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Zoom and gloom

IN 1973 THE Eldfell volcano, long-dormant, erupted on Heimaey, an island off Iceland. The eruption destroyed about 400 homes, a third of the total (Heimaey’s seaport was saved by pumping seawater into the lava). The Icelandic government compensated the unlucky people who lost their homes, many of whom never returned. But when Emi Nakamura and Jon Steinsson of the University of California at Berkeley and Josef Sigurdsson of the Norwegian School of Economics studied how they fared later, they discovered a reversal of fortunes. Among people less than 25 years old at the time of the eruption, those who had moved averaged four more years of schooling and earnings $27,000 greater per year than those from families who had kept their home. Being forced to move had its advantages.

The covid-19 pandemic is a disaster orders of magnitude worse than a volcanic eruption. Yet it too has created an experiment. In a matter of weeks professional workers abandoned their offices en masse in favour of working from home. Meetings were replaced with Zoom calls, and commutes with longer hours at the desk. And just as for the Icelanders, the experiment has turned out to be an improvement for many. Seven out of ten affected Americans say it has gone better or much better than they expected, according to a survey carried out by Jose Maria Barrero of ITAM, Nick Bloom of Stanford University and Steven Davis of the University of Chicago. Mr Bloom reckons that two-thirds of American GDP in May was produced from peoples’ houses, a shift in production techniques unmatched in peacetime.

The idea that disruption can lead to improvement is a voguish one, promoted by such writers as Tim Harford, who advocates “messiness”, and Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who terms things that get better after disruption “antifragile”. The evidence is summarised in a forthcoming paper by Michele Acuto of the University of Melbourne and three co-authors. Cities built to exploit a locational advantage that has disappeared tend to persist unless they are swept away by disaster. When faced with tube strikes in 2014, enough London commuters found new ways of getting to work that the strike is estimated to have saved more commuting time than it cost. Recessions, too, typically bring on Schumpeterian creative destruction: American firms in areas hit most by the financial crisis restructured production towards greater use of technology, leaving a mark on labour markets that persisted even after unemployment had returned to normal levels. But the scale and consequences of this year’s work from home experiment go beyond any previous example.

That firms and workers have suddenly discovered the benefits of remote work seems counterintuitive. The technology allowing it is not new. And it seems to contradict a popular idea about how the world economy functions. In 1997 Frances Cairncross, then of The Economist, wrote “The Death of Distance”, arguing that communication technology was making location ever less relevant to business and personal life. The next two decades seemed to defy her thesis, as economic activity concentrated in successful cities like San Francisco, New York, London, Tokyo and Sydney. The explanation, many thought, lay in the agglomeration effects of bringing together knowledge workers. Productive contacts between people grow exponentially with the numbers gathered in one place. And that is before considering the taste workers may have for the culture and services that cluster in big cities.

Could all this change as the result of one event? Believe surveys of firms and workers and the answer is: partly. The pandemic, they say, has reduced the stigma of working from home. It has spurred firms to invest in the kit needed to make remote collaboration possible. And it has proved that the combination of software and hardware that allows working from home is, for the most part, reliable (if risky; the top prize in the Chess Olympiad, one of the world’s top chess tournaments, had to be shared after two players lost their connections mid-game). According to Mr Bloom and his colleagues, American firms forecast that the proportion of days worked at home will jump from 5% before covid-19 to about 20%, a number that chimes with the average desire of workers. It seems likely that many firms will adopt a model in which large numbers split their working hours between solitary work at home and collaboration in the office.

That will hardly kill off superstar cities or end agglomeration effects. Companies need offices to integrate recruits, monitor performance, build relationships and spread knowledge. Many people, especially the young, still want to cluster together and party, as packed concerts in Wuhan demonstrate. And people still need to meet in person. Recent research by Michele Coscia of the IT University of Copenhagen, and Frank Neffke and Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard University, finds that a permanent shutdown of international business travel would shrink global gross product by an astonishing 17% by hindering flows of knowledge across borders. The shift in favour of remote work also looks curiously like an anglosphere phenomenon; workers in mainland Europe have been swifter to return to the office than those in Britain and America.

Nonetheless, the shift will lead to significant structural changes. One is that many jobs lost to covid-19 will not return, because the labour market will adjust to a world with less spending in cities and more in suburbs and online. Based on surveys and share prices, Mr Bloom and his colleagues predict that one-third or more of all job losses during the pandemic will be permanent. That will come as a nasty shock to many who still expect their jobs to return. Only 19% of total American lay-offs since March have been reported as permanent, yet by August overall employment had recovered less than half its losses this year.

