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Page added on October 22, 2016

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Navy Officer Tells Alaskans: Prepare For War

Navy Officer Tells Alaskans: Prepare For War thumbnail
An unnamed former Navy official has warned the residents of Alaska to prepare for an invasion in the event of war between the U.S. and Russia.

The Daily Star has reported that a former high-ranking Naval official has evidence to suggest Russia is preparing to invade Alaska if war breaks out between the United States and Russia.

“We are the verge of being invaded from Alaska all the way down into Canada and eventually the Northwest,” he said.

The invasion, according to the Naval official, will begin via submarine incursion near the city of Wasilla, approximately 43 miles northeast of Anchorage.

Wasilla is located along the coast of the Knik Arm, a body of water that branches into the Cook Inlet, which flows west into the Gulf of Alaska.

“Our feeling in the Navy was that Obama had turned Alaska into a defenseless area that will serve as a forward base of operations when World War III begins,” the unnamed official suggested.

Russians disguised as “highway road crews” are allegedly already in Alaska preparing to serve in an asymmetrical role during a full-scale invasion. The crews are set to “disrupt communications and seize vital bridges” when war begins.

Another anonymous source claimed Russians in “civilian clothing” have been seen moving into abandoned motels and military bases.

To describe the Alaskan coast around Wasilla as “undefended” is not entirely accurate, however; Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson, site of Alaska Command, NORAD Alaska, the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division and the 11th Air Force, is located in Anchorage.

Clear Air Force Station, which houses a radar station designed to detect ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and Eareckson Air Station, which houses the Cobra-Dane radar system, are also located in Alaska.

As tensions with the United States continue to rise over competing interests in Syria and threatening language from American military officials, Russia has begun taking steps to build up its military capabilities in the sparsely populated Far East region of the country to counter American military forces in Alaska.

Russia recently announced plans to position a new coastal defense military division along its eastern coast by 2018, with some troops expected to be stationed approximately 50 miles from Alaska.

Deployment of the Iskander M, a mobile missile system capable of targeting aircraft and launching nuclear-armed missiles at targets up to 300 miles away, would drastically limit America’s ability to deploy F-22 Raptors from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in response to long range patrols by nuclear capable Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95 Bear bombers recently ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


222 Comments on "Navy Officer Tells Alaskans: Prepare For War"

  1. dandieselonian on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 7:59 pm 

    Moscow will burn up in a flash of blinding light before they envade alaska what do you think the x37b space planes in orbit are carrying . A friend at NASA said we have over 140 nukes in orbit disquised as communication sats.

  2. Fred Stewart on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:03 pm 

    Putin is beginning to sound like Kim of North Korea, with all of his hollow threats. No wonder he is buddies with Trump, both of them are full of shit.

  3. Don Linton on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:06 pm

  4. Don Linton on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:07 pm 

    Rock Hudson

  5. Don Linton on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:08 pm 

    Rock Hudson in World War III

  6. Patrick McDonald on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:12 pm 

    War is stupid. strike counter strike sweet potato pie n shut my mouth. Stupid is stupid does. War is stupid. War is very stupid. Beware The Judas Goats of The World that piss off the golem to murder each other….under the name of a nation state yet the shadows set us up to beat each others ass and our children become orphans fighting over a piece of Brot in a ditch. G’DAMN i SAY G’DAMN Th Pusher Man. Psychopaths invent Wars. Evil FKRS.

  7. FredK007 on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:23 pm 

    Nuclear Capable Missiles can also carry Non-Nuclear Bombs.
    Any World War III that uses Nuclear is going to produce Mutual Assured Destruction. Anyone that does survive the destruction in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere, has the very painful ability to see his own painful miserable Death. Even Putin. That cannot be escaped.

  8. Don Linton on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:23 pm 

    The Bedford Incident. ?

  9. Jimmy on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:24 pm 

    Sounds like an expensive game of Risk. Let’s keep the competition in the business field.

