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Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?

Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels? thumbnail

Not without a carbon tax, suggests a study by an MIT economist.

In recent years, proponents of clean energy have taken heart in the falling prices of solar and wind power, hoping they will drive an energy revolution. But a new study co-authored by an MIT professor suggests otherwise: Technology-driven cost reductions in fossil fuels will lead us to continue using all the oil, gas, and coal we can, unless governments pass new taxes on carbon emissions.

“If we don’t adopt new policies, we’re not going to be leaving fossil fuels in the ground,” says Christopher Knittel, an energy economist at the MIT Sloan School of Management. “We need both a policy like a carbon tax and to put more R&D money into renewables.”

While renewable energy has made promising gains in just the last few years — the cost of solar dropped by about two-thirds from 2009 to 2014 — new drilling and extraction techniques have made fossil fuels cheaper and markedly increased the amount of oil and gas we can tap into. In the U.S. alone, oil reserves have expanded 59 percent between 2000 and 2014, and natural gas reserves have expanded 94 percent in the same time.

“You often hear, when fossil fuel prices are going up, that if we just leave the market alone we’ll wean ourselves off fossil fuels,” adds Knittel. “But the message from the data is clear: That’s not going to happen any time soon.”

This trend — in which cheaper renewables are outpaced by even cheaper fossil fuels — portends drastic climate problems, since fossil fuel use has helped produce record warm temperatures worldwide.

The study concludes that burning all available fossil fuels would raise global average temperatures 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100; burning oil shale and methane hydrates, two more potential sources of copious fossil fuels, would add another 1.5 to 6.2 degrees Fahrenheit to that.

“Such scenarios imply difficult-to-imagine change in the planet and dramatic threats to human well-being in many parts of the world,” the paper states. The authors add that “the world is likely to be awash in fossil fuels for decades and perhaps even centuries to come.”

The paper, “Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?,” is published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives. The authors are Knittel, who is MIT’s William Barton Rogers Professor in Energy; Michael Greenstone, the Milton Friedman Professor in Economics and the College at the University of Chicago; and Thomas Covert, an assistant professor at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. The scholars examine costs over a time frame of five to 10 years, stating that further forecasts would be quite speculative, although the trend of cheaper fossil fuels could continue longer.

More efficient extraction

At least two technological advances have helped lower fossil fuel prices and expanded reserves: hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which has unlocked abundant natural gas supplies, and the production of oil from tar sands. Canada, where this type of oil production began in 1967, did not recognize tar sands as reserves until 1999 — an energy-accounting decision that increased world oil reserves by about 10 percent.

“There are hydrocarbons that we can now take out of the ground that 10 or 20 years ago we couldn’t,” Knittel observes.

So whereas some energy analysts once thought the apparently limited amount of oil reserves would make the price of oil unfeasibly high at some point, that dynamic seems less likely now.

To see how much better firms are at extracting fossil fuels from the Earth, consider this: The probability of an exploratory oil well being successful was 20 percent in 1949 and just 16 percent in the late 1960s, but by 2007 that figure had risen to 69 percent, and today it’s around 50 percent, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

As a result of these improved oil and gas extraction techniques, we have consistently had about 50 years’ worth of accessible oil and natural gas reserves in the ground over the last 30 years, the scholars note.

All told, global consumption of fossil fuels rose significantly from 2005 through 2014: about 7.5 percent for oil, 24 percent for coal, and 20 percent for natural gas. About 65 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are derived from fossil fuels, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Of those emissions, coal generates about 45 percent, oil around 35 percent, and natural gas about 20 percent.

Renewable hope

To be sure, renewable energy has seen an impressive decline in its prices within the last decade. But looking at the “levelized” cost of energy (which accounts for its long-term production and costs), solar is still about twice as expensive as natural gas. The need to handle sharp evening increases in power consumption — what energy analysts call the “duck curve” of demand — also means power suppliers, already wary of solar power’s potential to reduce their revenues, may continue to invest in fossil fuel-based power plants.

The development of better battery technology, for storing electricity, is vital for increased use of renewables in both electricity and transportation, where electric vehicles can be plugged into the grid for charging. But the example of electric vehicles also shows how far battery technology must progress to make a large environmental impact. Currently only 12 percent of fossil fuel-based power plants are sufficiently green that electric vehicles powered by them are responsible for fewer emissions than a Toyota Prius.

