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Peak Oil, Fascism, and Genocide

In this broad­cast, we exam­ine the fascis­tic, geno­ci­dal under­belly of the Peak Oil doctrine—one which asserts that the world is run­ning out of oil and that dras­tic mea­sures must be taken as a result. The Peak Oil phe­nom­e­non is dis­cussed in FTR#’s 478, 506. A paper writ­ten and pub­lished by lead­ing fig­ures in the Peak Oil move­ment advo­cates a dra­con­ian, eugenic pro­gram of sys­tem­atic mur­der in order to reduce the world’s pop­u­la­tion suf­fi­ciently to meet the alleged threat of Peak Oil. In addi­tion to elim­i­nat­ing civil rights and most of the basic tenets of pop­u­lar democ­racy, the paper advo­cates get­ting rid of the vast major­ity of the earth’s pop­u­la­tion over the period of the next cen­tury and a half. What the paper does not spell out is just who will make the deci­sions as to who lives, who dies and who gets to repro­duce? The con­clu­sion of the pro­gram reviews the Nazi her­itage of the Peak Oil move­ment. Note that the sub­ject of Peak Oil will be dis­cussed at greater length in future programs.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Dis­cus­sion of the epi­cen­ter of the Peak Oil movement—IHS Energy Group; IHS Energy Group’s sta­tus as a sub­sidiary of Thyssen-Bornemisza indus­tries; review of Thyssen-Bornemisza’s links to the Third Reich and the Bush fam­ily; review of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal network’s piv­otal stock hold­ings in Stan­dard Oil; review of the fact that IHS Energy Group uses data fed to it by the petro­leum com­pa­nies to jus­tify the Peak Oil decep­tion, which jus­ti­fies enor­mous prof­its for those companies!!

1. Much of the pro­gram con­sists of the read­ing of a truly hor­ri­fy­ing, evil doc­u­ment, pre­sented in the Asso­ci­a­tion for the Study of Peak Oil Newslet­ter and defended by Colin J. Camp­bell, that periodical’s lead­ing fig­ure. The doc­u­ment speaks for itself—it advo­cates a mur­der­ous, geno­ci­dal “New World Order” as a solu­tion to the dubi­ous ques­tion of Peak Oil. It is beyond the scope of the present dis­cus­sion to delin­eate all the flaws in the hypoth­e­sis of Peak Oil. Some of these are set forth in FTR#’s 478, 506. Oth­ers will be dealt with in the future. It should be noted in pass­ing that a com­bi­na­tion of pre­dictably increased global demand stem­ming from the rapidly increas­ing indus­tri­al­iza­tion of China and India and delib­er­ately reduced refin­ing capac­ity, par­tic­u­larly in the United States, has resulted in the enor­mous increase in petro­leum and gas prices. As dis­cussed in FTR#’s FTR#’s 478, 506, the data used by IHS Energy Group to gen­er­ate the sta­tis­tics under­ly­ing the Peak Oil decep­tion come from the oil com­pa­nies them­selves! Suf­fice it to say for the pur­poses of the present dis­cus­sion that the author of the document—one William Stanton—presents an argu­ment that makes con­sum­mately pre­sump­tu­ous judge­ments, and then pro­ceeds on the basis of those erro­neous judge­ments to draw some utterly mon­strous con­clu­sions. The doc­u­ment advo­cates a eugenic approach to human­ity, elim­i­nat­ing the major­ity of the world’s pop­u­la­tion in the name of eco­log­i­cal neces­sity. One should not fail to note that the geno­ci­dal eugenic nature of this doc­u­ment is in per­fect keep­ing with the Nazi pro­grams of exter­mi­na­tion, in turn derived from the inter­na­tional eugen­ics move­ment. (For more about the eugen­ics move­ment, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 32, 102, 254, 312, as well as three inter­views with Wes­ley J. Smith [FTR#’s 117, 124, 141.] A detailed overview of the eugen­ics move­ment is con­tained in Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show M12—avail­able from Spit­fire.) Stanton’s Nazi screed begins with a char­ac­ter­is­ti­cally flawed assumption–that the increase in the world’s pop­u­la­tion is due to oil. There are many fac­tors, includ­ing the dis­cov­ery of antibi­otics, the dis­cov­ery of the germ the­ory of dis­ease, major advances in plant and ani­mal hybridiza­tion, irri­ga­tion and other agri­cul­tural tech­niques, as well as polit­i­cal and eco­nomic reform. In addi­tion, through­out the doc­u­ment, Stan­ton (like his fel­low “Oily Peak­ers”) ignores major advances in alter­na­tive fuels and the role sig­nif­i­cant con­ser­va­tion and the devel­op­ment of mass tran­sit could have in the energy future of human­ity. “The pop­u­la­tion of the World expanded six-fold in par­al­lel with oil pro­duc­tion dur­ing the First Half of the Age of Oil. William Stan­ton, author of The Rapid Growth of Human Pop­u­la­tion 1750–2000, con­tributes the fol­low­ing analy­sis of how pop­u­la­tion will have to return to pre-Oil Age lev­els. Let us hope that it does not come to this, but the options explained do have a cer­tain chill­ing logic.”
(“Reduc­ing Pop­u­la­tion in Step with Oil Deple­tion” by William Stan­ton; Asso­ci­a­tion for the Study of Peak Oil Newslet­ter; No. 573; July/2005, p. 1.)

