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Page added on May 20, 2018

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American Roadtrippers to Face $3 a Gallon Gas This Summer

American Roadtrippers to Face $3 a Gallon Gas This Summer thumbnail

U.S. drivers might be feeling flush after getting tax cuts amid a growing economy as they embark on the summer driving season, but road trips will cost more this year.

Drivers are already paying an average of $2.90 for a gallon of regular gasoline. There may be no relief in sight as oil in London topped $80 a barrel Thursday on tightening global supplies. The traditional Memorial Day holiday kickoff of summer driving season may test the strength of the economy and consumers’ desire to hit the road as temperatures rise.

Prices have risen for nine days straight, according to AAA. While average costs aren’t expected to approach the record $4.14 a gallon reached in July 2008, there’s a 75 percent chance they will soon reach $3, Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analyst at GasBuddy, said in a phone interview Thursday.

For the three months of summer, assuming prices don’t rise any more, Americans will pay an average $100 more for gasoline than a year earlier, DeHaan said.

“I think people may cut back on fast casual dining or McDonald’s on the way to the lake,” DeHaan said. “I don’t know that we will see a net drop in demand. While this may curb or slow down discretionary demand, it will be offset by the strength of the economy. And I think the worst-case scenario is $3.15 to $3.20.”

The higher prices aren’t expected to stop Americans from hitting the road. AAA projects a 4.7 percent jump in travel by automobile over the U.S. Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Retail gasoline prices “are going up,” Ashley Petersen, lead oil analyst at Stratas Advisors in New York, said in a phone interview. “Hopefully, you took your road trip last year because it is going to be more expensive this year.”

81 Comments on "American Roadtrippers to Face $3 a Gallon Gas This Summer"

  1. MASTERMIND on Mon, 21st May 2018 9:38 pm 


    You call my generation spoiled? We are the poorest generation in US history. And the first generation in US history to have it worst than their parents. You could work at mcdonalds back in your day growing up and make around 30k a year (inflation adjusted) to what people make now.

    My sister just had a kid and it will be coming out of diapers as you are going into

  2. GregT on Mon, 21st May 2018 9:45 pm 


    We are all eventually going to the same place, much sooner than an inexperienced youngster such as yourself can appreciate. makati1’s generation is highly unlikely to experience the worst of what’s to come, my generation will be on the cusp, your generation is in for an entire world of hurt. Acting out like a spoiled little child isn’t going to change things for you in the least. Get your butt off of the couch, and do something positive for yourself while you still can. Like every single one of us human beings, your time is rapidly running out.

  3. MASTERMIND on Mon, 21st May 2018 9:53 pm 


    I am not allowed to refute Madkats lies? Your generation just doesn’t want to take any responsibility.

    Hard times of the WW2 generation, create hard people, which created good times, which created boomers, which created weak people, who created hard times for millenials.

  4. GregT on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:00 pm 

    “Hard times of the WW2 generation, create hard people, which created good times, which created boomers, which created weak people, who created hard times for millenials.”

    It was access to cheap energy that created less hard times, but there is a trade off MM. Hard times created things that money cannot buy. Family, pride, a sense of accomplishment from hard work, and a respect for both nature, and for life.

  5. Makati1 on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:02 pm 

    Mm, you ARE the most spoiled generation in the history of the world. You have everything. Your knowledge of the ‘real’ world outside the Us is zero. The ‘poorest’ American is a king beside most of the rest of humanity. You consume six times your share of resources. You have no idea how the rest of the world lives. None. Like pampered royalty.

  6. Makati1 on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:06 pm 

    Cheap oil created the American lifestyle MM enjoys today. That cheap oil is going away and taking the easy life with it. He just had the misfortune of being born at the wrong time. lol

  7. Makati1 on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:11 pm 

    Mm, there is that nine year old again. Can’t you control him?

    I am likely to outlive you by many years. You live in a growing hell. I live in a much nicer, more self-sufficient place. I am enjoying life. You are contemplating suicide. Who is better off? ^_^

  8. MASTERMIND on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:21 pm 


    I have lived through my twenties which are the best years..I would hate to grow as old and angry as you and become an incel..wishing for others to be harmed..