A second implication is a period of higher inequality. Recessions are usually worse for the poor and unskilled than for others, but the pandemic has been bad for them even accounting for the severity of the hit to the labour market, according to a working paper by Ippei Shibata of the IMF. Job losses have been heavy among service workers (who are more likely to be young, female and black) whose employment depends on the spending of high-earning professionals. Data from Opportunity Insights, a team of researchers at Harvard University, reveal that by the end of July there were 2% fewer jobs in America paying more than $60,000 a year than in January. But jobs paying under $27,000 were 16% scarcer. Those who feed, transport, clothe and entertain people who are out-and-about account for about a quarter of American employment, note David Autor and Elisabeth Reynolds of MIT. The large number of low-paid service jobs is often lamented, but “having too few low-wage, economically insecure jobs is actually worse than having too many”.

The enormous sums that governments have spent replacing (or more than replacing) lost wages has suppressed the uneven effect of job losses on household incomes. In the early months of the pandemic America’s poverty rate probably fell, according to Jeehoon Han of Zhejiang University, Bruce Meyer of the University of Chicago and James Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame, as Americans received $1,200 cheques and unemployment benefits were boosted by $600 per week. In August consumer spending in low-income zip codes was barely down on its January level, despite the jobs collapse. But Congress has let that support expire. As governments cease replacing household incomes, a veil will be lifted, revealing a more unequal labour market.

This may not last. New service jobs—home delivery, suburban restaurants—will eventually replace those lost in city centres. But such transitions are painful, and it matters who bears the burden of them. Even if you exclude all workers who insist optimistically that they are on temporary lay-off, America’s unemployment rate in August was still about 6.6%, say Jason Furman of the Peterson Institute, a think-tank, and Wilson Powell III of Harvard University. That is roughly equivalent to the unemployment levels in early 2014, long before the labour market could be said to be healthy. Even if unemployment now falls rapidly, as it did after the recession of the early 1980s, it would take well over a year to work off just those job losses.

Housekeeping points

A third implication of the shift could boost growth and reduce inequality in the long run. It is that a drag on the world economy from housing shortages in and around successful cities will bind less tightly. Such shortages have limited growth by slowing the agglomeration effects on which it relies, as well as acting as barriers to opportunity by making it harder for the poor and young to move to better jobs. They have also widened divides between homeowners, who have enjoyed windfall gains in house prices, and renters. By one estimate American GDP would be 3.7% higher were regulatory constraints on building as loose in New York, San Jose and San Francisco as in the median American city.

But the increase in remote working will spread opportunity across the economy regardless of housing costs. The best case is that the internet ends up beating cities at their own game. In principle, greater numbers of people can gather and interact online than in physical proximity, notes Adam Ozimek, an economist at Upwork, a freelancing website. Moreover, if it becomes possible for employers to hire not just anyone located in a city, but anyone with an internet connection, the pool of possible candidates vastly increases. The resulting better matches between employers and employees should increase growth—perhaps at last unleashing the measured productivity gains that the technological improvements of the 21st century long promised but failed to deliver.

What will it take to realise this optimistic vision? Firms will need to continue experimenting with change rather than getting into a new rut. Some see the future of remote collaboration not in stilted video conferencing but in immersive virtual environments comparable to the computer games on which many people already spend hours of leisure time without suffering from “Zoom fatigue”. Such environments can create a fuller sense of shared experience, spontaneous human interaction and thus relationship building. (Mr Bloom recently spoke at a conference on the future of work hosted on QUBE, a game-like platform complete with a virtual conference hall and spaces in which virtual avatars can mingle.) That might allow more firms to operate completely virtually, rather than in the split-time model that many now expect.

For policymakers, the challenge is to ensure that the structural transitions already under way are not inhibited by a prolonged slump like the one that followed the financial crisis. That means economies must be given enough stimulus to encourage firms to create new jobs to replace those that are now redundant. The pandemic, however, has thrown up a challenge to this: a further reduction of interest rates.


118 Comments on "Zoom and gloom"

  1. Abraham van Helsing on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 3:39 pm 

    Very simple Corona-test developed in the Netherlands by the company Breathomix:

    The test can predict with absolute certainty if a test person is NOT infected by Covid, in 75% of the cases. This implicates a great relief for test facilities, who can reduce the test group size with 75%.

