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Page added on July 30, 2020

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The Arc Of Our Future

The Arc Of Our Future thumbnail

In last week’s open post, I noted that I didn’t have anything in particular planned for this fifth Wednesday of the month, and asked my readers what they wanted to hear about. Quite a few subjects got brought up for discussion—among others, the novels of Hermann Hesse, Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity, and the metaphysics of sex—but the largest number of readers asked for something less abstract.

During more than half of the fourteen years plus that I’ve been blogging weekly, the main focus of my essays was the future of industrial society, and in particular the slow-motion train wreck set in motion by our society’s frankly brainless attempt to pursue infinite economic growth on a finite planet. More recently, and especially from 2015 on, my focus has been elsewhere, but the issues I raised in those days haven’t gone away—the political convulsions of the last few years have simply distracted attention from them. Many of my readers are aware of this, and what they asked for was an update on the ongoing historical process I’ve called the Long Descent.

Since some of my current readers weren’t yet reading me when I last discussed these issues, I’ll start with some general points and go from there. One of the great mental blind spots of our society is the notion that there are only two possible futures: on the one hand, business as usual stretching endlessly into the future, with a side order of technological progress dished up at intervals; on the other, sudden apocalyptic mass death, with or without a small band of plucky survivors sitting around a campfire as the final credits roll. An astonishing number of people these days literally won’t let themselves think about any other possible future, and will either change the subject or get furiously angry at you if you should be so bold as to suggest one.

The evasion and the anger come from the same source, which is that those imaginary futures are the ways most of us distract ourselves from the future we’re actually getting:  a future of decline. We all know this. If you’re old enough to be out of elementary school, you’ve already seen ongoing declines in standards of living, public health, public order, the quality of education, the condition of our infrastructure, and much more. Those trends define our future.  They also defined the future of every past civilization, because that’s how civilizations end, and it’s how ours will end, one to three hundred years from now. Again, at some level, all of us know this, but it’s taboo to discuss the matter or even think about it, which is why so many people bury their heads in shopworn fantasies of perpetual progess or overnight cataclysm.

One other thing. Technology will not save us from the Long Descent, because technology is the main factor driving the Long Descent. The more technology you have, the more energy and resources of every kind you need to build, maintain, repair, replace, and dispose of it, and the mismatch between endlessly rising resource costs and the hard limits of a finite planet is one of the main factors bringing about the declines I’ve just described. Nor does technology allow one energy resource to be replaced with another, except in small and irrelevant ways.

The world now burns more coal than it did at the peak of the Coal Age, for example, and more wood than it did when firewood was the main source of heating fuel worldwide.  As renewable power sources got added to the mix, furthermore, the amount of fossil fuels being burnt didn’t go down—it went up. (That’s caused by a widely recognized law of energy economics, by the way; look up Jevons’ Paradox sometime.)  If progress is the problem, more progress is not the solution—but here again, that’s utterly unthinkable these days. Faith in progress is the most popular idolatry of our time, and a vast number of people who claim to belong to other religions or to no religion at all are devout worshipers at the shrine of the golden calf named Progress.

So where are we headed?  That hasn’t changed one iota since the last time I discussed these issues. The Limits to Growth, the most thoughtful (and thus inevitably the most savagely denounced) of the Seventies-era books that explored the landscape ahead of us, traced the arc of our future in a convenient graph. Between 1972 and the present, its predictions have proven much more accurate than those of the books’s critics—another reason why it’s been assailed in such shrill language for all these years. Here’s the graph:

I’d encourage my readers to pay attention to two things about the graph.  The first, which should be obvious at a glance but has been ignored astonishingly often, is that it doesn’t show any kind of sudden apocalyptic event. What it shows is a long and relatively smooth transition from a world of abundant resources and sustained economic growth to a world of scarce resources and sustained economic contraction.  Population doesn’t fall off a cliff, it rises, crests, and declines. Pollution doesn’t up and kill everybody; it rises, helps drive declines in food and population, and then declines in turn as industrial output falls off.

