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Page added on November 28, 2020

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Huge Reservoir of Fresh Water Found Beneath the Sea Off Hawaii

Huge Reservoir of Fresh Water Found Beneath the Sea Off Hawaii thumbnail

A huge cache of fresh water found beneath the sea floor off the western coast of Hawaii’s Big Island could lift the threat of drought for people living there.

Eric Attias at the University of Hawaii and his colleagues discovered the reservoir, which is contained in porous rock reaching at least 500 metres beneath the sea floor, using an imaging technique similar to an MRI scan.

They used a boat towing a 40-metre-long antenna behind it to generate an electromagnetic field, sending an electric current through the sea and below the sea floor. As seawater is a better conductor than fresh water, the team could distinguish between the two. They found that the reservoir extends at least 4 kilometres from the coast and contains 3.5 cubic kilometres of fresh water.



Most of Hawaii’s fresh water comes from onshore aquifers, which are layers of rock and soil underground that collect water after rainfall. The team believes that this newfound reservoir is replenished by water flowing out of these aquifers.

Climate change has lead to increasing droughts in many places, which could leave some areas without water. In Hawaii, decreased rainfall and the destruction of forests could mean the onshore aquifers eventually dry up.

Not only would the offshore reservoir help relieve drought, it may also be easier to pump from than the onshore aquifers, because the water is under high pressure. Accessing it would also have minimal impact on surrounding ecosystems, says Attias.

Similar caches of water may be located off other volcanic islands, says the team, which could provide a relief for other places threatened by water scarcity due to climate change.

New sources of fresh water are normally discovered by drilling to extract samples, but the new imaging technique used by Attias and his colleagues could make this process easier and cheaper, says Kerry Key at Columbia University in New York.

new scientist

14 Comments on "Huge Reservoir of Fresh Water Found Beneath the Sea Off Hawaii"

  1. Go Speed Racer on Sat, 28th Nov 2020 10:08 pm 

    pump it out,
    sell it and drink it.
    til it’s gone.

  2. Anonymouse on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 6:51 am 

    Thank goodness.

    Amerikans will be well hydrated as they continue to overpopulate, over-consume, and drive climate change. In the Hawaiian islands. Until they exhaust this source of water that is. I mean, for a minute there, it was looking like they might have to consider reducing the population(demand) and consumption to sustainable levels.

  3. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 7:07 am 

    STFU bozo, Anonymouse, you are completely irrelevant. You are rarely here and when you are it your typical west coast Canadian sniveling about how bad America is. Grow up and be an adult

  4. Abraham van Helsing on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 7:55 am 

    “STFU bozo, Anonymouse, you are completely irrelevant. You are rarely here and when you are it your typical west coast Canadian sniveling about how bad America is. Grow up and be an adult”

    You mean, like yourself, apneaman from Vancouver and hypocrite to the core.

  5. The Board on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 8:10 am 

    You mean like davy from missery, who is stealing Drdumbasses ID, and hypocrite to the core.

  6. zero juan on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 8:24 am 

    LMFAO, juanPpee the troll comes out trollling because he got troll. Ppeee juan, you sniveling imbecile expect no end to your trolling, troll. Ask your dumbass, did I fuck with the wrong dude? DUH! Lol

  7. the board on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 8:59 am 

    Looks like JuanP got his clock cleaned again

    JuanP wrote:
    “China to build historic Yarlung Zangbo River hydropower project in Tibet”

    “The speed with which China continues to modernize has been blowing my mind for over 40 years. I don’t think that any other country in the world ever achieved so much progress for so many people in such a short period of time in all of human history; I also believe that no other country ever will, either. China is a truly exceptional country!”

    REAL Green wrote
    Please JuanP, your mind is blown from more than China. China is the greatest threat to the planet currently. It is followed closely by the west that is far less energetic. China could give a shit about its people or the planet. They are rapping neighboring countries like Tibet in the name of Chinese hegemony. China is nothing to moan in delight over as you constantly do.

  8. The Board on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 8:57 pm 

    Looks like the exceptionalist got his ID theft outed again.


    “STFU bozo, Anonymouse, you are……

  9. zero juan on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 9:06 pm 

    We all hate you Davy.


  10. Davy on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 9:08 pm 

    REAL Greens a luantic

  11. zero juan on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 9:11 pm 

    So true widdle davy. You stupid fuck. So true.

  12. JuanP on Sun, 29th Nov 2020 11:07 pm 

    Davy is posting all this bullshit here because the moderators have him by the balls on the moderated side and I have him on my ignore list, so I don’t even have to see his comments. I am really enjoying the moderated side because the board’s coward can’t fuck with me there because he is forced to control himself or be sent packing. I am loving this shit! Since he can’t attack, insult, or bully anyone there, he is essentially completely impotent.

  13. zero juan on Mon, 30th Nov 2020 4:34 am 

    Ppeee, am I maybe getting under your skin? LMFAO. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Davy is gone stupid. Nobody gives a shit about your whining except me. The more Ppeee juan suffering the better. The best way to deal with a troll is troll him. You can’t win Ppeee fuck. There are no moderators here and if there were you would be quiet and meek like you are made to be on the moderated side where you are just stupid and dull. You are the only one who has been banned over there I know of. FUCK YOU juanPpeee. I am taking you down day by day.

    JuanP said Davy is posting all this bullshit here because the…

    Diaper Don said Too funny finally worked out what tRump always sit…

    dratrepus tak supertard kat how did u get so smart u r the only one being consistent u dont believe in invisible (((supremetard))) and u dont believe in invisible (((convict-19))) either smart and logical consistent i respect that said please supertards change ur undies after 5 days gr…

    zero juan said Davy’s pissed Cus he can’t make you fuck him up hi…

    Davy said Fuck you Mick. Everyone knows FamousDrScanlons ape…

    zero juan said So true widdle davy. You stupid fuck. So true.

    Davy said REAL Greens a luantic

    zero juan said We all hate you Davy. penisbreath

    The Board said Looks like the exceptionalist got his ID theft out..

  14. zero juan on Mon, 30th Nov 2020 5:04 am 

    Ppeee, all you have to do is tell the board uncle and quit trolling. I have said this numerous times. That means using your socks to attack others too. Otherwise expect moderation.

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