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Page added on November 30, 2012

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Did China’s Oil Consumption Decline 4% in 2011?

Did China’s Oil Consumption Decline 4% in 2011? thumbnail

That’s what the EIA currently says.  See the chart above (red line).  BP doesn’t agree, showing them up by 5.5% over 2010.  Although the Chinese economy has undoubtedly been slowing of late, it’s hard to believe it was sufficient to cause a fall in oil consumption, which would be unprecedented since the time of the 1980 oil shock.

More likely the EIA just has an error of some kind.  I took a screenshot just so that if they fix it later, I can satisfy myself I wasn’t dreaming:

Early Warning

3 Comments on "Did China’s Oil Consumption Decline 4% in 2011?"

  1. BillT on Sat, 1st Dec 2012 1:03 am 

    The EIA is a political rag, not facts. Perhaps China has slowed it’s growth but not by much, yet. It may just be running out of storage capacity. Or it may be that the EIA wants to make you believe that China is failing…lol. They still hold over $1 trillion Walmart dollars that they can spend. Whereas, the Us has lost it’s largest buyer of debt and is obviously in major decline.

  2. Arthur on Sat, 1st Dec 2012 9:36 am 

    Watched a Dutch documentary lately about China. Interviews with prominent dissidents. They said that the West is overestimating the developments in China and that Shanghai is a facade. China’s burden is it’s excessively large population, that needs to be fed and housed and warmed. The average Chinese makes less than people from the Caraibian. China produces Walmart junk but no planes and no cars worth mentioning or a space industry or other advanced products. Even Russia has a gps of its own, not China. China is not Japan and not Korea and probably never will be. The planetary center of economic and technological gravity is now in Germany and nowhere else. And they are backed by an enormous hinterland with demand for German products and the raw materials/energy to pay for it. And post-Soviet Russia has still the nuclear deterrent that can be extended over Germany and the rest of Europe in case the zionists in Washington want to press ahead with their imperial NWO project anyway.

  3. Kenz300 on Sun, 2nd Dec 2012 12:47 am 

    Every country needs to develop a plan to balance its population with its resources, food, water, energy and jobs.

    China has had a one child policy for over 20 years. Had they not had that policy there would be over 300 million more Chinese and social chaos. China already has over 1.3 billion people of which many millions still live in poverty.

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