The second thing about the graph I’d like readers to notice is subtler, and you may need to read the book to grasp it:  the limits to growth are economic limits, not technical ones. What happens, in brief, is that the costs of growth rise faster than the benefits, until finally they overwhelm growth itself and force the global economy to its knees. What this means, in turn, is that proposed solutions have to be economically viable, not just technically feasible.

The idolaters of Progress love to ignore this, and drag out this or that notional technology—it’s usually one of about a dozen options, most of which have been part of this rhetoric since the 1970s—and insist that since it hasn’t yet been shown to be technically impossible, it must surely save us all. Not so; if the medical treatment that could save your life costs ten million dollars and the most you can raise is a few thousand, no matter how well the treatment works, you’re going to die.  By exactly the same logic, even if fusion power turns out to be technically feasible, the sheer cost of the last few fusion reactor projects has demonstrated conclusively that no nation on Earth will ever be able to afford to power its grid that way.

None of this has changed. All these factors are just as much in play as they were in 2006 when I wrote my first blog post on peak oil. So the big picture remains the same: we are in the early stages of the Long Descent, tracing out an arc that began in earnest around 1970 and has been accelerating slowly. What has changed since then?

Let’s start with peak oil. That was shorthand for the world peak of conventional petroleum production, which happened around 2005. Starting in the late 1990s, people who had been watching the oil industry started to warn that peak oil was imminent. Unfortunately too many of them suffered from the mental blind spot I mentioned above, and leapt to the conclusion that peak oil would be followed by a grand apocalyptic collapse. Of course that was never going to happen, as some of us tried to point out at the time.  What happened instead was that the production of relatively cheap conventional oil peaked and started to decline, and the production of much more expensive unconventional oil deposits had to take its place.

All other things being equal, that would have caused a steep  and ongoing increase in the price of oil, and of everything made from, with, or by petroleum products or petroleum-derived energy—that is to say, just about everything in the modern economy. All things weren’t equal, though, because steep and ongoing increases in the cost of everything would have been political suicide for any national government you care to name, ours very much included. A cascading series of financial gimmicks therefore came into play so that consumers didn’t have to pay up front the full cost of the energy and products of energy they were using. The arrangements that were made to keep shale oil producers afloat financially, even when the oil they produced didn’t cover the costs of extraction, are examples of the sort of thing I have in mind.

Of course consumers ended up paying the costs anyway in indirect ways, mostly through infrastructure being handed over to malign neglect and a decline in standards of living that in some parts of the US approached Third World levels. The pain wasn’t shared equally, though.  Here as in most of the industrial world, the privileged classes (basically, the middle class on up) were sheltered from the decline through various gimmicks that pushed as many costs as possible on the poorer 80% or so of the population and restricted as many benefits as possible to the wealthier 20%. That was where we were in 2015, when politics began to claim a much larger share of my attention than before.

And now?  The unmentionable issue of the last five years, the thing that has driven so many people into so many weird forms of paralogic, is that in the US, Britain, and several other countries, the 80% who were being made to carry all the costs of contraction figured out how to make their voices heard at the ballot box.  In Britain, the turning point was the Brexit vote; here, the election of Donald Trump. In both cases, a sufficiently large share of voters in the deplorable classes said to their self-proclaimed betters, “No, you get to take some of the costs.”  Of course the result was shrieking meltdowns from the privileged—but there’s more to this than theatrics.

It so happens that the most significant result of every reform movement of modern times has been to increase the number of well-paid administrative positions in government, business, and the nonprofit sector. Poverty’s a problem? Why, then, we’ll build an immense bureaucracy to administer a gargantuan system of overlapping benefit schemes, which provide a miserable life to the people who have to survive on them, but a very comfortable life indeed to the tens or hundreds of thousands of middle-class office drones who administer them. The environment’s in trouble? The same answer gets trotted out. Choose any cause du jour in the last three quarters of a century and you’ll see exactly the same logic at work:  whatever the problem, the solution somehow always works out to hiring more bureaucrats.

Mind you, none of these programs have actually solved the problems they were supposedly meant to fix.  The welfare state hasn’t eradicated poverty, environmental regulation hasn’t slowed the despoiling of the environment, the fantastic ballooning of administrative staff at schools and universities correlates precisely to the steady plunge in the quality of the education you get from these institutions, and so on  Bureaucracy isn’t an effective tool for solving social problems—but it’s a very effective tool for maximizing the job prospects of university graduates and diverting most of society’s wealth into the hands of an administrative class. I suggest that this was the real point of the whole operation.