    So, give me 100 test persons. Let them blow in the breathalyzer and 75% of the persons can go home immediately, in the knowledge they are not infected. The other 25% need additional, more thorough and ore time-consuming additional testing.

  2. Abraham van Helsing on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 3:43 pm 

    “Hunter in Sack with Crack: Shock Photos Show Biden Son Amid Drug Binge”

    Can you be a good father of the fatherland if you are the father of this pathetic Hunter character?

    Asking the question is answering it.

  3. Abraham van Helsing on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 3:53 pm 

    Joe Biden lied over the business deals of his sun Hunter in the Ukraine:

    Know who you vote for!

  4. REAL Green on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:09 pm 

    Luntic JuanP has us on ignore Davy. He cant see are comments stupid.

  5. the board on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:27 pm 

    lunatic juanPPee, REAL Green does not comment here. Everyone knows it is you, stupid. LMFAO at the troll

  6. zero juan on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:29 pm 

    from asshole JuanP:

    REAL Green said Luntic JuanP has us on ignore Davy. He cant see ar…

    REAPER DRONE only master race chinese can clean up thisAlgeria: Man gets 10 years prison for ‘inciting atheism’ and ‘offending Islam’ said master race chinese are superior student of histor…

  7. zero davy on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:31 pm 

    from asshole Davy:

    REAL Green said Luntic JuanP has us on ignore Davy. He cant see ar…

    REAPER DRONE only master race chinese can clean up thisAlgeria: Man gets 10 years prison for ‘inciting atheism’ and ‘offending Islam’ said master race chinese are superior student of histor…

  8. The REAL Board on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:35 pm 

    lunatic daVvee, REAL Green has made thousands of comments here and everyone knows it is you, stupid. LOFAO at the troll

  9. Davy on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 4:39 pm 

    More proof were in worst decline since Soviet Union:

    “Twitter Labels NYPost Hunter Biden Exposé As “Unsafe”, Won’t Allow Users To Share” … -executive

    “If you thought Twitter’s censorship of the NYPost Hunter Biden exposé couldn’t get anymore Orwellian, well, you were wrong. As if preventing users from sharing the link wasn’t enough, the platform has now deleted the NYP’s initial tweet. Twitter deleted @nypost’s tweet about the Hunter Biden bombshell. This is election interference. We’ve entered the age where we have a “ministry of truth” run by Democrats and only they decide what’s true. They demand that you no longer believe your lying eyes & ears. We imagine it did so after a flood of hysterical leftists smashed that “report tweet” button. Meanwhile, after the Biden campaign neglected to comment on the veracity of the emails shared in the NYPost expose, the White House pool reporter reported that the Biden campaign had called a “lid” – that is, an end to all in-person campaign-related events – before 10am, ensuring the former VP wouldn’t have any prolonged in person contact with reporters on the same day the expose dropped. As we’ve explained in the past, a “lid” is essentially permission for the doting reporters covering Biden’s campaign to head home for the day. His campaign’s frequent use of the practice has drawn more unwanted attention to the cozy relationship between the Biden campaign and the Washington Press corp. Twitter is now apparently flagging this morning’s NY Post report as “unsafe” and refusing to allow its users to share it… In the social media contest to see which platforms can successfully suppress Wednesday’s NYP Hunter Biden scoop, it looks like Twitter has taken the lead. In addition to scrubbing Hunter’s name from its trending topics, Twitter is hitting users trying to retweet the story with one of their “are you sure?” prompts… Rumor has it that one of the lewd videos mentioned earlier features Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sexual relations with an unidentified woman. 11. Allegedly, the laptop Hunter “forgot” to pick up also contains a 12 minute video of him smoking crack and having sex with an unidentified woman. Truly legendary… In a surprising move to censor a mainstream media outlet known for leaning conservative, Facebook’s platform managers have decided to actively suppress distribution of the latest Hunter Biden expose. While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook’s third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform… Facebook, as a matter of policy, is now censoring stories detailing documented corruption by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. At no point did Facebook ever seek to throttle the reach of any Russian-disinformation-fueled stories falsely alleging collusion… To be sure, mainstream media are abiding with a near-blackout, just as we had anticipated. Any time legacy media drops a supposed “bombshell” on Trump, it immediately hits the front pages.”

