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Page added on November 17, 2013

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Israel Working With Saudi Arabia On Iran “Contingency” Attack

Israel Working With Saudi Arabia On Iran “Contingency” Attack thumbnail

When last week’s Iran nuclear talks were blocked by France, it provided a useful glimpse into just who it was that would benefit politically from a continuation of the regional confrontation. But while the French sabotage was an amusing distraction, it revealed a curious shift in middle-east alliances, namely old “enemies” Israel and Saudi Arabia, both feeling shunned by Big Brother, suddenly becoming the best of buddies. It was only a matter of time before this novel alliance moved beyond just paper and tested how far it could go in real life. Said test may come far sooner than expected: according to the Sunday Times, Israel’s Mossad and Saudi Arabia are planning an attack against Iran if negotiations and talks don’t come to an agreement, and that Saudia Arabia will permit Israel to use their air space for an attack on Iran including full technical support.

According to the Sunday Times, the Saudis would assist an Israeli attack by cooperating with the use of drones, rescue helicopters, and tanker planes. “Once the Geneva agreement is signed, the military option will be back on the table. The Saudis are furious and are willing to give Israel all the help it needs,” said the paper citing an unnamed official.

The flipside is that by pursuing an outright attack of Iran, the new Israel-Saudi axis would implicitly go against the wishes of not only Russia but, if John Kerry’s detente posture is to be believed, that of the US itself.

Israel’s PM Natanyahu naturally knows this, so instead he is merely lobbying for even more political support starting in the one country, France, which has aligned itself with the new Middle East axis, even as Israel’s old allies appear to have foresaken it. Jerusalem Post reports:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in an interview with French daily Le Figaro on Saturday that there is a “meeting of the minds” between Israel and the “leading states in the Arab world” on the Iran issue – “one of the few cases in memory, if not the first case in modern times.”


“We all think that Iran should not be allowed to have the capacities to make nuclear weapons,” he said. “We all think that a tougher stance should be taken by the international community. We all believe that if Iran were to have nuclear weapons, this could lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, making the Middle East a nuclear tinderbox.”


Saying that an Iran with nuclear arms would be the most dangerous development for the world since the mid-20th century, and stressing that the “stakes are amazing,” Netanyahu urged the world’s leaders to pay attention “when Israel and the Arabs see eye-to-eye.”


“We live here,” he said. “We know something about this region. We know a great deal about Iran and its plans. It’s worthwhile to pay attention to what we say.”


Netanyahu made the comments as French President Francois Hollande was set to arrive in Israel for talks on Iran on Sunday.

In the meantime, Iran which suddenly finds itself the creme of the international diplomatic circle and is in full compliance with what the US demands, is explaining – via RT – just why a joint attack on its by supposedly former enemies will not happen:

Iranian political analyst Seyed Mohammad Marandi told RT that an imminent joint attack on Iran was unlikely given the serious ramifications it could provoke for the region.


“It is highly unlikely that the Saudis and Israelis would want to attack Iran because at the end of the day both countries would be losers, they would be seen as aggressors and obviously the Iranians would retaliate,” Marandi told RT.


Although he consented that the Saudis and Israelis have been moving closer together lately, neither of them stood to gain from attacking Iran.


“It would create an economic catastrophe for the world and only the Saudis and the Israelis would be to blame,” said Marandi.

Then again, considering a GDP-boosting economic catastrophe (recall the main reason the US wanted war with Syria is to boost the defense spending budget which lately has been in freefall) is precisely what the Fed and the Congressional muppetmasters want, we wouldn’t sleep too soundly if we were in the Ayatollah’s shoes. Especially now that thanks to Reuters the entire world, and certainly the NSA, know just where all his rainy day funds are located. Because while it is true that neither Israel nor Saudi would gain from attacking Iran, the US most certainly would. And now it has not one but two proxy countries in the region doing its bidding.


9 Comments on "Israel Working With Saudi Arabia On Iran “Contingency” Attack"

  1. J-Gav on Sun, 17th Nov 2013 5:53 pm 

    They’d be furious if an agreement IS reached … and they’ll attack if an agreement ISN’t reached. Go figure …

    In any case, an attack would be a pretty stupid move – but then dumber things have happened in the past I guess.

  2. Jimmy on Sun, 17th Nov 2013 7:48 pm 

    If any Israeli political leader ever ordered an attack on Iran without USA support the Israeli military commanders would not obey it.

  3. bobinget on Sun, 17th Nov 2013 8:20 pm 

    The article above says it all.
    J-Gav puts it in plain language.
    We are screwed.

    All day I’ve been scanning Israeli and Iranian press releases. This situation grows more dire by the hour.

    Never mind both the Saudis and Israelis are using each other,whatever the outcome it’s bound to end badly.

    IMO, Russia and China will come to Iran’s aid if KSA and Israel bomb Iran’s nuke infrastructure.

  4. bobinget on Sun, 17th Nov 2013 8:30 pm 

    Don’t forget Syria. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have already expended billions supporting both government and ‘rebel’ forces. Neither side will give in.

    Destroying Iran’s defense capabilities would also enable payed Saudi fighters to prevail in Syria.

  5. DC on Sun, 17th Nov 2013 8:36 pm 

    Saudi Arabia and Israel have long been de-facto ‘allies’, strange bedfellows to be sure, but allies in all but name for decades now.

