give about 2 shits what people think of me.
The real question is, if I bother YOU so much why dont YOU Ignore me? Cant follow your own advice, thats very hypocritical of you, and very shallow.

Beneath his hammy inpersonations of an honest workin' man he is a twisted sado-masochist poseur, and a bigotted whackjob who uses this forum like a urinal, drenching it in stinking rightwing propaganda.

As opposed to those who push liberal agendas? Or would you argue no one does that?

His attacks on newbies chase many away to the loss of all concerned.

Sorry if posting news articles and facts comes across as "attacks" to you. No suprise, another who fears those pesky facts. Hard to argue with them isnt it.

degrades the whole tone of this forum with his carefully-cultivated ignorance and ill-natured arrogance.

He has no sense of humour, humanity, generosity of spirit, goodwill or any other redeeming feature.

Pot meet kettle!! My goodness!!

His interest in PO is negligible.

I'll bet I've done more for PO then you have.
Wanna make a bet?

He should be banned, the sooner the better, in the interests of social hygiene.

One could easily say the same as you.
Whether you agree with me or not, I contribute to the threads. You do nothing of the sort and just spew garbage. I thought you and Monte were having therapy sessions. I see I was wrong.
Maybe Monte forget about the sessions. I'll take care of that.
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby rogerhb » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 17:30:21

Specop_007 wrote:Pro Choice. The issue is simple but people always try to fuddle and muddle it up.
Theres 2 sides. Pro Choice or Pro Life. There IS not middle ground.
Pro Life means you DO NOT support abortion under any circumstances.
If you can find even 1 instance in which you would allow an abortion then you are by definition pro choice.
Normally I do not agree with abortion. But, I am able to find certain instances and circumstances in which I would see no problems with an abortion.
Therefore I am, by definition, Pro Choice.

This neatly identifies the problem. In order to explain problems to large numbers of people, problems are reduced to black and white issues. There are no issues regarding humans which are black and white, you can always find a nuance. But to find a nuance means you are a liberal and should rot in hell for daring to think or even breethe.

Ironic that a ProLifer can murder a doctor who performs an abortion. What happened to "Let he without sin cast the first stone" and "two wrongs don't make a right", and if you are so ProLife what happened to the value of the life of the doctor.

The right's version is:

Love the foetus, hate the person (especially if they are poor).
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Re: The Liberal Media

Unread postby Pops » Tue 18 Oct 2005, 17:38:25

Threads that turn out this way, let alone threads intended to turn out exactly this way (this is one of course) are one of the reasons that I tend to agree with Aaron’s view of PO on the odd day.

This is a great example of thread-jacking on the macro scale, a thread – one of at least 5 on the last 24 link, started by one person – started with, what seems to me, the very intent of high-jacking the entire board and it’s importance into irrelevance.

Another good day’s work Spec…

Of course it’s a waste for Spec to cast without fish to bite, so kudos as well to everyone that runs with the bait – another few wasted minutes of useless finger wrestling, another few lurkers disgustedly clicking through, another example of why your representatives will never make any proposal more substantial than the tripe spouted by their constituencies here.

Good job all!

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