  10. makati1 on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 5:02 pm 

    Amerikans have no idea what the real world is doing. They are so censored that real news is illegal there.

    I have had several posts on FB censored, but you can get around it if you don’t use the https address, but give the article’s headlines in two parts so the interested can search for themselves, not that most Amerikans will bother. They already know everything and are too “exceptional” to want to know.

    Amerika is already in the shitter and the flush is about to happen. Sigh!.

  11. zero juan on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 6:20 pm 

    This is from JuanP:

    Davy said More proof were in worst decline since Soviet Unio…

    The REAL Board said lunatic daVvee, REAL Green has made thousands of c…

    zero davy said from asshole Davy: REAL Green said Luntic JuanP ha…

  12. Davy on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 6:22 pm 

    “Amerikans have no idea what the real world is doing. They are so censored that real news is illegal there.”

    Wak, you are so far up the butthole of Asia you are clueless of what is going on these days. You are old and senile just like Biden with the asshole attitude like him too. You guys are two peas in a pod but he is rich and you dirt poor.

  13. makati1 on Wed, 14th Oct 2020 6:31 pm 

    Ah Davy, missed your appointment with the mental doc again? It’s free but you don’t want to be cured and live in the real world.

    Oh well, I guess your nanny goat mistress doesn’t know any better. LOl

  14. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 1:01 am 

    Yer just jealous wak Cus we have a jet and all you could afford is a Buick.


  15. supertard u forgot to mention italian wife on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 1:09 am 

    u forgot the goats
    the jet is not the only one

  16. makati1 on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 5:04 am 

    Davy, one thing we all agree on is that you have a mental problem. LOL

    BTW: i did own a Buick once and it was a good car. Bought it for $100 used and drove it for years with no problems. Buick was a good car at one time. Now all Amerika makes is junk.

  17. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 5:22 am 

    “Davy, one thing we all agree on is that you have a mental problem. LOL”

    Who is we, Wak, you, annoy, and juanPPee the board lunatics? LMFAO

  18. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 7:18 am 

    I do have to admit, my behavior has been pretty bad since day one. The problem with me is, knowing that JuanP is still out there, free to drink alcohol with my tax dollars, fall asleep on public beaches, and foul my American air and lands with his immigrant stink has pushed me over the edge. I admit that. Think about, JuanP could drive anyone mad, even if they were a complete nutcase to begin with. Try to imagine what this has done to me.

    I hope you all appreciate what I am going through and dealing with, in order to get JuanP off my website, and my country, God, and Donald J. Trump Esquire willing.

    Bless you all.

    Except for JuanP of course. He can just die.

  19. zero juan on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 7:46 am 

    “JuanP on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 7:18 am”

    “I do have to admit, my behavior has been pretty bad since day one. The problem with me is, knowing that JuanP is still out there, free to drink alcohol with my tax dollars, fall asleep on public beaches, and foul my American air and lands with his immigrant stink has pushed me over the edge.”

    You ruined this forum, JuanP. I could give a shit about you personally. You are skum of the earth. Psychological egotistical assholes are people I avoid. You made the mistake of fucking with me, Lunatic. Now I am trolling the troll and stalking the stalker. Welcome to hell, lunatic. I figured you drank and passed out on the beach. Who cares about tax dollars and you being an illegal immigrant, so what, you are to me is just a fool and a nobody that I enjoy moderating.

    “I admit that. Think about, JuanP could drive anyone mad, even if they were a complete nutcase to begin with. Try to imagine what this has done to me.”

    Please drama fuck, you are the mad man and I wonder when you will go postal or dive into the kiddy pool 5 stories below you or maybe mouth a gun. Who knows with you, you are a borderline personality?

    “I hope you all appreciate what I am going through and dealing with, in order to get JuanP off my website, and my country, God, and Donald J. Trump Esquire willing.”

    PPee Juan, I am working with the mods to shit can you this is true but I think the problem is they don’t have time to deal with you. The owner has not got tired of your mad man spam yet. I will keep doing what I do. I enjoy moderating you when possible. Any of your legitimate comments get moderated and any of your mad man spam exposed. Your many socks and ID theft are exposed so you have nowhere to hide.

    “Bless you all. Except for JuanP of course. He can just die.”

    Again PPee Juan, I could give a shit about you. Stop fucking with me and I will ignore you, fool. Fuck with me and I will give you double back, asswipe. I promise.

