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Page added on February 23, 2012

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A look at Iran’s role in world oil markets

The tensions over Iran’s nuclear program have pitted the West against the world’s third-biggest oil exporter.

Here are details about Iranian oil.

– OIL PRODUCTION: Nearly 4 million barrels per day, or 4 percent of the world’s production.

– BIGGEST BUYERS: China, Japan, India, Italy, South Korea.

– IMPACT: Since tensions with Iran began escalating in November, benchmark oil prices have risen 11 percent.


5 Comments on "A look at Iran’s role in world oil markets"

  1. DC on Thu, 23rd Feb 2012 7:46 pm 

    The tensions over Irans nuclear program are entirely a result of amerikan lies and propaganda. Even the corrupt amerikan military has admited Iran has no weapons program, only the potential to do so, in theory.

    Biggest Buyers. Either in severe ecomomic distress of there own, or amerikan makeing, or are direct competitors with the decrepit US ‘economy’. Some are garrisoned by US forces are more or less under washingtons control. Only India is anything like independant of the US, but is an over-populated, over-hyped sh*thole of the world.

    Impact. Iran does not control the price of world oil. Guess who does. Amerikan and EU oilcos, there traders and market speculators that deal in paper barrels of oil that dont even actually exist. There are two places to sell and trade oil, one in New York, the other in London. These exert total control over world-wide price of oil, subject to the aims and desires of the private-US controlled energy cartels.

    There fixed it for you AP

  2. Terry Stuart on Thu, 23rd Feb 2012 11:54 pm 

    My analysis of the situation pales in comparison to that of DC, but here goes. The leadership of Iran is about 6 weeks from the production of a bomb. They pledge to use it to make way for the Mahdi who will defeat the Great and Little Satan. In DC terms Amerika would be the Great Satan. The little Satan (Israel) has 2 to 3 hundred nuclear weapons. They believe people who say they wish to wipe them from the face of the earth, we on the otherhand do not acknowledge enemies who have even declared war on us unless we believe they are a worthy threat. Israel may decide that since they are under threat of being wiped out by the Persians (Iran) who historically enslaved them in the past that it might be time to wipe them out.

    Along the way DC’s friends may have to go without oil, like China who arms people they believe practice voodoo; religious people are viewed by the atheist Communist party apparatus as voodoo people.

    DC get ready if the Israelis act to defend their long term right to exist as they can cleanse the Middle East of many problems should they go off the chain. Almost all of their vehicles are not operated by gasoline. I think they are ready to go off the chain what do you think DC? With your vast knowledge of the way of the world I am looking forward to you explaining how we control China?

  3. PETE on Fri, 24th Feb 2012 2:14 am 

    My view is that Iran is producing 20% grade now, and that is enough to poison any well its injected into. second largest oil and gas reserves, and close proximity to Irans largest reserves. with help from some Shiites in the other countries reserves and or production facilities are toast. You throw in PT boats, by the hundreds, with short range missiles and ss sunburns, whale torpedos, etc, etc and you have fish (us) in a barrel (gulf).
    Now the why, how good is the saying ” if they shut the straits down they hurt themselves” when Iran aint selling any oil, how does it hurt them. next and most important. you are facing an assassin with a shotgun pointed at you, you know you are dead no matter what you do. But you have a small knife, you can go for the juggler and kill the assassin so he never kills again. you will die knowing, you killed satan. Irans leaders know they are dead if an assault on Iran starts, so they know their best option is to burn ALL OF the gulf, red sea and Caspian sea oil production to the ground. Rich and powerful will wither and die quickly. after.

  4. BillT on Fri, 24th Feb 2012 2:33 am 

    Terry…you are obviously a bible thumper. Too bad. It warps your view of the real world. Israel does NOT have a “right” to exist. It has no more right that any other group of religious nuts. The Mormons thought they had a ‘right’ to do as they pleased until the US government said “NO!” Many other religions believe they have a right to kill in the name of their god, but that only makes them savages not special.

    Ignorance is destroyed by education and learning, and is why the bible thumpers are trying to destroy education in the US. It happens to fall in with the desires of their corporate masters so it is encouraged.

    Iran has just as much right to a nuke as does Israel, maybe more. Iran will not use it, they are smart enough to know that they would be nuked out of existence if they did. Israel has no such worries and may use it in their religious zeal. Iran wants it to keep the Empire at bay. Israel wants it to take out their old enemy.

  5. BillT on Fri, 24th Feb 2012 2:38 am 

    To get back to oil…The Empire has been given the bird by Iran’s customers and friends. About time. Do you think China is going to jeopardize their growth and internal problems by not buying oil from their trading partner? How about Japan, South Korea, India? Nope. All of them need Iranian oil to keep their economies going. There is no ‘extra’ coming out of Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. ALL exporting countries are maxed out. Are you ready for $10 gas? It’s coming, thanks to your central government stooges for the corporate elite.

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