2. “Recent arti­cles in the ASPO Newslet­ter have agreed that the explo­sion of world pop­u­la­tion from about 0.6 bil­lion in 175O to 6.4 bil­lion today was ini­ti­ated and sus­tained by the shift from renew­able energy to fos­sil fuel energy in the Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion. There is agree­ment that the pro­gres­sive exhaus­tion of fos­sil fuel reserves will reverse the process, though there is uncer­tainty as to what a sus­tain­able global pop­u­la­tion would be.” (Idem.)

3. “In this time of energy abun­dance, and the com­pla­cency it engen­ders, the vast major­ity of the gen­eral pub­lic assumes that what the future holds is ‘more of the same’. They argue, if pushed, that the exper­tise inher­ited by post-fossil-fuel sci­en­tists and engi­neers will allow a smooth tran­si­tion into a new kind of energy-rich world in which renew­able gen­er­a­tors will pro­duce as much energy as fos­sil fuels do now. Such a view is unten­able because it ignores the fact that almost all mate­ri­als essen­tial to mod­ern civ­i­liza­tion will be orders of mag­ni­tude more costly, and scarce, when they have to be pro­duced using renew­able energy instead of fos­sil fuels.” (Idem.)

4. “In 2150, for exam­ple, a wind tur­bine con­structed of steel, con­crete and plas­tic may not be able to gen­er­ate, dur­ing its life­time, as much renew­able energy as would have been used up in cre­at­ing it. Imag­ine min­ing, refin­ing and smelt­ing the metal ores, quar­ry­ing and trans­port­ing the rock, grow­ing the bio­mass; fab­ri­cat­ing the com­po­nent parts, and erect­ing and main­tain­ing the struc­ture, using only the trickle of elec­tric­ity pro­duced by another sim­i­lar tur­bine. Vast engi­neer­ing projects such as con­struct­ing the first Air­bus A380 air­liner (Bowie 2005), using only renew­able energy from start to fin­ish, would be unthink­able (to say noth­ing of fly­ing the plane with­out oil!).” (Ibid.; pp. 1–2.)

5. “If, in this arti­cle, I dis­cuss ways in which a global pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion of some 6 bil­lion peo­ple is likely to take place dur­ing the 21st Cen­tury, prece­dent sug­gests that nearly every­one will ignore me. ‘He must be mad’, media review­ers con­cluded when they read my first probes into the sub­ject two years ago and effec­tively black­listed the book (Stan­ton 2003). After all, do the world’s lead­ing politi­cians and their sci­en­tific advis­ers, includ­ing highly paid demog­ra­phers work­ing for the United Nations and other inter­na­tional bod­ies, ever doubt that eco­nomic ‘busi­ness as usual’ will con­tinue for the fore­see­able future?” (Ibid.; p. 2.)

6. “But, given that ASPO is suc­cess­fully chal­leng­ing con­ven­tional wis­dom on oil deple­tion (there were four anx­ious let­ters on the sub­ject of peak oil in my local weekly news­pa­per in May), what are the options? The first and most likely sce­nario is rejec­tion. Peo­ple in high places view an alleged need for pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion with incredulity, scorn and denial. In con­se­quence, the price of fos­sil fuels, espe­cially oil, goes on ris­ing with­out caus­ing seri­ous alarm in the West, except per­haps in the busi­ness world.” (Idem.)

7. “When, prob­a­bly before 2010, the price is so high that con­struc­tion of new air­lin­ers, air­port ter­mi­nals, Olympic vil­lages and traf­fic reduc­tion schemes shud­ders to a halt, uncon­trol­lable infla­tion and reces­sion will spread round the world. The oil price may sta­bi­lize for a while, as man­u­fac­tur­ing wilts, along with demand for its prod­ucts. In Third World nations, with­out oil, that can nei­ther buy food nor grow it in ade­quate quan­tity with­out mech­a­nized agri­cul­ture, a Dar­win­ian strug­gle for shrink­ing resources of all kinds will be in full swing. Tribe against tribe, reli­gion against reli­gion, fam­ily against fam­ily, the imper­a­tive to sur­vive will be dri­ving strong groups to take what they want from weak ones. The con­cept of human rights will be irrel­e­vant: ‘How can the weak have rights to food, when there is not enough even for the strong’?” (Idem.)

8. “It may well be that, in the West, the same argu­ment will affect the think­ing of mil­i­tar­ily pow­er­ful nations. ‘If bil­lions must die, and we have the tech­nol­ogy to ensure that they are oth­ers, not us, why should we hold back’? Instan­ta­neous nuclear elim­i­na­tion of pop­u­la­tion cen­ters might even be con­sid­ered mer­ci­ful, com­pared to star­va­tion and mas­sacres pro­longed over decades. Even­tu­ally, prob­a­bly before 2150, world pop­u­la­tion will have fallen to a level that renew­able energy, mainly bio­mass, can sus­tain. It is likely to be sim­i­lar to the pop­u­la­tion before the Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion. That is the do-nothing, let Nature take its course, sce­nario, involv­ing more than a cen­tury of immea­sur­able human suf­fer­ing. What alter­na­tives are there? They have to be sce­nar­ios in which enlight­ened gov­ern­ments and their peo­ples, with aston­ish­ing fore­sight and deter­mi­na­tion, take pos­i­tive action to reverse pop­u­la­tion growth by new, Dra­con­ian, laws. China has pio­neered such an approach, by its one child per fam­ily pol­icy.” (Idem.)