That, in turn, makes the administrative class profoundly vulnerable at this point. As I pointed out fifteen years ago in my original paper on catabolic collapse, societies decline when the cost of maintaining capital exceeds the resources available for maintenance. (By “capital” I mean here anything of value to that society:  buildings, bureaucracies, factories, farmland, information, social networks, literacy, religious beliefs, ceremonies, you name it.)  In order to deal with that situation, societies discard some of their capital to reduce maintenance costs to a level that can be supported with the available resources.

Right now, the single largest, most expensive, and most useless body of capital in any modern industrial society is its administrative sector—and that, in turn, is why the Trump administration is repealing eight Federal regulations for each new regulation it enacts, appointing heads of major bureaucracies who have the job of dismantling those bureaucracies, and so on. That’s also why cutting Federal funding for universities has become the latest battle-cry on the populist right in the US. That’s what happens to privileged castes that lose track of the fact that their benefit to society has to be large enough to cover their maintenance costs.  As John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out many years ago in his acerbic book The Culture of Complacency, the administrative class in modern America is remarkably similar to the feckless and parasitic French aristocracy just prior to the Revolution, and I’m sure my readers recall what happened to them.

No, I don’t expect Madame Guillotine to be involved this time around. Among the benefits of living in a constitutional republic are that such matters can be settled at the ballot box, and the level of bloodshed can be kept reasonably low. The new populist right is in the process of completing its takeover of the Republican party, so whether or not Trump wins reelection, the administrative caste is no longer sacrosanct; its privileges will be at risk any time the GOP gets control of Congress or any state legislature. The terms of debate are thus shifting decisively, and over the next few decades I expect to see a very large number of public and private administrative bureaucracies pared down to pre-1960 scales or simply abolished.

That, in turn, will free up a great many resources that can then be used for other things. We’ll need those. The depletion of fossil fuels and nonrenewable resources continues apace; right now, with demand for petroleum down sharply due to the coronavirus outbreak, next to nobody’s drilling new oil wells, a detail that promises a steep spike in oil prices once the outbreak is over.  Meanwhile climate disruptions due to greenhouse gas emissions (that’s part of the line labeled “pollution” in the graph from The Limits to Growth) are ongoing, piling additional costs on already stumbling economies around the globe.

Let’s glance at this last point a little more closely before we go on. Climate change activists were just as addicted to apocalyptic fantasy as the clueless end of the peak oil movement, and fixated on absurdly unrealistic linear models as well.  Their predictions failed, and failed, and failed, and yet they never did figure out why so many people stopped taking them seriously. (They finally shut up and found other things to protest instead, but that’s because people started pointing out how many climate change activists were unwilling to change their own lifestyles to stop dumping carbon into the air.)

It’s possible, however, to have mistaken ideas and behave in hypocritical ways about a real problem.  Climate change is a known phenomenon in Earth’s long history; it can be caused by any phenomenon that dumps trillions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, be that volcanic eruptions or industrial smokestacks; it’s not the end of the world, though it can cause some whopping disruptions—sharp changes in sea level, drastic shifts in what plants grow where, and so on.  Climate change is still in process, and we’re going to see a lot of climate-related disasters in the years ahead, but here again, it’s not the end of the world.

So what does the future look like?  In some ways, it’s a far less dismal prospect over the short term than I expected not so long ago. Watching the consequences of neoliberal economic policies in the US, I was seriously worried about the rise of a domestic insurgency or outright civil war—that’s why my novels Star’s Reach (2014) and Retrotopia (2016) both presupposed a Second Civil War sometime in the first half of the 21st century.  I think we may have dodged that bullet, since Trump’s election showed a great many desperate people that the ballot box was still a viable alternative to war. Even if he loses this November, so long as the election isn’t obviously fraudulent, there’s reason to hope that the lesson has been learned.