    Nothing new in that. When was the last time Israel attacked anything Saudi Arabian, about never. Sure the arab ‘street’ might not like the idea, but there opinions are seldom counted. Which also explains why so much of the support the uS offers is directed at internal oppression.

    Good to see at least ZH has one thing right. The US and Isreal are behind this latest push for war. The Saudis? just doing what they are told, as usual. The saudis had no problems allowing the infidel amerikans on holy sand while preparing for its attack(s) on fellow arabs in Iraq. Its not much a stretch to allow the zionists to do the same to Iran. If it is a real problem, a paint job and some US flags on the jews will do the trick just as well.

  6. BillT on Mon, 18th Nov 2013 1:11 am 

    DC, I think the Saudis are behind this also, not just ‘doing as told’. The US does not wield as much clout in SA as before. China buys more of their oil now and is trying to get SA off of the dollar. It is Shiite vs Sunni.

    Israel is just a rabid dog with Nutnyahoo trying to start Armageddon because they think it is the end of the world time and they want to get it going. Am I wrong?

    Why is Nutnyahoo still alive? He and Kissinger should both be dead by now. I guess it is true that only the good die young.

  7. DC on Mon, 18th Nov 2013 3:43 am 

    The saudis are no more in ‘charge’, than a dog is in charge of deciding where its master wants to go for his walk. Sure, the dog might yap and wander around some, within limits, but the dog is not the one deciding when they going out, where they are going, and when it is time to return.

    What exactly is the nature of this ‘sunni-shiite’ business anyhow? What would the payoff be for the average Saudi citizen if Iran was bombed by the Us of Israel? Did these sectarian feelings help S.A. any when the US invaders overran a defenseless Iraq? Sure, the house of Saud might have thought it was cool, or at the very least kept its opinions to itself.

    I have not met that many arabs I will confess, a few, but one thing that I can say, is none of the ones I met expressed any kind of desire to conquer anyone based on anything ‘sunni’ or ‘shiite’. Not once did either word come up or get mentioned, in any context.

    No, the only thing the Saudis are truely in charge of, is ensuring there own restive population is kept in check. Thats there dept. To do anything else, would throw a big wrench into US imperial control in the M.E. Therefore, thats what S.A. spends most of its time doing. A representative, pluralistic govt in S.A. would most likely seek normal, peaceful relations with Iran, and its other neighbors. The math is very simple here.

    Iran is the enemy of the US\Israel.
    Iran is the enemy of Saudi-Arabia, or at least the enemy of its brutal totalitarian monarchy.

    No other option is on the table.

  8. RICHARD RALPH ROEHL on Mon, 18th Nov 2013 4:03 am 

    Hmmm… Israel plotting a ‘contingency’ attack on the Islamic REPUBLIC of Iran?

    This probably explains why some of the nuclear armed missiles in Israel’s formidable H-bomb arsenal are programmed to evaporate Amerikan military targets… and some major U.S. cities.

    Think about it.


  9. Arthur on Mon, 18th Nov 2013 9:17 am 

    You have to make a sharp distinction between the SA ‘royals’ and population. As long as the oil money keeps coming in, the future of the ‘princess’ is assured, but SA has it’s fair share of Muslim Brotherhood adherents and Shi’its as well.

    The ‘House of Saud’ has tied it’s fate to Washington and can’t go back

    While I agree that probably 90% of the ordinary Sunis and Shiits are not interested in ethnic cleansing or violent separation and prefer stability, security and wealth instead, the cases of Iraq and Syria how ever have shown that reality is different. All it takes is a determined elite + a few ten thousands of Jihadis to throw a country under the bus. The original Bolshevik party of 1917 for instance was a tiny faction of 10,000 members, yet it managed to send 20 million to a premature death and that was before the war started. A silent majority is just that: a silent majority of irrelevant sheep. All it takes is a few Saudi Shi’ites with an appetite to start a country for their own to start a separatist movement… and take ALL Saudi oil with them. No aggressive Iran necessary for such a scenario.

    At the moment the Gulf is THE area where the tectonic plates of geopolitics are crushing into each other. The antagonism Iran-SA is merely a proxy for the real fight between the US on the one hand and Russia/China on the other hand. And the time is in favor of the latter two. And let’s face it, regardless of how many wars Iran did NOT start in recent history, SA is no match for Iran once the US will start to fold as it will at some point:

    The only way for SA to survive in it’s present form is to get rid of Assad-run Syria and territorial connect to Sunni soul-mate Turkey as the next guarantor of Saudi security. If I would be an internet-reading Saudi royal, I would make sure that Assad would be removed from power, using the US as a means to do so, as long as the US is in the position to do so. Without oil revenues, SA would be dead in the water and Riyadh a ghost town. The rather desperate strategy of both Israel and SA is to start a war against Iran and create the conditions that the US has no choice but to intervene. The future for Israel is very bleak, because it could very well be that a reemerging Caliphate will be more dangerous for Israel than Iran ever will be.

    This probably explains why some of the nuclear armed missiles in Israel’s formidable H-bomb arsenal are programmed to evaporate Amerikan military targets… and some major U.S. cities.

    Europe is in far greater danger as Israel can destroy any major European city. The Dutch Jew Martin van Creveld already predicted in David Hirst’s The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003):

    We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: ‘Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.’ I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.

    Israel was a mistake from the beginning and once the (Washington run) West will be over, a new territorial solution for these trouble makers needs to be found and they can and will use their nukes to enforce such a trade.

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