9. “ASPO’s Oil Deple­tion Pro­to­col (Camp­bell 2004) is a sce­nario that aims to per­suade national gov­ern­ments to cope with declin­ing oil pro­duc­tion equi­tably and peace­fully, on the world scale. An annual deple­tion rate (the per­cent­age of remain­ing global oil reserves pro­duced each year, cur­rently about 2.5% per year) is cal­cu­lated by experts, after which nations agree to reduce their con­sump­tion and/or pro­duc­tion of oil year after year strictly in accor­dance with the deple­tion rate. How pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion will be achieved in step with grow­ing oil short­age is not spelt out. Some will see the Pro­to­col as too ide­al­is­tic for a Dar­win­ian world, because it expects every nation to co-operate regard­less of whether they are resource rich or poor, have a high or a low birth rate, or are respon­si­bly or chaot­i­cally gov­erned.” (Idem.)

10. The mur­der­ously total­i­tar­ian, fas­cist nature of the Peak Oil doc­trine is evi­dent in the fol­low­ing pas­sage. “Prob­a­bly the great­est obsta­cle to the sce­nario with the best chance of suc­cess (in my opin­ion) is the West­ern world’s unin­tel­li­gent devo­tion to polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness, human rights and the sanc­tity of human life. In the Dar­win­ian world that pre­ceded and will fol­low the fos­sil fuel era, these con­cepts were and will be mean­ing­less. Sur­vival in a Dar­win­ian resource-poor world depends on the ruth­less elim­i­na­tion of rivals, not the acqui­si­tion of moral kudos by cher­ish­ing them when they are weak. In fact, human civ­i­liza­tion in the fos­sil fuel era has been totally anom­alous, fuelled by the unthink­ing exploita­tion and exhaus­tion of all the world’s resources, not just fos­sil fuels. Sir Fred Hoyle pointed out, decades ago, that West­ern civ­i­liza­tion was a ‘one-shot affair’, for this rea­son (Dun­can 1997).” (Ibid.; p. 3.)

11. “So the pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion sce­nario with the best chance of suc­cess has to be Dar­win­ian in all its aspects, with none of the sen­ti­men­tal­ity that shrouded the sec­ond half of the 20th Cen­tury in a dense fog of polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness (Stan­ton 2003 page 193). It is best exam­ined at the nation-state scale. The United King­dom will serve as the model. To those sen­ti­men­tal­ists who can­not under­stand the need to reduce UK pop­u­la­tion from 60 mil­lion to about 2 mil­lion over 150 years, and who are out­raged at the pro­posed replace­ment of human rights by cold logic, I would say ‘You have had your day, in which your woolly think­ing has messed up not just the West­ern world but the whole planet, which could, if Homo sapi­ens had been truly intel­li­gent, have sup­ported a small pop­u­la­tion enjoy­ing a won­der­ful qual­ify of life almost for ever. You have thrown away that oppor­tu­nity.’” (Idem.)

12. Note the explic­itly eugenic ori­en­ta­tion of the Peak Oil advo­cates: kill peo­ple born with dis­abil­i­ties, just like the Nazis! “The Dar­win­ian approach, in this planned pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion sce­nario, is to max­i­mize the well-being of the UK as a nation-state. Indi­vid­ual cit­i­zens, and aliens, must expect to be seri­ously incon­ve­nienced by the single-minded drive to reduce pop­u­la­tion ahead of resource short­age. The con­so­la­tion is that the alter­na­tive, let­ting Nature take its course, would be so much worse. The sce­nario is: Immi­gra­tion is banned. Unau­tho­rized arrives are treated as crim­i­nals. Every woman is enti­tled to raise one healthy child. No reli­gious or cul­tural excep­tions can be made, but enti­tle­ments can be traded. Abor­tion or infan­ti­cide is com­pul­sory if the fetus or baby proves to be hand­i­capped (Dar­win­ian selec­tion weeds out the unfit). When, through old age, acci­dent or dis­ease, an indi­vid­ual becomes more of a bur­den than a ben­e­fit to soci­ety, his or her life is humanely ended. Vol­un­tary euthana­sia is legal and made easy. Impris­on­ment is rare, replaced by cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment for lesser offences and pain­less cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for greater.” (Idem.)

13. “A rough cal­cu­la­tion sug­gests that by fol­low­ing these Dra­con­ian but sim­ple rules UK pop­u­la­tion could be reduced by 5 to 10 mil­lion dur­ing the first ten years, with­out exces­sive pain (com­pared to the alter­na­tives). If this was thought too fast or too slow, there would be scope for mod­i­fy­ing the child enti­tle­ments. The pun­ish­ment regime would improve social cohe­sive­ness by weed­ing out crim­i­nal ele­ments. UK mil­i­tary forces should be main­tained strong and alert, given that other nations work­ing to dif­fer­ent sce­nar­ios, or to none, would cer­tainly attempt Dar­win­ian piracy on UK trade routes, or mount mass immi­gra­tion inva­sions of UK coasts. Col­lab­o­ra­tion with other nations prac­tic­ing the same pop­u­la­tion re

duc­tion sce­nario would be of great mutual advan­tage.” (Idem.)

