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Page added on September 17, 2017

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China Dollar Dump Means Hyperinflation – Chris Martenson

Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson points out, “The Dow is hitting all-time highs. So, it can’t be that bad, right? The Dow is used as a signaling device, and it says have faith in your leadership and everything is fine. Under the covers, obviously, things are not fine. The people I talk to are nervous and worried. One reason is because it’s fall, and that is sometimes when we see these corrections, but the other reason is everything we track is getting more and more fragile. These markets . . . are held together by confidence. . . . I can’t tell you the number of people that used to be investors that say they just don’t trust these markets. They are rigged and they understand that. They don’t want any part of that.” In closing, Martenson contends, “By many metrics, this market has never been more expensive. . . . What goes up has to come down. . . . I am convinced the central banks are so petrified to let a 1% or a 2% correction happen . . . . What does it mean when the central banks are so petrified that they can even allow a correction to get started? That’s what people should be focused on.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Chris Martenson of Donations:,

24 Comments on "China Dollar Dump Means Hyperinflation – Chris Martenson"

  1. MASTERMIND on Sun, 17th Sep 2017 9:57 pm 


    INSANE: Children swimming in garbage in the Philippines!!

  2. dave thompson on Sun, 17th Sep 2017 10:55 pm 

    Mastermind I was told by my Uncles they went swimming in Lake Calumet IL. The story goes the place was filled with industrial waste and sewage when my relatives swam around in it. They did this back in the 1940’s. What is my point? Seems to be nothing new.

  3. makati1 on Sun, 17th Sep 2017 11:23 pm 

    MM, I remember swimming in the Susquehanna River when I was in my 20s (1960s) with raw sewage floating around me. I see the rivers here in the city and they do have floating stuff, but it is no worse than the US rivers and lakes full of unseen pollutants like chemicals and drug residue. Again, hypocritical Americans like to point fingers but refuses to look at their own shit.

    10 Water Pollution Facts for the U.S.

    Over two-thirds of U.S. estuaries and bays are severely degraded because of nitrogen and phosphorous pollution.
    Water quality reports indicate that 45% of U.S. streams, 47 percent of lakes, and 32 percent of bays are polluted.
    Forty percent of America’s rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life. The lakes are even worse — over 46% are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.
    Every year almost 25% of U.S. beaches are closed at least once because of water pollution.
    Americans use over 2.2 billion pounds of pesticides every year, which eventually washes into our rivers and lakes.
    Over 73 different kinds of pesticides have been found in U.S. groundwater that eventually ends up in our drinking water – unless it is adequately filtered.
    The Mississippi River, which drains over 40 percent of the continental U.S., carries an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico every year. This resulting pollution is the cause of a coastal dead zone the size of Massachusetts every summer.
    Septic systems are failing all around the country, causing untreated waste materials to flow freely into streams, rivers, and lakes.
    Over 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, groundwater, and industrial waste are discharged into U.S. waters annually.
    The 5-minute daily shower most Americans take uses more water than a typical person in a developing country uses in a whole day.

    And on and pon…

  4. Apneaman on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 12:02 am 

    “futurist Chris Martenson”? How does one become a futurist? Do you need a degree? Chris Martenson, graduate of the Nostradamus school of futurology. Class of 72. I’d love to see the syllabus for the first semester. Introduction to Magic8 ball 101. History of ouija board. Tarot Card fundamentals 101…….

  5. Shortend on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 12:02 am 

    If its too good to be true, it isn’t..
    These financial markets are too good to be true.

  6. Shortend on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 1:00 am 

    Surprise, surprise, remember reading 20 years ago China didn’t expect USA to be a Superpower state in 40-50 years. Seems there is a plan to become Top Gun…

  7. Cloggie on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 1:56 am 

    Heinberg was into Velykovsky. Tverberg an accountant. This Martinson smooth-talker a pathologist.

    Nothing of what he claimed five years ago has materialized. Dead Wrong.

    You either have a lifelong career in the subject to talk about or you will be ignored. That’s the new attitude.

  8. MASTERMIND on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 5:43 am 

    The G3 central bankers have bought $2T in stocks so far this year. Just print and buy. Their balance sheets keep going up up up. They think they have it wired. The only actual people still in are 401k muppets who don’t get it. We are Zimbabwe, baby!

  9. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 5:46 am 

    If China could dump the dollar they would have by now. China is not going to get away from the US just like the US is not going to start a full blown trade war with China and get away with it. If a war turns hot between the US and China its game over for all of us for a life as we know it. All kind of crazy things will happen. Consumerism as we know it will go dysfunctional. We are all stupid little consumers who use paper to buy our survival. How pathetic a hairless ape have we become and we think we are exceptional. A real animal goes out and chases down another and feasts on its flesh. We take showers and go for breakfast. Stuff you are used to buying will not be there. Shelves will start going bare. You may not have the income you expected. The stock markets will dump and oops there goes the pension you are living on. I could go on and on. It will be a cascade of contagions. There is not dumping things now in modern global economics. Those days ended in the early 80’s. This abstract ecosystem is brittle to change and already has been pushed to threshold limits. The breakage will land us at a much lower economic level and that will precipitate dangerous destructive change in the basic foundation of civilization with energy, food, and basic supplies.

