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BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 15 Apr 2022, 14:48:50

vtsnowedin wrote:
Or were you MAGA folks seriously worried about the US being invaded and us being forced to learn Arabic?

Of course I was not worried about that as we do have the military so it was never in doubt.

Indeed. And we have to use it for SOMETHING, seeing as how my comment on a Canadian invasion was probably completely accurate in terms of needing the military to stop an invasion of the US proper. My objection tends to be more with killing off military personnel on snipe hunts.

vtsnowedin wrote: Oh and by the way I have never been a MAGA person or voter.

Of course you aren't VT. Of course. :) You've just memorized their talking points, style of conversation, developed their selective memory patterns...perhaps you mean, you just don't have one of those hats? :mrgreen:
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 15 Apr 2022, 20:45:08

Well on the possibility of a Canadian invasion my family was living right in the town I now live in 1812 the last time that was a possibility and only about 130 miles south the time before that with the French and Indian war so don't try to tell me it can't happen. And no I don't have a MAGA hat and have never been or will be at one of his rallies.
The only thing I ever thought he had going for him was that he was not Hillary.
Of course my opinion of Hillary falls between whale shat at the bottom of the ocean and a snakes belly in a deep wagon rut with the whale winning by far.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby AdamB » Fri 15 Apr 2022, 21:58:03

vtsnowedin wrote:Well on the possibility of a Canadian invasion my family was living right in the town I now live in 1812 the last time that was a possibility and only about 130 miles south the time before that with the French and Indian war so don't try to tell me it can't happen.

I'm the guy who says there are no facts in the future, remember? And I included a reasonable scenario for you and a band of happy locals to stop those ruffins.

vtsnowedin wrote: And no I don't have a MAGA hat and have never been or will be at one of his rallies.

Are you under the impression that a hat or rally attendence is a requirement of membership, as opposed to the far more important characteristics I mentioned?

vtsnowedin wrote: The only thing I ever thought he had going for him was that he was not Hillary.

I certainly agree with you there. The American voting public was offered two shit burgers in 2016, and neither one came with cheese.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 16 Apr 2022, 09:07:19

Do you know ANYONE who is not in favor of term limits?
Do you know of any Politician who credibly is?

Government Of the Politicians,
By the Politicians,
For the Politicians.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 16 Apr 2022, 09:50:22

Newfie wrote:Do you know ANYONE who is not in favor of term limits?
Do you know of any Politician who credibly is?

Government Of the Politicians,
By the Politicians,
For the Politicians.

And yet the voters keep voting for their fossilized senator or congressman over and over again because "he is not like the others and" is "working for me"!
I think it is ridiculous that Vermont's eight term congressman, 75 year old Peter Welch is running for Pat Leahy's senate seat. He is running virtually unopposed in the Democratic primaries and in Very Blue Vermont will probably win handily in the fall. He will be 84 at the end of one Senate term, if he lives that is.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 16 Apr 2022, 09:59:30

Newfie wrote:Do you know ANYONE who is not in favor of term limits?
Do you know of any Politician who credibly is?

Government Of the Politicians,
By the Politicians,
For the Politicians.

You should read Cicero on that. He had some things to say about viewing politicians as a class that make actual sense.

You need a class of people who are talented at doing what those people do. If you think something is wrong with the pool of people available, then the question should probably be something more like, what is causing the shortage of supply that we don't have better people offering to lead us?

If you get right down to it, I think you will find that we love judging each other. In the same way that society cannot seem to find a definition for success, especially lucky success, that doesn't include a trial on reality TV, they can't decide how to categorize politicians.

Right now, society wants to categorize them according to impossibly high moral standards, such that no good person, the likes of whom your comments actually suggest you wish were involved in government, would want to run for office. They don't want their personal lives exposed, no matter how narcissistic they are.

They know they can't hide their incongruities. The standards are too high! Even Trump won't show his taxes. He's afraid he isn't actually rich enough for society to engage in the sort of self-deception they need to keep engaging in, in order to keep someone like him in power. Society actually wants Elon Musk type wealth. Trumps falls far short, but he can fake it until he makes it. He can come off, while being poor, as seeming richer than he is. He can't buy Twitter, but he can seem as frugal, in his relative poverty, as the guy who can. It's all marketing.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 16 Apr 2022, 20:10:40

So your suggestion is….?
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 10 May 2022, 11:32:35

Burned 120 gallons of diesel getting to St Thomas. Less than the weather router estimated. Gas station diesel is $5.50/ gal. We paid $6/gal at the dock.

Now stuck here for at least a week looking for weather to get to St Maarten.

Looks like MAYBE in 10 days there will be a shot.

In the meantime the boat gear I ordered March 27 was picked up by UPS at the factory 2 weeks ago in Nee Zealand. But there is no tracking number and no indication of where in the world it is.

It is supposed to be flown air cargo to Miami.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 10 May 2022, 11:55:44

vtsnowedin wrote:I took a first stab at doing my income taxes today. What a convoluted mess the instructions and worksheets are. Consider the worksheet to determine how much of your Social Security is taxable. ( never mind that none of it should be. ) eighteen lines of subtract line 6 from line 3 multiply by 0.85 and spin around three times while holding your nose. It has driven me to drink. But that did not take much. :)

I gave up on doing that myself years ago and hope to never be forced to do it again in the future. The whole system sucks.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 10 May 2022, 12:04:42

Newfie wrote:Back from the closing.
What a circus.
We were there for hours because the Title agent didn’t have her paper work together. And other additional agitations. The transfer is supposed to be in the works but they inly did it so late in the day we are still awaiting confirmation.