14. “Ini­tially the great­est threats to UK secu­rity would come from rogue nations unwill­ing to curb tra­di­tion­ally high birth rates but lack­ing the means to feed the ever-growing num­bers of new mouths. In the past, these were the poverty-stricken nations that repeat­edly received human­i­tar­ian aid and famine relief, which did noth­ing to reduce the birth rate. In a Dar­win­ian world. Nature would take its course. In con­se­quence, their pop­u­la­tions would reduce par­tic­u­larly fast and their threat would fade away. After four or five decades the pop­u­la­tions of the UK and other nations fol­low­ing the same sce­nario would prob­a­bly be halved. In the rest of the world, where Nature was doing the reduc­tion in an ambi­ence of mas­sacres and destruc­tion, the pro­por­tion­ate fall would be greater and the pain would have been ter­ri­ble. In the UK, in con­trast, where orderly pop­u­la­tion shrink­age would have out­paced resource shrink­age, a rel­a­tively com­fort­able qual­ity of life would have been enjoyed through­out the period. There would have been no toss of tech­no­log­i­cal exper­tise, but it would no longer be employed in grandiose energy– waste­ful projects. Instead, there would be inten­sive research into cost-effective meth­ods of renew­able energy recov­ery.” (Ibid.; pp. 3–4.)

15. “A par­tic­u­lar prob­lem could arise from the fact that the world’s great­est oil reserves are con­trolled by the nations sur­round­ing the Gulf. They have dizzy­ingly high birth rates, which, for cul­tural rea­sons, they might not want to lower. Their pop­u­la­tions exploded fol­low­ing the dis­cov­ery of oil, and if the explo­sion con­tin­ues, even a very high oil price will not pro­vide enough national income to pre­vent gen­eral poverty. Indeed, the demand for Gulf oil might occa­sion­ally fall. If for exam­ple alter­na­tive sources were still avail­able to nations prac­tic­ing orderly pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion, and there was min­i­mal demand from the chaotic rest of the world. After a decade or two of unre­stricted pop­u­la­tion growth, with lim­ited income from oil and ter­ri­ble short­ages, espe­cially of water, Nature will begin to reverse pop­u­la­tion growth around the Gulf.” (Ibid.; p. 4.)

16. “Of course, in a Dar­win­ian world, a mil­i­tar­ily pow­er­ful nation might try to take oil by force any­where on the planet. World War Two pro­vided recent exam­ples: oil sup­ply being crit­i­cal to Ger­many and Japan. Another prob­lem is likely to be the resid­ual oppo­si­tion to pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion from sen­ti­men­tal­ists and/or reli­gious extrem­ists unable to under­stand that the days of plenty, when crim­i­nals and the weak could be cher­ished at pub­lic expense, are over. Acts of vio­lent protest, such as are car­ried out today by ani­mal rights activists and anti-abortionists, would, in the Dar­win­ian world, attract cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion must be single-minded to suc­ceed.” (Idem.)

17. Next the pro­gram reviews an excerpt from an arti­cle about the epi­cen­ter of the Peak Oil doctrine—IHS Energy Group (for­merly Petro­con­sul­tants). It is alto­gether sig­nif­i­cant that the data pro­duced by IHS Energy Group/Petroconsultants is fed to the out­fit by the very petro­leum and geo­log­i­cal engi­neer­ing firms that stand to ben­e­fit from the alleged scarcity of oil!! “ . . . The lead­ing trio of Jean H. Laher­rere, Colin J. Cam­pa­bell, and L.F. (Buz) Ivan­hoe have worked for, or with, the lead­ing firm mod­el­ing oil fields, Petro­con­sul­tants of Geneva. Since the 1950’s, they [Petro­con­sul­tants] have been fed data on oil explo­ration and pro­duc­tion by just about all the major oil com­pa­nies, as well as by a net­work of about 2000 oil indus­try con­sul­tants around the world. They use this data to pro­duce reports on var­i­ous mat­ters per­ti­nent to the oil indus­try, which they sell back to the indus­try. ‘This much is known, Ken­neth Def­feyes writes, ‘the loud­est warn­ings about the pre­dicted peak of world oil pro­duc­tion came from Petro­con­sul­tants’”
(“The Com­ing Panic over the End of Oil—Coming to a Bal­lot Box Near You’ by ‘Scoop’, Sec­tion News; Posted on 12/24/2003 by Walt Con­tr­eras Sheasby.)

