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and everybody says I'm paranoid....

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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Thu 05 Mar 2009, 16:30:07

Polish trial of bird flu vaccine kills homeless people.

Article Link

Why are they trying it on homeless people? The doctors and nurses are being prosecuted now.

How many of you are really gung-ho to get vaccines now?

A doctor on the radio just said that the way you die from Bird Flu is to bleed out into your lungs and you die from drowning on your own blood.

The medical staff, from the northern town of Grudziadz, are being investigated over medical trials on as many as 350 homeless and poor people last year, which prosecutors say involved an untried vaccine to the highly-contagious virus.

Authorities claim that the alleged victims received £1-2 to be tested with what they thought was a conventional flu vaccine but, according to investigators, was actually an anti bird-flu drug.

The director of a Grudziadz homeless centre, Mieczyslaw Waclawski, told a Polish newspaper that last year, 21 people from his centre died, a figure well above the average of about eight.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Thu 05 Mar 2009, 17:53:34

Not from what I'm reading.

The second human to die in Hong Kong was a 13-year-old girl with a headache. She soon started coughing blood as her lungs began hemorrhaging. The internal bleeding spread to her intestinal tract, and then her kidneys shut down.

Autopsies were performed on two of the first six victims, the 13-year-old girl in Hong Kong and a 25-year-old Filipino woman. Both died of multiple organ failure. Their lungs were filled with blood, their livers and kidneys clogged with dead tissue, and their brains swollen with fluid.279

Evidently there was a lot of hemorrhaging also in 1918 with Spanish Flu patients. This is a really horrific description of patients coughing up geysers of blood from their lungs, several feet sometimes.

There are lots of other sites that describe it, not just the one I posted above which documents it. Just search for: "bird flu" lungs hemorrhaging bleeding
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby outcast » Sat 07 Mar 2009, 08:46:58

So you believe this was a deliberate attempt by some conspiracy to create a killer strain of bird flu to kill millions of people? Appearently it wasn't very successful if it was leaked to the press.....
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 07 Mar 2009, 10:31:26

Population Control
The creation of the mentality that produces chemical and biological weapons owes its source to alien influence. The appearance of global disease is also there. Between 540AD and 592AD the bubonic plague ravaged the East Roman Empire. Records show frequent aerial phenomena in conjunction with outbreaks. Very often, plagues would be preceded by mysterious foul smelling mists, humanoids dressed in black, and "comets" in the sky.

A small list of plagues that were preceded by the above events:
Year Description

1298-1314 Large “comets” seen over Europe

1333 Plague commenced after a vile mist appeared

1347 Plague epidemic in Europe. 40 million dead in 4 years

Note: This scenario happened every 10-20 years until the 1700’s, resulting in the death of over 100 million people

1500-1543 26 “comets” recorded
1556-1597 15 “comets” recorded
1568 “comet” preceded plague in Vienna
1582 “comet” preceded plague
1618 9 “comets” recorded
1606 “comet” preceded general worldwide plague

Through recorded history, there are also references to humanoids dressed in black. Their presence would signal an almost immediate outbreak of the plague. In 1559 men dressed in black were seen spraying an oat field just before an outbreak of the plague in Brandenburg, Germany.

During the plague years, there was tremendous ethical decay among humans. There was attempt by various religious factions to eliminate others. There was an attempt by the Christians to eliminate the Jews. There was more genocide during this period than during the second world war. Genocides during this period were often incited by German trade guilds, who were Brotherhood organizations.

Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby outcast » Sat 07 Mar 2009, 20:08:56

I'd have to see a more reputable source than that.....
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 11:50:57

outcast wrote:I'd have to see a more reputable source than that.....

So don't believe it. Who cares?

But there are plenty of people (more and more every day) who see the evidence and have enough experience to know that certain events and evidence rule out coincidence. More people are waking up every day.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby outcast » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 12:02:18

So don't believe it. Who cares?

I care.