  10. don madden on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:27 pm 

    pootie is the master of misdirection. he always starts up stuff to take your eye off of what he really is up to. if the ruskies are in abandoned motels and military bases, send a couple of A-10’s up there for target practice! end of problem. I know Obama is to busy campaigning for killary ,but it’s only mistaken target practice on our turf ,so obummer shouldn’t pee his panties

  11. b on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:41 pm 

    bring it on

  12. Tom Kolde on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:49 pm 

    IF this is true…..Canada better also be prepared to man-up too. If I were Canadian, I would NOT want Russia invading Alaska & Russia spewing onto their home turf either.

  13. Nick on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:55 pm 

    O bummer will go down as the worst president ever.He has no spine and Russia and China know it.Now all we need is a worn out cunt in the White House.
    May God Help Us.

  14. robert whitaker on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 8:58 pm 

    don’t under estimate putin. he may be full of shit and and hot air but he has the i dont care’s. that makes him dangerous. and why would coward obama allow this to happen over here in first place. because he is not an american…thats why. odumar is setting america for failure but president trump wont let that happen..trump 0-16

  15. Cloud9 on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:00 pm 

    Unless I missed something here, we pushed the war in the Ukraine and we are pushing the war in Syria. Oh, and didn’t the VP just promise a cyber war against Russia? The neocons are the ones spouting the nonsense that we can win a nuclear war. These people are the enemies of humanity. God help us, we are in the last days.

  16. Dave Gross on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:01 pm 

    We love wars. Our economy is based on continuous war and many politicians and friends become millionaires from war and death. Time overdue to get out of the middle east and let them kill each other.

  17. Kim on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:04 pm 

    With Obama at the helm, you can pretty much figure he will let them invade us. I have no faith in our government at all. They have no common sense.

  18. Dennis Wagner on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:05 pm 

    This is simply stupid. Has this guy even looked at a map to see where Wasilla is? I lived in Anchorage, and if he said Whittier, AK that would at least be somewhere near Anchorage where their is a deep water port. Even still, it’s just stupid!!

  19. One Pissed Moose on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:17 pm 

    Doncha’ know…resident American Patriot Sarah Palin will nail all the commies as soon as the hit the shore. Afterall, she did say she can see Russia from her window…she’s fond of high-powered rifles, and she knows how to hunt from helicopters. Putin will find her totally mesmerizing and distracting. On another note, I find unnamed and unverifiable informants suspect, at best…and The Daily Star no pillar of journalistic credibility.

  20. Dennis on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:24 pm 

    We must be smart and vigilante in the middle east and counter any threats by Putin who is a little bully with a big ego trying to stay in power at his country’s expense

  21. Jim Pappas on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:25 pm 

    Morons. The world is now being led by morons. I am ashamed to be a human being.

  22. David on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:27 pm 

    Do you faggots actually think Hillary won’t increase the threat of war with Russia? Do you not believe that she has an incredibly high interest in removing Assad so the rebels can take over the vacuum, thus creating Libya 2.0? What do you think the term “no-fly zone” means exactly, that we won’t shoot down Russian planes if it’s implemented?

  23. Bruce on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:28 pm 

    You are all forgetting about the Wolverines.

  24. mark on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:29 pm 

    pooo poooo

  25. mark on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:30 pm 

    if hillery gets in it will be horrable for all

  26. mark on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:33 pm 

    can you say jick jack nib nab crib crab flib flab….god help us we are doomed with a majority of roaches voting

  27. Bruce on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:41 pm 

    I’ve got it! Send Jack Reacher!

  28. nick on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:44 pm 

    wee is fucked

  29. Cleaver Vaughn on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:44 pm 

    the hell with u red necks, Bush messed this country up when they went past Kuwait into Iraq.

  30. nick on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:46 pm 

    hil and tump gonna both fuck us to deth!!!lol

  31. Joe Goldstein on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:48 pm 

    Russia fights or their economic survival, the west fights to enrich Saudi’s and Israel.