18. IHS Energy Group is a sub­sidiary of the Thyssen-Bornemisza indus­trial group, a core ele­ment of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work and the Under­ground Reich. For more about the Thyssen con­nec­tions to the Bor­mann group, the Under­ground Reich and the Bush fam­ily, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 273, 305, 361, 370, 435, 506.) Con­sid­er­ing the char­ac­ter of the epi­cen­ter of the Peak Oil doc­trine, the geno­ci­dal, fas­cist nature of the Stan­ton doc­u­ment should not be too sur­pris­ing. The apples don’t fall too far from the tree. In FTR#’s 385, 506, we noted the Thyssen firm’s pri­mary posi­tion in the pur­chase of the Leuna refin­ery in the for­mer East Ger­many. That facil­ity had been one of the pri­mary I.G. Far­ben syn­thetic oil fac­to­ries dur­ing World War II. What rela­tion­ship exists between the Thyssen role in the resus­ci­ta­tion of the Leuna facil­ity and the emer­gence of the Peak Oil doc­trine (which began in Ger­many)? Has the pos­si­bil­ity of a more effi­cient hydro­gena­tion process been used to black­mail the petro­leum indus­try into going along with the Peak Oil scam? Would it have taken much arm-twisting, given the enor­mous prof­its for which Peak Oil is serv­ing as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion? This ques­tion will be taken up in future dis­cus­sion of the Peak Oil scam. Note in the con­text of this dis­cus­sion, that the Bor­mann net­work holds as much stock in the Stan­dard Oil com­plex of com­pa­nies as the Rock­e­fellers. For more about this, as well as the mas­sive Rock­e­feller cap­i­tal par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Thyssen firm, see FTR#506. “In a late 1998 merger, Petro­con­sul­tants became IHS Energy Group, a sub­sidiary of Infor­ma­tion Han­dling Ser­vices Group (IHS Group), a diver­si­fied con­glom­er­ate owned by Hol­land Amer­ica Invest­ment Corp., IHS Group’s imme­di­ate par­ent com­pany, for the Thyssen Borne­misza Group (TBG, Inc.). [Empha­sis added.] In the 1920’s George Her­bert Walker and his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, had helped the Thyssen dynasty finance its acqui­si­tions through Union Bank­ing corp. and Holland-American trad­ing Corp. (Wikipedia, 2003). Until his death last year, Hans Hein­rich Thyssen-Bornemisza, the nephew of the Nazi steel and coal mag­nate, was one of the world’s rich­est men. . . .” (Idem.)

19. More about the Bor­mann cap­i­tal network’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in Stan­dard Oil: “ . . . The Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion con­tin­ues to wield enor­mous eco­nomic influ­ence. Wealth con­tin­ues to flow into the trea­suries of its cor­po­rate enti­ties in South Amer­ica, the United States and Europe. Vastly diver­si­fied, it is said to be the largest land-owner in South Amer­ica, and through stock­hold­ings, con­trols Ger­man heavy indus­try and the trust estab­lished by the late Her­mann Schmitz, for­mer pres­i­dent of I.G. Far­ben, who held as much stock in Stan­dard Oil of New Jer­sey as did the Rock­e­fellers.’ [Empha­sis added.]“

34 Comments on "Peak Oil, Fascism, and Genocide"

  1. makati1 on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 8:22 pm 

    Unread … unwatched … waste of time.

    Skip read and saw stuff I already knew.

    It’s ALL about money and power, as usual.

  2. apneaman on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 9:25 pm 

    Nothing like getting fresh analysis. Like in this video from 2007. Ah well, it’s not like anything has changed since then like a financial crash, faux/1%er recovery or seesaw oil prices and geopolitical maneuvering and the start of another crash. Crash part deux.. or is that denouement?

  3. James Tipper on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 10:25 pm 

    “In this broad­cast, we exam­ine the fascis­tic, geno­ci­dal under­belly of the Peak Oil doctrine—one which asserts that the world is run­ning out of oil and that dras­tic mea­sures must be taken as a result.”

    You should stop reading here, basic geophysics is now fascism! What next? Is gravity keeping the black man down? Find out more at 9 o’clock.

    I still love the “peak oil means we’ve run out of oil” strawman. Oil will be here in 200 years, hell it’ll be here in 1000 years, we simply won’t extract it.

    They then link to some articles supposedly connecting peak oil to fascism. Who cares? Doesn’t mean peak oil is wrong anymore than wrong predictions about global warming means its wrong. The Nazis also invented modern rocketry so we better shut down NASA. Right…

    And what’s all this anti-eugenics shit? All I hear constantly is how stupid people are, it would be vastly superior to have IQ tests of parents and/or limits on # of children to lower future growth. Because God knows we need more fucking idiots breeding!

    “Even­tu­ally, prob­a­bly before 2150, world pop­u­la­tion will have fallen to a level that renew­able energy, mainly bio­mass, can sus­tain. It is likely to be sim­i­lar to the pop­u­la­tion before the Indus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion.”

    I’d imagine it will probably be even lower than that and the world will be much worse for them.

  4. apneaman on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 11:16 pm 

    James, many psychopaths have high IQ’s and so do most of the people of science who work for DARPA et al inventing and improving ways to kill. I would not say that it isn’t important, but if there was a sure fire way to test for empathy, I would make that as the #1 requirement. The select candidates must score high in both. Genius rocket scientist with little empathy? Sorry, your on the next cattle car to the reeducation camp, wink wink. Otherwise the whole thing starts again at full speed 5 minutes after Genesis 2.0

    Bankers, lawyers, politicians, Germans (they’re always starting shit), media and financial people are ineligible by default. We can’t take any chances. Better include the overly religious too – including new agers and UFO tards.

  5. GregT on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 11:33 pm 

    “Because God knows we need more fucking idiots breeding!”

    Thanks for the laugh JT. 🙂

  6. James Tipper on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 11:46 pm 


    You’re right, an empathy test should definitely be included. I’m skeptical in a way though because it’s easy to test for IQ, but very easy to lie on empathy test. Unless you have a Voight-Kampff machine handy that high IQ sociopaths/psychopaths would more than certainly lie to get through.