If we do see any significant clearing away of bureaucratic deadwood in the years ahead, combined with a rejection of the disastrously wrongheaded model of economic globalization and a retreat from the unsustainable global hegemony the US had and squandered in the late 20th century, we could see a period of relative stability and calm in the United States in the 2030s and 2040s. On the far side of that will be a new wave of crises, for that’s the nature of the Long Descent:  each period of crisis is followed by a period of stabilization and partial recovery, and then by another period of crisis.

For the world as a whole?  That’s a complicated matter and probably deserves a post of its own sometime soon.  There’s a lot going on in the world right now, in east and south Asia, in the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia.  As the US stands down from its former status as hegemonic power, massive readjustments are in process, with ambitious and aggressive powers such as China and Turkey bullying their neighbors, who are responding by entering into new alignments against them. Meanwhile, as NATO and the EU become increasingly brittle and irrelevant, European nations are sorting themselves out into rival blocs. Some global flashpoints right now have outsized importance due to energy resources—Libya and the Caucasus, both of which are on the brink of war as I write this, both have important petroleum reserves—while others follow age-old patterns—the growing strains in the EU between its western and eastern halves come as no surprise to anyone who knows the history of Europe since 1648 or so.

That is to say, history as usual. We’re not going to the stars, nor are we headed for some other kind of Utopian world, courtesy of Progress or the Space Brothers or any of the other idols worshiped by believers in that particular brand of intellectual snake oil.  Nor, of course, are any of the canned catastrophes brandished around by believers in the equal and opposite brand of intellectual snake oil going to finally get off their duffs and put in an appearance, either. All of that is handwaving, meant to distract us from the future we’re actually going to get.

In the future we’re actually going to get, there will be many fewer people on Earth, living more restricted lifestyles on a much less lavish resource base and having access to much less in the way of industrial production—look at the graph from The Limits to Growth above if you need a reminder.  We won’t be “going back” to some specific point in the past, by the way—quite the contrary, what happens in the declining days of a civilization is that its entire legacy gets subjected to triage, and technologies, practices, customs, and cultural forms from any point in its past can be put back into place if they meet a need more economically and sustainable than the alternatives, while innovations also play a role if they can pass the same test.

That’s the future we’re headed toward.  As I suggested above, I think we all know this perfectly well at some level, but most of us haven’t yet been willing to break the taboo and admit that fact even to ourselves. The time when the taboo collapses isn’t quite on us yet, I think, but it may not be far away—and when it arrives, it may be possible to take constructive action in ways that are almost unimaginable just now. Still, we’ll see.

Ecosophiaby John Michael Greer

35 Comments on "The Arc Of Our Future"

  1. makati1 on Thu, 30th Jul 2020 5:34 pm 

    “…triage…” That is ongoing now and will get more severe as time goes on. Those now wearing face diapers are already “triaging” their life and deciding what is necessary and what is waste. The future will be full of those decisions for all of us, even the so called “wealthy’. After all, wealth is paper and digits in today’s world and a factory is only valuable as long as its products are a real necessity. Ditto for real estate.

    When there is no longer a demand for something, it will disappear. No profit, no product/factory. If demand for an imported product is too low to make it profitable to ship, it too will disappear from that country, but maybe not across the rest of the world. That happens frequently here in the Philippines.

    Times are changing. The Great Leveling is taking place. Adjust.

  2. ANAL REAPER on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:42 am 


  3. zero juan on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 4:03 am 

    morning lunatic. Hurricane is coming. Go get some plywood, stupid.


    Davy said The 3 gorgeous damn thang has us REAL troubled. Ev…

    REAL Green said Lots a people like hurracanes Davy. They travel al…

  4. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 6:23 am 

    Home Office the new normal. Inquiry amojng the 30 largest companies in Germany (DAX30):

    Most companies report predominantly positive experiences with the home office. Physical presence in a company office isn’t necessary for the company to function. Return to office BAU won’t happen. Expect that most employees in the future no longer will have a fixed desk, if any at all.

    Siemens for instance has announced that world-wide, 50% of the employees no longer need to be in the office for 2 or 3 days per week.

    The article doesn’t mention that this implies a considerable cost-savings on expensive office space. Additionally road congestion will be reduced as well.

    As an aside: global emissions will probably be down this year with a staggering 8%. Thanks to Corona.