  9. GregT on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:29 pm 

    “I have lived through my twenties which are the best years.”

    Another sign of immaturity. I’m in my 50s, and living the best years of my life. You would be much better served to listen to experience MM, instead of acting like you know it all, which obviously you do not.

  10. MASTERMIND on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:48 pm 


    Peak age is 27..That is why most musicians kill themselves at around that age..Its pretty much all downhill from there..My twenties were amazing. I mean I really couldn’t have had more fun and been more successful if I had dreamed.

  11. MASTERMIND on Mon, 21st May 2018 10:57 pm 


    The crisis is..a crisis in consciousness..

  12. JuanP on Mon, 21st May 2018 11:04 pm 

    MM “I would hate to grow as old and angry as you and become an incel..wishing for others to be harmed..”
    Do you even realize how insane you sound? You are the one always wishing for raping, pillaging, and murdering, not Mak. Yes, Mak does have some very reasonable issues with the US government, but he is not the one dreaming and talking about violence day after day. If Mak were like you he would have told you that your sister’s kid will be gang raped, sodomized, brutally murdered, and eaten by cannibals because he would make a great snack for them, what with his being so young, soft, and tender. They wouldn’t even have to marinate your nephew! Mak didn’t say that, did he? Because Mak is not the sick, depraved psycho on this forum, you are, MM.

  13. GregT on Mon, 21st May 2018 11:05 pm 


    That’s awesome dude. Glad you enjoyed your peak so much. All downhill from here? A real bummer for you. In my own personal experience, my early 30s were the worst years of my life. It’s all gotten much better from there. Different strokes, for different folks, I guess. Don’t off yourself just quite yet, you’re more than likely wrong.

  14. JuanP on Mon, 21st May 2018 11:09 pm 

    MM “Peak age is 27”
    It doesn’t matter what peak age is. Greg will always be a better human being than you are,were, or will ever be, MM. Even at his worst, Greg will be better than you are at your best. You, MM, are a perfect example of why our present predicament is hopeless. It is sick fucks like you that make things what they are.

  15. Cloggie on Mon, 21st May 2018 11:51 pm 

    Peak age is 27..That is why most musicians kill themselves at around that age..Its pretty much all downhill from there..My twenties were amazing. I mean I really couldn’t have had more fun and been more successful if I had dreamed.

    There is no “peak age”, every age has its pros and cons. In general life is good, apart from the last 1-2 years. Temporary depression is more likely to happen when you are young. Getting old means maturing and understanding everything, but also that feelings gets less deeper. And losing people that were dear to you.

    This is one of the best times to live in. Total absence of poverty, physical inconvenience or having to waste time on seeming trivialities like acquiring water.

    But my student days were indeed the most intense…

    Perhaps peak twenties after all?

  16. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 4:59 am 

    Swedes told to prepare for conflict in Cold War-style booklet

  17. Makati1 on Tue, 22nd May 2018 6:32 am 

    MM, I will agree that my 20s were fun, but not the best years. As Cloggie said, there are no “peak” years. I am enjoying my 70s as much as I enjoyed my 20s. It is just ‘different’.

    Age gives you perspective, experience and a broader education. I am not bitter. I just see the world for what it is and express my opinion. Judging others often points out your own lack of understanding, not your intelligence.

  18. Makati1 on Tue, 22nd May 2018 7:05 am 

    “When 43% Of Americans Can’t Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here”

    Slip slidin’ to the 3rd world.

  19. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 8:45 am 

    Compared to Rest of World Americans Are Prudish, Delusional and Selfish Religious Nuts: Study

  20. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 8:48 am 

    Clogg and Madkat

    The reason you think old age is great.. Is because your IQ peaks around age 20 and goes into decline..So the older you become the more stupid..and the more stupid you are the more happy..just look at retards they are the happiest people in the world..

  21. JuanP on Tue, 22nd May 2018 9:36 am 

    MM, Most of us will be smarter in our 90s than you were in your 20s. LOL!