  20. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 8:22 am 

    woof woof!

  21. REAL Green on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 8:26 am 

    PPee Juan can’t see are comments Davy. Cus he has us on ignore dumbass.

  22. zero juan on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 8:47 am 

    PPee juan, Who cares if juanPPee can see the comment becuase it is written for others, stupid. Anyhow stalking troll see everything becuase people like you are obsessively sick in the mind. Also, lunatic, REAL Green comments and most of Davy comments are from you and your madness:

    From juanP:

    REAL Green said PPee Juan can’t see are comments Davy. Cus he has…

    Davy said woof woof!

  23. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 8:56 am 

    PPee juan and juanPPee are the same person zero juan.


  24. REAL Green on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 9:11 am 

    Me n you an zero juan are the same person Davy.


  25. Davy on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 9:25 am 

    Yeap. And we all know were a luntic REAL Green.

  26. zero juan on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 9:33 am 

    So true Davy. So true.

  27. zero juan on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 9:46 am 

    PPee juan is triggered today. This is good I like when he is agitated:

    This is from PPee juan:

    zero juan said So true Davy. So true.

    Davy said Yeap. And we all know were a luntic REAL Green.

    REAL Green said Me n you an zero juan are the same person Davy. lu…

    Davy said PPee juan and juanPPee are the same person zero ju…

  28. PPee juan on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 10:19 am 

    LOFAO at the lunatic!

  29. Cloggie on Thu, 15th Oct 2020 2:39 pm 

    MAN, Samsung, Lloyds are cooperating to use ammonia (hydrogen) for shipping by 2024:

  30. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:05 am 

    EU popular in certain parts of Britain:

    “Nicola Sturgeon is accused of ‘shamelessly’ exploiting coronavirus crisis to ‘flog’ Scottish independence in article begging the EU to let it join”

    BoJo will not give Scotland permission to hold another independence referendum, although circumstances have changed drastically and Scotland was dragged out of the EU against the will of a clear majority.

    Almost there, England about to be taken to the cleaners:

    “No-deal Brexit looms as Boris Johnson says he will quit trade talks unless EU changes approach”

    The EU has ZERO incentive to give Britain anything but a shitty deal (that is: no deal at all), just to scare off other potential defectors. No deal is certainly going to hurt the EU, but it will hurt the UK a lot more. Obviously the EU can not afford to openly proclaim it is aiming for a no deal and intentionally push the UK into a state of Verelendung (Marxist concept, something like “impoverishment”, leading to a revolution of the masses).

    That impoverishment could be caused by a no-deal and the UK remaining seated upon unsold economic output.

    If BoJo refuses to grant a referendum to Scotland, expect Scotland to withdraw unilaterally, perhaps via an illegal referendum or a simple vote in Scottish parliament. Could lead to nasty scenes, like an English military occupation of Scotland. Sufficient opportunity for all sorts of Braveheart’s to show what they are worth. Perhaps Continental freelancers will come over and give them a hand and help the Scottish escape from “the shackles of London” and “restore full sovereignty” (rhetoric borrowed from Brexiteers).

    An additional interesting aspect is the State of the Union in the US, after the elections. What if the country descends into chaos because they can’t agree upon who actually won the elections and the US turns into roadblock and vigilantly country and couldn’t care less about a trade deal with former colonizer Britain (the special relationship is an almost entirely one-sided affair, with strong masochistic undertones on the side of Britain, as they handed over their entire empire to the US after 1945, their “best friend”. /snikker).

  31. bochen787 on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:26 am 

    Boris can go suck dick for reneging on Huawei 5G

    Fuck England

  32. zero juan on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:41 am 

    fuck juanPpee and hsi bo chen juan sock:

    bochen787 on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:26 am

    Boris can go suck dick for reneging on Huawei 5G

    Fuck England

  33. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:44 am 

    German government extremely worried about “super-exponential growth” Covid:

    China is going to be the big winner of the Covid crisis, embarks on nation-wide vaccination:

    Obesity is the most important reason why the West is so hard-hit by Covid:

    BoJo preparing the UK for a no-deal:

    Climate change latest: as of next year everywhere in metropolitan area Paris max speed of 30 kmh, with the exception of highways like the Pereferique:

    For English readers as always: Chrome browser > right-click > translate to English.

