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Page added on April 15, 2014

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RIP Mike Ruppert

RIP Mike Ruppert thumbnail

Mike Ruppert has shot himself. This makes me very sad, but I certainly won’t think any less of him for his decision to take his own life. Everybody has that option. I’ll remember him for the happy times we had together, and for the big difference he’s made in so many people’s lives, opening their eyes to what’s really happening in the world.

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6 Comments on "RIP Mike Ruppert"

  1. Davy, Hermann, MO on Tue, 15th Apr 2014 8:12 pm 

    Damn, hate to hear that. I did notice last time I heard him speak he was a bit agitated and excited about the corruption and the coming end of BAU. He was advocating violent action. I felt at the time this was a tad bit paranoia. This may be a warning to any of you “doomer wanna bees” dommin is hazardous to your health.

  2. noobtube on Tue, 15th Apr 2014 8:13 pm 

    I thought BAU was poisonous to your health.

    Pick your poison, I suppose.

  3. Northwest Resident on Tue, 15th Apr 2014 9:10 pm 

    I always thought that Ruppert was walking a little too close to the “dark side”. I did not get the impression in the videos and articles he created that he was one hundred percent in touch with reality — just my impression. I couldn’t help but notice that he is an incessant chain smoker and has been for a long time. What we don’t know is, what was the status of Rupert’s health, and did that have anything to do with his choice to “go out with a bang.” With all that smoking, for all we know, he could have been just recently diagnosed with lung cancer and given a few more miserable months to live, which, if true, would tend to make his final act of self-determination quite logical. I don’t think he simply offed himself because he was depressed — no way. I think Rupert was waiting for and preparing for the end of BAU, and was fully comitted to his prepper/doomer status. Had to be his health… that’s my guess.

    In any case, R.I.P, and thank you Rupert for your contribution to forcing people to deal with the realities of peak oil and the end of BAU.

  4. Lars Andersson on Wed, 16th Apr 2014 7:48 am 

    He was a great man

    He was very sad for the future

    He was one of the few who understand what is going to happen

    He was my friend but I never had a chance to take his hand

    Lars in Sweden

  5. Arthur on Wed, 16th Apr 2014 9:12 am 

    NWR is right. We know nothing about his true motives. Maybe a woman left him, maybe his children were sick and tired of his doomer message and refused to see him, maybe he was told he had terminal cancer, maybe he was about to go broke. There was no reason to assume that Ruppert wasn’t going to make it until the Good Lord himself (if any) had decided Mike’s days were numbered. He could have lived another decade or two, regardless of peak oil, global warming, overpopulation, pollution, whatever. Maybe he didn’t like being old and having to wait until death comes to get you and decided to become the first peak oil martyrer or sorts, comparable to the recent suicide of Dominique Venner in the Notre Dame/Paris, when the latter protested the cultural suicide of France.

  6. Aire on Wed, 16th Apr 2014 1:36 pm 

    Anyone of us has a breaking point and all you saying it could’ve been because of this or that I feel don’t understand… truly understand what he believed in. Sure we can comprehend that the future but if you were to FEEL it you would understand why anyone might choose this option. It’s like or similar to the intense feeling of KNOWING you’re alone without hope of meeting another soul. So sure it could’ve been a million reasons but why discredit what he believed in! People are saying he’s out of touch with reality also – I would say you are out of touch because you can’t fathom mass extinction … because if you did you’d realize it could be unbearable to live with knowing. So that’s my rant .. all this passive negativity is dishonor to life. I don’t care if it were the leader of North Korea that killed himself at least you guys could just leave it be without giving your discredit points in

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