My Lawyer knows the title agent and feels it is all legit. So we hope. This has been a fight every step of the way.

I feel for you. You are not alone! As a Real Estate broker, I had to deal with those problems for many years since most of my clients were foreigners. Multiple notarizations and certifications in different countries, translations, international wire transfers, title issues, stupid people, etc. I am not claiming that I was sane before I started doing that, but whatever sanity I may have had was completely lost somewhere along the line. The process can be daunting and completely overwhelming even if you have good realtors, mortgage brokers, accountants, attorneys, title agents, and/or financial advisors involved. It's a frigging nightmare! I wish I had never worked on that.

I am happy that it all ended well for you. that is not always the case.
"Human stupidity has no limits" JuanP
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 10 May 2022, 12:11:08

careinke wrote:Doing income taxes always makes me resentful towards the government. It's bad enough they steal my money, but can't they do it in a way that doesn't steal my time too?

Yesterday, I was walking hand in hand from our motor home up to the kids house with my three year old (soon to be 4!) granddaughter Ava. I mentioned I had to get ready to go see the "Tax Lady." Ava asked me what a "Tax Lady" does. Feeling a little grumpy, I told her the Tax Lady's job was to figure out how much money the government was going to steal from me.

Ava stopped right in he tracks with the most bewildered look on her face, and said accusingly "Papa your kidding me!" I looked her in the eye and said "Nope I'm not kidding, and Papa doesn't understand why either."

Three hours later I had an extension until 18 October, which will give me time to set up my coin tracker program for my crypto trades. Next year should be easier as I will no longer have to use spreadsheets.


Sorry about the situation, but many thanks for the laugh! I can't imagine how wonderful it must be to have s four year old granddaughter.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 10 May 2022, 12:36:43

I want to complain about Miami drivers. They've always sucked, but in the last decade the situation has gotten completely ridiculous. My car has been hit 5 times this year while parked in public parking lots or getting parked by parking valets. Six different body panels were damaged because it got hit front, back, left, and right. Three times the guilty party remained unknown. One very nice lady (from Toronto) was kind enough to leave a note with her contact info. Her behavior made me so happy that I called her and told her to forget about it, thanked her for taking responsibility, and I paid for the damage myself. I wanted to reward her for her good behavior.

Driving in Miami has become a nightmare. I am very grateful that I drive very, very, very little. I don't understand how people that spend many hours per week driving down here don't lose their minds!
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 10 May 2022, 15:12:05

The wife and I were down in Florida a couple of years ago heading for a cruise in the Bahamas. Driving a rental car around I had no trouble with other drivers and was impressed by the street signage. All big enough for elderly eyes to read and lit up at night. All in all much better then the roads here back home. But consider there is not one traffic light in my town and only a couple in the county.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 12 May 2022, 06:45:32


One rule; cars in street, pedestrians on sidewalk.

I have seen that violated, by cars.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 21 May 2022, 14:09:35

Newfie wrote:So your suggestion is….?

Look, I look at things like UK politics, where the ministers virulently insist they can manage any task, and frown upon criticism as much as you do (not that you do it in that same way). They think they are experts, when experts are needed. It tends to result in thumb drives going missing at difficult times. Maybe even whole laptops, left behind on trains. Those become metaphors for the government. But, you know, there isn't any reason that they can't reach out into the private sector for advice, except for antiquated ideas surrounding dealing with labor vs. capital issues and, probably, some kind of strange fascination with the sanctity of the civil service.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 22 May 2022, 09:41:06


Hard to follow what you are suggesting.

My point is the USA system is badly broken, term limits is a popular step in the right direction, almost u iversially accepted,. Except by pols.

Lots to BMG about here.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 30 May 2022, 21:41:47

Don't rightly know where to put this,; here in BMG or in Happy Talk. Hopefully will know tomorrow.

We ordered the new boat furling system from an outfit in NZ about March 15 with an expected delivery of 10 to 15 days. It was packed up and ready for pick up within a day or two. With any luck it will be delivered to the freight forwarder tomorrow.

Had I been able to receive it back in April I could have installed it myself. But I need to be alongside a dock to do that and that is not possible here. I now need to hire a rigger, who has a dock, to do the job. I also have to have the unit recieved in Miami and forwarded to St Martin, yet another expense. This delay will cost me a grand extra for those reasons.

In the meantime I have received a UPS hipment from the UK within 3 days.

The problem appears to be isolated to the NZ UPS operation. They have been utterly unresponsive at every step of the way. Most of what little information we received was grossly wrong. For example we were notified the the package was "verified as shipped", and the next notice, a week later, said "received shipping documents for shipping."

I will be glad for this escapade to be over. It has been a continual thorn in my side for two months.

If it does NOT arrive, that is another kettle of fish with some pretty serious and costly consequences. I could be stuck paying demurage for 6 months. What a mess this has been.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 31 May 2022, 12:37:54

May fair winds fill your sails.
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 31 May 2022, 15:51:07

At tuis point looking for fat lottery tickets to fill my pockets! :-D
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Re: BMG. (Bitch, Moan, Groan)

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 31 May 2022, 17:41:08

Newfie wrote:At tuis point looking for fat lottery tickets to fill my pockets! :-D
fine just don't bet the harbor fees or whatever they are called.
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