  22. JuanP on Tue, 22nd May 2018 9:40 am 

    But I don’t blame you, MM, you were born in the most stupid, ignorant society in human history. Many Americans are so stupid that they are proud of their ignorance! What could you expect from such a society? A president like Trump? A candidate like Hillary? Could you possibly be more fucked up? Me thinks not! LOL!

  23. Antius on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:05 am 

    So far, my 30s have been the happiest time of my life and the most productive. Teenage years were OK, apart from having no money. Twenties were a time of trying to pay down a big mortgage, working with people that were generally as dull as dishwater. I still have a couple of years to go before the big 40.

    In terms of peak intelligence and peak concentration (you need both to achieve anything great), I would say 35 was about my peak. The past few years, I have noticed a decline. I think lifestyle has been more significant than age. Doing a job where you sit in a chair all day is not good for physical or mental health and both go hand in hand. As an engineer, I have to do quite complex maths most days. I think this helps maintain mental acuity.

  24. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:21 am 

    Italy’s new populist government really might blow up the euro

    This is great news for the US dollar! Keep those populist coming Clog…The immigrants are coming, the immigrants are coming! LOL

  25. Antius on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:21 am 

    “The reason you think old age is great.. Is because your IQ peaks around age 20 and goes into decline..So the older you become the more stupid.”

    IQ is largely genetic. If you were stupid at 20, you will not be a brain box at 50. Life isn’t fair and it isn’t negotiable.

    Aside from that, intelligence does depend upon general health. A fat man will generally be less intelligent than a healthy man. It is now known that Alzheimer’s is due to long term circulatory damage to the brain. Many physicians have suggested that it be renamed ‘Type 3 diabetes’. A lot of the decline in brain power associated with old age goes hand in hand with general age related decline in health which is largely due to apathy and inactivity. There seems to be an attitude amongst the old in the western world that old age should be a time of inactivity. Unlike many other parts of the human body, the brain continues to experience high rates of nerve cell growth late in life, which would seem to suggest that age related decline is due to environment.

    Also, the brain is like a muscle. Use it intensely every day, and your wits will remain sharp.

  26. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:24 am 


    MS-13 is expanding into Europe! And they are hiding under your bed! lol

  27. Antius on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:27 am 

    The situation that Europe finds itself in today is reminiscent of the petty city states of ancient Greece. Like Europe, these were generally more cultured and technologically advanced than the other nations of the ancient world. But the political divisions of ancient Greece made it difficult for the city states to withstand the power of larger rivals, like Persia and Macedon.

  28. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 10:38 am 

    Democracy Will Die, Maybe in Its Sleep

  29. MASTERMIND on Tue, 22nd May 2018 11:08 am 

    Democracy Will Die, Maybe in Its Sleep

    The sudden collapse of a regime is always possible, but we currently overstate its likelihood for societies as prosperous, elderly and set in their ways as ours. The environment, the global financial system and the technological infrastructure on which we all depend are more likely to fail suddenly than democracy is. That said, if they do fail suddenly, they will probably take democracy down with them.

  30. Makati1 on Tue, 22nd May 2018 1:37 pm 

    MM: Only the young believe they are living the best years of their lives. Delusional because they have no reference to judge the older years except bias. When you are 80, you will have a valid reference point to make that personal judgement, but it will only pertain to yourself, not humanity in general.

    You are nothing more than a snotty noised, inexperienced snowflake. You are not very intelligent if you are contemplating suicide with no real reason to even consider it. If your life is that bad, why do you claim that it is the best years? Just askin’.

  31. Makati1 on Tue, 22nd May 2018 7:51 pm 

    BTW, MM… There are NO totally democratic countries in the world. The Us is an oligarchy*, moving towards a dictatorship. The US government is owned by the multi national corporations, NOT by you and the other tax slave serfs.

    You have no rights or freedoms, just the illusion of them. Just leave the country and come back in. I got into federal prisons easier, to bid on construction work, than I do getting into the Us when I visit. The process is just short of a strip search. So far, it is just belts and shoes that you remove, but…

    You live in one huge prison called Amerika. Your parole officer is the IRS. You cannot escape them anywhere in the world, until you die.

    * Oligarchy: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes” M-W

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