    Glad I could help

  7. GregT on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 11:51 pm 

    You’re on a real roll tonight Apnea. I nearly pissed myself over the B_S thread.

  8. GregT on Tue, 20th Oct 2015 11:53 pm 

    “Glad I could help”

    Still laughing. Couldn’t agree more.

  9. peakyeast on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 12:30 am 

    I think I prefer eugenics to global nuclear/biologic/chemical war..

    I also think I prefer eugenics to destroying the last few % of wild nature and the remainder of the oceans.

    But I suppose im an anti-social fascist who would rather have a less destructive and controlled solution than wait for complete armageddon and chaos – while destroying all other higher lifeforms.

  10. MrNoItAll on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 1:12 am 

    “Because God knows we need more fucking idiots breeding!”

    JT, I am quite sure that mother nature is going to handle that for us at some point, probably sooner than the fucking idiots can imagine.

  11. theedrich on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 3:29 am 

    The whining writer of the above Christian-moralist screed did bring up one notable quote — from now deceased astrophysicist Fred Hoyle.  Speaking of the long climb to the modern world of high civilization, Hoyle said:  “This is a one-shot affair.”

    Hoyle went on to warn, “If we fail, this planetary system fails so far as intelligence is concerned.  The same will be true of other planetary systems.  On each of them there will be one chance, and one chance only.
    … and:
    [I]f we insist on always following the easy path we could end up as a criminal species.”
    Of Men and Galaxies (University of Washington Press: Seattle, 1964, pp. 63-70)

    Ever since Darwin, Christianity has made strenuous efforts to suppress the recognition of nature and nature’s laws.  Never mind the Scopes trial.  Millions of “believers” have asserted, and continue to assert, with heated righteous indignation that we never evolved from apes.  Nope.  Yahweh produced man in the twinkling of an eye, then extracted a male rib and made the first woman out of it.  And anyone who denies that must be burnt at the stake.

    Christianity and its stepchildren, modern democracy and Communism, are convinced that the global petrie dish is infinite.  The “poor,” especially if they are non-White, must be assisted in overpopulating the earth, and Whites must disappear because they are infected with “original sin.”

    The swarthies from Allahland are taking Europe up on this idea and invading Suicidia by the hundreds of thousands as we speak.  “Ah, but this will help Euroland grow,” saith Angela the Murky.  Forget Hoyle and Darwin.  And in the U.S., mud from India, China and other “emerging” lands is drowning what remains of America, long the quintessential Camp of the Saints and now led by a Dark One who hates Whites.  Meanwhile, since the mass media will continue to divert the attention of the entertainment-obsessed masses, there is no chance that we can any longer avoid the failure of our planet.  For ours was a one-shot affair.

  12. apneaman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 3:59 am 

    Breeding explains a lot. There are just too many apes. Our behaviour is consistent throughout the historical and archaeological records. The last century was a fucking slaughter fest. Same as it ever was. Kill and eradicate the environment and everything in it without a second thought. Kill our cousins and I bet there were more than just Neanderthals. Kill the other tribe/clan/kingdom/nation state. Once the pie shrinks enough, we will go retro until it’s back to family vs family. This is what we have always done. This is what we are. A century of soft high living in N America and half as much in a handful of other locals does not trump our programing. It simply allowed us to pretend nice for a bit – mostly at home. The only way to conquer your biological programming is to die. This is just evolution. This is why we will never stop consuming and killing for more. It’s not that we don’t wish we could stop – we just can’t. Were that scorpion.

    Genocide is as human as art or prayer. — John Gray

    The destruction of the natural world is not the result of global capitalism, industrialisation, “Western civilisation” or any flaw in human institutions. It is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has coincided with ecological devastation. — John Gray, STRAW DOGS

    To those who followed Columbus and Cortez, the New World truly seemed incredible because of the natural endowments. The land often announced itself with a heavy scent miles out into the ocean. Giovanni da Verrazano in 1524 smelled the cedars of the East Coast a hundred leagues out. The men of Henry Hudson’s Half Moon were temporarily disarmed by the fragrance of the New Jersey shore, while ships running farther up the coast occasionally swam through large beds of floating flowers. Wherever they came inland they found a rich riot of color and sound, of game and luxuriant vegetation. Had they been other than they were, they might have written a new mythology here. As it was, they took inventory. — Frederick Jackson Turner

    The Invaders
    How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction

    Humans responsible for demise of gigantic ancient mammals
    Early humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of a variety of species of giant beasts, new research has revealed.

    “Known collectively as megafauna, most of the largest mammals ever to roam the earth were wiped out over the last 80,000 years, and were all extinct by 10,000 years ago.”

  13. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 4:04 am 

    “I also think I prefer eugenics to destroying the last few % of wild nature and the remainder of the oceans.”. Exactly.

  14. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 4:52 am 

    By the way , where can I find a list of my own comments? I have tryed, but didn’t find it any where. Please help

  15. apneaman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 5:02 am 

    theedrich, Thanks to Darwin we have finally figured out why the white race has regressed to inbred retard status. Not enough genetic diversity. Thats right only fucking each other has fucked us up. See once again, real science trumps your made up ubermensch superior race superior cultural theories made up by dyke ex commie bitch and her fans. World views based on novels are kinda retarded don’t cha think?

