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Page added on February 8, 2022

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As Energy Prices Soar In Europe, U.S. LNG Keeps the Lights and Heat On

Winter in the global north did not spare the United States, United Kingdom or the European Union from record snowfalls and extended cold fronts. And while the United States has been fortunate to rely on its abundant natural gas resources to mitigation reliability and price concerns, our friends across the pond have not been so fortunate.

Supply concerns dominate the energy conversation in Europe as stockpiles run low and the rush towards intermittent renewable resources have failed to provide the firm energy needs of citizens as demand hits a seasonal peak. As European nations assess their energy resources and plan for an energy transition, U.S. LNG has increasingly become a crucial piece of their strategy and with instability in Eastern Europe this reliance could increase yet further.

The bottom line: U.S. LNG is keeping the lights and heat on across Europe.

The United Kingdom

The start of 2022 has brought into sharp focus European debates around energy security and global energy supply chains. As of yesterday, the United Kingdom’s average energy bill increased 54 percent from April 2021. The jump in utility costs tacks on another expense at a time of rising household bills and spiraling inflation.

The rising cost of energy has turbocharged the debate on managing the energy transition to keep energy reliability and affordability at its core while still moving towards net-zero emissions. The UK’s Net Zero Strategy commits the country to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Within this strategy is an ambitious goal to hugely expand renewable power generation, largely through an increase in offshore wind as well as to invest in low-carbon technologies, nuclear and use natural gas as a bridging fuel to a zero-carbon future.

Low carbon natural gas resources have already helped the United Kingdom reduce emissions in the power sector 72 percent between 1990 and 2019 and provided firm capacity to support the inclusion of more renewables. Natural gas accounts for 41 percent of electricity generation and heats almost 80 percent of homes across the isle. This role will shrink on the path to net-zero, but an absolute reduction will make the source of the remaining gas entering the system increasingly important. Added to this the United Kingdom has set out an ambition to phase out coal power by 2024 and with the intermittency in renewables still an issue, it is almost certain natural gas and LNG usage in the UK will increase further.

Energy Imports in the UK and EU

LNG from the United States is an appealing resource to our partners across the pond thanks to its reduced carbon intensity compared to Russian natural gas, and the fact it comes from a reliable partner with an abundant supply. As Russia limits supply to Europe during the current energy crisis, EU and UK leaders are becoming increasingly aware of their reliance on imported Russian gas.

Source: National Energy Technology Laboratory

The narrative of relying on natural gas from Russia is less in the public conscience in the UK than in Europe, but this will rapidly change as bills increase further. LNG imported from the United States is keeping the lid on the highest energy prices that the UK has seen in years, and is providing fuel to keep factories running across Europe amid the on-going energy crisis.

In fact, the UK tied with China for receiving the most U.S. LNG cargoes, with each receiving 11 in December.  And across the channel, the EU has been the top customer for U.S. LNG for the last two months, receiving roughly two-thirds of U.S. exports.

Europe would be in a far worse position if it weren’t for a milder winter in Asia leaving ample supply to sustain European economies and warm homes.

The Benefit of Secured Resources

The European Commission has begun to consult with EU countries about classifying natural gas and nuclear energy as “transitional” green energy sources, offering a pathway to continued natural gas resources if facilities switched to low-carbon supplies. The decision capitalizes on previous decisions to import increasingly more LNG from the United States to “diversity and render its energy supply more secure.”

However, as Europe continues to more thoroughly outline its standards for clean energy, it must address the short-term needs of the current energy crisis and the long-term objectives of ambitious net zero goals. Their plans cannot be dependent on Russia’s weaponized energy policy to keep stockpiles full and prices low. And failure to plan for peak demands would lead to more cold and costly winters as European nations fire up coal power plants to meet the demand in a constrained marketplace.

The United Kingdom and the EU has historically benefitted from the transatlantic energy trade in the short term and this winter is no different, but continued investment and expansion of LNG trade will allow Europe to retain flexibility in their energy resources, increasing the share of renewables in their energy mix without reneging on climate goals during seasonal peaks along a longer timeline.


It has become abundantly clear that in recent months that for the United Kingdom and the Europe Union to meet their growing need for energy as well as sticking to their commitments on climate change, there is a need to diversify energy sources. Europe must secure U.S. LNG contracts to ensure that its future energy policy is not determined by Russia while also investing in more ports and LNG pipelines. Europe and the United States have a strong history on being partners in times of global strife and the current flux in international energy markets is no different.

