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Page added on July 22, 2013

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The Energy Cost of Food

The Energy Cost of Food thumbnail

At the grocery cooperative nearest my home I can buy kale from California, grapes from Argentina, olive oil from Italy, miso from Japan, and apples from New Zealand. I can enjoy a diet that’s utterly dissociated from Vermont’s Champlain Valley where I live, one that renders my local climate, the character of the local soil and geography, and even the passage of seasons irrelevant to my food choices. I can eat as if I lived in a tropical paradise where summer never ends, while living in a temperate paradise where summer lasts just a few short months.

As I walk out of my co-op I’m reminded of the source of this modern food miracle: a nearby service station sells gasoline for $3.67 per gallon, and diesel for 30 cents more. This is pricy compared to what these fuels cost a decade ago, but they still provide astonishingly cheap energy. And it’s this cheap energy that powers the globalized, industrial food system that delivers food to my co-op from the four corners of the Earth, regardless of weather, regardless of the season.

Just how much energy does it take to fuel the US food system? A lot. It required just over 12 Calories of fuel to produce one Calorie of food in 2002, once waste and spoilage were accounted for.1 Of these, 1.6 fuel Calories were used in the agricultural sector, while 2.7 were used to process and package food. Distribution, which includes transportation, wholesale and retail outlets, and food service operations such as restaurants and catering services, used another 4.3 fuel Calories. Finally, food-related household energy use added another 3.4 Calories to the tab. This figure has been on an upward trend; it took just over 14 fuel Calories to deliver a Calorie of consumed food in 2007, and if we extrapolate this trend the US food system requires about 15 Calories of fuel to deliver a Calorie of consumed food in 2013.

Web_Energy in the US Food System

As high as this 15 Calorie figure might seem, it’s surely an underestimate. The report from which these data were drawn left out a number of sectors within the US food system that require energy as a key input to their operations, including research and development, waste disposal, water provision, and food system governance, among others. If we did a more expansive assessment of the energy use in the US food system, the total energy demand would probably be 15-20 Calories of fuel per consumed food Calorie, or more.

To put these statistics into perspective, 15 fuel Calories equates, in energy terms, to 1.2 gallons of gasoline embodied in the average American’s daily diet. That’s 420 gallons of gasoline per person per year to deliver Americans the food they eat, an amount on par with the 430 gallons the average American burns in their car. The US food system is admittedly more energy intensive than most, but high fuel demand in the service of food procurement is the norm around the world.

So what? Energy use statistics, within food systems and throughout the economy more generally, are just numbers on a page. In the flesh-and-blood world however, there are real consequences to having a food system that requires so much energy to function. First, and perhaps most obviously, heavy demand for energy in the service of producing, processing, distributing and consuming food forges a link between food and fuel prices. When fuel prices rise or become volatile, food prices must follow. When food prices rise and become volatile, that challenges the food security of billions of people worldwide, leading to hunger, starvation and social unrest. Only by radically reducing the energy costs associated with procuring food can this link be severed.

Food and Fuel Prices

And speaking of rising fuel prices, it’s worth noting that much of the energy that fuels the US food system isn’t renewable; it comes from coal, natural gas, crude oil, and nuclear fuels. All of these fuels will go through stages of growth, peak, and decline. The peak and decline phases will trigger price increases and, more generally, price volatility for each fuel. In the last decade oil prices have risen substantially and become quite volatile, leading to the relatively high gasoline prices noted above. Some suggest this is because of the onset of a peak in global oil supplies, one eventually followed by a decline in global oil production as oil fields dry up and remaining resources become inaccessible for all manner of financial, technical or political reasons. Acknowledging the non-renewability of key fuels that power the US food system demands that we invest heavily to reduce its energy intensity; otherwise our energy-hungry food system might one day find itself starved of the modestly-priced energy inputs that currently sustain it.

Food activism of all sorts is rising up like a wellspring around the world, creating an enormous opportunity for us to ponder whether our food system’s development path is a viable one. How must our diets adapt to changing energy realities, and how large of a role will mechanization, long-distance food distribution and food processing play in the food systems of the future? What types of low-input production, processing, preparation and storage methods will we adopt, and how can we close nutrient cycles and reduce food waste? I hope the facts and figures I’ve offered here and the questions I’ve left you with spark discussion, at the dinner table, at farmer’s markets, at City Council meetings and perhaps even in legislatures. Only through enquiry and action can we redesign our food systems so as to reduce their energy intensity, and this might just make the local food revolutions blossoming the world over accessible to all.


6 Comments on "The Energy Cost of Food"

  1. rollin on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 1:23 pm 

    That really makes bicycling a petro use unless you eat all locally sourced and organically home grown food.

    Maybe an electric assist bicycle powered from solar panels would be the most efficient travel form of travel.

  2. J-Gav on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 1:33 pm 

    A good reminder of how energy and food are inextricably connected. That nexus will be coming into ever-sharper focus in the near future.

  3. Cephaltus on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 2:51 pm 

    CO2e/km bike vs pedelec vs car (incl food and manufacturing):

    bike: 21g/km (average EU food, heavily dependend on food intake, would be MUCH higher with a “beef diet”)

    pedelec: 22g/km (average electricity mix)

    car: 271g/km(average)

    human kcal/km:

    bike: 4kcal/km (16km/h)
    pedelec: 2.5kcal/km
    car: 1.5kcal/km

    Of course you could argue that lots of people do not suffer from a scarcity of kcal.

  4. GregT on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 3:15 pm 

    Food is a necessity of life. Money is not. There will come a time again, when the majority of people will need to utilize their own labor to grow, and preserve food for their own survival.

    This will be very problematic for most city dwellers, as there simply is not enough arable land, close enough to most major cities to support their massive populations.

    How long will it be before the 3000 mile diet becomes unaffordable to most? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? 5 years? 2 ?

    This should be a huge wake up call for everyone that understands our predicament. The large population centers on this planet are living on borrowed time, subsidized by cheap fossil fuel inputs.

  5. DC on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 7:13 pm 

    Isn’t there something wrong with this fellows numbers here(not his article).

    Where does he get the 15 calories = 1.2 gallons?

    4 Liters of gas is ~31 million calories.

    Average human needs 2500 calories a day.

    Well assume for amerikans its 5000 a day(average).

    Even at 5000 cal a day for a ‘typical’ amerikan, and assuming his 20:1 ratio is closer to the truth than the commonly asserted 10:1, that means average amerikan daily food intake ‘costs’ anywhere from 50k-100k(per). Still considerable, but nowhere near the 31 million contained in a gallon of fuel.

    According to my numbers, the embedded fuel cost of our obese amerikans daily intake of corn and starch is still actually only .00032% of a gallon. That works out to only 1.17 gallons per YEAR per person, not the 430 that author suggests. All the sources I can find say a gallon is 31 million cals. Either that is wrong or I made some other error. But Im pretty damn sure 15 calories does not = 1.2 gallons LoL!

  6. Andy on Mon, 22nd Jul 2013 7:23 pm 

    DC you have confused food Calories with energy calories. A food (C)alorie is worth 1,000 (c)alories. Try your calculations again. It would have been better if the author made this distinction in the article, but he is probable just a parrot anyway and never thought about it. Or thought about it and realised it was too confusing for the average amerkian.

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