    Mixed-race relationships are making us taller and smarter: Children born to genetically diverse parents are more intelligent than their ancestors

    Researchers analysed genetic information from more than 100 studies
    These included details of 350,000 people from urban and rural communities
    The team found that greater genetic diversity is linked to increased height
    It is also associated with better cognitive skills and higher education levels

    Genetic diversity helps humans grow taller and smarter

    Is It Better To Be Mixed Race?

    I think this is at the root of Jungle Fever. Nature’s way of directing apes to the best possible reproductive success by making white boys want to get down with the brown. I can tell you I’ve been faithfully following my natural inclinations my whole life. Have you? Even white founding father Thomas Jefferson knew that. He and Sally’s mixed race genes are all over the US and doing just fine.

    DNA Tests Uncover African Ancestry and Surprising Connection to Thomas Jefferson

    All your anger, grief, anxiety is self inflicted, it’s what you get when you stop listening to your founding fathers and take up with pseudo scientists, pseudo philosophers, novelists and everyone else pandering to your base emotions. The very fact you are here whining about it everyday indicates to me that you are the inferior one. You’re here and the mixed race lawyer is in the white house. If not for the fact we are most likely going bye bye soon, in another century or so the entire species would be beige. Imagine that. I think it’s a good thing that I get these bouts of insomnia from time to time, so I can help you with your little problem.

  16. apneaman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 5:19 am 

    Klamen, mebe yur speling yur nome wrng?

    On front page – top right – search box- type name – hit enter- click on link – key control F – type name in box – knock self out

  17. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 5:24 am 

    Apne, It’s a little funny that you should mention 23andme, because I have just had a little local campaign against them. Not that I’m against genome technology, but because 23andme are silently working for private ownership of other peoples genomes.
    Their slogan “donate your genome to science” is disgusting. This “donation” does not go to science, it goes to a private, somewhat shady company, with unknown consequenses for the donator and his children

  18. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 5:31 am 

    Apne, Thanks alot.That was real simple, I should have figured that out myself.
    But apne , next time try to send me a message in danish, i’m sure you can make it.

  19. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 6:30 am 

    A lot of people are fighting 23andme and others who try monsanto-style to own human genomes.

    The Icelandic populations genealogi is fully documented way back to the middel ages, and genome technology companies are trying to lay their hands on this information. Tills now without succes.

    A legal judgement from the Icelandic Supreme Court in November 2003 effectively killed off the HSD (health sector database) project.

  20. Davy on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 7:43 am 

    You guys bring up a good point in the above thread. What kind of human will be most suitable for the future in a postindustrial world? Currently it is those humans who can excel from being smart socially or technically. If you are physically beautiful or strong that is a plus. If you are caring and good not so much. We are talking excelling here. Isn’t that what modern life is about?

    Most very smart people I know lack many important skills. They tend to specialize. Specialization is going to be important but it will have to be in a narrow range of activities that are postindustrial. In the initial descent those who will be good with salvage and repair will be in demand. People that can make things work from cannibalization of infrastructure. People that can breed animals for a world where animal power returns. People that can do permaculture agriculture but still utilize some industrial agriculture. You get my point that a new range of skills will become important.

    Those who are supper specialized with tech other many modern activities will be S.O.L. There is so many service and leisure related activities there will be no demand for eventually. The super athletes are likely to be wasted effort. People who are just plain tough like an old pickup truck will be more in demand than sports cars. The modern desirability of the disposition of psychopaths will likely not last either. This is true at least the amount of psychopaths crawling around today like spiders. How many mad max bands of psychopaths can we have?

    Our society will be under severe pressure. We are going to need cooperation and empathy at least for the local, tribe, and family level. The people that are successful today are not necessarily going to be those successful tomorrow. I imagine it will be those who have lower IQ’s but are more balanced that will prosper. People that are very smart are like horses. Do you think you will need a race horse or a plow horse when society falls apart? Right.

  21. ERRATA on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 9:49 am 

    Who prints in the US this text? – Neo-Stalinists of the LaRouche movement?

    This kind of ideology – it is Stalinism !!
    It was called Communism – Stalinism: “Conspiracy Malthusians and enemies of the people”
    From this ideology (such ideology) left the Soviet system after 1956.
    After the XX Congress of the CPSU /

    The main lie that Nazism (Nazism) had something to do with Malthusianism!
    The truth is this: In Stalin’s Russia and Hitler’s Germany was banned abortion!
    Hitler met all frantic requests (demands) the anti-abortion movement! (Proliv)
    The ban on abortions, a ban on contraception, the introduction / implementation of programs of the great plan of population growth GrossDeutchland plan: 250 million people !!

    Economic plans Nazi and Stalinist regimes were derived from / based on plans ProLife! (sic)
    – A gigantic economic growth based on the development of heavy industry.
    – Enormous population growth
    – Belief in the unlimited development
    – Discussion about the exhaustion of resources was regarded as decadent and it was banned !!

    This kind of plan / type of economy inevitably led to the outbreak of World War II!
    In the name of this kind of ideology Soviets they were murdered in the system about .Range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.

    This kind of ideology in the Soviet system led to the development of the continuous subsidies for heavy industry, particularly in the mining industry.