This post appeared first on Energy In Depth.

2 Comments on "As Energy Prices Soar In Europe, U.S. LNG Keeps the Lights and Heat On"

  1. Theedrich on Fri, 11th Feb 2022 3:56 am 

    Indiscriminate genocide good, discriminate bad, according to U.S. high lords.  So the nuking of civilian-occupied Hiroshima and Nagasaki was good, as was the mass extermination of a quarter to a third of the North Koreans in the Korean War.  The Morgenthau Plan to reduce postwar Germany to an agricultural backwater was almost implemented, but after it was turned down in full, it did result in Eisenhower’s killing of a million or so imprisoned Wehrmacht soldiers AFTER WW II.  (See Other Losses by James Basque on this.)  The insane general Douglas MacArthur wanted to carpet-nuke a large stretch of Manchuria to prevent the Chinese from helping the North Koreans, before President Truman fired him for his madness.

    In the early years of the Cold War, the U.S. military maintained plans to nuke all entire Iron Curtain countries if attacked by the Soviet Union.  That included even China, even though it would not have attacked.  Just another example of the deranged nature of the military mind of the top brass.

    After about 1960, the U.S. decided to win wars by starving the target nation’s population to death, calling the policy “economic sanctions.”  It didn’t work in the Vietnam War, because Russia and China supported Vietnam.  For tiny, defenseless countries such as Libya and Serbia, the U.S. returned to indiscriminate bombing of the “enemy,” a term which was artificially defined by corrupt agents from abroad.  Before President George W. Bush attacked Iraq in the Second Iraq War, he had already caused the death of half a million Iraqi children by malnutrition and starvation.  (But Maddy Albright notably said, “We think it’s worth it.”)

    The population of Iran, the foremost enemy of the Zionistas controlling Washington, has in recent years been the target of an attempt to starve it to death, too.  The American demigods, together with Israel, have also used a computer virus called “Stuxnet” to freeze up Iranian military computers.  The Iranians, for their part, infected Saudi Arabian computers with a virus that shut down part of Araby’s petroleum operations for a while.  Despite this years-long tit-for-tat, the U.S. has been losing its power to stop Iran from getting the Bomb, because nowadays, if attacked, Iran can use conventional missiles to destroy the entirety of Saudi oil production and plunge the world into an instant oil-impoverished depression.  That would give even more economic power to Russia, which America has been trying to destroy for decades.  Indeed, the puppet president called Joe Biden has declared that, if Vladimir Putin uses any kind of force against Ukraine, America will wreck Russia’s economy and also stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from supplying natural gas to Germany and Europe.  In other words, Biden will do his utmost to starve the Russian population to death.  (And the Europeans can freeze.)

    Incidentally, it might be mentioned that, in the 1950s, the United States overthrew the one and only democracy Iran ever had in order to steal its oil.  The American masterminds replaced that democracy with the Shah (king) Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, which in turn later led to his overthrow by Mohammedan zealots and the situation which obtains today.  Just another example of American concern for “the will of the people” (of a nation the Empire wishes to prey upon).

    The starvation scenario does not look so promising vis-à-vis China, because that would mean cutting off Yankeeland’s nose to spite its face.  China supplies enormous amounts of goodies to the U.S., which no longer makes much of anything by way of consumer goods.  America could not long survive without them.

    So the only thing the bribe-ocrats and their functionaries in Washington have left is to use propaganda to wage psywar on the American public.  COVID-19 is giving them the opportunity to do that.  But reality may have a vote in this charade also.  In any case, the American policy of indiscriminate genocide is losing its effectiveness.

    Buck Fiden.

  2. Biden's hairplug on Fri, 11th Feb 2022 5:59 am 

    “Europe must secure U.S. LNG contracts to ensure that its future energy policy is not determined by Russia while also investing in more ports and LNG pipelines. Europe and the United States have a strong history on being partners in times of global strife and the current flux in international energy markets is no different.”

    Uh no. Europe must kick out the Americans from its territory and team up with Russia:

    “Europe Should Leave NATO Behind And Integrate With Russia”

    Russia has essential fuels, the US can’t replace.

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