  5. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 7:12 am 

    “Estonia to reject China-backed Baltic tunnel plan over security fears”

    Tunnel between Estonia and Finland, 100 km rail and road:

    The Chinese interest is to promote EU flow of goods towards the Arctic, to feed the Arctic sea route to China, as part of the New Silk Road and reduce dependence on the Singapore SCS route, that can be blocked by Anglo navies. This would combine well with the EU project of building a high-speed railway line from the core of the EU to the Baltics (“Rail Baltica Route”).

  6. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 7:27 am 

    David Lidington, our man in London:

    “David Lidington: Global Britain = European Britain”

    The Remainers may be down, they are not out. Just licking their wounds.

    One of the most authoritative Remainers is David Lidington.

    “Lidington is no knee-jerk enemy of the Johnson project, but urges him to live out the mantra of the May era: that the U.K. is leaving the EU, not leaving Europe… “European Britain should not be seen as the antithesis of, or an alternative to, Global Britain,” he said “We are — one at the same time — both a European power and a power with global interests and global influence. We need to be able to ride both those horses at the same time.”… “We’re going to need to sit down with our European neighbors and talk about those things in the future. When you look at climate change, you look at the situation in Africa, you look at terrorism and extremism, you look at Putin and the pressure he’s bringing to bear on the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe — we have to work with other European countries on this.”

    The benefits could be mutual for the EU, Lidington said, with the U.S. — even under a Joe Biden presidency — likely to want to see Europe’s major military powers take more responsibility for regional security; something the U.K. with its military heft could contribute to.”

    This gentleman is exactly my kinda guy. In the best case scenario, Britain (England) will not return to Europe as a full-blown EU-member (that’s a past station and in the coming years continental Europe will develop more right-wing than the Global UK can ever hope to accomplish), but being a fully-fledged member of the Common Market and obeying to all the rules and standards that apply to everybody else, is very well in the cards, perhaps in a couple of years, after BoJo.

  7. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:07 am 

    “The Chinese interest is to promote EU flow of goods towards the Arctic, to feed the Arctic sea route to China, as part of the New Silk Road and reduce dependence on the Singapore SCS route, that can be blocked by Anglo navies. This would combine well with the EU project of building a high-speed railway line from the core of the EU to the Baltics (“Rail Baltica Route”).”

    More malinvestment in export markets with no future. The BRI is a dead man walking.

  8. ANSEL REAPER on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:15 am 

    Austria announces plan to carry out surveillance on muzzies associations

    the chanceller of austraia is a muzzie lover because i appointed him supertard, his title is “the lover” (of supremacist muzzies)

    Why not amputate all muzzies and make them produce cheap goods which i’d be happy to buy.

    everyone love china and i’m not sinophobe so why not do what they do their muzzies.

    it’s good time to put them to work. 1400 years of jihadin and livin on jizya is enough

  9. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:15 am 

    Another “real” person is fighting Dumbcan’s mob:

    “Frontline ER Doctor From Viral HCQ Video Fired From Job”

    “Just days after the establishment – via its Big Tech partners and liberal media propagandists – entirely disappeared a viral video of a dozen doctors discussing their real-life experiences of treating COVID-19 (and in some cases using the “extremely dangerous” medicine – if mainstream media is to be believed – hydroxchloroquine) and getting children back to school; the founder of “America’s Frontline Doctors” – Dr. Simone Gold – has been fired from her job as an Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, CA. As we previously noted, in the video, Dr. Gold said: “We’re here because we feel as though the American people have not heard from all the expertise that’s out there all across our country.” She is also the head organizer of an open letter signed by more than 600 doctors calling on President Trump to end lockdown. The letter described widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and children home from school as a “mass casualty incident” with “exponentially growing health consequences.” The video was entirely disappeared from the web (except if you know where to look) within hours, and two days ago, Dr. Gold stated in a recent tweet that: “Our website host @Squarespace has just completely and arbitrarily shut down our website, claiming a violation of their terms of service.” WOW: Our website host @Squarespace has just completely and arbitrarily shut down our website, claiming a violation of their terms of service. We are a group of physicians advocating for a better understanding of COVID-19 and its available treatment options. This is outrageous. — Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) July 28, 2020 Gold had defended her views – which reflected her real-life experience as a board-certified doctor specializing in emergency medicine, not a journalist playing one on TV! – saying in a tweet that “there are always opposing views in medicine,” but that opposition should not be grounds for censorship. “Treatment options for COVID-19 should be debated, and spoken about among our colleagues in the medical field,” she wrote. “They should never, however, be censored and silenced.” But now, Dr. Gold has lost her job after her employer found out about the viral video where she dared to discuss hydroxychloroquine. “Until what seems like 5 minutes ago I was considered a ‘hero’ [as a frontline emergency physician] with people clapping at what I was doing… but now i have been summarily fired for appearing in what was told to me was ‘an embarrassing video’.” We wish her luck in any wrongful dismissal suits.”