  32. Jayawardena on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 9:56 pm 

    Name “PUT-IN ” itself sounds weird .. I wonder how hard an EFFORT his FATHER PUT IN to make a beggar like this.
    KOREA’N KIM… PHILIPPINE Duteret WILL DEFINITELY FOLLOW in Put-in’s foot path till they too are wiped out.

  33. Mike on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 10:25 pm 

    Yeah, this is horse shit…

  34. Peter Jovanovic on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 10:46 pm 

    I have to wonder just how accurate this report is especially the part that says Alaska is virtually defenseless. As close as Russia is to American soil it would be unconscionable for us to leave it undefended. It just makes no sense. The Russians would have to cross into the US and Canada as well to use these routes for invasion. And if there is any truth to this claim then we must immediately bolster up our presence there. As large as the United States navy is I’m sure we could spare a battle group with Canada’s help to protect this part of our two country’s. Furthermore, if Russia is already deploying more forces to their eastern coast then that alone would demand a similar response by the US. I say don’t believe everything you read and I’m sure that our western Alaskan frontier is well defended.

  35. Francisco Rodriguez on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 10:49 pm 

    now that Obama is leaving don’t make the mistake of electing another weak president from the Democrats gang don’t forget Vietnam Cuba and other countries now we are loosing The Philippines also what is going to happen to our country and our freedom on Nov.8 use your head and vote for the strong one i made my change long time ago when i noticed that Democrats were to weak to our enemies specially the communists

  36. Hoppy on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 10:50 pm 

    I do not envy those Russians who might invade when they run up against the Inuit and other native peoples who live in the area and helped defend that State during WWII and ever since. Those boys made a bunch of our special forces look like an untrained boy scout troop and I don’t think the Spetnaz will do any better. And once they reach the Pacific North West, they will still face what Yamamoto once called “a rifle behind every blade of grass”—at least until Hitlery comes to power

  37. Airbrush 2020 on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:02 pm 

    In order to invade Alaska and hold ground, you have to first establish air supremacy. Russia would not be able to move sufficient quantities of men and material without some knock-out blow to US air-power. I don’t think Russia can pull it off…but it’s unwise to drop our guard.

  38. JuanP on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:03 pm 

    The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! LOL! This American obsession with Russia is truly pathetic. Russia is the biggest country on Earth by far. Why the fuck would they want to invade useless Alaska? They already have more territory than they could possibly ever need or want. The whole idea is ludicrous. Americans should start paying more attention to the USA’s domestic problems and let the Russians live in peace. This is completely ridiculous.

  39. Richard Sittel on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:05 pm 

    This article is a complete joke and I’m surprised at the number of people that believe it. A submarine doesn’t hold enough men to take over a small restaurant, let alone a large McDonalds. Putin would need at least 300,000 or more troops just to get started. Alaska is a gigantic state, it might even take 1 million troops to completely control it, and then they’d have the whole world fighting against them in about 10 minutes. All of NATO would attack from the other side. It would be the end of Russia as we know it in about 3 weeks, tops.

  40. John on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:07 pm 

    OK lets if we get this right ? Ok?
    Lets deal with the truth ,, real truth this time for all of us.

    Obama suddenly leaves thousands of tanks, humbvies, supplies by the millions in Iraq, we never recovered any of this , our treasury took big big hit!! True!.
    Hillery blew Bengazi. True!
    Hillery Blew off the Philippines to China as a result of giving a country whose residents loved the USA very very very limited Foreign Aid to the point a new Philippine president ( Yes a muslim President -explains all ) had to go to China begging , China is still in shock- we handed Asia to China on a platter- True!! No,,True!!
    Bill Clinton whore mastered the caribbean, for several+years-true !!
    While this was going on Trump flirted with some women !!

    Resulting Score Fire Trump as he’s crazy??
    Of course Trump is responsible for all of the above,,its me I just don’t get it? So ,I better Vote for the Corrupt Hag ,,
    pay no attention to Putin moving divisions close to Alaska
    running a Circus in Syria and Hillery has not a clue asto how to effectively proceed, except more of the same!!
    Right ??? Unfortunately–True!