But there are plenty of people (more and more every day) who see the evidence and have enough experience to know that certain events and evidence rule out coincidence.

Ok, so except for this case would you care to enlighten the rest of us about this "obvious" conspiracy?
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 12:47:31

outcast wrote:Ok, so except for this case would you care to enlighten the rest of us about this "obvious" conspiracy?

There is no single "conspiracy" and I think it's anti-productive to label it in that way. There are people in power who are descended from old banking, business and royal/political families, who have been very powerful for hundreds of years. These people, as anyone would expect, work together for the most part and collectively set and pursue their agendas and goals. All you have to do is read their documents and what they say, read and study world history and events. This sort of history is obviously not taught in public school.

Sometimes they even write long books extolling their exploits. Read the user reviews on this one. The first edition of this book was recalled almost immediately after publication and replaced with a heavily edited second version, presumably because it spilled too much dirt on the NWO. I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the first edition. ... 094500110X

Here are HUNDREDS of citations for you to read and research that discuss the New World Order (a term invented in the 1700s by bankers and their society friends) and their agendas (world government, human population management and control). World government is a very old idea they have been pursuing for several hundred years. Have fun with all of these:

Want to know about covert programs the government and CIA have implemented against its own citizens? Here you go, read up!

The IRS and Federal Reserve are unconstitutional. They basically are stealing from the American people, as they are illegally taking money from us. ... 3867390173

Our currency is nothing more than debt and we have to pay interest to banks for the use of our own money. This is completely unconstitutional as well. This means that banks always keep us indebted to them. ... 2583451279

The bottom line is that the government, corporations, and banks are lying to you and do not have your best interests at heart.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Narz » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 13:56:07

“Seek simplicity but distrust it”
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 14:01:03

I've actually been researching how to get my hands on some Tamiflu. I've read recently (I don't know if this is accurate, however, since it was undocumented) that the western, 1st World countries have 250,000,000 Tamiflu doses. That isn't a whole helluva lot.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby threadbear » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 14:39:32

Having read so much on these subjects, a few thoughts come to mind. It's really important, if a person wants to develop a theory, that they properly source their information. Ruppert ratchets from one set of assumptions, to an even more labyrinthine set, with deep diabolical undertones. And he does this after misinterpreting source material. It's too bad.

To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Ruppert's a brilliant guy, and he's done some fairly solid investigative work, but this is his Achille's heel. He can't just let it alone. Can't just say, "it was an accident."

Jota pay--Watch the film, Idiocracy. I'm all for reproductive freedom, but I've gotta say, it makes you think.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby threadbear » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 14:43:19

Jotapay wrote:I've actually been researching how to get my hands on some Tamiflu. I've read recently (I don't know if this is accurate, however, since it was undocumented) that the western, 1st World countries have 250,000,000 Tamiflu doses. That isn't a whole helluva lot.

Best be careful with that stuff. It can cause a cascading immune over-reaction. Seeing as this is how the bird flu kills, it would be a really dumb thing to take for that particular bug. I could be wrong here, maybe it was the Spanish flu, but I think I'm correct in assuming they are similar.
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby threadbear » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 14:45:56

Oh, good, found something. Bird flu--cascade effect: ... click=true
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Re: and everybody says I'm paranoid....

Unread postby Jotapay » Mon 09 Mar 2009, 15:18:20

threadbear wrote:Jota pay--Watch the film, Idiocracy. I'm all for reproductive freedom, but I've gotta say, it makes you think.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I agree that unfettered reproduction is stupid and destructive, but going to the other extreme of hardcore Eugenics is not good either.

Edit: I watched more than half of it at work. I got a good chuckle many times during the funny parts, thanks. :) I totally agree with the premise that lack of predators or otherwise culling the weak and sick (we do the opposite and actually support them) is making us a very soft and weak species. That is the main reason why I'm a Libertarian and think people should have to work for everything that they get. It's a bit heartless, but it keeps a more natural balance.
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