    This led to a great waste of raw materials and energy !!
    Energy waste was rewarding – as “crossing plans”!
    The development of industry led to lower the standard of living of the population.

    This kind of insane ideology led to the falsification of statistics:
    Demonstration / show growth / development, when in fact a decline / fall.

    This kind of ideology was extremely anti – intelligentsia / Anti reason

  22. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 10:28 am 

    As long as you don’t start cloning or cross breeding Ayn Rand and Jerry Lewis, It’s OK with me

  23. ghung on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 10:57 am 

    It would be nice if the links worked. The ones that do lead to a wild goose chase, and I don’t see an actual source link. Found it here:

    “Edward H. Crane is widely regarded as one of the driving forces behind the rapidly growing libertarian movement in the United States. Born in Los Angeles on August 15, 1944, Crane holds a B.S. degree from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A. in finance and investments in 1968 from the University of Southern California Graduate School of Business. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
    He worked in Los Angeles as a portfolio manager for the investment firm of Scudder, Stevens & Clark and then as vice president in the San Francisco office of Alliance Capital Management Corp. until 1977. A delegate to the founding convention of the Libertarian Party in Denver, Colorado in 1972, Crane was elected national chairman of the party in 1974, a position he held until 1977, when he co-founded the Cato Institute in San Francisco. He served as president and CEO of Cato from 1977 through 2012, when he became president emeritus.

    Today, Ed Crane is president of the Purple PAC, a super PAC devoted to supporting ideas and candidates consistent with dynamic market capitalism (as opposed to crony capitalism), social tolerance, and a skepticism of American attempts to be the world’s policeman. He is also publisher of The Crane Report: Notes from Babylon-by-the-Potomac, a monthly newsletter from a libertarian perspective.”

    Just more evidence that we’re in deep trouble.

  24. ghung on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 10:58 am 

    Testing “blockquote”:

    “Edward H. Crane is widely regarded as one of the driving forces behind the rapidly growing libertarian movement in the United States. Born in Los Angeles on August 15, 1944, Crane holds a B.S. degree from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A. in finance and investments in 1968 from the University of Southern California Graduate School of Business. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
    He worked in Los Angeles as a portfolio manager for the investment firm of Scudder, Stevens & Clark and then as vice president in the San Francisco office of Alliance Capital Management Corp. until 1977. A delegate to the founding convention of the Libertarian Party in Denver, Colorado in 1972, Crane was elected national chairman of the party in 1974, a position he held until 1977, when he co-founded the Cato Institute in San Francisco. He served as president and CEO of Cato from 1977 through 2012, when he became president emeritus.

    Today, Ed Crane is president of the Purple PAC, a super PAC devoted to supporting ideas and candidates consistent with dynamic market capitalism (as opposed to crony capitalism), social tolerance, and a skepticism of American attempts to be the world’s policeman. He is also publisher of The Crane Report: Notes from Babylon-by-the-Potomac, a monthly newsletter from a libertarian perspective.

  25. ghung on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 10:58 am 

    Not allowed here it seems.

  26. ghung on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 10:59 am 

    ….or maybe so.

  27. Davy on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 11:02 am 

    Alright, G-man, we are never too old to learn. Thanks for the Ed.

  28. claman on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 11:03 am 

    Davy. I believe somehow that trying to create the perfect man is in vain. There is no “one type fits all” human being, because the social structure and the environment is ever changing.
    I’m more in favour of Apne’s thoughts about a big diversified gene pool, where evolution can make it’s pick when ever convenient.

  29. Davy on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 11:05 am 

    I wish PO had a decent IPhone ap. Whatever they have is geared towards the members forum. Many times the end of the comments are cut off or the page will not expand. I spend 10-12 hours outside so laptop is not an option.

  30. Davy on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 11:09 am 

    Clam, my thoughts were more a opine on what gifts and talents will be advantageous in a post industrial world. That appears to me not to be what we have today and this points to a disconnect in societies narrative. I am not into social engineering.

  31. Davy on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 12:16 pm 

    September Was the Most Extreme Month in 136 Years of Heat Records

    “Last month was the hottest September on record for planet Earth, according to data released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Not only was it a record-breaking September, but it was the largest jump from what’s considered normal for any month ever measured.

    In 136 years of global temperature data, we are in uncharted territory. This new milestone follows the hottest summer on record, the hottest start to a year on record, the hottest 12 months on record, the hottest calendar year on record (2014) and the hottest decade on record. And this year’s extremes are likely to continue as a very strong El Niño weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean continues to rip more heat into the atmosphere.”

  32. Sissyfuss on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 2:12 pm 

    Errata, huh. Is that short for Erratic? Just wondering

  33. Keith_McClary on Wed, 21st Oct 2015 11:21 pm 

    IHS, home of cornies Daniel Yergin and Michael Lynch is “the epi­cen­ter of the Peak Oil movement” ?

  34. Roman on Thu, 22nd Oct 2015 6:52 pm 

    Whites and asians have plenty of genetic diversity since they used to be africans and came to europe and interbred with Neandrathals(also killed them). They carry up to 4% Neanderthal dna. There is more genetic diversity in monogamous cultures since more males get to breed.
    Since it’s to easy to survive and breed now a days there should be a genetic, physical, and mental screening in order to breed.

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