    NO BS truth !! Syria is a lost cause !
    Alaska residents are not laughing with Russian road crews fixing the highway to the lower 48 states courtesy of Obama — and being terrorized by Putin putting real Siberian troops close to Alaska.
    The Ukrian people love being toast ,, coming soon !! True!
    The Philippines now have Lee Chin Troops coming over to help !!
    Fat boy Kim is terrified of the USA so terrified he is sending orbiting H-Bombs over DC — Soon ,, true!!
    Ah what did i miss ? Mexico annexes the USA !!
    Did i Get a star? Better start thinking -while you can!!
    In the mean time ask Queen Hillery why business as usual with negative interest rates help us? Best, if you ask long and hard as all of the above are nothing compared to this bomb !!

  41. Brooklybummer on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:13 pm 

    Why in the world would Russia attack Alaska, no population, limited roads, and far from mainland America. Any Russian militatary commander, who proposed this plan would be shot.

    Wasila, simply mentioning this Alaskan pit stop, as a target makes me think that this story is bogus.

  42. Tom Owens on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:19 pm 

    Sounds like a ploy to get people to vote for Trump. There would have to be a tremendous amount of troops, Navy and support personnel moved to eastern Siberia. They really can’t pull this off without military intelligence knowing almost everything

  43. makati1 on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:20 pm 

    JuanP, I heard the same bull shit fgor about 50 years during the “Cold War”. The Russians were always going to come and destroy the US. At the time, they barely had the capability to nuke the us, let alone invade.

    As I always have been saying, you have to put ‘everything’ into perspective. Something the USMSM no longer does because it would point out all of the lies. And that is all the US has left, lies, lies and more lies.

    But we both know that. Only the ignorant, uneducated, brainwashed, flag waving, armchair general, Americans don’t see it. Alaska is worthless. Oil is about gone. The ecology is dying just like the rest of the world. Always cold. Nothing to brag about.

  44. makati1 on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:21 pm 

    BTW: Most of my flights from the PS go over Alaska. I have seen the interior many times. Big nothing. Worthless mountains. Bleak and desolate for the most part.

  45. heather on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:41 pm 

    Someone please tell me exactly why some country would attack Wasilla? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just build their own strip malls and inbreed their own people?

  46. Lou Richards on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:44 pm 

    For the sake of an argument: If Russia were to attack America thru Alaska or Canada or anywhere else for that matter ‘Russia can say good bye to the populations of Moscow and St Petersburg just for starters. Our military might both Atomic and nuclear is secured in Satellites, stationed aboard Submarines world wide, silos, and in foreign based countries all over the world.
    I have seen it. No joke. In truth we could destroy the world 10 times over with our military might should we decide to do so. Attacking the U S is paramount to committing suicide for any country who might decide to do so.

  47. dave on Sat, 22nd Oct 2016 11:47 pm 

    Lets get real. Your not going to get a sub up the Cook inlet as it is shallow and has 25 foot tides. Please note Wasilla is not on the coast. Take a drive from Anchorage, past Eagleriver and then you will find Wasilla. This sounds like a lot of misinformed BS to me.

  48. Kathleen on Sun, 23rd Oct 2016 12:44 am 

    This is a bunch of bologna!There are so many idiots who want to have the cold war again so they can line their pockets with money.

    They only hurt the future of our people, country, and planet.

  49. Tom Carr on Sun, 23rd Oct 2016 1:05 am 

    The best cold weather fighters in the world might be the Inuit National Guard. Anchorage is well defended and the terrain can be as dangerous as an enemy.Ask Japan how invading Alaska worked for them.

  50. B. G. McKay on Sun, 23rd Oct 2016 1:20 am 

    Submarine near Wasilla ? – In water that is only 2 feet to 3 feet deep? Ha ha ha ha Ha – that is so pitiful that it is funny.
    Where did this information come from? – The National Inquirer?
    Stupid, stupid, people.

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