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PeakOil is You

America's Quandry: How to get out of this mess?

A forum for discussion of regional topics including oil depletion but also government, society, and the future.

Unread postby Guest » Tue 30 Nov 2004, 11:07:55

he he interesting angle on the pot issue

I'm in agreement
Pot/shrooms will quiet down the cities, easier to make and transport than alchohol. Less violence

I honestly believe its the healing of the nation because it makes people feel closer to each other, it reduces anger and isolation

If a post-peak oil world we will need this

I actually think the reason society is as calm as it is, is the large amount of herb being consumed
The city I live - about 1/3rd adult population do it
and we drink like the fish

We have little violence, and good vibe on the streets
So I'm gonna ride out peak oil in good 'ol Southampton ;)


Unread postby Specop_007 » Tue 30 Nov 2004, 11:21:18

Oiltanker wrote:Don't forget the trade deficit. USA exports less than it imports. Your politicians and capitalists and your massmedia have sold out YOUR ECONOMY you see. Probably because of short term selfish reasons. :cry:

Some politicians talked against this insanity, it where considered right wing, buchanan did it.

It wasnt our politicians who sold it, it was us.
The root of capitalism is this. We'd sell the rope to hang us with. And it seems we've pretty well done it already......
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the
Abyss, the Abyss gazes also into you."

Ammo at a gunfight is like bubblegum in grade school: If you havent brought enough for everyone, you're in trouble
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Irrelevance of Politics Soon Enough

Unread postby PenultimateMan » Tue 30 Nov 2004, 18:53:11

My understanding of the American deficits (public and private),is that they essentiolly a "gift" from the world in "gratitude" for our letting them have our currency serve as an international medium of exchange. That plus all the drug money is how we keep afloat and pay for histories most destuctive military machine.. Wait till it really cranks up. My guess is that America's enemies won't know what hit them or why their own miltaries were so useless. I mean China and perhaps Russia. Arabs are protected now by public opinion only. That will change post PO. So how will America fare in this? Lord knows, but since I have kids and I live in the US I hope we win.


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