  10. target juan on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:20 am

    He loves the weather in South Florida. This is just what he deserves. Stupid, have you been to Home Depot and got your plywood?

  11. zero juan on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:29 am 


    ANSEL REAPER said Austria announces plan to carry out surveillance…

  12. asg70 on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:59 am 

    Meanwhile, Greer needs to eat, so he writes fiction.

  13. asg70 on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 9:06 am 

    Greer hasn’t changed lately, BTW.

    Despite being a druid, he’s coming across just as alt-right as Kunstler these days. Still practicing AGW denial-lite, etc…

    He’s clueless and stubborn.

  14. ANSEL REAPER on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 11:08 am 

    I love you Juan

  15. REAL Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:12 pm 

    I love you too ANSEL DAVY

  16. ANSEL REAPER supremacist muzzie not getting death sentence on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:19 pm 

    well then amputate

  17. Alucard on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:22 pm 

    ANSEL REAPER = pussy

  18. ANSEL REAPER on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:24 pm 

    JuanP, you best get down to the Home Depot and get ya some plywood.

  19. REAL Green on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 3:34 pm 

    It’s REAL bad taste to make fun of other Americans trubbles Davy.


  20. zero juan on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 5:35 pm 

    the lunatic needs to get down to Home Depot and get some plywood intead of living the lunatic life

    Victor Alvarez, 54, who was jailed for 30 years in 1996 for helping ‘Blind Sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman (pictured) plan attacks on New York, was released Thursday – amid fears he will strike again. said no amputation just more love for supremaicst muzz…

    REAL Green said It’s REAL bad taste to make fun of other Americans…

    ANSEL REAPER said JuanP, you best get down to the Home Depot and get…

    Alucard said ANSEL REAPER = pussy

    ANSEL REAPER supremacist muzzie not getting death sentence said well then amputate

    REAL Davy said I love you too ANSEL DAVY

    target juan said

    Alucard said bite me Juan

    Alucard said Fluff me Juan

    Alucard said Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay to clea…

    Alucard said Overconsumption and misuse of resources is the pro…

    Davy said “A Quarter Of All Household Income In The US Now C…

    ahsen soomro said Chapter 1 is definitely very interesting! Looking…

    JuanP said Unsealed Court Docs Suggest Bill Clinton Was On Ep…
    IFuckPoliticiansInTheAss said Be mine Juan

  21. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 5:41 pm 

    Dumbcan’s mob of clueless radicals:

    “Vermont Profs, Students “Demand” Full “Abolition” Of Campus Police, BLM Flag To Be Flown”