Alternately, look at it this way: Currently battery costs for an electric vehicle are about $325 per kilowatt-hour (KwH). At that cost, Knittel, Greenstone, and Covert calculate, the price of oil would need to exceed $350 per barrel to make an electric vehicle cheaper to operate. But in 2015, the average price of oil was about $49 per barrel.

“It’s certainly the case that solar and wind prices have fallen dramatically and battery costs have fallen,” Knittel says. “But the price of gas is a third almost of what it used to be. It’s tough to compete against $1.50 gasoline. On the electricity side … the cheap natural gas still swamps, in a negative way, the cost of solar and even wind.”

Emphasizing the case for a carbon tax

That may change, of course. As Knittel observes, new solar techniques — such as thin-film layers that integrate solar arrays into windows — may lead to even steeper reductions in the price of renewables, especially as they could help reduce installation costs, a significant part of the solar price tag.

Still, the immediate problem of accumulating carbon emissions means some form of carbon tax is necessary, Knittel says — especially given what we now know about declining fossil fuel costs.

“Clearly we need to get out in front of climate change, and the longer we wait, the tougher it’s going to be,” Knittel emphasizes.

Knittel supports the much-discussed policy lever of a carbon tax to make up for the disparity in energy costs. That concept could take several specific forms. One compelling reason for it, from an economists’ viewpoint, is that fossil fuels impose costs on society — “externalities” — that users do not share. These include the increased health care costs that result from fossil fuel pollution, or the infrastructure costs that are likely to result from rising sea levels.

“Taxes on externalities are not inconsistent with the free-market system,” Knittel says. “In fact, they’re required to make the free-market system achieve the efficient outcome. This idea that a pure free-market economy never has taxes is wrong.”

Knittel adds: “The point of the paper is that if we don’t adopt policies, we’re not leaving fossils fuels in the ground.”

Energy Collective

16 Comments on "Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?"

  1. ERRATA on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 10:30 am 

    “Currently battery costs for an electric vehicle are about $325 per kilowatt-hour (KwH). At that cost, Knittel, Greenstone, and Covert calculate, the price of oil would need to exceed $350 per barrel to make an electric vehicle cheaper to operate.”

    Is it true the correct calculation?

  2. ghung on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 10:55 am 

    GM says li-ion battery cost per kWh already down to $145

    Not that it matters much. Jevons rules, and humans will keep burning stuff, one way or another.

  3. Davy on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 10:56 am 

    The problem with these articles and so called scholars is they do not address the possibility of a greatly reduce economy. Without that variable as part of at least the worst case scenario these forecast and projections are primarily goal seeking relative growth of different status quo variables. An economic depression changes the above analysis considerably.

    It appears we have the bias of business as usual and ignorance of collapse at work. We are likely a few short years away from using and having what we got. Forget some large build out of a new generation of equipment and technology. We will salvage what we can and fossil fuels will most certainly be in that equation as will any other sources available.

  4. twocats on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 11:19 am 

    he is at least right that the economy is a thing that can be manipulated. if extreme incentives were put in place it would go a long way to helping to build… oh uh… resilience [sorry].

    …even if in the end it didn’t work to maintain BAU (which it probably already hasn’t [i.e. we’ve already left the normal course of development due to insufficient energy inputs] , and definitely wouldn’t). but it could make the apocalypse slightly more comfortable.

  5. Anonymous on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 2:51 pm 

    @ERRATA Not really. While its impossible to know what method they used, it is pretty obvious they are using the cost of the BATTERY itself to propel (whatever), and not the cost of the energy itself, if that make sense. For example the battery cost of the toy tesla is well over 50% of the cars cost. A lot of $$$ to be sure. But those guys are counting that cost-not the cost of electricity itself to move the car. So yea, its pretty clear they are comparing apples to cabbages there.