  34. at this point its clear election will be stolen from whitey supertrad president trump on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:52 am 

    Qanon no more
    politics no more

  35. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 7:54 am 

    In a healthy, post-carb world, avocados are one of the best high-quality food you can get with lots of fats. Thanks to Greenhouses you probably don’t have to import them from countries-over-the-ocean like Mexico, but they can grow in more temperate climates like the Netherlands as well, all-year around:

  36. zero juan on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 8:11 am 

    WTF widdle Ppee juan the lunatic? Can’t you do a sane comment?

    at this point its clear election will be stolen from whitey supertrad president trump said Qanon no more politics no more

  37. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 8:16 am 

    About avocados… in Holland they cost 1.29 euro per piece (ca. 200 gram):

    Annual yield per tree: 150

    It takes 2 years “idle time” to grow them and harvest between year 3-10 with yields 26, 57, 83, 99, 156, 99, 112 and 99 pounds. After year 7 it is down hill.

    From the picture one would guestimate that the young “trees” are ca. 2.5 meter apart, so that’s 10 trees per 100 m2. Small trees can grow in between in small pots and bridge the first 2 years. 10 trees is 10 x 100 pounds = 500 kg = 2500 avocados, market end-price value: 3300 euro. For 100k “turn-over” (end-price) you need 3300 m2 green house or 33 m x 100 m. With 100 x 100 m you probably can make a decent living.

    Growing them in Mexico in ope air is a disaster: take 1000 liter water for 2.5 avocados

    Growing plants in greenhouses in the Netherlands only requires a fraction of what you need in a tropical country in open air. On top of that transporting avocados at low temperatures requires an additional large amount of energy. Greenhouses can be heated in the winter with geothermal heat.

  38. JuanP on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 8:55 am 

    I like putting avocados in my ansel anus.

  39. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 9:55 am 

    Is that so Juan? It seems we have more in common than I ever would have imagined. If you want to get together sometime and discuss avocado’s privately, perhaps exchange photographs and stories, I am certainly open to the idea.

    Here is a link I found and would like to share with you JuanP. It is my sincere hope you find it as informative and helpful as I have.

    I do believe the ones in the article were grown in Mexico. The say say Mexican men make great lovers, of avocados of course.

  40. JuanP on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 10:15 am 

    Thank you cloggie, but I like mine big and black.

  41. I AM THE MOB on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 2:16 pm 

    Nobody gives a fuck about hunter biden and the billionaire owned NYPOST.

    Only you right wing homos.

    You don’t get a voice in the new “North Korea”.

    Enjoy the end of oil. ANd next comes the second holocaust. Except this time it wont be a hoax.

  42. I AM THE MOB on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 2:30 pm 

    German Greens want to bring in 150 million new climate refugees

    EurAfrica! (Childless Europe)

  43. Abraham van Helsing on Fri, 16th Oct 2020 3:01 pm 

    “German Greens want to bring in 150 million new climate refugees”

    Complete fake news and wishful thinking of leftist US trash like mobbie.

    Here the reality:

    “Wir können nicht allen helfen: Ein Grüner über Integration und die Grenzen der Belastbarkeit”

    (“We can’t help everyone: A green guy on integration and the limits of resilience”)

    Written by a prominent Green, Boris Palmer, who “happens to be Jewish”. He knows that more provocations like in “2015” will cause the populists to take over power and that is the last thing he wants.

    The truth is that the outside EU borders are already as good as closed. And once the US goes down, they will be hermetically closed and multicult and diversity will be abolished.

  44. Daily USNews on Sat, 24th Oct 2020 3:35 am 

    Free Expression, Free Individuals: How Life Under Bulgarian Communism Crushed the Human Personality

  45. business on Mon, 1st Feb 2021 8:58 pm 

    the outside EU borders are already as good as closed. And once the US goes down, they will be hermetically closed and multicult and diversity will be

  46. us trending news on Mon, 1st Feb 2021 9:05 pm 

    Boris Palmer, who “happens to be Jewish”. He knows that more provocations like in “2015” will cause the populists to take over power and that is the last thing he us trending news us trending news us trending news

  47. business on Tue, 2nd Feb 2021 12:12 am 

    Business News
    new more news

  48. MLM Software on Thu, 25th Mar 2021 12:02 am 

    Great piece of work

  49. mlm software on Sat, 8th May 2021 1:47 am 

    thanks for sharing

  50. MLM software on Wed, 12th May 2021 3:42 am 

    Great content. Keep sharing.

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