    When people talk like Martenson he is sensationalizing and selling his narrative. He wants people to buy into his doom. I am not saying he does not have a great point but the point does not tell the whole story. We are stuck with each other until we have a nasty divorce and modernism will not survive that divorce. It is unclear what a global economy shattering event will result in. There is no way to predict it because there are so many possibilities of starting and ending. We can cooperate in our competitiveness or we can try to outcompete each other in mutual suicide. We have no choice now but to cooperate to maintain global productivity.

    We now have a built in affluence requirement. There is no drastic downsizing at the macro level because of comparative advantage, economies of scale, and diverse far flung supply chains. Industries will cease to exist and that has knock on repercussions. We have created a hyper efficient civilization and this efficiency is also present in the macro nature of civilization. We are now at top speed as far as using what is needed to feed and supply 7BIL people. If you think you are in a safe place when billions start dying I would reconsider. Mass migrations and disrupted supply chains will bring modernity to an end. Modernity is what is feeding you now. Some areas might find a Byzantium type nook to hide in but even that safe space will likely be short lived.

    This points to what I see as bluster and sobriety. The reason the US is not attacking NK now is they understand what this will do to the global economy not to mention the complete destruction of the Korean people both north and south. Attacking NK means the end of the US economy as we know it. I can assure you of that. The problem comes up with accidents and games of chicken. That is where the real danger is now. There are no solutions to these macro predicaments. If that was not bad enough there is multiple tipping points that must be avoided. That is a catch 22 of no way out and complicated by being in a mine field of dangerous triggers.

    My doom has subsided since a few years ago on the energy side. Renewables appear to be real extenders. Unconventionals and other liquid fuels will get us by for a time. I feel climate change will get worse over years. Overpopulations and planetary destruction will play out over decades. War is too dangerous and expensive if we can navigate the minefields of dangerous trigger events. Talk of China dumping the dollar or the US stopping trade with China is nonsense unless a hot war happens. If either decided to try to do a trade war I assure you after a few week of turmoil everywhere they will call it off or go to a civilization ending war. We are now too far into mutual dependence to leave it. We are through a door of no return. Maybe the next door is the right door longer term. Maybe we need to have an event that halves world population and forces us back by an order of magnitude in economic activity. Maybe but are you ready to go there? I would rather wait and try to work something out. Let’s live to die another day.

  10. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:18 am 

    “Which Countries Have The Most Economic Complexity?”

    “In 2009, a team at Harvard formalized a measure of economic complexity that compared nations based on the sophistication of their economies. Now known as the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), the exact measurement is complicated, but it essentially uses data on two main things to uncover the underlying level of economic complexity: 1. Economic Diversity Measures how many different products a country can produce. 2. Economic Ubiquity Measures how many countries are able to make those products. In other words: if a country produces only a few goods, that economy is not very complex. Further, if a country produces many different products, but they are all simple ones that can be replicated elsewhere, the economy is still not complex.”

    “Topping the list are the economies of Japan (1st), Switzerland (2nd), Germany (3rd), and South Korea (4th). The United States sits in 9th place, and Canada is further down at 33rd. Australia, which relies heavily on commodities, ranks notably low for Western countries in 73rd place, where it is sandwiched between Kazakhstan and the Dominican Republic.”

  11. MASTERMIND on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:19 am 

    Philippines’ Duterte may declare martial law:

    makati1 welcome to the Machine! LOL

  12. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:27 am 

    “Kyle Bass: China’s $40 Trillion Banking System Has “Largest Imbalances I’ve Ever Seen”

    “However, Bass – unlike a handful of other former China bears who’ve been forced to scale back, or even reverse, their positions – has said that he is standing by his belief that China’s corporate sector is massively overleveraged, and overdue for a collapse that could destabilize the global economy. Chinese banks, according to Bass, have more than $40 trillion in assets held against $2 trillion in equity.”

    “KB: We’re in the such late stages of a game that is the largest global imbalance I’ve ever seen in my life. When you look at on balance sheet and off balance sheets, you look at on balance sheet in the banks, you look in the shadow banks. The number of total credit in the system, China is right at $40 trillion. Think about the number I just said. $40 trillion. And that’s using an exchange rate of call it 6.7 to the dollar, right? So it’s grown 1,000% in a decade. And we’re on a $40 trillion credit system on $2 trillion of equity on maybe $1 trillion of liquid reserves.”