    When you fill up your gas-burner do you calculate the cost of the trashmobile itself? The subsidies for the roads, oilcorps, auto-makers etc? If you did, you would find out oil costs 100s of dollars of barrel as well(or should). The article point is right in the general sense though, EV batteries are indeed expensive, but the $350 a barrel thing is clearly an over-the-top statement. Its no different than pro-oil or pro-coal shills proclaiming wind and solar is far more expensive than nuclear power, or coal stations lol, same idea.

  6. penury on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 3:39 pm 

    In answer to the question above is: YES Whether we like it or not we are not in charge. And folks, batteries, wind power, solar will not save humanity.They may preserve life for a minimal number for a short time, however even that is problematical. Think what just your life would be with 10 per cent less usable energy.

  7. makati1 on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 4:17 pm 

    “Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?”

    Will a junkie ever stop shooting up?

    Yep! When ‘it’ is no longer available, he will go ‘cold turkey’ and probably die or it will end when he finally ODs on the stuff.(Climate Change)

    He will lie, steal and kill for his next ‘fix’. Does that sound familiar?

  8. Dredd on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 4:55 pm 

    Fossil fuels are using us up (Proof of Concept – 8).

  9. Pennsyguy on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 6:56 pm 

    Stop using fossil fuels “cold turkey” and billions of humans will stare. Continue to use them (hot turkey?) and billions of humans plus thousands of species will perish.

  10. Rick Bronson on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:04 pm 

    Can someone show me the source for “Currently battery costs for an electric vehicle are about $325 per kilowatt-hour (KwH).”

    This author has missed the point that EVs have 100 MPGe. That means a EV can go 100 miles from electricity burnt in power plant using 1 gallon of gasoline.

    So if all the World transport runs on Electric, we need only 30 million barrels / day of Oil and not 90 million b/d.

    Now do the MATH. We can drastically cut down pollution. And its already happening.

  11. Rick Bronson on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:11 pm 

    Oh, I got the source for $325 per kilowatt-hour. Interesting.

    Yes GM is going to buy battery @ $ 145/ KWH for their Bolt. I am sure it should hit $100 / KWH for all automakers and that should bring the cost of EV’s drastically.

  12. Davy on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:15 pm 

    We seem to have some disconnect going on with this EV thing. How can you burn a fossil fuel to drive a turbine to make electricity then transmit that electricity to a charging location then charge a battery then convert that battery power into mechanical power? We are talking several stages of conversion loss going on. How can that equate to these high mileage claims we are seeing?

  13. Davy on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:26 pm 

    Battery and Energy Technologies

    “Using conventional fossil fueled generating plant, losses accumulate as follows:
    10% of the energy content of the fuel is lost in combustion and only 90% of the calorific content is transferred to the steam. The steam turbine efficiency in converting the energy content of the steam into mechanical energy is limited to about 40%. (Carnot’s Efficiency Law) The rotary electrical generator is very efficient by comparison. The conversion efficiency of a large machine can be as high as 98% or 99%. Transmission of the electrical energy over the distribution grid between the power station and the consumer results in a distribution loss of 10% mainly due to the resistance of the electrical cables. Further energy is lost due to the energy conversion efficiency of the end user’s appliance. Incandescent lighting is particularly inefficient converting only 2% of the electrical energy into light.”

  14. Go Speed Racer on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:33 pm 

    Answer: Just some general thoughts. The fossil fuel engine is severely inefficient. Almost all energy goes into heat. Perhaps less than 10% of the combustion energy is authentic work (force thru a distance).

    Meanwhile at an electric power plant, the conversion efficiency is something like 35% .

    So it’s that improved efficiency ratio of combustion to energy. In the above, 10% to 35% is an improvement of 3.5, that helps the electric approach to be viable.

    But I recommend we should go back to Ford LTD with the big-block 460. You can never beat that battle-barge ride, especially when it’s got new car smell, a working 8-track, and the Freon air conditioner is blowing snowflakes into your face on a hot interstate summer day.

  15. Go Speed Racer on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 7:33 pm 


  16. frankthetank on Wed, 24th Feb 2016 10:15 pm 

    Go Speed Racer- You can’t deny the silky smooth ride of the 1978 Lincoln Continental..floating over every road imperfection. The smooth running 460 cubic inch engine consuming…1 gallon per 9 miles? Front seat was like a leather couch, as was the rear… Buddy in high school had one. The AC was ice cold.

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