    “A student-led initiative at the University of Vermont is calling not only for the university to cut ties with city police, but also to defund and disarm its own campus police. The letter demanding that the school rid itself of police was written by five students and signed by 50 people, 39 of them being UVM faculty members, according to The Vermont Cynic. This included Vermont City Councilor Jane Stromberg. “WE DEMAND That The University Of Vermont Campus Police Department Ceases ANY PARTNERSHIPS & FUNDING With The Burlington Police Department IMMEDIATELY,” reads the letter. The letter goes on to demand that “rescue and social workers” be “paid as first responders” instead of police officers. “WE DEMAND The Annual $100,000 Paid To The Burlington Police Department From UVM’s Pockets To Cease,” the letter continues. The group also insists that the school disarm campus police and eventually abolish the department altogether. “WE DEMAND The Disarmament Of Campus Police. In No Uncertain Terms, No more Firearms, Batons, OC Spray, And Tasers On The University of Vermont Campus,” wrote the group adding, “WE DEMAND The Gradual Abolition Of The University Of Vermont Campus Police Department In Order To Replace Them With A More Equitable System Of Managing Student Situations.” The demands also included that a Black Lives Matter Flag be permanently flown outside one of UVM’s main buildings. The students compared their initiative to a 2018 series of past student activism by a group called NoNamesforJustice. Campus Reformcovered an incident in 2018 wherein NoNamesforJustice blocked a major intersection, chanting “Black lives matter!” and delaying ambulances. University of Vermont spokesperson Enrique Corredera confirmed to Campus Reform that “Provost [Patricia] Prelock has met with students who submitted the demands to facilitate a discussion about their concerns.” “We anticipate we will continue to engage with the students,” Corredera added.”

  22. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 5:44 pm 

    more dumbcan:

    “Store Brands Which Require Immediate Cancellation”

  23. REAL Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 6:26 pm 

    More DavySkumbag

    Everyone of his stupid sock and ID theft comments

  24. the board on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 6:36 pm 

    JuanP on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 6:26 pm

    “More DavySkumbag Everyone of his stupid sock and ID theft comments”

    Lunatic, did you buy your plywood and bottled water…dumb fuck who loves South Florida weather. You going to get some now. LMFAO.

  25. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:25 pm 

    I hope everyone in Florida dies.

    Stupid dumbfucks.

  26. the board on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 9:35 pm 

    JuanP on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 8:25 pm

    “I hope everyone in Florida dies. Stupid dumbfucks.”

    You have always said how much you hate Americans. I am glad you finally admit it to all of us.

  27. Davy on Fri, 31st Jul 2020 10:52 pm 

    Admitting I have mental problems is the first step towards recovery. At least that is what them liberaltard dumbasses keep saying.

    Thing is, you are the lunatic not me jauanpeeeee. I am a perfect, wealthy, educated, world-travelling, super-educatd intellectual mdomdator with a 1000 acre solar panel bee-goat-pig-cow-orchard farm and an Italian doomstead and wife in Itatly, whose location I cannot divulge. No one must knows my secrets. Forget I said Italy. That was just a ruse to through you lunatic natzi dumbasses off the trail. Its not in Italty and never was. Good luck figuring out where my other doomstead really is.

    Get help dumbass. And get deported too.

  28. Davy on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 12:30 am 

    “You have always said how much you hate Americans. I am glad you finally admit it to all of us.”

    Yeap. Were laughing at all the folks in harms way in Florida. Get yer Home Depot plywood and bottles o water before it all runs out. Dumbasses.


  29. Davy on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 8:53 am 

    I hope millions of Americans die in the hurricane.

    dumbass liberal Floridians deserve it.

  30. Abraham van Helsing on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 9:33 am

    “Elon Musk says ‘China rocks’, warns that the US may start losing due to ‘complacency’ & ‘entitlement’”

  31. Abraham van Helsing on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 9:34 am 

    Peter Schiff sticking his neck out by naming a black swan date:

    “Dollar crash will topple the entire US ‘house of cards’ economy by year end – Peter Schiff”

  32. Abraham van Helsing on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 9:35 am 

    November is going to be hot. The election result, if any, is guaranteed going to be contested. Corona is on the increase again in the US.

    Put that all in a cocktail shaker to end up with a very nasty beverage. Finally the collapse so many here have been craving for since 2010. But it ain’t going to be “peak oil”, but instead a mix of racial tensions, a pandemic and a rising China.

  33. Abraham van Helsing on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 9:41 am 

    The “tolerance crew” at it again: burning Bibles and US flag in Desolate Central, Portland.

    (In Holland “Portland” is mainly known for dull sacks of cement)

  34. Davy on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 10:45 am 

    JuanP on Sat, 1st Aug 2020 8:53 am

    “I hope millions of Americans die in the hurricane. dumbass liberal Floridians deserve it.”

    Yeap, juanPPee, you are one piece of shit anti-American. Why you still live in my country I don’t know. I hope you get thrown out soon.

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