    “Xi himself has said the real risk in the economy is financial stability. And really, he’s trying to crack down on excessive WMP issuance and risky lending in the banks. But it’s like, it doesn’t matter who you parachute in to pilot the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. It almost doesn’t matter. My point is they have some brilliant people at the PBOC. They have some brilliant people in the Communist Party. But we had a lot of brilliant people in the United States that have been running capital markets for over 100 years, and you know how bad we screwed it up. And we only had $17 trillion on balance sheet in the banks, maybe another $5 trillion off balance sheet in an economy $17.5 trillion, and we detonated our banking system. They’ve got four times what we had.”

  13. makati1 on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:42 am 

    MM, “May” is not “did”. But I support him if he does. It will only be if it is truly necessary. You see, the President here is still the president, not a puppet like Trumpet. He still serves the people, not the corporations. “YUGE” difference. Be patient. Martial Law is still being implemented in Police State Amerika bit by bit. Don’t you feel the noose getting tighter? “Papers Please!” LOL

    Signs that the Police State already exists and is slowly building Marshal Law in America. You know. The story of the frog and the water? LOL

  14. makati1 on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:52 am 

    Davy loves to think that China is a prisoner of the US by virtue of the USD. Don’t you think the Chinese see the value of those USDs shrinking by the minute? They know that when the SHTF in America, those USDs will be worthless. That is why they are spending them all over the world for real resources of value. Minerals, oil, land, ports, etc.

    The FSofA never intends to pay back those IOUs and the rest of the world knows it. Of course they are doing the destruction by degrees so they can get as much out of the USDs as possible before the SHTF. They want an alternate system in place first. It appears they will succeed. We shall see.

  15. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 6:56 am 

    MM has you pegged mkat and it is how vehemently you reply that shows how lame your positions are. What kind of mentally lite comment is above? Why not say what is said in those links mkat or are you incapably of conventionalizing the content in them. mkat does it just sound good so you link it.

  16. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 7:03 am 

    Same ole mkat puke but another day. Say something mkat and explain yourself because talk is cheap. We are all prisoners of each other. The US dollar is shrinking in value just like the Yuan. When SHTF it will be in China too. China is spending all over the world with internal credit creation (money printing). It is generally an example of money trying to get out of the financial black hole that is China. China is a place of bad debt and malinvestment that is being extended and pretended by a leadership of old men who dye their hair black to look young. mkat, no one is going to pay back IOU’s including China. China has so many IOU’s they have to rehypothecation them many times over in a revolving door of financial fantasy.

  17. makati1 on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 8:55 am 

    Davy, don’t you tire of calling people names and inventing putdowns that are ineffective? You try to invent lives for me that are pure fiction. You assume my age and experience is a negative when it is a positive. You are just a frustrated, delusional American.

    Muddymind is just another Davy with nothing back up his view of the world. A denier of reality. Another brainwashed supported of the terrorist mafia called the US government. Not any more important than you and you are less important then your goats.

  18. Davy on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 9:18 am 

    mkat, you call people names and you spend all you time here putting people down. You do it in a generalized way but how is that different from telling me my kids are fat and stupid directly. Your age is a negative and you don’t have experience to brag about. Act your age and experience level. You are one continuous “drop out”. This poor behavior started from your dropping out of college, your failed marriage, your days as a failed Mormon, and finally leaving your family to go off to a faraway land with a boyfriend. You are a delusional and frustrated old man.

  19. Outcast_Searcher on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 11:47 am 

    The brilliant futurist, telling us how things will be. So brilliant that the link is for donations. LOL

  20. onlooker on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 11:53 am 

    What does asking for donations have to do with the credibility of the message OS? Why not attack the message rather than the messenger

  21. Apneaman on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 12:49 pm 

    Speaking of future predictions, no group, and there models, has been more accurate than the predictions of climate science and related fields. Almost all they have claimed would happen if the cancer apes would not curb their living arrangements has come to pass with the only significant error being the timing – faster than expected. If it was 1997 and you told me AGW would advance as far as it has now, I would have said ‘no way’ to most of it – too fast.

    Bigger precipitation (rain bombs, snow, hail) events – check

    Longer & more frequent droughts – check

    Record breaking heatwaves – check

    Increase in species die back & extinction – check

    Animal migrations – check

    Ocean acidification – check

    Sea level rise and host of accompanying problems like storm surge & constant ‘beach replacement’ and sunny day flooding and having to spend hundreds of millions on pumps and raise road beds – check

    It’s run away AGW and no single person can keep up with all the new record smashing abnormal events. I only post a portion of what I stumble across.

    Croatia – Floods in Zadar After 280mm of Rain in 24 Hours

    “…the average rainfall for the month of September in Zadar is 105 mm.”

    keep falling on their heads…….

  22. onlooker on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 1:26 pm
    Our limited and denying minds cannot grasp this ongoing climate catastrophe, check out the masses in other poorer areas are now enduring.

  23. onlooker on Mon, 18th Sep 2017 1:29 pm 

    19 ways climate change is now feeding itself. It is going to get alot worse.

  24. ____________________________________________ on Tue, 19th Sep 2017 2:14 pm 

    Hey fagtards.
    Ain’t I’ve been saying?
    Apneafag please choke on a bag of dicks

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